How can a web page communicate with a local rich client application - sockets

I need to implement a process where users punch in a few details into a web page, and have this information fired as some
sort of an event to a Java rich client application (SWING) on the same host.
One idea was perhaps implementing an applet that would initiate socket communication with a listener implemented by the SWING
application, but not sure whether this is possible at all.
This sort of puzzling piece of integration is basically a given fact.
Essentially both the web application and the SWING one are already active and in use.
The only missing bit is sharing info between the two, in a way that would be easy to implement. no matter how dirty.
Any ideas?

Sounds a little confusing to the user if nothing else.
I would go one of two ways.
Have your rich client communicate over the network. And put whatever form you were going to have in the browser there.
Put your rich client into an applet.
Have both connect to a server somewhere (even locally), which your rich client can poll to see if the form has been filled in.


How to detect Facebook friend IP via chat using Fiddler

So, I have read that it is possible to trace the IP of a Facebook friend while talking to him on chat by using Fiddler and Firebug. Now, as far as I am know, Facebook uses HTTPS and all in all, I cannot seem to get anything precise from Fiddler.
May anyone be kind enough to explain if this is really possible and if so, how the process goes?
I dont have a direct answer to your question, but i can give you some guidelines:
If the chat is working as a peer-to-peer network (which i highly doubt) you can trace the incoming tcp/udp connection and search it for the message using a sniffing program (like wireshark) and from there fetch their IP.
If the chat is based on that every message goes through a server (which is probably based on SOMM. not that it matters. (Server Oriented Messaging Model)). now if it is that way there is virtually no way to figure out the IP because the servers are acting as a proxy and masking the original IP, however. if FB includes some sort of meta data (which they do for location for phones etc.) that might contain the sender IP and some other stuff like the mac address etc etc. now i'm not sure of that but its a good place to look.
If you want help with firebug and all those other html/http/browser development tools there are plenty of tutorials out there. If you already know how to use it you might want to check the resources that's loaded when a message is sent. From experience i can tell that when a comment is added to something a whole bunch of crap happens that append stuff to the current html document. but i have never ever seen some meta data through that. anyway it's a good place to start.

Control a raw socket from a web interface

I have an microprocessor which I can control through a raw tcp socket. I can control the device through a desktop application, but I now want to be able to control it via the web. I've done lots of reading but I'm struggling to find the best method to do this. So far it seems creating a socket server in a webserver such as Tomcat or Jetty is the best option. When the user clicks a button the command is then sent to the micro processor. Is this a viable approach or are there better methods?
It is important that the system is very responsive, in other words, when the user clicks a button on the web page, the microprocessor must receive it as soon possible.
imo...separate your concerns
first write the code that implements the behavior you want with the microprocessor in such a way it is generally useful, and then plug on whatever sort of controller you want, be it web page, junit test, command line interface, whatever.

Implement server-push with GWTP

I got a project using GWTP (which involves MVP separation, Gin and Dispatch), now I'm on the situation where it is required that changes on the server are pushed to specific clients
I've reading the gwt-comet and gwteventservice documentation, It seems the first doesn't work with RPC and the second Ecnapsulates RPC, for which I don't know how to fit it in my current command pattern from GWTP. Ideas?
I have been using gwt-comet ( It's a native comet implementation working pretty good like RPC, you can send Strings or your GWT-serialized objects as well. And the best thing you don't need to do many things to make it works.
i used "Server Push in GWT" described here - it seemed to work fairly well for a small project.
This is really a servlet problem, not a GWT or GWTP problem.
So there are a few approaches to doing this, the most stable (in my opinion) is to have a long or blocking poll servlet. This is basically a servlet that is polled by the client, and holds the connection open for some period of time if there is no message to 'push' to the client, and if too much time passes (this is to get around http timeouts) a heartbeat is returned of some kind. Either way, when the servlet request request returns, the client just makes another request. This is the most portable and stable way to my mind, since it uses only the core servlet api, doesn't suffer from network issues, and the blocking portion allows you to have the poll 'park' at the server for some period of time and reduces total request load, while allowing very quick return of new information to the client when there is some available.
The next way to achieve this is via WebSockets, this is great once you get it working and in my opinion is the way of the future without question. I think this is a good one to work with since this will be, in my opinion, a paradigm shift in web applications once it catches a head of steam, so we all need to be up to speed. Basically, you have a javascript 'socket' open via port 80 (this is one of the best features, since you don't have to open any firewall holes) and can communicate in two directions across that socket.
Comet can also work, but it will generally lock you down to one server type, which may be alright for your application. Caveat here!!!! I have only done very small tests with comet, it was flaky for me when I set it up, and was not as steady as the blocking poll solution as I had it set up.
Now the neatest one in my opinion, but this one is very limited due to network constraints probably to single domain intranet applications, is to use an applet based push. This setup (which could be done with udp or a straight socket, I did all web just to keep it all simpler conceptually) takes the applet, uses it to spin up a jetty server instance on the client, and the has the page publish the client's jetty 'endpoint' to the server. At this point, the client can contact the server using it's servlets, and the server can contact the client at the servlet(s) exposed on the jetty server. This is true push, it's neato, but there are network nightmares.
So of all the above, I use long polling, keep my eye on web sockets since they are the future in my mind, and really like the applet based version, although it's quite restricted in use due to the network resolution limitations.
Once you have this decided, from GWTP you would just have actions or JSNI bridge methods as needed to connect to your server and receive responses. I won't go into this, since this is really a core servlet/http/javascript question more than a GWT or GWTP centric question.
I hope that helps!

