Determining if a given user is in a given global group - powershell

I’m trying to search through Active Directory using the AD module in PowerShell. I’m trying to determine whether a given user is in a given global group. The issue is that I’m using -match meaning if there is a username that contains another within it, such as 'smith_pl' containing 'smith_p'. The user 'smith_p' will be shown to be in the group.
So my question is: Is there a better way of getting a $True or $False return depending if a user is in a giving global group using the AD module?
If not
Is there a way of getting the output from $ListOfmembers into an array so I can use -eq instead of -match?
Part of Script:
$ListOfmembers = dsquery group domainroot -name $globalgroup |
dsget group -members |
dsget user -samid -L
$checkMember = $False
#Search if the user is in output the list
If($ListOfmembers -match $Logonname){
$checkMember = $True
ListOfmembers Output:
samid: user05_t
samid: user23_s
samid: Admin
samid: user45_s
dsget succeeded
Any help would be appreciated, Cheers.

$member = Get-ADGroupMember group1 -Recursive | where {$_.samaccountname -eq 'user1'}
if($member) {'user 1 is a member of group1'}

You can do it like this:
$username = "samaccountname"
$ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
$user = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($ct, $username)
$g = $user.GetGroups()
( $g | select -expa name ) -contains 'groupname'

You should checkout QAD:
$user get-qaduser samAccountName


Exporting last logon date for inactive users via PowerShell

I have a command that will export a list of users who have logged in for 12 months but I am struggling to export the last login date and time.
The command is as follows:
Search-ADAccount –AccountInActive -UsersOnly –TimeSpan 365:00:00:00 –ResultPageSize 2000 –ResultSetSize $null |?{$_.Enabled –eq $True} | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, lastLogon| Export-CSV “C:\Users\Me\Desktop\InactiveUsers.CSV” –NoTypeInformation
But lastLogon is showing a blank in the CSV file.
I am new to PowerShell I understand the command can be made much smoother.
Any help on this is much appreciated.
Search-ADAccount doesn't have an option to pull other attributes from the AD Objects than the default ones, you can use Get-ADUser with an elaborate filter to query the users who haven't logged on for the past year. One option is to query the user's lastLogonTimeStamp attribute however by doing so you're risking not getting accurate results because this attribute is not replicated in real time. To get accurate one must query the user's lastLogon attribute but, since this attribute is not replicated across the Domain, one must query all Domain Controllers to get the latest logon from the user.
For more information on this topic, please check this excellent TechNet Article: Understanding the AD Account attributes - LastLogon, LastLogonTimeStamp and LastLogonDate.
$dateLimit = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddYears(-1).ToFileTimeUtc()
$AllDCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
$logons = #{}
$params = #{
LDAPFilter = -join #(
"(&" # AND, all conditions must be met
"(!samAccountName=krbtgt)" # exclude krbtgt from this query
"(!samAccountName=Guest)" # exclude Guest from this query
"(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)" # object is Disabled
"(lastLogon<=$dateLimit)" # lastLogon is below the limit
")" # close AND clause
Properties = 'lastLogon'
foreach($DC in $AllDCs) {
$params['Server'] = $DC
foreach($user in Get-ADUser #params) {
# this condition is always met on first loop iteration due to ldap filtering condition
if($logons[$user.samAccountName].LastLogon -lt $user.LastLogon) {
$logons[$user.samAccountName] = $user
$logons.Values | ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Name
SamAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
DistinguishedName = $_.DistinguishedName
lastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUtc($_.lastLogon).ToString('u')
} | Export-CSV "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\InactiveUsers.CSV" -NoTypeInformation

How come my condition determining if a user is in a group always returns as false?

