Rotating UILabels depending on page in UIScrollView like in Google+ App - iphone

I have an application with several (8) different Views in a UIScrollView. They are circling so that you get to the first when you try to get "behind" the last and vice versa.
My problem is how to create a titlebar like in the Stream of the Google+ App. There the titles are circling with the pages and show the current visible page.
How could I realize that? Would it be possible to create a general class to use such a view in many different apps?
I've already tried to solve this problem with some different approaches, but they all didn't work (well). I can display labels above my scrollView and move them, but how far and with which text seems to be difficult for me.
So now I'm looking forward to your answers ;D

Try using two UIScrollView, one for the content and one for the headers. The header UIScrollView would be controlled by your view controller that is also a delegate of the main UIScrollView. Update the header UIScrollView whenever you receive a -scrollViewDidScroll: message from the main UIScrollView.

I think you need to add label in customview and then add customviews in scrollView, you will get events for individual view, so you can rotate that view according to angle and keep label at fix place...


UIScrollViews and Dynamically Creating Pages

I want to be able to dynamically populate UIScrollView. Like how it is done for row views in UITableView. I have a class that takes in some parameters and creates the respective view when it scrolls. Currently I have 8 views.
These 8 views have different background image, image and label according to the page number it is currently in. However the basic skeleton for this view is the same. What i am doing right now is in ViewDidLoad I am creating 8 views and add them as subviews and scroll over.
I don't want to do this. I want to create three views and the rest i want to populate when the user scrolls a page and then a page etc. How do i do this? ANy pointers/tutorial?
First of all you calculate the ContentSize for the scrollview (when you want to use the iPad in landscapemode with 8 pages then the width should be 1024*8 = 8192px and the height 768px).
Then you should implement the UIScrollView Delegate method:
In this Method you check on which page you currently are with the contentOffset property of the scrollview and start updating your left and right hidden views..
Hope this helps you a bit.
Check the two most recent WWDC videos for two excellent sessions regarding expert use of UIScrollViews. Additionally you can review a brief tutorial here, written by the well known cocoa expert, Matt Gallagher.

Is it possible to put one UITableView over another UITableView in InterfaceBuilder?

I know I can use codes to add UITableView one by one.
[self.view addSubview:tableview1];//
[self.view addSubview:tableview2];//
I hope to do the same thing in InterfaceBuilder, when I drag one UITableView onto another one, the new one always pushes the old one to the bottom, rather than just stays over the old one of UITableView.
Welcome any comment
If you have a parent view that will contain your tableviews then you shouldn't have any problem. If you're trying to place them directly in a window then I could see a problem. If things aren't lining up the way you want you can always change their position via the Size Inspector or by nudging them with the arrow keys (shift-arrow key moves in 10 pixel increments).
Why anyone would want a tableview on top of another tableview escapes me.
Your parent view should be a subclass of uiviewcontroller and your xib should have the root view as a uiview and not uitableview.
I used two overlapping table views to show two different contents on the same view, which could be toggles using a segment switch. Apparently my client requirements were vague enough that I couldn't just filter out data like how the phone app displays all calls/missed calls list.

UIScrollView issue

I have a UIScrollView with textviews as subviews. Now in my app there are multiple UIScrollViews like these. And depending on the selection I display the appropriate UIScrollView on top of the previous view. This works fine in all cases except when the previous view has been a UIScrollView as well. In this case the behavior I get is of two UIScrollViews stacked on top of each other and both the views capture the scrolling events. The textViews from previous scrollView is also visible (not editable though) and overlaps and causes all sorts of issues. The thing is a full screen UIScrollView placed as subview to a previous view causes problems when the previous view is a full screen UIScrollView as well.
Any pointers on how to overcome this would be great. Is there anyway to notify the parent scrollview of the child's scroll events and move it the exact same way so this mess is masked?
UIScrollView documentation says:
Important: You should not embed UIWebView or UITableView objects in UIScrollView objects. If you do so, unexpected behavior can result because touch events for the two objects can be mixed up and wrongly handled.
As far as I know, it is generally not recommended to embed a UIScrollView subclass instance in a UIScrollView. In one of my projects, which is an IM application, I have a UIScrollView that contains many UITableViews, it works when you try enough but it really takes a lot of effort to handle subtle bugs and make it work properly.
It is really hard to say something useful for your problem without diving in to code, but i can recommend you to not add UIScrollViews one on to another like a stack. I'd try doing it by allowing only one UIScrollView at top, and removing others. When you need to show another one, remove the top one from view hierarchy and add the new one. I wish this helps, good luck.
Found a crude solution by presenting an empty view before I present the next scrollView. Added the scrollView as subview to this empty view (with a BG image) and added the to-be presented scrollView as a subview to it and then presenting this on top of the previous scrollView.

