How to rotate a UIImageView? - iphone

It's quite frustrating not to be able to do such a simple task: I have an "app" with a single viewcontroller, and in it a single UIImageView, that's initialized to a specific image at potrtait mode.
Now when the iPhone gets roteated to landscape mode and the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation event fires, at which I return YES, my resulting UIImageView looks totally screwed up: either the image is stretched so to fill landscape mode frame (which looks ridiculuous of course) or the top and bottom of the image are cropped.
How can I have my UIImageview and the contained image handle the device rotation gracefully, and display normal looking image at landscape mode as well?

Set the image view's parent UIView autoresizesSubviews to YES.
Also set the autoresizingMask of the image view to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight

you also want to look into your UIImageView's contentMode. aspectFill and aspectFit behave very differently.

You can always subclass UIView and override the layoutSubviews method to manually lay out your subviews. The transition to landscape will still be animated, and you can do whatever you want with the subviews.


When do autoresizing masks take effect in iOS?

I have a nib that I originally created for an iPhone app with dimensions 320x480 and with autoresizing masks set up to expand the view in every direction should its superview be large.
I am now making my app universal, and am using the same nib and showing it in a page sheet on the iPad.
My problem is that I make some calculations based on the frame size, which is still showing 320x480. But in other methods, the frame size is showing correctly as the size of the page sheet.
Question: When do the autoresizing masks take effect so I can make my calculations at the correct time?
The autoresizingMask property takes effect when the frame of it's superview changes. The superview property resizesSubviews must be YES. When you load your NIB, the superview's frame is set as in the NIB. You can set this to whatever you want while initializing.
It has been a long time since I've done something with development for the iOS, but I remember it mattered when rotating views when the device's rotation changes. So when you setup a view controller that will enable all device orientations, it will set the frame of it's view. That view will at his turn set all the subviews' frames. It'll look at the autoresizing mask to check how it has to alter the frame.
I'm not sure about this, but I thought it was something like this. Test it and let us know!

UIScrollView + UITextView resizing causes textView to scroll one line

I have a UITextView with isScrollEnabled set to FALSE. I then add it as a subview of UIScrollView. I then set the content size UIScrollView based on the size of the textView. You might wonder why I am doing this. But there is a need that it be done in this way alone. There is also a UIWebView that I add below the UITextView. I have to resize everything in textViewDidChange delegate method. Everything works fine as long as I don't rotate the view. When the device orientation changes to landscape. The first line of my UITextView scroll up and goes out of view. It never comes back on rotating over and over. My webView also behaves weirdly after rotation. It enlarges the font and messes it up. How can I avoid both these problems. Both UITextView and UIWebView are class variables that I create programmatically in viewDidLoad method of my viewController.
You should have 2 frames for each of these object and set them according to the rotation of the device.
In the device rotation delegate use an if:
- if landscape: set Landscape frames
- if portrait: set portrait frames
Hope this help

Rotating the uiview without IB

In my app all my controls are created in code. I have not used IB for controls. now i want to rotate the view to landscape mode. I know I have to use the shouldAutorotate method for this purpose.
But since I have not used IB, how can I resize the controls when they are in landscape mode? How can I position them correctly using code only?
In most cases you can get views to resize themselves appropriately just by setting their autoresizingMask property to some combination of:
For example, let's say you want a view's width to increase when you rotate it to landscape, you want it to maintain the same margins relative to the top, left, and right sides of the screen, and you want its height to remain the same. This means that out of the six attributes above, only the width and bottom margin should be flexible. The other four attributes are fixed. So you would do:
yourView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoResizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin;
In those rare cases when you can't get the views to behave appropriately using their autoresizingMask property, you can wrap them in a custom view and override that view's layoutSubviews method. This method gets called when the view's frame changes due to autorotation, so you can check [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation] and update the frames of your subviews manually.
You position them correctly using code the same way you likely positioned them in the original orientation, for example by setting their frame.
As for where in code to do this, check out the various orientation change methods of UIViewController that will be called when the device orientation changes. You could, for example, move/resize the controls in the view within willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:.

Why does my image in a UIView object go beyond the borders?

so I have a UIImageView in a UIView but when I run it in the iPhone Simulator, the image goes beyond the boundaries of the UIView. What's wrong...?
Have a look at the clipsToBounds property of UIView. If you set this to YES on your view the UIImageView shouldn't extend outside of that view any more.
You may also benefit from using the Content Mode property in which you can specify how the content is drawn to fit the view. You can set it to fill, fit-to-scale, etc.

How resize sub views along with super views

I want to resize super view in different orientations with subviews.
I have an image view and I am adding different subviews in this image with layering.
Please tell me how can I resize all parts of image on different orientation.
if you have an image inside an uiview for example, if you rotate the uiview the content inside will change with it.
same for resizing.
i do my resizing manually when the orientation changes ( i use an observer to listen for changes on the orientation, and manually change my size using CGAffineTransform )