How can I get BerkeleyDB for ActivePerl 5.10? - perl

I'm trying to find out where a BerkeleyDB PPM is for ActivePerl 5.10. Anyone have a clue where to find this, or how to build it?
I had found a lead here. They claim BerkeleyDB 0.33 had built ok for Perl 5.10. They provide a link to the PPM, but not to the supporting zip file. So I got around it, manually getting the ppm and the zip and running ppm install on the ppm file. That didn't work because the dll provided in the zip can't be loaded.
It seems like the only thing to do is to get the BerkeleyDB code from Oracle, compile it for Win32 with visual studio (the provided MSI uses Cygwin tools), modify the tarball from CPAN and build the ppm myself.

The short answer: Use Sqlite.
The long answer, compile it and debug it yourself, contribute it to the community.

Start ppm, go to Edit -> Preferences -> repositories and add the "trouchelle" repository. They have a BerkelyDB package for ActiveState Perl 5.10.

Have you looked into getting Strawberry Perl? It may not be appropriate for your purposes, but a large part of the reason for its creation is the much better (although not perfect) support for CPAN modules, as opposed to requiring the PPM repositories to be kept up to date.

Doesn't DBD::DBM support BerkelyDB?


Failed to install Tk module of Perl in Windows7

At first,I tried to use ppm and cpanm to install Tk module.But failed to download whth the reason which i don't konw(yet i can install image module) .So I tried another way.I downloaded the Tk-804.030 from the cpan website.And unpacked it.Then I type "perl" in the cmd, howerver, shit happens.There were so many errors.And i remenbered to read the README.txt, so i found the following which make me frustrated.
When you install ActivePerl, it provides patched C runtime as PerlCRT.dll
which it installs in the "system32" directory.
This needs "administrator" rights on NT.
It also provides the import library PerlCRT.lib, but this is installed
in an odd location e.g. C:\ActivePerl\lib\CORE\PerlCRT.lib
where it is not found by MakeMaker or VC++.I copied it to C:\VisualStudio\VC98\lib\PerlCRT.lib
(Your paths may vary dependinh where you installed ActivePerl and VC++.)
I could not find the PerlCRT.dll and PerlCRT.lib in my computer, i googled and found PerlCRT.dll which could be downloaded, but i counld find PerlCRT.lib to download.i don't kown how to do it, i really need some help.It couldn't be better if you can tell me the whole installing procedure. ( I'm new to Perl, and I use Win7, visual studio 2012 and MinGW as well)
See PPM Tk info page, the distro fails to build on the current versions of ActiveState Perl for Windows. You can add the 3rd party Bribes repository, Tk is available there.

Trying to install Moose-2.000 via PPM/Activestate 5.12 on Win32 - 404 not found

This is a peculiar error that hasn't come up before. I'm using PPM in Windows to install modules for Perl. Works fine with tons of modules. But it seems like something is screwy with the Moose-2.000 package and I have no idea how to fix this.
To duplicate the error:
Install newest version of Activestate on windows machine
PPM into the cmd
search "moose"
mark Moose for install and install it
it says:
Moose marked for install
Installing package ...
Downloading Moose-2.0000 ... not found
Installing package failed
ERROR: 404 Not Found
I added virtually all the repos i could find but this seems to be coming from activestate's.
Forgive me, but I actually have no idea how to install a module manually (without the very simple GUI). I've downloaded the tar file, unzipped it and ran ''. I copied the lib files to the /perl/site/lib folder.
Unfortunately, PPM expects a PPD wrapper (or something) so I can't do a command line install like "ppm install URL-of-package".
Can anyone attempt this and let me know if you have any luck? If not, please give a step by step on how to install this particular package. I'd be grateful since a bunch of other stuff (like a Twitter package) depends on it!
ok it looks like v2.000 simply doesn't exist yet for Win32. so i was able to install v1.25 in the following workaround, explained in the activestate bugtracker (see comments)
1) Find the latest available version for your platform here:
Mouse over the icons in the PPMX column to see the target platform and Perl
2) Copy the URL of the .ppmx file
3) Use the URL as an argument to 'ppm install'. For example, for 5.12 Win x86:
ppm install
I can see same problem - it looks like quirk on ActiveState side. On their package index there is still only 1.25 available. Maybe just the changes are yet to be propaged to mirrors.
Edit: I recently upgraded to Moose 2.0001, which seems to be fixed. However I got conflict with Class-MOP that comes with ActivePerl 5.12. It turned out that Class::MOP and Moose has been merged together. Solution was to remove both Class-MOP and Moose prior installation:
ppm rem Class::MOP --force
ppm rem Class::MOP --area perl --force
ppm rem Moose --area perl --force
ppm inst Moose