Displaying one graph per day, home screen style

I'm working on an app that can display a graph with some data, one every day. I'll call this "dayGraph".
I'd like to build an interface similar to the iPhone home screen, aka pageControl, with one dayGraph per page. (but i don't need the small dots!)
I tried with the standard pageControl example from Apple, and it's working, but only with a small number of pages. I need to display even 100 possible dayGraph, if the user wants, but the pageControl is going crazy when the page number exceed 50.
I know that the photo app is doing a similar thing, and it can work with many photos.
My question is: How can i do that? Is there any "Apple way" of doing it, or i should begin to make my own method for swapping the dayGraphs?
Thank you very much!
If your goal is to enable swipe-based paging, the view you want to use is a UIScrollView. Set its pagingEnabled property to YES. Then add each graph as a subview of your UIScrollView, setting the frame of each graph to position each one on its own page extending beyond the bounds of your UIScrollView to the right. Finally, update the contentSize property of your UIScrollView to encompass all of your pages.
Now the user can swipe left and right to flip between the pages of your scroll view.
Note: If you add 50+ subviews to your scrollview, it's likely that you'll run into memory problems. To avoid this, you'll probably want just keep subviews loaded for the current page, plus the adjacent pages to the right and left. Set a delegate on your UIScrollView to an object that implements scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:. In that method, remove any subviews that aren't on the current or adjacent pages, and make sure each adjacent page has its subview loaded. That way you'll never have more than 3 pages of content in memory at one time.

Nested UIScrollView-iPhone photos application

I have been facing the same nested UIScrollView problem for long time.I tried some open source codes like Scrolling madness ,three-20 and others but all fails finaly.I am trying to make a photo Viewer application same as iPhone.For that I have created the structure like this:-
1)one View controller.
2)on view of view controller one UIScrollView (i.e inner/parent scroll view) as a child.
3)on inner/parent scroll view number of child scroll views(i.e. outer/child scroll views) ,each represents one page of photos application.
4)On each scroll view one image View on which i am displaying my image.
So what I want is when user scrolls the outer scroll view it should scroll horizontally with all the child views so I will get the look and feel of paging in photos application.Also when user is on one specific image(i.e. child/outer scroll view) he should be able to zoom in/out,swipes and perform single/double tapping.I was able to make it work in sdk 2.1,but it dosnt work since sdk 3.0.Please tell me the idea behind your project.Means which scroll view you are subclassing ,in which view to detect touches.How this completely child - parent relation should be.
If possible provide any sample code also.
There is a WWDC session from 2010 that deals with this very issue.
Here's the short of it:
You need a single scroll view that is paginated and scrolls horizontally. Each "page" of that scroll view is another scroll view containing a photo.
First, it looks like you want to subclass UIScrollView? Every interaction method you need is provided for you in either the delegate callbacks or the touch methods. (Many of Apple's more advanced classes, such as UIScrollView, react poorly to subclassing.)
Second, it sounds like you have a first responder problem. IOW, your innermost scrollview isn't getting the first crack at the touch events.
I also struggled with this for a long time trying samples you mentioned. I could finally figure it out with the samples provided by apple (iphone dev center).
The first one is pretty basic and probably what u already have. The second one is all about zooming, etc. Just study these and the samples you already have, I think you will be able to figure it out. On specific topics just come back here search for answers or post another question.
EDIT: I forgot this one check out these examples by Andrey Tarantsov hosted on github. This is what you want...