Make Update to a live iPhone app - iphone

I have an iPhone app which is aleready live on the app store...Now I want to make small updates to the app (fixes and adding iAd)
How do I submit the new updated app..Will that create a new version OR is that not required?
Also in iTunes Connect, I do not see any link which says Submit update or new version..
Do I first have to upload via Loader ...Please guide me. Thank you.

You should update the "version" field in your .plist, then submit a new binary.
In the application page, there is a "Add Version" button in the lower right corner, as follows:
Click "Add Version", clarify what is being updated/fixed/upgraded in the new version, make sure that all the other fields are correct, and then submit.
After that, you will have to use the Application Loader (Mac App) to upload your binary.
No matter how small or insignificant the updates are, you have to add a new version. Note that the current version will not be removed from the store, so you will not lose sales (or downloads).
Also, note that while there are technical ways to slightly circumvent this (e.g., by downloading dynamic code from the internet), such practices are strictly forbidden and will cause your app to be rejected.


AppStore doesn't provide an option to not to publish app automatically

I have just uploaded new app to the AppStore using iTunes connect and didn't see a way to not to publish app automatically
Does it mean that for new apps Apple no longer provides way to do it?
Update 5th Sep
They just rolled out a major UI change to the iTunes Connect website.
The Version Release section is now down the bottom of one giant page for each version. This is a good change as it means you can go back and alter this setting whilst your app is still in a Waiting for Upload state.
At least as of Sep 2014, the question about automatic pushing is exposed as a final screen after the main form you fill in when you push the Ready to Upload Binary button.
This is unfortunately a one-way process - you can't go back and edit your answers in these screens, for a given version. You have to force it by uploading a version that is rejected then go through the screens again. (I just found out the hard way as a client painstakingly filled in the forms for all NINETY SIX apps then I had to go through uploading them all and repeating the forms - it's been a long day.)
See Apple's help
I think it asks you about that when you create an update for an app.
For the first version of an app just go to Rights & Pricing and set a future release date.

Updating App with new version on app store and when to change app details?

I have made new version of the app and i want to update it on apple store. Also i want to change some keywords and screen shots, because there are new features.
But browsing the stack overflow i noticed that some of these properties are editable only during the upload. Since i don't want to mess things up, and it is delicate matter, i would like step by step instructions, if possible.
So do I first upload binary (in xode archive and then distribute), and after that go to my developer account and edit things, or reverse?
The two items that are locked after app submission are Screenshots and Keywords. Description Metadata may be updated at any time, even after approval. Data in the "Version Information" section cannot be edited after the app is made "Ready for Sale" with the exception of the copyright notice.
The process you will most likely want to follow is:
Create a "New Version" placeholder for your app in iTunesConnect
Update your Keywords
Update your Screenshots (Be sure to include 3.5", 4", and iPad if applicable)
Update Description
Set App as "Ready to Upload Binary"
After Approval, you can still edit Description
Hope this helps!
I did it like this for my first app :P
click the app you want to update in "Manage your apps".
then add version.
edit everything you want! and done.

