IPhone development on a hacked IPhone - iphone

You knows that IPhone in other country like China mainland always be hacked when it buy from reseller. Can I develop custom app by official SDK on a hacked IPhone ?

Yes, you can use Xcode to develop and debug your app on a jailbroken iPhone. You don't even need to pay the $99 to do that.

As long as your iPhone is running firmware 2.0 or higher, you can use the official SDK to develop your applications and use the ldid tool to fake the code signature process. Then, your iPhone will be able to run the application just fine.

You can get the SDK from the Apple site, this does require using a Mac though.
You could use a Hackintosh or VMWare, but this isn't entirely legal.


Testing on iPhone Simulator w/o License

I have a few questions to ask. Currently, I'm self-learning iphone programming, and later maybe for mac. I just need to make sure my apps works accordingly.
So do I need a license to test on the iphone simulator? I don't need to test on a real device. I don't intend to put anything up on apps store in the near future.
If no, how do I bypass the code signing error (certs and all)?
If yes... nvm...
For mac, do I need a license to test and run apps on my personal Mac?
Thanks in advance for your help. :D
You can test on the simulator for free, if you register as an Apple developer and download the iPhone SDK. To do so, go here: http://developer.apple.com/programs/register/
You will not be able to test on a real device, but from your question, it looks like this is not an issue. Also, by registering as an Apple developer, you can download and use Xcode to write Mac applications as well.
If you do decide that you need to run the app on an iOS device (even your own) or publish to the App Store, you will have to sign up for the iOS Developer Program, which is $99/year.
It's confusing but the Xcode and the iPhone SDK are completely free. If you want to put your application on your phone or if you want to publish to the app store you will need to pay $100 for a license as compared to Android which is free.
You don't need a developer code sign cert to run apps on the emulator. When you build your app, if you choose to build for the emulator, XCode will sign the code with a self-signed certain, which the emulator will happily accept.
You need the developer cert only if you are going to deploy on a real device.
In addition to the device test limitation, you cannot download and try beta versions of the SDK unless you are a member of the paid program. You can download and install the current release and play with it all you want

iphone and ipad development

Can anyone explain how to start with iPhone and iPad development?
Dont you have to pay? or is it just pay when you release?
I dont see where to get the iPad SDK or anything.
I already have XCode 3.2.1 on Snow Leopard.
You have to pay $99 to test your app on a real device. You can develop for iPhone and iPad with the simulator for free though. Go to the Apple Developer site and login to download the iPhone SDK 3.2 beta. There you will find necessary iPad resources.
I think coneybeare has this right. To summarize it:
You don't need to be a paid member to get the SDK (to get started)
but, iPad's SDK is in beta, so you do need to be a member (for now)
The important thing here is to get started, you need to learn the library (and maybe the language). There is no point in paying the $99 to become a member just because you want to work with the iPad specific libraries (which are in beta anyway).
You should get started by learning the basics of the OS's SDK and then, when ready, move to the iPad's SDK. It is likely that once apple releases the iPad, non-members will be able to get the iPad SDK like non-members can get the iPhone SDK.
You should check out these links (namely the first one):
What does being a paid member get you?
Access to beta SDKs (which include the iPad, for now)
The ability to test on a device
the ability to submit to apple for distribution
You need to register yourself as a developer on http://developer.apple.com.
Registration costs $99/yr.
You can download the SDK and then release apps through the iTunes AppStore. This doesn't cost you anything.
I think, since the 3.2 SDK is still a beta, you can't download it unless you are a paying developer, so you can only start developing for iphone (not ipad) without paying

Programming tools for iPhone and iPod touch

I heard that the programmings tools can be downloaded for free.
I also heard that the programmings tools cannot be downloaded for free.
Which is it?
XCode and Interface Builder are free, optional installs that are included with OS X. The iPhone SDK is a free download from http://developer.apple.com.
The only not-free part is that you have to be a paid member of the Apple Developer Program if you want to deploy an app via the App Store, or to deploy it to your own hardware to test. But if you just want to code and test using the iPhone simulator, it's all free.
they can be downloaded for free at developer.apple.com. Not too hard to find that out, btw.
You can download Xcode/Interface Builder from http://developer.apple.com/mac/ if you don't feel like digging out your install disk. You can download the iPhone SDK from http://developer.apple.com/iphone/. After you download them, you can use them for free (and run your applications in the iPhone Simulator for free). You will need to sign up to be an Apple Developer for $100 USD if you want to submit your applications to the App Store or test them on any actual device.

iPhone and iPod Emulator

I intend to write some piece of code for an iPod and an iPhone. so, i'm looking for emulators for those devices.
basically an emulator which will help me test the application I'm writing.
To develop iPhone apps you need to download the iPhone SDK. This includes the tools and libraries to code you applications as well as a simulator to test your code. This tools are available only for intel macs.
You can get the sdk for free here: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/
To test you code in a real iPhone, you will need to join the iPhone Developer Program (http://developer.apple.com/iphone/program/), which is not for free.
Are you talking about writing an application or writing code for your website to display properly on an iPhone?
The former requires a developer subscription with Apple to access their SDK and emulator.
For the latter, there seem to be several emulators out there to test your web site, check out:
A Google search for 'iPhone emulator' should find a lot for you.
The iPhone SDK comes with an iPhone simulator that you can use with Xcode during development.
You can download the SDK from http://developer.apple.com/iphone - you need to be a registered iPhone developer, however, although this is free, after which you can use the simulator.
Note that if you want to send your applications to a physical device you need to enrol in the iPhone developer program which starts at $99.
You probably want to actually get an iPhone for that. You'll have to register the $99 but then you'll get the ability to upload apps to your iPhone/pod.
You could also jailbreak your phone/pod and do whatever you want.
There are also apps available that let you transfer stuff to and from your phone in the appstore (at least one free, if I recall correctly)
If you want to do something more with the files than just transfer them to the phone/pod, it's likely that you'll have to jailbreak your phone/pod anyway.
I keep wanting to find a better abbreviation for typing iPod/iPhone. How about iP(od/hone)? Hmm, not better!

Development platform for iPhone application

I am new in iPhone application development and currently working on .net (C#).
Please suggest the development platform to create iPhone application so I can adopt very soon.
Which is best among these:
Unity using script language c#
Or any other tool that is not on the list.
Is it possible to develop iPhone application using .NET framework? I'm not sure; I think not.
It's not possible develop application for iPhone on Windows platform. You need official SDK and it's only for Mac OS X.
Look to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/
XCode is the only development environment for iPhone and Objective C is the language it uses for this. You cannot use the .NET framework to build an iPhone app.
The SDK is free to download but you will need register (for free) with apple to get the SDK and all it initially lets you do is build and run apps in a software simulator environment; to put apps on a physical phone you need to buy a license (for $99) and go through a rather convoluted process to set up signing certificates.
The SDK and a variety of sample code and tutorials are all at the Apple iPhone developer site http://developer.apple.com/iphone/.
The official SDK is free but not open-source. All the tools necessary to build iPhone apps are free. HOWEVER you cannot put your apps on an iPhone or iPod Touch device without paying the $99 for the developer license. You can run the apps you build on the iPhone Simulator, which is an application that runs on your Mac. It looks and behaves pretty much like a real iPhone, minus a few obvious things (no GPS, no camera).
Go to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/ to get started.
Learn Obj-C . If you don't have mac then buy one.
Unity looks very promising, but it's cost prohibitive for an indy programmer. I looked at this last week and for me to get the package I needed I'd have to drop down almost $3,000. You'd still have to use XCode to compile your app though.