See what website the user is visiting in a browser independent way

I am trying to build an application that can inform a user about website specific information whenever they are visiting a website that is present in my database. This must be done in a browser independent way so the user will always see the information when visiting a website (no matter what browser or other tool he or she is using to visit the website).
My first (partially successful) approach was by looking at the data packets using the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class etc. Unfortunately I discoverd that this approach only works when the user has administrator rights. And of course, that is not what I want. My goal is that the user can install one relatively simple program that can be used right away.
After this I went looking for alternatives and found a lot about WinPcap and some of it's .NET wrappers (did I tell you I am programming c# .NET already?). But with WinPcap I found out that this must be installed on the user's pc and there is nog way to just reference some dll files and code away. I already looked at including WinPcap as a prerequisite in my installer but that is also to cumbersome.
Well, long story short. I want to know in my application what website my user is visiting at the moment it is happening. I think it must be done by looking at the data packets of the network but can't find a good solution for this. My application is build in C# .NET (4.0).
You could use Fiddler to monitor Internet traffic.
It is
a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
It's scriptable and can be readily used from .NET.
One simple idea: Instead of monitoring the traffic directly, what about installing a browser extension that sends you the current url of the page. Then you can check if that url is in your database and optionally show the user a message using the browser extension.
This is how extensions like Invisible Hand work... It scans the current page and sends relevant data back to the server for processing. If it finds anything, it uses the browser extension framework to communicate those results back to the user. (Using an alert, or a bar across the top of the window, etc.)
for a good start, wireshark will do what you want.
you can specify a filter to isolate and view http streams.
best part is wireshark is open source, and built opon another program api, winpcap which is open source.
I'm guessing this is what you want.
capture network data off the wire
view the tcp traffic of a computer, isolate and save(in part or in hole) http data.
store information about the http connections
number 1 there is easy, you can google for a winpcap tutorial, or just use some of their sample programs to capture the data.
I recomend you study up on the pcap file format, everything with winpcap uses this basic format and its structers.
now you have to learn how to take a tcp stream and turn it into a solid data stream without curoption, or disorginized parts. (sorry for the spelling)
again, a very good example can be found in the wireshark source code.
then with your data stream, you can simple read the http format, and html data, or what ever your dealing with.
Hope that helps
If the user is cooperating, you could have them set their browser(s) to use a proxy service you provide. This would intercept all web traffic, do whatever you want with it (look up in your database, notify the user, etc), and then pass it on to the original location. Run the proxy on the local system, or on a remote system if that fits your case better.
If the user is not cooperating, or you don't want to make them change their browser settings, you could use one of the packet sniffing solutions, such as fiddler.
A simple stright forward way is to change the comupter DNS to point to your application.
this will cause all DNS traffic to pass though your app which can be sniffed and then redirected to the real DNS server.
it will also save you the hussel of filtering out emule/torrent traffic as it normally work with pure IP address (which also might be a problem as it can be circumvented by using IP address to browse).
-How to change windows DNS Servers
-DNS resolver
Another simple way is to configure (programmaticly) the browsers proxy to pass through your server this will make your life easier but will be more obvious to users.
How to create a simple proxy in C#?

Ajax Push Engine

I'm researching methods to find ways for an event driven web application where a server can push data to the web page. Can I use APE ?? If so how can I use it and some resources please??
Thank You!!
People have been writing event driven servers since the dawn of the network. A simple google search will find your way.
However, since the client is a browser, your server must re-act upon keeping an HTTP connection open instead of simply doing socket work.
This is basically the only small difference than say an IRC server or a simple chat server.