Managing multiple code branches and deliveries [closed] - version-control

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I work for a small one-product one-customer company that is transitioning to a one-product, multiple-customer company. Even though we've had just one customer, we've had different projects with different delivery dates, but for each project we've been able to deliver the latest monthly release which we've kept in a separate code branch in case we've had to deliver bug fixes for that specific release.
Recently, we've acquired a number of new customers and a new problem has arisen: The head branch will typically solve (without breaking functionality) many different customer specific problems, and not all customers want all the changes, but would rather prefer to cherry-pick fixes and features.
Do you have any experience with that situation, and how to handle it practically without being overloaded by testing and work (our monthly release tests take about 3 days of computer time)? And version control wise, how do you manage (I guess cvs will finally have to go...)?

The most simple solution is to cut the product into a core product and each feature into a plug-in. That way, every customer can cherry pick the features they want. But even this solution can quickly overwhelm a small company.
In reality, you usually are in a worse situation: You have a new feature which helps customer A and breaks something for customer B (say, customer B is not ready to modify their database and the new feature doesn't work without the change, so this in fact makes the new version unusable for customer B). If you were big, you could simply ignore customer B.
As it stands, you really need to find a way to convince your customers to move on. The most simple way is money: Tell them how much it will cost them to get a tailor made product and how much all them will save if you can find a solution that suits everyone. Invite your customers over, build a list of changes together and have everyone agree on the plan.
Also, you really must have automatic unit tests, so you can be 100% sure that the product which leaves the house today can't possible be worse than what you sold four weeks ago.
Even with the best version control system out there (for me, that would be git), you can't solve the fan-out you get if you can't get everyone pull into the same direction (except, of course, you can really split each customer into a plug-in).

We have a similar setup of one (fairly specialist) product and multiple (but only the order of hundreds) customers who all want their own pet feature.
As far as I can see you can either go down the 'off-the-shelf' route where your product is non-customer specific, and any features you add are for the good of the product (possibly at customers' request); or you go down the bespoke, consultancy route where every customer has their own unique version of the product.
If your customers all require basically the same product then you should go down the first route and that means all features go to all customers.
Hiding features is easy, maintaining multiple concurrent versions is a nightmare!
A solution which could work if your customers demand to cherry pick their features is to maintain branches for each of them and then very carefully copy relevant changes from your head branch.
This means that your commits need to be as atomic as possible - only fix exactly one issue - and that no changes should go directly into customer branches. But that approach is still very dangerous.

Its possible to use CVS in this situation (altough I would recommend you take a look at other options like SVN).
I worked on some similar projects. and what we did was having a Commom branch, for core features of the system and a "Customer" branch for each variation of the product, this way you can implement specific features and bugfixes of each client and still use the same changes in "commom" to all variations of the product.
This approach takes a lot of configuration management effort though (merging and building), so you might want to have a specific person to handle theses tasks.
Additionaly, you should (if don´t already) have a bug tracker system, in which you should document the client/branch you are working on.

Only support the head/main trunk, unless there is a branch that has a bug fix/feature that is not present in the main line.
I know you said some customers do not want that, but I have seen the end result of the many branch support. You do not want that. It is a nightmare and will cripple your development, product and test teams.
Don't do it.
Be firm.


Can a software upgrade ever be non-incremental?