Delete new version of app in iTunes connect

I uploaded a new version of my app in iTunes connect and I do not want and/or need it - how do I get rid of it?
Currently the status shows Prepare For Upload with yellow dot..
I want to delete new version of app, which shows status of Prepare For Upload and not the old one which shows ready for sale status and new one is already available in store.
Is it possible to delete new version of app in iTunes Connect, without affecting old one?
Another work around for this is to simply go to the version you want to delete and update the version number.
I.e. in my case we had created an update for version 3.1.2, but now wanted the update to be version 3.2. Instead of deleting the newly created 3.1.2 version (which I don't think is possible), we updated the version number.
You cannot delete a new version you have created from iTunesConnect before you have uploaded a binary. You can only delete full apps - before or after review.
Apple give a fairly full description of what is going on here without saying explicitly that you cannot delete versions. They do say you cannot remove a platform once created - and they seem to work like versions.
I suppose they never imagined people would create a new version by mistake or as an exercise - but we do!
The only reason I can think of is as a safety measure so that you cannot strand people who have bought your app for a platform that you then remove. I am guessing versions work like platforms in the background and so Apple cannot give us the functionality for one and not the other.
You don't have to worry, Prepare to Upload status means the itunes is asking you to tell that you are ready to upload binary and click the button Ready to Upload Binary.. Your build must be rejected by someone, or you haven't yet uploaded any.
If you want to upload a new build you have to click Ready to Upload Binary, then the status will turn into Waiting for Upload, then if you upload the binary successfully it will turn into Upload Received, then it goes into Waiting for Review, next come In Review, then your status might be Rejected, or Ready For Sale, or Approved(It needs to be released manually)..
I hope above clears your doubt..
Update -
The process has been changed a lot, though You can't delete a Binary, you need to upload new binary by changing the build number if you don't want to change the Version number of the build. For the process of upload, we don't have option to make it Ready to Upload anymore.. You follow the following steps..
Upload a Binary of a specific version from XCode.
Check Activity Tab in itunesconnect of your app, it should show the uploaded binary in processing mode, it will get processed in sometime.
Click on your App Version which might be in Prepare to Submit state, go inside and add your recently uploaded and processed build and click on Save.
Then Submit for Review
You have to go to manage your applications and go to your app. There is a details button and click on binary details under the heading links.
there should be something like "reject the binary" on that screen.

"No suitable applications were found" when trying to submit update to the app store

I looked through the other questions for this, but they didn't answer my question. I'm trying to submit an update for my application, so in the iTunes Connect I clicked add a version and updated the version to 1.01. I then went into the info.plist and updated the bundle version to 1.01. I get the above error though when I try to submit it to the app store. In my Manage applications it says version 1.01 prepare for upload.
Rather than making the version change in the plist directly, use the summary tab on the project bundle's target page. Also, make sure your bundle identifier hasn't changed there either. Be sure to hit enter after any changes and check the next tab 'info' to see if the changes have reflected there. If those all match and you're still having an issue, contact apple.
You need to click the "Ready to Upload Binary" button before Xcode will find it.
Otherwise it's probably the precceding zero in your version number. You should use 1.1 or 1.0.1.

Can I change the category of my app at iTunes Connect?

I added many versions of my app at appstore with Utilities as a primary category ,but now I want to add it as Lifestyle category.Can I change this category with out deleting the app
Create a new version of the application and submit the binary again. While creating new version we can change the primary and secondary categories.
You should be able to update the category choices you initially chose during the submission process by logging into iTunes Connect and editing your app.
Log in to iTunes Connect.
Go to "Manage Your Applications"
Select your app.
Modify the "Primary Category".
It's unclear if you have already tried this. I haven't personally tried this in a couple of days, so I'm not sure if this functionality has been randomly removed, but it's certainly worth trying if you haven't already.
You can also change the category when submitting an update to your application, so if all else fails, this is always an option.
The only way to do it is to submit a new version in iTunesConnect. If you are fortunate and haven't deleted the old binary, simply resubmit it. If you are out of luck like me then you will need to submit a new release. (Reason why I say out of luck is...I am 1/2 way down into the development of my next release and it is no shape to be submitted to appstore which means a month delay for me to just change the category)
First select the app by going to
iTunes Connect>My Apps> YourApp
Under iOS APP> click Rating [edit] link.
If you have selected "Made for kids" and has already been rejected due to outbound links then there are few ways to go about this.
Option 1: Removing outgoing internet access items (links, in-app purchases etc.) and resubmit the app.
Option 2: Fix outgoing access as per Apple guidelines (which may include adding verbiage to seek help from parents/adults). So redesign and resubmit the app. Apple guideline:
Option 3: Uncheck Made for kids option. To do this you will have to delete the binary.Then Re-add the app icon(1024x1024), upload build and resubmit.