Trying to install YAML::Syck - This module requires a C compiler

I'm trying to install the YAML::Syck module (I'm actually trying to install Date::Manip, this is just a dependency), but it fails with the following message:
This module requires a C compiler at Makefile.PL line 38.
This happens whether I try to install using CPAN or if I try to download the packages and install manually.
I have gcc installed and on my PATH, I can access it from the same CYGWIN shell window that I'm trying to use to install YAML::Syck.
When looking for a C compiler, ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build don't necessarily look for gcc in your PATH, but query your perl's configuration for the C compiler it has been built with and expects it to be available for building Perl extensions as well.
On my system, it will look for cc in PATH, as per
$ perl -MConfig -E'say $Config{cc}'
I've had trouble in the past getting everything to "just work" with cygwin, when it comes to compiling modules. You might want to take a look at Strawberry Perl, which is a Windows Perl distribution that comes bundled with all of the components needed for compilation of XS modules. I haven't personally tried to install YAML::Syck with it, but I have installed many other XS modules without incident.
Once it is installed and in your path (usually automatically), you should be able to run cpan from the Windows command prompt to install the module.
Maintainer speaking
The better forum to ask is the cygwin mailinglist. There you will find the same questions being asked again and again, we can point to the messages, and the
maintainers are present.
The quality of the answers will be much better.
The official latest perl announcement was
perl used to bundle most useful modules for CPAN and Testing with the core perl.
With the latest 5.14 package the useful modules were moved to the seperate package perl_vendor.
The dependencies to be able to compile modules by your own via cpan are not included.
You'll need make and gcc-4 at least.
See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/perl.README for the package specific README.
YAML::Syck is considered broken and unmaintained (*_why* left), please try to use a better YAML package, like YAML or YAML::XS, written by the inventor and author of YAML itself (ingy).
Date::Manip does not require YAML::Syck. cpan does like to have a YAML modules, but prefers YAML::XS.
You'll find out that you'll be able to install much more packages with cygwin perl than with strawberry perl (=mingw).

How do I install Devel::Cover on ActivePerl 5.8.7?

cpan fails with this weird error as follows
Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.
It is recommended that you install perl in a standard location before
building extensions. Some precompiled versions of perl do not contain
these header files, so you cannot build extensions. In such a case,
please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. It
usually solves this kind of problem.
(You get this message, because MakeMaker could not find "D:\fbl_esc_bcd_tb\tools\perl\lib\CORE\perl.h")
Running make test
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install
Problem is I can't install new active perl versions in this environment and the tool I want to coverage on does not run outside this environment.
Short answer: The ActiveState PPM repository has a precompiled version of Devel::Cover you should be able to install.
Long answer: That's not a normal message from MakeMaker so I'm willing to guess its an ActiveState addition, but its probably true. The problem is exactly what the error message says; your distribution is missing some important files, specifically the C header files for Perl, so it cannot compile C code necessary for modules like Devel::Cover. This is often the result of an overzealous sysadmin or packager looking to save a few dozen K of disk space. You could probably take the header files from the 5.8.7 source, copy them into the CORE directory and it will probably work. It won't make anything worse.
I agree with Evan that, assuming this is a Windows machine, you should switch to Strawberry Perl which plays much better with the rest of the Perl community than ActivePerl.
Otherwise, ActiveState is a commercial company and they have paid Perl support. Give them a ring.
Active Perl does not use CPAN. If you want to use CPAN use Strawberry Perl. Active Perl uses binary distribution through its ppm system. There are a few third party repos for it if the official one doesn't have Devel::Cover -- though the official probably has Devel::Cover.
Most people these days are moving to Strawberry and away from AS. In my opinion, it is far more stable and CPAN-friendly, and surely less proprietary. Also, expect to be able to get stable versions of most everything - AS has been known to lag years in many occasions in the official repos. strawberry also comes with its own compiler and build environment so you can even get ::XS versions working with ease.