Normally all our upgrades, feature or bug-fix, are incremental. This seems obvious because even to develop a bug-fix we take the latest code-base of our product. However, this leads to a requirement that our customers have to update the software to the latest version even to get a bug-fix, they get the features as well as bug-fixes.
Recently, customers are telling us that they want the ability to get bug-fix patches without having to use new feature enhancements. Basically they want the bug to be fixed but they don't want new features. This is a dilemma for us. This is possible if the bug-fix changes a different set of binaries than the features. However, many times the features and bug-fixes are in the same binaries.
Is it even possible to create an upgrade that can be applied on any software version independently? Do others do this? Are Microsoft or Office KB patches ever non-incremental? Any guidance or links to relevant articles are highly appreciated. Thank you.
What the customer wants is normal but that does not mean that this is an easy problem.
What you describe is at the heart of configuration management. SCM is not just using a tool like git, it is using such a tool to solve the needs present. There is no silver bullet, to meet configuration requests take a lot of work and preparation of your code. I see that you have not tagged this as configuration management; this is exactly what you need to research if you have not.
Back to your specific request: The customer wants to be able to release bug fixes without the features you are continually working on. For the purposes of this answer I will assume your business model is that you offer a product which is a living thing and that several customers 'subscribe' to.
Branching strategy based on customer
Customer X, Y, and Z all gets different branches. Along with a developing branch from which you can pull features/bug fixes to the customers that want them.
This solution I would say is often very challenging (SCM generally is), you have to deal with diverging codebases and the developers have to be very aware of your work-flow.
Release branches
Having a branch for every released version which you can patch with bug fixes while not bringing in the new features is what I suggest. You're question is a bit unclear what you mean by incremental, if this somehow refer to the distribution of the patches itself then that is another matter and this answer will be less useful.
You deliver new features to the customer which do not want them but they are hidden behind logic in your application. This can be hard to combine with what you describe as 'complete revamp'. This can also have other advantages as it makes it easy to perform A-B testing.
It places requirements on your architecture and also discipline when it comes to what to allow, too many feature flags for every little thing and it can get un-maintainable.
Have a strategy
You need to plan for this or you can not satisfy your customers needs. And it may be very well that if you have customers who wants the wrong things you have to negotiate. But providing bug-fixes without new features I think is the minimum
The books I read on this is old, but here is one i remember anyway: Wayne A Babich: Software Configuration Management - Coordination for Team Productivity
Release Strategies on the Rene Moser blog may be helpful.
The LTS (Long Time Supported Versions) section seems applicable to your concerns.
Regarding your questions:
Is it even possible to create an upgrade that can be applied on any
software version independently? - Sure, but it takes extra time, effort and money (usually).
Do others do this? - Yes.
Are Microsoft or Office KB patches ever non-incremental? - Yes, for major releases; but not KB patches.
A follow up question: is it worthwhile to do the extra work to facilitate non-incremental software releases for your software users?
The answer to this questions depends on your customer base, which may require a long meeting with the software developers and those in Marketing. If the customers wanting non-incremental releases are significant in terms of their numbers and revenue, then the extra work is probably necessary to keep those customers.

Looking for a version control system that supports standard development and customer specific development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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At our company we've built a data integration tool that we have sold to several customers. Most of the customers have distinct requirements. We implemented these customer-specific extensions by using a self-made mechanism based on inheritance (so every installation knows which classes to load and which not). But all this customer-specific code is still in the same codebase as the standard code.
Now, this is no longer possible for several reasons (codebase getting ugly and large, clashing requirements, etc.)
For this reason we have decided to separate the codebases: one for the standard product, and several customer-specific codebases.
I am now trying to find a version control system that supports this approach. Here's my wishlist:
support for several "standard" codebases for different releases
1.0 release
1.1 release
2.0 beta/development
support for multiple "customer" codebases
ability to create a customer codebase by cloning a standard codebase
ability to change standard code in a customer codebase
ability to update a customer codebase with a new standard release (and somehow marking the conflicts that come from changed standard code in the customer codebase)
As our team is still very small (~4 programmers), it should also be easy to handle by the developers themselves.
Btw, our software is built using Spring with STS (so, an Eclipse plugin would be great too).
All VCS that I have researched so far seem to have that target of building one piece of software - not several. I am hoping for some suggestions or best-practice approches.
Simply get git, go for pull request process and take advantage of some GUI, supporting this workflow.
Are releases much different form custom development?
To clarify, what is the situation you are facing: "standard" development comes in versions, they might live independent for maintenance, you may need to get some fixes from new versions to be incorporated in older releases, you need a way to solve hotfixes.
All these things are well solved by distributed version control systems like git, hg or others. I have started with hg, but later found, git is used more often and in standard installation offers all what is need (what is not a case for some hg features).
Regarding custom development - in fact, they do not differ conceptually much from standard versions - you just need another modification of your program being identified under unique name, which will eventually denote, these are custom things.
Branching or pull request process?
Now how to approach different "swim-lines" for different versions and custom developments?
Branching workflow models
Obvious answer is "branching". There is a lot of tutorials on various branching models and they shall be solving your problem.
However, branching is not trivial either and you may find long disputes on what style is the best one.
Topical repos and pull request workflow
Fortunately, there are even simpler solutions - Pieter Hintjens article about "Branching considered harmful" provides simpler model, using topical repositories and pull request process. This is how many projects on GitHub and BitBucket are managed and I found this really the most effective solution with minimal risks.
Final recommendations
For pull request working process, it is handy to have some GUI, which supports related communication - and apart form GitHub and BitBucket, there are solutions on the market (incl. some open source solutions).
Prepare yourself for long run - starting with linked article by Pieter Hintjens may make your run a bit shorter, next step could be playing with a project on BitBucket or so, then design "the final" system (which will anyway evolve during time, but git repos are well suited to keep with the changes).

