Is that possible to stream mms,ASX,RTSP stream on iPhone? - iphone

I am developing one music streaming application.
I can stream mp3 using a method described here. Does anybody know approach to stream other formats(ASX, RTSP or mms) using Core Audio or other framework.
Thanks in advance.

mms, ASX, and RTSP are historically somewhat proprietary protocols (by microsoft and real, in particular), so you may have trouble finding an official apple implementation.
There's a LGPL implementation of the mms protocol here:
Or you can get the documentation for the protocol from microsoft here:
ASX is just a metadata format in XML; you'd use it to get a mms or http URL to stream from. The official reference for it is on microsoft's site:
RTSP has an LGPL implementation here:
It's a standard protocol (RFC 2326 and RFC 3550) but is apparently often used with proprietary extensions such as Real's RDT transport, so again it might be easier to just use a library if you're able.

Try the free FStream iPhone app that can handle mms, asf, wmv, asx and ogg

FStream is good for audio. You can also use Streamer for video streaming. It is a good app except that it is not friendly at all. Type the URI mms://server/ in your favorites. Then click on it. You will find a button that says: "Pause". Click that again to read: "Unpause". Then wait for 10-15 seconds, the video will start streaming after that. Make sure that you choose a URI that you know works for sure.


Which protocol should be used to send video stream to a media server for live streaming?

I am working on an iOS application to stream live video from iPhone to a media server and then make it available to a larger audience using RTSP.
Which protocol or method I should use to send the video stream to a server.
HTTP Live streaming is not designed for you needs, it's for server->clients + I won't comment about huge delay it implies
You better check RTSP or RTMP protocol and LivU blog
For Celluar
Apple seems to make a distinction between apps that are used for just streaming content from servers and those that are used for some type of conferencing.
I think VOIP types are safe, and it seems like gocoder presenter types apps don't have issues either. There's no official page detailing this, but there is some mention under what apples considers VOIP app.
No app has issues if its over wifi only.

Live Video Chat for iPhone and HTTP Live Streaming

So generally, I want to make an app which has video chat functionality for iPhone. But after many searches, I am still not able to find any successful results. Is there any public or even for that matter, private API available for doing this on iPhone??? If you have an YES answer, please help me.
Basically, what I want is to read the streams of the video on both the devices connected for chatting. Thanks a lot in advance and please help me if you can.
p.s - I have already checked iDoubs but it failed and always shows some unknown problem and for that reason, doesn't allow me to connect to anyone.
ALSO : The suggested method I have found is via HTTP Live Streaming. But, in that too, I have multiple doubts.
1.) I need to find how do I upload my video from iPhone to the HTTP server from where I would be broadcasting?
2.) Can you please post something related to setting up the server? How do I feed the video to the FFMPEG Server?
Mainly, I need to find the upload method. I am right now simply sending hex-code in the form of NSDATA to the server and I am stuck there. The main problem is, It is live. How do I handle that?
It would be best, if you could help me make the iDoubs work properly.
Thank you so much for any kind of support!
have a look on this how to implement video chat in iphone But before starting you must have a IMS server up & running.
here is the live video chat framework what you are looking for. Its easy and simple to implement for face to face video chat. I have already tried this. Its working very fine. Great thing about this framework is multiple platform support.
Tokbox :
Sample Code:
Here is the article explaining opentok using parse.
HTTP live streaming is primarily an approach for adaptive streaming from server-to-client. For client-to-server rather go for traditional streaming. There exists an open library for streaming, see this question.
Whilst it is possible to facetime to do two-way chat, it is not certain that you will be able to using public iOS APIs. That said, I have implemented one-way live streaming for iPhone and the difficult part was not the core streaming itself, but encoding of the payload. You will be able to do H264 in hardware and AAC / iLBC in software.
How you want to feed this to the FFMPEG depends on your transport, possibly changing from 'file' H264 frames to 'streaming' H264. Check out the H264 frame types if you implement frame dropping; reconfiguring the H264 encoder on-the-fly is not possible to my knowledge, but restarting with fresh parameters typically does not take more than a second or so.
Did you attempt to play back a live resource while capturing? That is a good starting point. If you come across an open API for H264 encoding, please post it here ;-)

Live streaming on iPhone

I just started work on live streaming on iPhone. So any help of how to do live streming in iPhone. I think if I can add video tag in HTML5 and then load that html in UIWebView will work.
Am I right? If not what is your sugestion to do live streaming. I want to embed some news channel live streaming link in the application so from where I can find those links.
You have to go through HTTP Live streaming document provided by Apple.There are some sample live streaming URLs.The file extension will be .m3u8.If you want to configure your own webwserver , you have to configure FFMPEG server in your webserver.The links which will help you
1)Apple document
If you're making a web app in html5 then the video tag is a good choice.
But, If you're developing a native app then MPMoviePlayerController would be a much better choice. There are many example of how to use it online.
iOS doesn't support RTMP or RSTP, so your stream would need to be a HTTP Live stream. From memory the codec choice is very limited too, eg if you supply H264+mp3 you won't get any sound despite iOS supporting mp3.
Also remember that streams from other people (such as the BBC) will normally be protected by international copyright law, so unless you have prior permission to use their stream in your app you may be breaking the law.
Apple has some nice resources on Http Live Streaming.

How can I connect to an RTSP h.264 stream on iPhone using objective-c library

I realize that the official supported streaming protocol for the iPhone is HTTP streaming . This is great, but many appliances implement the RTSP protocol to stream video. I have looked around for quite some time looking for RTSP libraries in objective c and have not found them. Does anyone know of such libaries?
If not, does anyone know of some demo/code examples from people who have tried to get this to work. Since Apple supports h264 in hardware, I'm assuming it is possible to get low level, implement the stream, then construct the video packet and pass it along as if you have streamed using HTTP streaming. Anyone advice on how this might be done is appreciated.
Check out live555. This will handle all the RTSP handshaking and deliver data (in your case, h264) to you application for further processing/decoding. It is a C/C++ library, and hence can run on iOS.
Your options for integration with a cocoa app are:
1) Run live555 on its own thread using the event loop mechanism given as part of the library (note then that all operations directly related to live555 need to be run on this thread as live555 itself is not designed to be thread-safe).
2) Provide a cocoa implementation of "TaskScheduler", in which you use the cocoa library for async network callbacks, timers etc.
The above points will make more sense to you after reviewing the live555 doco.

Streaming and Recording Protocol

What is an open source, well-documented audio (video is not required) streaming (from the server) protocol that also supports recording (to the server), that I should use for a completely new application?
RTMP is not an option
This protocol must have a client library for AC3/AC2
Why not use SHOUTcast? Sounds like it will work perfect for your application.
As far as recording the stream goes, you can use something like StreamRipper, or even WGET.
No special client library necessary, as it is compatible with HTTP. The only thing you have to worry about is your client keeping audio buffer around after it has been played, but there are many solutions to that, especially with AS3.
Try Red5. It's open source and has a recorder, also open source.
If you are OK with spending few dollars, have a look at Wowza Media Server too.