Can't find mosConfig_absolute_path in configuration.php - content-management-system

I am trying to move my Joomla1 website from localhost to my domain. For testing I have created a subdirectory on my domain for testing and moved all my Joomla! files to this. I have created this subdirectory under the public_html folder.
I am using different menus on the front page (custom page) and remaining pages. My problem is that the menu items on the front page are looking for pages in a subdirectory named joomla instead of looking for pages in my subdirectory (testing)
Based on suggestions from some websites I thought changing mosConfig_absolute_path will help but my configuration.php file in the testing subdirectory doesn't have a property called mosConfig_absolute_path. I do not face this problem on any of the menu items on the other pages.
Can someone please help me with this problem and how I should overcome it. Thanks.

The variable you're talking about is $mosConfig_absolute_path rather than $msConfig_absolute_path. You will also need to reset $mosConfig_live_site.
Also, migrating to Joomla! 1.5 would avoid this issue entirely; it automatically detects your base path and URL.


TYPO3 9+: Multiple user_uploads related to page tree

is it possible to use different user_uploads by page tree in TYPO3 9+?
Multiple companies are using the same TYPO3 instance for their websites.
Example #1:
An editor is placing images in a content element on a page of a page tree with drag'n'drop. Normally the files would be uploaded to the user_upload folder. If you have a huge amount of backend editors the user_upload folder will be a mass in a short time and nobody feels responsible for the files. I know that you can see if a file is used by its references in the info section but it would be much easier if a company would have its own user_upload directory (maybe subfolder of it).
Did anyone faced the same problem an has a solution for this?
Thanks in advance!
I think you should configure your user groups and their users in such a way that they use the correct storage. you can read about it here:

ionic-cli to generate pages in certain folders

I am using ionic-cli 2 for generating pages for my ionic project. I would like keep my pages separately in different folders . For example , I would like to keep pages like Login , Signup in a separate folder called authentication . But at the same time I would like to enjoy the ionic generate page command to quickly setup the page inside the authentication folder. Currently ionic-cli would generate the pages in pages folder. How can I make it in pages/authentication folder ?
I know it's been a while, but this worked for me using the #latest ionic (3.12.0)
Generate "sub-pages" from the app's root folder as you would generate "top-level" pages. Then, drag them to their intended place using Visual Studio Code.
Obviously you want to rename stuff such as modules and classes. For example, for the 'home' and 'standings' sub-pages of the 'team' page, I renamed the classes from HomePage and StandingsPage to TeamHomePage and TeamStandingsPage respectively.
Alternatively (and in retrospect recommended), name the pages using the desired structure, e.g., ionic generate page team-home (you'll still have to move them manually). This is especially useful for repeating patterns, e.g., if you also want 'home' and 'standings' sub-pages for say a 'tournaments' page.
Also see Can ionic2's pages support nested directory structure?.
Just run
ionic generate page pages/authentication
more information
ionic g page src/app/pages/{your_pageName}
This Worked for me.
Reading the doc
Seems that you can specify the folder where you want to generate your page or component directly when you call the command.
Typing ionic g page my_dir/my_page generate a page component into the my_dir directory.
I know this gets tricky in the beginning. Here, I'm mentioning the steps to create a page under specific directory.
Suppose your project follows the structure of directory as:
To create a page under "pages", navigate to "app" directory and use command:
ionic g page pages/test
before creating a separate folder you have to manually create an authentication folder into your app folder.
CLI > ionic generate page authentication/login

Github Page, how to make my project site to use main site layout?

I have an organization github page and I created a project site called Unity3DTools so I can access this with
So far so good, but I want my project site to use the layouts I've created in my organization page. I tried to just add layout: default in the front matter section of index.html in the project site but it just show a blank page with the title (you can actually check in the url above).
I do not want to copy stuff into the project site, is there any other solution?
By the way the project site has only the and index.html, maybe I should add a config.yml with some special configuration?
Thanks in advance.
If the two things we're talking about is this main site and this subdirectory, then maybe jekyll doesn't really knows about your subdirectory so it doesn't try to serve it.
Have you tried to upload a (or ~.html) to main site's root directory and then permalink it to /Unity3DTools ?
The above could be one solution, but if you don't want to copy anything to the project site, maybe you should consider defining a new collection in the _config named something like "projects" and then each project you create, should contains a property "directory" which in this case points to the /Unity3DTools directory.
Try the following (be careful, try this first on your local development first)
output: true
Then make a _projects directory and make a file with some of the followings:
name: Unity3DTools
permalink: /Unity3DTools
projectDir: Unity3DTools
[some extra stuff you want]
I'm pretty sure this is not enough, but maybe it helps your further research to accomplish. Share if you're moved ahead some steps!

cannot find image of webite header in joomla

Am just beginning with joomla on a site that is already existing and was previously managed by someone else who is not available at the moment. I am trying to troubleshoot a problem why the website is displaying the header differently in different PCs but I am not being able to find the image of that header file. I tried to look for it under "site > media" but cannot find the image among the images in that area. I also tried to look for the path to the image through the template css and found this path ../images/logo.png which I believe must be the path to the header image but I honestly don't really know which path ../images/logo.png is but assuming it is the one under "media" then I still cannot find the image. Could you give me a clue on where the header image files could be found cause I've actually still failed? Or, could you make me understand this path ../images/logo.png or how to find an image on a joomla admin interface like say "logo.png". In fact I discover that on looking at the CSS for the template, the image paths found in it are not found in "Media"? Is there another path for the images in the template and how do I access them? I cannot FTP my host at the moment to view the physical files due to the long procedure needed so am hoping that there is a way to find it. I only have joomla admin access and nothing like Cpanel as yet. The joomla version of the site is 1.5.22 which I know is an old one but I plan to do first things first. Hope I've given enough infor.
Try using FireBug, or Chrome debugger - (press F12) and check "Click an element in the page to inspect" to see where the specific image is located exactly.

Zend Framework Bootstrap with Layout?

So, I have a problem and I have been searching forever about how to do this.
I want to have several project directories on my shared host but I want to be able to hit the public directory when someone types in the root directory for that project. I can't edit the httpd.conf to set up virtual hosts so I have been looking for alternative solutions.
Account Structure
I stumbled on and followed the steps (modifying some stuff since it is outdated)
And I can get a single view to show up. The problem is, if I create a layout I can't get anything but the normal view to display. I think I am just missing a simple hook up.
Is the above solution the best for my situation?
You problem is not 100% clear, I can't figure out that you want to serve one site per shared host directory or all site from the same directory.
Although you can't edit httpd.conf, you can use .htaccess file. While using Zend you already use .htaccess (located in public dir). So you can write rules to make url based redirections.