How resize sub views along with super views - iphone

I want to resize super view in different orientations with subviews.
I have an image view and I am adding different subviews in this image with layering.
Please tell me how can I resize all parts of image on different orientation.

if you have an image inside an uiview for example, if you rotate the uiview the content inside will change with it.
same for resizing.
i do my resizing manually when the orientation changes ( i use an observer to listen for changes on the orientation, and manually change my size using CGAffineTransform )


iOS Uniform scale subviews with superview

I have an app that allows a user to drag views onto the screen in multiple orientations. So lets say i'm in portrait mode and my superview is 768x1024. Lets say I drag 10 different items onto that superview. These items are scaled, rotated, etc. Then I rotate the device and my superview shrinks down to 576x768. How do I get all of my subviews to maintain their position and transform relative to the new smaller size? So in essence my superview and all of its subviews should look exactly as they did while in portrait, except everything has been scaled down.
And also, what if im in landscape and everything is "shrunk" down and then I drag another view on and shrink it down to fit well. I would need that new view to scale up in proper place and size when the device is rotated back into portrait
The easiest thing to do here is to use the transform property of your view. In this case, you'd prevent the view from auto-resizing on rotation, and use something like your view controller's willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: method to set a transform on your superview. You can create a transform with CGAffineTransformMakeScale that will scale up or down all of your content; you'll probably want one for landscape and just use a nil transform for portrait (or vice-versa).
This will complicate dragging new views into your superview, since it's transformed, but once you've got views in there, they should behave correctly when resizing. For new views, you'll have to compute (perhaps using convertRect:fromView: method of UIView) what a rect will be once you add a new subview.
You can also override your view's layoutSubviews() directly and assign your subview's transforms based on your view's dimension. This way, you can still get the benefits of using Auto Layout with your view and potentially other sibling UI items, while you customize subview's frames and/or transforms manually without Auto Layout.

how to drag an uiimage from scrollview to another uiimageview in iphone sdk

In My Application,i am having one scrollVIew containing multiple images.
and out of the scrollview i have one uiimageview.
i want to Drag any image from ScrollView and drop it on uiimageview which is out of the scrollview.
is it possible?
help And suggestions are appreciated
Thanks in advance.
gamozzii's reply is close to what you need to do, but there's one problem. An UIScrollView will eat touches, so tapping on an image will have no effect.
As a result you will have to subclass the UIScrollView
I have written a small functional app to illustrate dragging the image from a scroll view into an image view. You can download the project here.
Yes this should be possible, you will need to implement the touch/drag events directly.
Check out the touchesBegan, touchesMoved etc. delegate methods in UIResponder.
One approach would be to subclass imageview and implement touchesBegan, touchesMoved in it, and use this imageview subclass to display your images in the scroll view.
On the touchesBegan create a new image view and add it to the outer view and set its image to be the same as the one in the scroll view. You need to overlay it directly over your source image in the scroll view so adjust its frame origin to be relative to the outer view you will need to use the scrollview origin and also the content view size and offset of the source image view inside the content view in order to recalculate the new origin in the outer view.
Then on the touches moved, simply readjust the frame of this image in accordance with the coordinates from the touches moved so that the image follows the touch.
Do a boundary check against the frame of your target imageview - once the user drags it into this boundary, make that target imageviews image the same as the image in the view being dragged and remove the dragged image from the containing view and release it.
In case you're still interested in another solution (and for other users of course):
I did implement that behaviour before just like gamozzii recommended.
I set canCancelContentTouches = NO on the UIScrollView to make sure the subviews handle there touches on their own. If a subview (in your case an image) was touched, i moved the view out of the scrollview onto the superview and started tracking it's dragging. (You have to calculate the correct coordinates within the new superview, so it stays in place). After dragging finishes, i checked if the target area was reached, otherwise I moved it back into the scrollview.
The subviews are handling the dragging on there own via (touchesBegan:/Moved:/Ended:/Cancelled:).
If that's not detailed enough, here's my example code: Github: JDDroppableView

How to rotate a UIImageView?

It's quite frustrating not to be able to do such a simple task: I have an "app" with a single viewcontroller, and in it a single UIImageView, that's initialized to a specific image at potrtait mode.
Now when the iPhone gets roteated to landscape mode and the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation event fires, at which I return YES, my resulting UIImageView looks totally screwed up: either the image is stretched so to fill landscape mode frame (which looks ridiculuous of course) or the top and bottom of the image are cropped.
How can I have my UIImageview and the contained image handle the device rotation gracefully, and display normal looking image at landscape mode as well?
Set the image view's parent UIView autoresizesSubviews to YES.
Also set the autoresizingMask of the image view to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight
you also want to look into your UIImageView's contentMode. aspectFill and aspectFit behave very differently.
You can always subclass UIView and override the layoutSubviews method to manually lay out your subviews. The transition to landscape will still be animated, and you can do whatever you want with the subviews.

How to resize UIScrollView on rotation?

For my project I've created an UIScrollView with an UIImage inside. The Scroll View is as big as the window frame (tab bar application). What I want is to resize the UIScrollView again when the user rotates the device. How can I do that?
You could just set the autoresizing mask either in Interface Builder, or through code, depending on which way you created the UIScrollView in the first place.

iPhone - strange issue with UIScrollView and touches

I have two UIImageView objects inside my view (both 320x480 one above the other). The lower image view is inside a UIScrollView with scrolling and zooming enabled. Now I want to handle touches inside the other image view but it no longer detects any single taps.
I can understand that the UIScrollView handles all the touches which I do on it. But the touches on the image view above the scroll view are also not recognized.
Attached is an image with my view hierarchy. Can someone please tell me why the other image view's touches are also handled by the scrollview when it isn't a subview of scroll view?
And if the scrollview is bent on handling touches, how do I recognize touches on the other image view?
By default UIImageViews have userInteractionEnabled=NO;
Try setting it to YES (either in IB or in code).
I'm not sure, it might be that you need to set the frame size and/or content size of the scroll view properly. This page has a diagram of what I'm talking about.