Using Powershell to Register a file in the Gac - powershell

Is there a simple way to in PowerShell (I imagine using gacutil.exe) to read from a text document a path\assembly and register it in the GAC? So for example a .txt file that looks like:
The PowerShell script would read that into a stream and then run gacutil on each of those assemblies found? I guess it would be something like:
#read files into array?
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.dll" )
Write-Host $file.Name
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\gacutil.exe /nologo /i $file.Name

How about let the .Net worry about gacutil?
# load System.EnterpriseServices assembly
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.EnterpriseServices") > $null
# create an instance of publish class
[System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish] $publish = new-object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish
# load and add to gac :)
get-content fileOfDlls.txt | ?{$_ -like "*.dll"} | Foreach-Object {$publish.GacInstall($_)}

If you sort out your text file such that the each dll is on a separate line, you could use the Get-Content command and pipe each to a filter that did your command:
filter gac-item { C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\gacutil.exe /nologo /i $_}
get-content fileOfDlls.txt | ?{$_ -like "*.dll"} | gac-item

I would suggest calling the function to add an assembly to the GAC something following PowerShell guidelines like Add-GacItem. Also the location of gacutil.exe varies based on your system. If you have VS 2008 installed, it should be at the location shown below.
function Add-GacItem([string]$path) {
Begin {
$gacutil="$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\gacutil.exe"
function AddGacItemImpl([string]$path) {
"& $gacutil /nologo /i $path"
Process {
if ($_) { AddGacItemImpl $_ }
End {
if ($path) { AddGacItemImpl $path }
Get-Content .\dlls.txt | Split-String | Add-GacItem
Note that the Split-String cmdlet comes from Pscx. The function isn't super robust (no wildcard support doesn't check for weird types like DateTime) but at least it can handle regular invocation and pipeline invocation.

Do you want to replace gacutil.exe? If not, why not use gacutil's included /il switch?
From the gacutil /h:
/il <assembly_path_list_file> [ /r <...> ] [ /f ]
Installs one or more assemblies to the global assembly cache.
<assembly_list_file> is the path to a text file that contains a list of
assembly manifest file paths. Individual paths in the text file must be
separated by CR/LF.
Example: /il MyAssemblyList.txt /r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe "My App"
myAssemblyList.txt content:

If you create an alias in your profile (just type $profile at a ps prompt to determine this file location) like so new-alias "gac" ($env:ProgramFiles+"\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\gacutil.exe") then you can use gac like so:
get-childitem $basedirectory "*$filter.dll" | foreach-object -process{ WRITE-HOST -FOREGROUND GREEN "Processing $_"; gac /i $_.FullName /f}
the last part is the most important. it calls gacutil with the switches you want.
Hope this helps.

This PowerShell script will add assemblies to the GAC without using GacUtil.
After downloading the Add-AssemblyToGlobalAssemblyCache.ps1 you can deploy to the gac.
Usage example for adding multiple assemblies Dir C:\MyWorkflowAssemblies | % {$_.Fullname} | .\Add-AssemblyToGlobalAssemblyCache.ps1
See the full documentation by running Get-Help .\Add-AssemblyToGlobalAssemblyCache.ps1 -Detailed

Not wanting to install the Windows 8 SDK on all machines I needed to put assemblies in the GAC to get gacutil, I've written a powershell module using the GAC API. It works with any .Net version. With PowerShell GAC you can do it like so:
Get-Content ListOfAssemblies.txt | Add-GacAssembly


MSIExec via Powershell Install

Find the list of MSI Files from a directory and install on given PC remotely or locally . I want to be able to to run a script that will install 8 separate MSI files in a given directory 1 by 1. I found this script and think it work but i feel as if it is missing something right?
foreach($_msiFiles in
($_msiFiles = Get-ChildItem $_Source -Recurse | Where{$_.Extension -eq ".msi"} |
Where-Object {!($_.psiscontainter)} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName))
msiexec /i $_msiFiles /passive
It would help you to understand what is going on here. I would write it something like this:
Declare source Directory:
$source = “\\path\to\source\folder”
Put each child .msi object into an array:
$msiFiles = Get-Childitem $source -File -recurse | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq “.msi”}
Iterate the array to run each .msi:
Foreach ($msi in $msiFiles) {
Msiexec /I “$($msi.FullName)” /passive
This is of course just an explanation of what you are doing. It does not include any error handling, checking for return codes, or remote command syntax, etc. etc.

