exchange powershell : parsing an array boolean value - powershell

In my output, I get
how do I parse this so that it just says "False"?
the output is coming from this line of code:
$pda = get-casmailbox -Anr $user.displayname | select activesyncenabled

To access the value directly:
(get-casmailbox -Anr $user.displayname).activesyncenabled
You can skip anr and use the identity member:
Get-CASMailbox $user.Identity
To get all activesyncenabled enabled mailboxes:
get-casmailbox -resultSize unlimited -filter {activesyncenabled -eq $true}

I don't have access to an exchange box right now, but the information should be there now for someone that does. Here is what worked:
$pda = get-casmailbox -Anr $user.displayname | select activesyncenabled
$pda.ActiveSyncEnabled | Write-Host


PowerShell referencing object in a pipeline

I'm struggling with passing objects in a pipeline.
I have been going round the problem converting them to strings, but that cannot be the most efficient way of doing things.
$mapi = (Get-CASMailbox -Identity $user | fl mapiEnabled | Out-String ).Split(':')[-1]
if ($mapi -match "True") {
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $User -MAPIEnabled $false
I really want to directly access the bool returned instead of converting it to string
Similarly, I have been using below to do a for loop:
$groups = (Get-DistributionGroup | fl name | Out-String -Stream ).Replace("Name : ", "")
foreach ($group in $groups) {
echo $group
Both examples are from Exchange Online, below one more universal:
if (((Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $adapters -AddressFamily Ipv4 | fl dhcp | Out-String -Stream ).Trim() -ne "").Replace("Dhcp : ","") -match "Disabled") {
echo disabled
I just wanted to take a second to see if I can help you understand what is happening in the pipeline and why #mathiasR.Jessen and #AdminOfThings comments will help you.
$mapi = (Get-CASMailbox -Identity $user | fl mapiEnabled | Out-String ).Split(':')[-1]
Breaking down that this line of code does:
Get-CASMailbox is going to return an object with multiple properties. Format-List (fl) is still going to return an object, but now it has been formatted so it's less malleable. Out-String is going to transform that formatted list into a single string. Putting those commands in parentheses runs them and allows you to execute a method on the resulting string object.
Using the same concept, we can use the parenthesis to execute the Get-CASMailbox command and get the singular property you are looking for:
$mapi = (Get-CASMailbox -Identity $user).mapiEnabled
Now we have set $mapi to the value of the mapiEnabled property returned by the command.
Hope this helps!

Writing a mailbox property to a Variable or text box

I am writing a basic GUI that makes it easier for staff to find current mailbox/calendar rights. Essentially they type the name of the mail box and the user who's permissions they wish to check, and it writes what the permissions are
I have tried two ways and both ran into problems. The first:
$Property = get-mailboxpermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | Format-List AccessRights if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {FullAccess}")
Results with the output:
(I have also get the same when simply inputting the get-mailbox command to the append text)
I have also tried instead to convert the access rights property to a variable, then writing that to the text box using if conditions as below code, but that doesn't play nice either
$Property = get-mailboxpermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | format-list AccessRights
if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {FullAccess}")
{$PermissionText.AppendText("Full Access")}
if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {ReadAccess}")
{$PermissionText.AppendText("Read Only")}
Output: Nothing whatsoever
in short, I need a way of either outputting just the permissions to the text box, or, making the variable equal something useable
Try this:
$Property = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | ? {$_.AccessRights -eq "FullAccess"}
Thankyou #Avshalom i figured it from your idea:
$Property = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | ? {$_.AccessRights}

how to get exact user name from get-mobiledevicestatistics in powershell

I have a small script to get all user mobile devices info from exchange 2013 server.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |
ForEach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} |
Select-Object #{label="User" ; expression={$_.Identity}},DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync
I just want to get an exact user name instead of a path in AD. How can I do it in expression={?}
Here is another script to do it, it gives me the user name, but all devices belongs to user are not in separated lines, they all in one line...
$EASMailboxes = Get-CASMailbox -Filter {HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership -eq $True -and DisplayName -notlike "CAS_{*"} | Get-Mailbox
$EASMailboxes | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySMTPAddress, #{Name="Mobile Devices";Expression={(Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox $_.Identity).DeviceOS}} |
I don't have the environment to test this but is this not what you are looking for ?
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach {
$user = $_.SamAccountName
Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity |
Select-Object #{label="User" ; expression={$user}},DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync
That should output the user for every device they own on its own line. You could then easily export this to Export-CSV or some such thing that way.
We save the $user so it is available later in the pipe. Could also have used Add-Member but the result would have been the same.
If you have the identity field, which looks like this
Then to split on the / and get the third result, you simply request:
PowerShell begins indexing with number zero, so to request the fourth entry in the list, we request index number 3.
OP mentioned that the OU level might vary, meaning that he couldn't count on a fixed position to request the Index. In order to accomodte that scenario, try this method, which will look for the index of ExchangeActiveSyncDevices and then pick the index position before that.
Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited|foreach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.identity} |Select-Object #{l="user";e={$}}, lastsuccesssync
on e2k13