Release timetables in Agile Environments [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are currently utilising an agile environment in work. One of my tasks involve setting up a release timetable. A part of this is providing a time frame of how long a project would take to go from a development environment, to staging and then live.
I have conflicting thoughts regarding whether such a timetable needs to be done.
For a start, we are quickly moving into a Continuous Integration / Constant Delivery environment where an application is tested amongst all environments when a change is made to the code base. Therefore, there is no time frame, but things should be "just" deployable. (Well, we always need a little bit of contingency as the best laid plans can always go awry)
Can anyone steer my in the right direction on what would be the best way to handle such time tables and timeframes if needed in Release Management in an Agile Product Development Environment.
Can anyone steer my in the right direction on what would be the best way to handle such time tables and timeframes if needed in Release Management in an Agile Product Development Environment.
First of all the Scrum Framework guidelines never guides you to not have a Release Plan or Time table ever. What is leading you to have conflicting thoughts? I would like to know the source which is leading you to this conflict.
Best way to create a Release Plan is like this (this may take a week or so depending on the size of your project):
Get the Stakeholders in a room and get a EPIC user story written on the board using their guidance. The EPIC user story should include the end product vision. (ignore if already done)
List out the type of users.(ignore if already done)
Break the Epic user story into smaller and smaller chunks of user stories till they are small enough to be doable in sprints.(ignore if already done)
Ask the Product Owner(s) of the Scrum Team(s) to prioritize the stories in the uncommitted backlog list(s) Also do some form of effort estimation fairly quickly and do not waste a lot of time estimating.
Get the target end date or Go Live date of the project from Stakeholders.
Divide the time frame from now until the end date into Releases. Ask the stakeholders which features need to be delivered by when and include the appropriate user stories in them, and call them Releases. You can also give those Releases themes if needed.
The Release Plan now is conceptualized.
After this draw it on a white board or put it in a visible and transparent location where everyone can see it - add user story cards to the appropriate release.
Now your initial release plan should be ready
Ideas for implementation:
Form a Scrum Team specifically for Operations Activities. They could follow Scrum or Kanban would be better.
As and when Development teams get "shippable products" put in the shelf, the Operations Kanaban Team can do the deployment and release branching etc tasks as per the Release Plan.
So this way the development Teams don't really focus on the Release plan or work, just the Operations Team does that. The Development Team just focussed on the Sprint Work, it would be the Product Owners headache to make sure the right user stories are in the right Release and in the right order. The direction would be given by the Stakeholders.
To be honest you really don't have to do anything yourself, it's all in the stakeholders and POs hand, I don't know where is is the fuss??
I hope you get the picture.
I usually maintain a release plan for the management that is mainly based on a combination of the estimated & prioritized user stories (I group them to match a main new feature of the product) and velocity.
With a well maintained product backlog it's pretty easy to do your release plan. I usually plan three to four releases a year.
What I like with Scrum is that I can potentially release after each iterations.
If you want to master your release management, you will need more information that few answers of practionners. I highly suggest you this book.
If you currently utilising and agile environment you should check Agile estimating and Planning book for some suggestions. This book also contains small chapter about Release planning.
Some release planning should be always done. Release is a target wich usually covers 3-12 months of development = set of iterations. It something which describes target criteria for project to success. It is usually described as combination of expected features and some date. Features in this case are usually not directly user stories but epics or whole themes because you don't know all user stories several months ahead. Personally, I think release is something that says when the project based on vision can be delivered. It takes high level expectations and constraints from the vision and converts them to some estimation. You can also divide project to several releases.
But remember that three forces works in agile as well. There is direct relation among Feature set, Release date and Resources (+ sometimes also mentioned fourth force: Quality). Pushing one of these forces always move others. It is usually modelled as equilateral triangle (or square).
There are different approaches to plan a release. One is mentioned in the book. It is based on user stories estimation, iteration length selection and velocity estimation but I'm little bit sceptic to this approach because you don't have simple user stories for whole release and estimating epics and themes is inaccurate. On the other hand high level feature definition is exactly what you need for three forces. If you don't have enough time you will implement only basic features from all themes. If you have more time you will implement more advanced features. This is task for product owner to correctly set business priority when dividing epics and themes into small user stories.
The most important part in agile is that you will know more quite soon. After each iteration you will have better knowledge of your velocity and you will also reestimate some planned user stories. For this reason I think the real estimate (accurate) and realease date should be planned after few iterations. As I was told on one training effort should not be estimated, effort should be measured. If anybody complains about it show him Waterfall and ask him when will he get relatively accurate estimate? Hint: Hardly before end of analysis wich should be say after 30% of the project.
It is also important what type of projects do you want to implement using agile / scrum and how long will project be. Some projects are strictly budget or date driven others can be more feature driven. This can affect your release planning. For short projects you usually have small user stories and you can provide much more accurate estimate at the beginning.
This is a very loaded question, and depends on your company to be sure. I first have to ask, why are you using 3 environments and continuous integration (your reason matters)? Are you performing automated tests at all? How are your code branches setup? Do you release for some functionality, or just routine maintenance fixes?
Answering these will give you an idea of why you need a release, and how you should go about it.
For example, if you only have a staging environment for the purpose of integration and perform automated tests, then can't having a separate code branch in which continuous integration tests run be sufficient?
If staging is to perform some sort of user acceptance, does your company have a dedicated testing team or are they members of the agile teams?
As you correctly stated, if the code is always integrated and tested, then why would you need a timetable and moving from environment to environment unless you were unsure about the actual "done" condition of the features? By that, I mean that it's not that you're unsure that the feature was coded correctly, but are you worried it will introduce other bugs? Will it integrate well with code already in production? Address the concerns at the root of the problem. Don't just do it because you think you're supposed to have X environments or testing should be in another group. Maybe the solutions to those problems may be to adjust the definition of "done" accordingly.
As you can see there are many, many factors that will make your organization unique. There is no one right way to answer this, just tradeoffs that you are willing to accept.
I find that having multiple environments with teams of people working at the various layers tends to be anti-agile and counterproductive. The best bet is to analyze your concerns, and try to find ways to solve them (such as expanding the definition of "done", or breaking up the various organizations and putting them on the teams, eliminating as many environments as possible and simplifying the process, etc). That may not be possible in your organization, so you may have to live with tradeoffs.