Creating Zip files using PowerShell

I have these below files at a location C:\Desktop\Mobile.
I need to create a script that writes the similar files into a single zip. So files Apple_iphone6.dat and Apple_iphone7.dat must be into single zip.
So the final zip files created would be:
I tried this
Get-ChildItem C:\Desktop\Mobile -Recurse -File -Include *.dat | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date } | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath C:\Desktop\Mobile
But it gives me error 'Compress-Archive' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet.
How can I get this code work?
You have two problems, I will try to summarize both of them.
1. Compress files
In order to use Compress-Archive command you need to have PowerShell 5 as already commented by #LotPings. You can:
run your script on Windows 10 machine, or Server 2016 which are coming with v5
download and install PoSh 5, see details on MSDN
If you cannot do either of those, you can
install some module from PowerShell gallery that provides similar functionality via 7-zip tool. Search resultes are here. Download and check those modules before use!
use .NET 4.5 class, check answer here on Stack Overflow
2. Group files
Once you group files, you can easily pipe them to compressing command, similar as you already tried. Proper grouping would be achieved with something like this:
$Files = Get-ChildItem 'C:\Desktop\Mobile'
$Groups = $Files | ForEach-Object {($_.Name).split('_')[0]} | Select-Object -Unique
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
$Files | where Name -Match "^$Group" | Compress-Archive "C:\Desktop\Mobile\$Group.7z"
Pre Powershell v5 you can use this. No additional downloads needed.
$FullName = "Path\FileName"
$Name = CompressedFileName
$ZipFile = "Path\ZipFileName"
$Zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($ZipFile,'Update')
With Powershell 2.0 you can't use Compress-Archive, you need download the original terminal executables to zip and unzip files from here.
You can use:
zip <path> <zip_name> -i <pattern_files>
In your example:
zip "C:\Desktop\Mobile" -i Apple*.dat
zip "C:\Desktop\Mobile" -i Samsung*.dat
zip "C:\Desktop\Mobile" -i Sony*.dat
If you need use adittional zip options, visit zip manual.
The following script does the grouping,
the zipping command depends on your chosen zipper.
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmmss"
Get-ChildItem *.dat|
Group-Object {($_.Name).split('_')[0]}|
ForEach-Object {
$Make = $_.Name
Foreach($File in $_.Group){
"{0,20} --> {1}_Files_{2}.zip" -f $File.Name,$Make,$TimeStamp
Sample output:
> .\SO_44030884.ps1
Samsung_edge7.dat -->
Samsung_galaxy.dat -->
Apple_iphone6.dat -->
Apple_iphone7.dat -->
Sony_M2.dat -->
Sony_experia.dat -->
This link might help Module to Synchronously Zip and Unzip using PowerShell 2.0

Powershell search for any exe in environment path always returns msbuild.exe

I am trying to use Cake as a build tool but am running into an issue in their powershell script.
The script is trying to find nuget.exe in the environment variable path. If it doesn't exist it downloads it.
The issue is that msbuild.exe is always returned and if nuget.exe does not exist the script fails as it tries to us msbuild.exe
$existingPaths = $Env:Path -Split ';' | Where-Object { (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) -and (Test-Path $_) }
$NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH = Get-ChildItem -Path $existingPaths -Filter "nuget.exe" | Select -First 1
No matter which exeI try to search for using this script even if it exists, msbuild.exe is always returned in the list.
I would use a different and probably more effective check for nuget.exe availability
if (!(Get-Command nuget.exe -ErrorAction 0)) {
# nuget.exe is not found, download ...
As Enrico Campidoglio suggested, you may add -CommandType Application. In theory, it should be even more efficient. In (my) practice, this is not always the case.

