AppStore: changing the icon after the app is published? - iphone

My app is already available on the appstore, but after getting some feedback I'm having second thoughts about the icon.
I know the large version of the icon is supposed to look like the device version. But what if I upload a different one, without changing the binary icon, now that the app is already published? Could that get my app removed?
And if I decide to also change the binary icon and re-upload a binary with just that change, would that be considered as an update and go through the review process?

They shouldn't care if you update the store images/text, as long as it still looks reasonable. If you post an update, it will go through "review", but if the update change notes say that you only updated the icon, they'll likely pass it through pretty quickly.
You could always send an email to the App Store help email (it's listed on a bunch of the iTunes Connect pages), and see what they say. They've gotten back to me relatively quickly every time I've asked them a question.
I don't think your icon looks all that bad, actually.

It is not possible, when your app uploaded and successfully published then after we cant change the app icon you have to upload again with different icon.


Best way to share beta

I'm just trying to load my first app up to App Connect in order to let a few friends test it. So they can download it.
Got though the first few headaches like Frameworks not being set up correctly...
Now of course the final authorisation has failed due to lack of certain images and icons non of which I'm bothered to do right now I just want to be able to remotely share the app.
Do I really have to get all that stuff fixed first?
Is it not possible to share a slightly rough version via TestFlight?
These are my errors. Not sure what the first error means but the others obviously for missing image data.
First, I'd recommend fixing those errors anyway. They're simple. Just add an app icon with the correct sizes. It doesn't have to be a good/final icon yet. You can use my script here:
that takes a simple 1024x1024 png file and resizes it to all the required sizes for you. It even gives you a Contents.json asset catalog file.
Second, if you're just sending the beta to your friends, you don't really need to go through TestFlight review yet. You can either create a user account in App Store Connect for each of your friends (note: I'd recommending using your own email address for their accounts so they can't actually log into ASC and see any of your data), or you can create an Adhoc distribution profile for your app and include your friends device UUID's. Then you build your .ipa file and send it to them to install. You could even use a new project I've just created: and let them install the app over the air, via a web site. Note that project is brand new and thus is still in beta (will change a lot in the coming weeks, but it should be decent enough for your use case).

AppStore, I have an app in review, can I change it manually released by myself from automatically release?

I want to check everything is OK before it released.
You can only do it when you are uploading the app for App Store. Otherwise if it is in review then you can't do anything with the binary uploaded.
You could always try to contact them and ask them to change this (through the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the iTunes Connect home page). But they might take time to respond and they might say no, so this is probably not a good idea. The only way you can be sure is to reject your binary and then submit it again and choose the option you want.
You will need to reject the binary, modify the release date to some date far off in the future and resubmit unfortunately. Once the app is approved you can set the release date and release it. I don't think you are going to be able to download the app once it is approved unless it is available on the store though, so you will still need to test from you current local build anyway.

Can i change the 'what's new' section for my app on the app store?

I can't figure out how to edit that part, and unfortunately i used ™ in it, which works perfectly well on all previews and on iTunes, but when you open it on an iPhone, it literally reads ™, and now I don't think I'm able to edit it. Could I contact Apple to get them to correct this for me?
You can not change this aspect of an app once it is approved on your own.
To do that, contact Apple Developer Support by E-Mail
That said, simply pushing another version update might be faster as Developer Support takes quite some time to respond.

Iphone app sharing file with iTunes problem

Somebody please help me out. This problem is killing me.
I went through tones of documents and posts. All seems to suggest that simply add a UIFileSharing key into info.plist and set boolean value to YES, files in App's Documents folder (not sub-folder, I know) will show up in iTunes.
However my problem is that I don't have an iPhone, so I really have no clue about what exactly the behaviors of both iPhone or iTunes will be when try to verify this file sharing thing. And what is the right way to verify this.
So when my client try to verify this off my watch (we are on different sides of earth), he keeps reporting back that file sharing feature not work. It is certain that file is properly stored under Documents folder.
In the last attempt, he claimed that he can see the app but not files.
I would like to know the following things, so I can guide him through this and end this pain:
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
Thank you all.
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
It will show up in the app view (on top) all the times. But you will only see them in the file sharing area if you have an app with enabled filesharing.
File sharing is only available on iPhone OS 4 onwards and iPad 3.2
Make sure your client has iOS4 or later.

Make Update to a live iPhone app

I have an iPhone app which is aleready live on the app store...Now I want to make small updates to the app (fixes and adding iAd)
How do I submit the new updated app..Will that create a new version OR is that not required?
Also in iTunes Connect, I do not see any link which says Submit update or new version..
Do I first have to upload via Loader ...Please guide me. Thank you.
You should update the "version" field in your .plist, then submit a new binary.
In the application page, there is a "Add Version" button in the lower right corner, as follows:
Click "Add Version", clarify what is being updated/fixed/upgraded in the new version, make sure that all the other fields are correct, and then submit.
After that, you will have to use the Application Loader (Mac App) to upload your binary.
No matter how small or insignificant the updates are, you have to add a new version. Note that the current version will not be removed from the store, so you will not lose sales (or downloads).
Also, note that while there are technical ways to slightly circumvent this (e.g., by downloading dynamic code from the internet), such practices are strictly forbidden and will cause your app to be rejected.