source control when starting up a new project [closed]

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when starting with a project and using source control i find it hard to separate the things people are working on so they don't either write duplicate code or think it should be named one thing and so on.
this problem diminishes over time because the general foundation is in place and it's easier to separate the tasks so they don't overlap as much
how do you manage working with source control in the beginning phase?
I can see that it don't really have anything to do with source control, but it gets more apparent when you have source control too. so the question becomes more along the lines of "how do you manage to separate the tasks so they don't overlap too much. I think it's really hard and i haven't really seen much about how to do it.
Well, as far as source control goes, somebody needs to take the lead and set up the basic structure of the project, directories, etc. and communicate it to the team. On projects I work on, this is usually an architect or senior developer, someone who knows the best practices for project organization for the team/company.
With respect to avoiding having multiple people working on the same tasks, that's a project management function; someone needs to determine what tasks need to be done, and communicate it to the team. If you are working in an agile/scrum environment, the team may divide and hand out work items amongst themselves, but in either case you need to communicate to avoid doing the same work twice.
To address the issue of multiple people working on the same task, I tend to work on smaller teams, 2-6 people; in this environment, I have had a lot of success with a scrum-influenced approach using the Crystal Clear methodology:
Architect(s)/designer(s) come up with high level design
Architect(s)/designer(s) define iterations/deliveries, the first of which is a "project skeleton" which consists of architectural and back-end components and a thin slice of the app
Lead person breaks up features into 1-3 day tasks/units of work (estimated)
Team meets and discusses priority, timing and dependencies of tasks, and divides up the first set of tasks
The team has brief daily meetings to discuss status/priorities and dependencies, and change direction if necessary
With larger projects/teams, you will almost certainly need someone whose main job is dedicated to tracking status, dependencies and conflicts.
I don't think source control has much to do with the problem of coordinating people's efforts (except that it can catch some "conflicts" when people erroneously try to modify the same files in different ways -- but, that's not as good as preventing conflicts, and even just "preventing conflicts" does not per se ensure that everybody is working on what they should ideally be working right now, in terms of priorities). Coordination is properly managed with practices (and perhaps tools, e.g. Pivotal Tracker -- but, using the right practices is even more important than using nice tools!-) that specifically focus on ensuring coordination. For example, the practices that Tracker is designed to support and enhance, such as story-based iterative planning, and other compatible ones, such as stand-ups, offer ways to meet these needs.
You must be having a base version that everyone is using, check that into the repository, and then make incremental changes to the repository, make sure that everyone works on different part of the code, commit every working change, and resolve conflicts as and when they occur. That is how I would do it.