Execute Powershell command from script path

First I will give a brief overview of what im trying to achieve. I want to go through a series of HTML files, replace code and then re-save these HTML files. This all works however the PS command will only execute this on HTML files which are on the default Powershell path (for me this is the H drive).
I want to be able to have a seperate folder which contains my powershell script and HTML files and convert them in that folder NOT from the H drive.
The code I have is follows:
Powershell script
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem . *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
This successfully changes all HTML files on the H drive that contain the words 'this text' with 'TEST'. I want to be able to change these HTML files from where the Powershell script is located, NOT from the H drive?
I appreciate any help.
Use the built-in variable called $PSScriptRoot to retrieve the files from the same folder where the PowerShell script resides.
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Include *.HTML;
In your script, you ask to the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to look for items in the current directory, to make the script look for files in another directory, you just have to specify it to Get-ChildItem :
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem $HTMLpath *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
Edit :
if you want the path to be passed as an argument to your script, just do the following :
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem $HTMLpath *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
then you can call your script in the console (assuming you are in the directory where your script is) : ./myscript "C:\path\to\your\files"
Calling Get-ChildItem . *.html -Rec will get all files under the current working directory. If you happen to be in the same folder as your script when you call it, I'd expect it to work as you want. If you call the script from another path, e.g. by setting up a scheduled task to run powershell.exe <path_to_script> then it may not pick up the files you want. Maybe H: is the root of your Windows user profile?
As per other answers, using $PSScriptRoot or passing the path under which the .html files reside in a parameter would be good. To combine both, you can add a parameter to your script AND set the default value for that parameter to be $PSScriptRoot:
param($HTMLpath = $PSScriptRoot)
This will (1) allow you to specify a remote path if necessary and (2) otherwise default to the path where the script is saved.

Copy directory structure with PowerShell

Is there a way of doing the following in PowerShell?
xcopy \\m1\C$\Online\*.config \\m2\C$\Config-Backup /s
I have tried this:
Copy-Item \\m1\C$\Online\* -Recurse -Destination \\m2\C$\Config-Backup -include *.config
But it does nothing, probably because there are no configuration files in the root. How do I do it?
If you would like to use native PowerShell (with a third party .NET module :P) and also don't want to let long file paths (> 255 characters) halt the copy, you can use this:
# Import AlphaFS .NET module -
Import-Module C:\Path\To\AlphaFS\DLL\AlphaFS.dll
# Variables
$SourcePath = "C:\Temp"
$DestPath = "C:\Test"
# RecursePath function.
Function RecursePath([string]$SourcePath, [string]$DestPath){
# for each subdirectory in the current directory..
[Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::GetDirectories($SourcePath) | % {
$ShortDirectory = $_
$LongDirectory = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::GetLongPath($ShortDirectory)
# Create the directory on the destination path.
[Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::CreateDirectory($LongDirectory.Replace($SourcePath, $DestPath))
# For each file in the current directory..
[Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::GetFiles($ShortDirectory) | % {
$ShortFile = $_
$LongFile = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::GetLongPath($ShortFile)
# Copy the file to the destination path.
[Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::Copy($LongFile, $LongFile.Replace($SourcePath, $DestPath), $true)
# Loop.
RecursePath $ShortDirectory $DestPath
# Execute!
RecursePath $SourcePath $DestPath
Please note this code was stripped out of a much larger project of mine, but I gave it a quick test and it seems to work. Hope this helps!
Start-Process xcopy "\\m1\C$\Online\*.config \\m2\C$\Config-Backup /s" -NoNewWindow
The new AlphaFS 2.0 makes this really easy.
Example: Copy a directory recursively
# Set copy options.
PS C:\> $copyOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.CopyOptions]::FailIfExists
# Set source and destination directories.
PS C:\> $source = 'C:\sourceDir'
PS C:\> $destination = 'C:\destinationDir'
# Copy directory recursively.
PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Copy($source, $destination, $copyOptions)
AlphaFS on GitHub
Look into robocopy. It's not a native PowerShell command, but I call it from PowerShell scripts all the time. Works similarly to xcopy only it's way more powerful.