How do I install a module and its dependencies in ActivePerl on Windows?

I want to send emails using gmail's smtp servers and perl. I am trying to install Email::Send::Gmail, but it is not clear to me what are the steps to install it. It seems that it depends on other modules that I do not have installed.
This is partially dependent on which distribution of Perl you're using.
ActivePerl includes a utility called PPM (Perl Package Manager) for installing modules. It handles dependency resolution automatically. PPM is particularly nice for installing XS modules on Windows where a compiler isn't typically available. The downside to PPM is that it some CPAN modules aren't available (probably because they fail ActiveState's automated build process). You can run PPM from either the start menu or by typing ppm at a command prompt.
A more general option is to use the interactive CPAN shell. Note that you must have a compiler to install XS modules using this method. You can access the cpan shell by typing cpan at a command prompt.
The brute-force approach of last resort is to download tarballs from CPAN and manually install them one at a time. When an install aborts due to unsatisfied dependencies download and install them then go back to the first module and try again.
cpan Email::Send::Gmail
… at the command prompt.
It's probably a good idea to set up local::lib first.
Or see the Perl Foundation Wiki on installing CPAN modules or the same but without root access.
Or see the CPAN guide to installing modules.
If you are using ActivePerl, try the PPM (Perl Package Manager) tool that comes with ActivePerl first. When you tell it to install a module, it should handle all of the dependencies for you.
Note the dependency tree for Email::Send::Gmail. Some of those modules require additional installation of third party software, most notably OpenSSL, which cpan won't do for you.
You can probably install it with:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Email-Send-Gmail
Hope it helps,
If you can, CPAN. (ha! It rhymes ... what a crime. Oops, did it again! When will this end... :p) It's essentially the way to install modules for your system. It automatically detects dependencies, downloads, installs, and tests them all for you, and backs out if ever a build or test fails. It's a fantastic and reliable way of installing modules. This works great if you're using essentially any Perl distribution besides ActiveState's distribution, including Strawberry Perl. Generally, this is done with
cpan Module::Name
or, in an interactive mode,
$ cpan
cpan > install Module::Name
If you're using ActiveState Perl, then you probably want to use ActiveState's PPM (Perl Package Manager). It's similar to CPAN, except everything comes prebuilt for ActiveState Perl. ActiveState has a document on how to use their Perl Package Manager on their website, including a graphical example.
If the easy options fail, you are not out of luck. There's some more complex, but manual methods you can do to still install the module.
Most modules that you can download will have within them a bit of metadata in a .yaml file; this will help you figure out whether or not you have all your dependencies. CPAN and PPM automatically resolve and install all your dependencies, but doing it manually will not, leaving that task up to you.
Assuming you have all your dependencies, and you need to install it manually, look for one of two files: Makefile.PL or Build.PL. If you have a Makefile.PL, cd to the directory you extraced the module within a command prompt, and type:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
You will need a 'make' program on your system. If it's ActiveState Perl, you may need to install the module manually (see a paragraph or two down.)
If it happens to have a Build.PL, then you need to do a slightly different set of steps:
perl Build.PL
Build test
Build install
(Of course, you may want to consider not installing if make/Build test fails, but that's up to you.)
As a final alternative, if your module has no xs files (ie, code that needs to be compiled on install), and all dependencies are met, you can simply move the files in the lib folder to your perl installation's site\lib folder. If you're interested in just using it for one project, you can add a PERL5LIB environmental variable, pointing to a new, custom library directory (eg, /my/project/lib) and then before running your tool, make sure the environment is set up.
As a followup, see PerlFaq8 - How do I install a module from CPAN.
Also, see PerlFaq8 - How do I keep my own module/library directory?.
Mixing installation methods is asking for heartache and headaches you don't need.
Don't use CPAN with Active Perl. Use PPM.*
PPM download sources can be found at Randy Kobes' site.
If you can't find a PPM of a module you need, you can build your own PPMs easily with Mr. Kobes make_ppm.
You can download a distribution and simply run make_ppm to build a PPM, but I prefer to do the a more "normal" build process:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
*If you install your files outside of c:/perl/site/* then it's OK to use CPAN. Just don't co-mingle CPAN shell modules with PPM modules.