How important is version control integration with your bug tracking software [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Currently we use FogBugz for tracking issues and found it to be ok. I'm looking for something else that can allow end users the ability to track their cases along with us. And something that actually works well with email. I've found a few alternatives that support those features but they don't integrate with version control. We've got all the SVN hooks in fog bugz and we use them - but I haven't really found them all that useful. Has anyone found a really good reason to need version control integration with the bug trackers?
Clearly, this kind of integration is not something that is essential to the operation of the software. With a bit of discipline every check-in can be accompanied with a bug number manually, and every bug resolution can manually have a version control tag added to it.
All else being equal however, I personally will always prefer automation over 'discipline of the users', because the latter will always sooner or later let you down from time to time. Not because the users are malicious or incompetent, but simply because people cannot be 100% alert all of the time.
I find the integration of SVN with TRAC very helpful. Through SVN hooks, commits to the repository with a ticket number insert a comment on the ticket with a link to a nice visual HTML representation of the revision number, showing inserts, deletes, and diffs.
As a supervisor over a small team of programmers, I find this as a helpful tool for me to do code reviews, so I can verify that the commit truly addresses the associated issue. I wouldn't exactly call this integration essential, but it was a nice free extra on my issue tracker that I've grown to love.
It is absolutely critical for us.
Here is a typical commit log for one of our projects (sample):
Make sure filedes is cleared in child list prior to reallocating
When p->child-filedes is > 0, the child list is active and can not
be collected.
[ Impact: Closes bug 123457 ]
Note the [ Impact: ] line, which could also be "Relates-To", "Caused" or any number of other things.
This lets us use simple greps and automated scripts allowing the person committing to automatically close, or even re-open a bug.
Though we typically use Git and Mercurial, these sort of hooks would work on (almost) any VCS, especially proprietary ones that do not feature some modular plug-in that you need.
If you think of your bug system as just another part of your VCS, its really easy to see how they depend upon each-other.
Other stuff, such as fetching patches submitted with bugs is possible, too.
It is a question about your code size, and how many bugs you need to track.
And it is also really useful for non coders in the organisation i.e. managers and customer support. They can find answers to questions like "When and where was this bug fixed"...
I think it's helpful to distinguish between bugs found internal to the development organization, e.g. from peer code review, versus bugs found by a test group that is external to the development organization.
The (small) benefit to coordinating version control with bugs found by an external test group would be for historical reference.
The larger benefit is in coordinating bugs found via peer code review with version control -- by doing so you can certify that all code is peer review bug free before releasing it to external test groups; a common requirement.
FYI, Code Collaborator from SmartBear, Inc. handles this nicely.
I have found version control integration to be extremely helpful in maintaining and managing multiple versions (stable, development trunk, etc.) of a project.
Using the version control integration and a bit of discipline from coders to reference bug tickets in commits (or some pre-commit hooks to forcibly require ticket references) has allowed us to quickly and easily generate lists of changesets that are required to fix any given bug. This is instrumental when merging the fixes into various stable branches of the code.
It's not a necessity, but it certainly makes life easier for release management.
I've used SVN + Trac and Atlassian's Jira product with Fisheye SVN plugin and have found both tools to be very good. Trac seems to be a bit simpler, but very easy to use. Jira, in my opinion, had a nicer look and feel and quite a few more bells and whistles, but was almost too much at times.