I'm writing a script that requires detecting if the executing user account is a domain admin. I do this by getting the current user and checking if they are in the Domain Admins security group.
#Get current user
$CurrentUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name | Out-String
$CurrentUser = $CurrentUser -replace 'DOMAIN\\'
#Get list of Domain Admins members
$DomainAdmins = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty SamAccountName | Out-String
#Relevant condition
If ($DomainAdmins -like ($CurrentUser)) {
Write-Output "You're a domain admin." #example
Else {
Write-Output "You're not a domain admin."
Without fail, this script always runs the Else code when run from our domain controller using a domain administrator account.
I have also tried using -contains and .contains() with the exact same results. I've verified that the $CurrentUser value represents the current user accurately and that $DomainAdmins lists out the expected list of users.
I can also do this:
if ($DomainAdmins -contains ("USERNAME")) {Write-host "true"}
Where USERNAME is the current user typed out directly (case-correct or not) and it correctly returns true when that user is a member of the group.
Try with this:
$userSID = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
$DomainAdmins = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recursive
Write-Output "You're a domain admin."
# OR
if($userSID -in $DomainAdmins.SID)
Write-Output "You're a domain admin."
# OR
if($DomainAdmins.SID -contains $userSID)
Write-Output "You're a domain admin."
The Out-String on Get-ADGroupMember is converting your array into a string which is why you can't use it as comparison:
PS /> #(
) -contains 'one'
PS /> (#(
) | Out-String) -contains 'one'
An alternative, instead of using Get-ADGroupMember:
$userSID = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
$domainAdminsDN = (Get-ADGroup -Identity "Domain Admins").DistinguishedName
$recursiveMembers = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$domainAdminsDN)"
Write-Output "You're a domain admin."
My preferred way to do this is by checking the MemberOf property of the user. It works a little better to keep them as AD objects when you have multiple domains or other oddities:
# check if DA
$DAdn = (Get-ADGroup 'Domain Admins').distinguishedname
If ( Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(SamAccountName=$Env:USERNAME)(MemberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$DAdn))" ) {
Write-Output "You're a domain admin." #example
Your $DomainAdmins variable is a single string with the members instead of a list object. Using ... | Select -ExpandProperty SamAccountName is enough to get your list without Out-String.
-contains Looks for exact matches in collections, not for substrings.
You have to either remove Out-String from $DomainAdmins, to make it a list and make sure that the name matches entirely, or use .Contains(...) to look for a substring inside the $DomainAdmins string

Powershell QADUser Password Expiry

Hi I have the below script which emails users who's passwords are due to expire in $daysleftonpwd, but not sure how to add in an "only if user has password set to expire" meaning I don't want to email users who's password is set to next expire.
Get-QADGroupMember -Identity TEAM_GROUP | % {
$name = $_.Name
$email = $_.Email
$daysleftonpwd = ((Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot $OU -Identity $_.SamAccountName | select PasswordExpires).PasswordExpires - $date | select Days).Days
if (((Get-QADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName | select PasswordExpires).PasswordExpires - $date).Days -lt $threshold){
Write-Host "$Name would be emailed using $email because password is less than $threshold"
$y = $y + "<br>$name</br>"
Any ideas?
One of the fields that Get-QADUser returns is PasswordNeverExpires:
PS C:\> ( Get-QADUser regularuser ).PasswordNeverExpires
PS C:\> ( Get-QADUser specialuser ).PasswordNeverExpires
Should be easy enough to use that in your scripts to test. There's other ways to check it directly (you have to look at both UserAccountControl -- AND msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed --, but that's a bit uglier...

Writing a mailbox property to a Variable or text box

I am writing a basic GUI that makes it easier for staff to find current mailbox/calendar rights. Essentially they type the name of the mail box and the user who's permissions they wish to check, and it writes what the permissions are
I have tried two ways and both ran into problems. The first:
$Property = get-mailboxpermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | Format-List AccessRights if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {FullAccess}")
Results with the output:
(I have also get the same when simply inputting the get-mailbox command to the append text)
I have also tried instead to convert the access rights property to a variable, then writing that to the text box using if conditions as below code, but that doesn't play nice either
$Property = get-mailboxpermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | format-list AccessRights
if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {FullAccess}")
{$PermissionText.AppendText("Full Access")}
if($Property -eq "AccessRights : {ReadAccess}")
{$PermissionText.AppendText("Read Only")}
Output: Nothing whatsoever
in short, I need a way of either outputting just the permissions to the text box, or, making the variable equal something useable
Try this:
$Property = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | ? {$_.AccessRights -eq "FullAccess"}
Thankyou #Avshalom i figured it from your idea:
$Property = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $User | ? {$_.AccessRights}

Powershell - Adding users to AD group from a CSV file

I know this has been done to death but im useing this as a learning experience with powershell. Could someone take a look at my code and tell me where i am going wrong? Noob code warning!
# Add User to an AD Group
# get arguements and quit if they dont exist
$CSV = $args[0]
$GROUP = $args[1]
if (! $CSV) {
Write-Host "Please format this command as 'AddUsersToGroup <csv file> <AD group>'"
Write-Host "CSV file must have the header 'UserName' with AD usernames following"
# Read csv file for users and add to AD group
Import-module ActiveDirectory
Import-CSV "$CSV" | % {
# Get existing users from AD group
$ExistingGroup = "Get-ADGroupMember $GROUP | Select-Object SamAccountName"
# create new array removing existing users from the csv
$NewGroup = $ExistingGroup | where {$CSV -notcontains $_}
# add the users to the AD Group from the new array
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $NewGroup -Member $_.UserName
try delete double quote here:
$ExistingGroup = Get-ADGroupMember $GROUP | Select-Object SamAccountName
with quote you're assign a string value to variable not the results of your commands