Determining if a given user is in a given global group

I’m trying to search through Active Directory using the AD module in PowerShell. I’m trying to determine whether a given user is in a given global group. The issue is that I’m using -match meaning if there is a username that contains another within it, such as 'smith_pl' containing 'smith_p'. The user 'smith_p' will be shown to be in the group.
So my question is: Is there a better way of getting a $True or $False return depending if a user is in a giving global group using the AD module?
If not
Is there a way of getting the output from $ListOfmembers into an array so I can use -eq instead of -match?
Part of Script:
$ListOfmembers = dsquery group domainroot -name $globalgroup |
dsget group -members |
dsget user -samid -L
$checkMember = $False
#Search if the user is in output the list
If($ListOfmembers -match $Logonname){
$checkMember = $True
ListOfmembers Output:
samid: user05_t
samid: user23_s
samid: Admin
samid: user45_s
dsget succeeded
Any help would be appreciated, Cheers.
$member = Get-ADGroupMember group1 -Recursive | where {$_.samaccountname -eq 'user1'}
if($member) {'user 1 is a member of group1'}
You can do it like this:
$username = "samaccountname"
$ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
$user = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($ct, $username)
$g = $user.GetGroups()
( $g | select -expa name ) -contains 'groupname'
You should checkout QAD:
$user get-qaduser samAccountName

Exchange 2010 TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes() always empty

I'm trying to create simple reports on Exchange 2010 mailbox size.
While this works:
Get-MailboxStatistics -server <serverfqdn> |ft displayname, TotalItemSize
this doesn't (second column stays empty):
Get-MailboxStatistics -server <serverfqdn> |ft displayname, {$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}
The problem is that I need the size as an integer, so the first line of code doesn't serve my purpose.
According to several websites the second line of code should work but unfortunately doesn't on my machine.
I know I could parse the value after using the first line but that would be unnecessarily inefficient, wouldn't it? :-)
Hope anyone can help.
If performing from a imported PS session the methods .ToMB() is lost as the type becomes a custom object.
The $variable.TotalItemSize.Value becomes a two element array [0] in KB,MB or GB and [1] always in bytes.
So to use this we can play with strings to achieve what we want.. in long hand for clarity
$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -Filter{(RecipientType -eq "UserMailbox") -and (CustomAttribute12 -eq "whatever")}
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes)
$size1 = Get-MailboxStatistics $
[string]$bob = $size1.TotalItemSize.Value
[int]$bill = $bob.TrimEnd(" bytes)").Split("(")[1] # The bytes part of the array.
$bill = $bill/1mb # Convert into MB's
if ($bill -le 1500) {do something} Else {"Too Big " + $bill} # note -le 1500 NOT 1500MB
I hope this helps
this worked for me
$a = get-mailbox -id user | Get-MailboxStatistics
I have the same issue. I'm not sure if you resolved this.
I have this, which is quite ugly - but works:
$a = get-mailbox USER | get-mailboxstatistics
$intTotalItemSize = [int]$a.TotalItemSize.SubString($a.TotalItemSize.indexof("(")+1, $a.TotalItemSize.indexof(" b")-$a.TotalItemSize.indexof("("))
Try this for your size expression:
#{expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()};label="Mailbox Size(MB)"}
I believe there is also a ToKB() method.
MVP Shay Levy has delved into this on his blog (
Basically, you have to modify a setting in the PowerShell virtual directory on the server that you are remoting to.
This is great news for those who are remoting to Exchange servers that they have this kind of control over, but is not helpful for those of us who use hosted Exchange solutions and cannot change these settings. I suppose we will just have to abandon some of the uber-coolness of PowerShell and go back to parsing the string to get the bytes and convert from there.
This is how I tackled outputting a file of all of my users' mailbox sizes. It could be compressed a bit further, but is a little more readable this way.
$allMailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
ForEach ( $mailbox in $allMailboxes ) {
$itemSizeString = ( Get-MailboxStatistics $mailbox.Identity ).TotalItemSize.Value.ToString()
$posOpenParen = $itemSizeString.IndexOf("(") + 1
$numCharsInSize = $itemSizeString.IndexOf(" bytes") - $posOpenParen
$mailboxSizeInBytes = $itemSizeString.SubString($posOpenParen,$numCharsInSize).Replace(",","")
Write-Output "$($mailbox.alias),$($mailboxSizeInBytes)"
Please, see this article:
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name TotalItemSizeinMB -Value {$this.totalitemsize.value.ToMB()} -PassThru | Format-Table DisplayName,TotalItem*
I needed to have this work outside of a remoting session, so I simplified the answer from Greybear to this:
$a = get-mailbox USER | get-mailboxstatistics
$intTotalItemSize = [int64]($a.TotalItemSize -split '[\( ]')[3]
Or in the format of the original question::
Get-MailboxStatistics -Server <serverfqdn> | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,#{label="TotalItemSize";expression={[int64]($_.TotalItemSize -split '[\( ]')[3]}} | ft
Realized that [int] would fail for mailboxes over 4GB, so changed to [int64]. Alternately, display the mailboxes in MB:
Get-MailboxStatistics -Server <serverfqdn> | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,#{label="TotalItemSize";expression={[int64](([int64]($_.TotalItemSize -split '[\( ]')[3])/1048576)}} | ft
The name needs to go before the expression. This will work.
Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity [name] | select #{label=”User”;expression={$_.DisplayName}},lastlogontime,#{label=”Total Size (MB)”;expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}}
This works for me
#{Name="TotalSize (MB)"; Expression={((($_.TotalItemSize) -split " ")[0])}}
You might try:
get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Get-MailboxStatistics | ft displayname,#{label="Total Size (MB)";expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}}