Progress Database 4GL - progress-4gl

Does anyone know where I can get some samples/resources on 4GL language for Progress Database OTHER THAN THE PROGRESS DATABASE WEBSITE?

Here's a copy of the 4GL handbook from the Progress website. (maintained by Progress Software)

What kind of samples do you exactly need? If you want to improve 4GL skills, then 4GL Handbook is a very nice way to get known to the language, it comes with Progress Documentation.

I found several reference books for Progress, ProDatasets, etc. on Scribd which I went to when the links on the Progress official communities were broken.


Candlestick chart on bitcoinwisdom

Im in need for good candlestick chart for my web app and chart at is really what Im looking for. I like the way you can zoom and move with it. Is it possible to figure out what they are using or do you think they made it up on their own? If so with what tools? Another amazing charting can be found here these two sites have even better charting than some desktop apps and I wanna know how they did it.
In searching the bitcoinwisdom's forums I found a couple posts asking for the exact same thing. In fact, I stumbled upon your SO post here looking for the same thing.
According to those forum posts' responses they used with the rest being custom code. Unfortunately for us as their implementation is very impressive! View source on the page and look for the JS files they are referencing. The code is obfuscated and minified so porting it will be very difficult.

ABL ( Progress

I would like to learn ABL(
Do you have any Idea what I have to install to be able to practice it at home.
You want the evaluation kit download.
yes this hand book will be good to start with
In OpenEdge 11.6 Progress added a free classroom edition. You need to create an account but there are no costs involved.

Progress openedge using embed .NET controls

Can someone point me in the right direction of how to use embed .NET controls into a progress application. thanks!!
edit: I'm using 10.2b
If you're trying to do any .NET programming with OpenEdge, I highly recommend that you start with the excellent video series from John Sadd that covers exactly this. In fact, I recommend that you go through these videos BEFORE you even bother to start reading any of the manuals (and there are a bunch!) that Progress provides.
Run - don't walk - to and start watching!
Hope this helps (I know it will!)

WordPress notifier - replicate built-in function whereby if update is available, an icon appears in the menu

First time here, so please be gentle.
Does anyone know how to replicate the built-in functionality of WordPress whereby the admin is informed of when updates for plugins are available - i.e. when one (more more) is available, an icon appears over the plugins menu which contains the number of available updates.
The plugin that I am writing could really benefit, from a UI perspective, with having a feature very similar to this.
Does anyone know if there are any hooks which I can use, or any function which I can call?
Any help on this is greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much in advance,
There's a API hook called get_plugin_data and lots of info in this thread at WordPress on using and implementing.
I've kind of answered my own question here...
$friendly_contact_add_main_page = add_menu_page('Contact Form', "Contact<span class='update-plugins count-$my_var'><span class='plugin-count'>$my_var</span></span>", 10, __FILE__, 'friendly_contact_main_page',$icon_url);
add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$friendly_contact_add_main_page", 'friendly_contact_main_page_head_scripts' );
The $my_var can be anything you want -- you decide how your script returns whether you have updates or not. Pretty simple, really! :)

tag search library (ASP).NET

I seen some awful forums with horrible searching. Its highly important to be able to find things in my db/app. I am considering writing my own but before i do what do you guys think are good tag search libraries? C# .NET or possibly ASP.NET
NOTE: I do not want text searching, only tags.
Use Lucene.NET I'm sure it can cover all that you want: