Nested UIScrollView does not paint - iphone

I am building an application which allows the user to view and edit data on a daily basis. To accomplish this i have created a view in Interface builder which contains all of the daily data, and i "tile" this view within an appropriately sized UIScrollView to allow the user to swipe between the days. The view contains two UITextFields, a couple UILabels, and a UITextView. At any given time i have five instances of this view which i re-position around and update the data for the appropriate position.
Everything works great with the exception of the UITextView. The UITextView does not display its Text property until the user has interacted with it (I'm guessing this triggers a redraw).
Is there an easy way to get the UITextView to "paint" its content when its not on screen (but still added as a subview to another view)?

One thing you can try, which is what I just did to fix the same problem, is hook into the parent scrollview's scrollViewDidScroll delegate function. Then in that function, send a message to the UITextView that would force a redraw, my method was setting its frame to the same frame. It's pretty brute force but it's better than nothing.


Rotating UILabels depending on page in UIScrollView like in Google+ App

I have an application with several (8) different Views in a UIScrollView. They are circling so that you get to the first when you try to get "behind" the last and vice versa.
My problem is how to create a titlebar like in the Stream of the Google+ App. There the titles are circling with the pages and show the current visible page.
How could I realize that? Would it be possible to create a general class to use such a view in many different apps?
I've already tried to solve this problem with some different approaches, but they all didn't work (well). I can display labels above my scrollView and move them, but how far and with which text seems to be difficult for me.
So now I'm looking forward to your answers ;D
Try using two UIScrollView, one for the content and one for the headers. The header UIScrollView would be controlled by your view controller that is also a delegate of the main UIScrollView. Update the header UIScrollView whenever you receive a -scrollViewDidScroll: message from the main UIScrollView.
I think you need to add label in customview and then add customviews in scrollView, you will get events for individual view, so you can rotate that view according to angle and keep label at fix place...

Automatically reposition views after UITextview resizes - iOS

For a simple example lets say I have a UITextView with a Button underneath it. These two controls are siblings both embedded in a parent UIView.
I now change the text within the UITextView and resize it accordingly. Is there a way to make the button automatically move to have the same relative distance to the bottom of the UITextView? This may seem trivial for this case, but I will have a longer hierarchy with multiple UITextViews that change and it would be nice not to have to calculate the height of every object manually.
One way to approach this would be with a table view: if you place each of your text views within its own table view cell, the table view will automatically calculate its total height from individual calls to its delegate’s -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method and lay itself out accordingly. Whenever the height of one of your text views needs to change, you can call -reloadData on the table view to make it lay itself out again. A disadvantage of this approach is that it’s really difficult to animate the height changes; if that’s essential to the effect you’re going for, I’m afraid you’re stuck with doing the entire layout manually.
Try the autoresizingMask property of UIView.

UIScrollView issue

I have a UIScrollView with textviews as subviews. Now in my app there are multiple UIScrollViews like these. And depending on the selection I display the appropriate UIScrollView on top of the previous view. This works fine in all cases except when the previous view has been a UIScrollView as well. In this case the behavior I get is of two UIScrollViews stacked on top of each other and both the views capture the scrolling events. The textViews from previous scrollView is also visible (not editable though) and overlaps and causes all sorts of issues. The thing is a full screen UIScrollView placed as subview to a previous view causes problems when the previous view is a full screen UIScrollView as well.
Any pointers on how to overcome this would be great. Is there anyway to notify the parent scrollview of the child's scroll events and move it the exact same way so this mess is masked?
UIScrollView documentation says:
Important: You should not embed UIWebView or UITableView objects in UIScrollView objects. If you do so, unexpected behavior can result because touch events for the two objects can be mixed up and wrongly handled.
As far as I know, it is generally not recommended to embed a UIScrollView subclass instance in a UIScrollView. In one of my projects, which is an IM application, I have a UIScrollView that contains many UITableViews, it works when you try enough but it really takes a lot of effort to handle subtle bugs and make it work properly.
It is really hard to say something useful for your problem without diving in to code, but i can recommend you to not add UIScrollViews one on to another like a stack. I'd try doing it by allowing only one UIScrollView at top, and removing others. When you need to show another one, remove the top one from view hierarchy and add the new one. I wish this helps, good luck.
Found a crude solution by presenting an empty view before I present the next scrollView. Added the scrollView as subview to this empty view (with a BG image) and added the to-be presented scrollView as a subview to it and then presenting this on top of the previous scrollView.

iPhone/Obj-C: Accessing a UIScrollView from a View displayed within it

I'm writing a simple iPhone app which lets a user access a series of calculators. It consists of the following:
UITableViewController (RootViewController), with the list of calculators.
UIViewController + UIScrollView (UniversalScroller), which represents an empty scroll view - and has a 'displayedViewController' property.
UIViewController (Calculators 1-9), each of which contains a view with controls that represents a particular calculator. Each calculator takes 3-5 values via UITextFields and UISliders, and has a 'calculate' button. They can potentially be taller than 460px(iPhone screen height).
The idea is:
User taps on a particular menu item in the RootViewController. This loads and inits UniversalScroller, ALSO loads and inits the UIViewcontroller for the particular calculator that was selected, sets the displayedViewController property of UniversalScroller to the newly loaded calculator UIViewcontroller, and pushes the UniversalScroller to the front.
When the UniversalScroller hits its 'viewDidLoad' event, it sets its contentSize to the view frame size of its 'displayedViewController' object. It then adds the displayedViewController's view as a subview to itself, and sets its own title to equal that of the displayedViewController. It now displays the calculator, along with the correct title, in a scrollable form.
Conceptually (and currently; this stuff has all been implemented already), this works great - I can design the calculators how I see fit, as tall as they end up being, and they will automatically be accommodated and displayed in an appropriately configured UIScrollView. However, there is one problem:
The main reason I wanted to display things in a UIScrollView was so that, when the on-screen-keyboard appeared, I could shift the view up to focus on the control that is currently being edited. To do this, I need access to the UniversalScroller object that is holding the current calculator's view. On the beganEditing: event of each control, I intended to use the [UniversalScroller.view scrollRectToVisible: animated:] method to move focus to the correct control. However, I am having trouble accessing the UniversalScroller. I tried assigning a reference to it as a property of each calculator UIViewController, but did't seem to have much luck. I've read about using Delegates but have had trouble working out exactly how they work.
I'm looking for one of three things:
Some explanation of how I can access the methods of a UIScrollView from a UIViewController whose view is contained within it.
Confirmation of my suspicions that making users scroll on a data entry form is bad, and I should just abandon scrollviews altogether and move the view up and down to the relevant position when the keyboard appears, then back when it disappears.
Some pointers on how I could go about redesigning the calculators (which are basically simple data entry forms using labels, sliders and textfields) to be contained within UITableViewCells (presumably in a UITableView, which I understand is a scrollview deep down) - I read a post on SO saying that that's a more pleasing way to make a data entry form, but I couldn't find any examples of that online. Screenshots would be nice. Anything to make my app more usable and naturally 'iPhone-like', since shuffling labels and textboxes around makes me feel like I am building a winforms app!
I've only recently started with this platform and language, and despite being largely an Apple skeptic I definitely see the beauty in the way that it works. Help me solve this problem and I might fall in love completely.
If you have the particular calculator view, you should be able to get to the scroll view via the superview property (though there might be more than one intermediate view, so you might need the superview of the superview).

How to resize other subviews and parent view when one subview size changes

I have a view which is similar to mail app. I have a scroll view and in that many other subviews. When the user clicks on any textview, it expands to show the text in it. e.g. "to" field in mail. I would want to resize the other subviews such that it starts below the expanded region. How can I do that.
I created the view through IB and I marked it for flexible top margin to facilitate this. But nothing happens automatically and hence I was wondering if I need to call sizethatFits/setneedsLayout.
When the subview resizes, call [[self superview] setNeedsLayout]. In your superview, implement -layoutSubviews to do the actual layout. You'll have to calculate everything yourself. Fixed/flexible margins are relevant to resizing the superview, not on peer views. The default -layoutSubviews does nothing at all; it just gets called at appropriate times.
If you need to force layout to happen at a particular point, then you can call -layoutIfNeeded on yourself or your superview. Read the docs on how this method works. Generally speaking you don't need to call this, though. It will usually get called at the appropriate time if you just use -setNeedsLayout.