TYPO3 9+: Multiple user_uploads related to page tree - typo3

is it possible to use different user_uploads by page tree in TYPO3 9+?
Multiple companies are using the same TYPO3 instance for their websites.
Example #1:
An editor is placing images in a content element on a page of a page tree with drag'n'drop. Normally the files would be uploaded to the user_upload folder. If you have a huge amount of backend editors the user_upload folder will be a mass in a short time and nobody feels responsible for the files. I know that you can see if a file is used by its references in the info section but it would be much easier if a company would have its own user_upload directory (maybe subfolder of it).
Did anyone faced the same problem an has a solution for this?
Thanks in advance!

I think you should configure your user groups and their users in such a way that they use the correct storage. you can read about it here:


Copy and paste Typo3 Sites between 2 backends

I am managing around 12 TYPO3 backends with almost similar content. Is it possible to copy and paste a created site between independent backends? Right now I'm creating by hand 12 sites with the same content. There has to be an easier way.
Well, there is not much I could try. Within TYPO3 I don't see any option to export/import sites from other backends.
First of all you should merge those 12 sites into one backend with multiple root sites and trees. Then you can easily handle different domains and/or languages via the site configurations for those roots.
Of course you can then make use of shared sys_folder pages that contain the content elements, that should be available for multiple sites. To make them available for a specific site, you can use references then.
You can export a page tree and import it into another instance.
On the other hand you can duplicate an instance by copying the complete database and original files.
That includes necessarily the fileadmin/ and uploads/ folders.
typo3conf/ should be duplicated by deployment but might differ in the files typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php and typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php (e.g. each instance should have other databases).
You can use the core extension impexp to import/export content parts. There is even a context menu entry
Be aware of some drawbacks:
if assets are exported, those are exported & imported you can hit the limit of your memory_limit
take extra care about which uids should be used, e.g. forcing uids can lead to drawbacks
Of course there are other options as well like:
create a custom extension which exports/imports the content on the fly using either something like a custom endpoint or fetching directly the DB if possible
use 1 installation as discussed already
if e.g. using ext:news use something like rss feeds for a poor man import/export with ext:news_importicsxml

Can I use symbolic links in Dokuwiki's page files?

I'm planning to try using dokuwiki to manage my large collection of notes, and one of the major attractions is its flat file basis that'll allow me to edit via scripts etc. I had a question - suppose a page's material fits into multiple namespaces. If I were to create the file in one namespace and then create symlinks in the other namespace directories, would that work? Or would that screw up revisions etc?
Yes, you can do that. But yes, this will mess with your revisions a bit:
when DokuWiki saves a page, it copies the data of the old page to the attic
the name of the attic file is the same as the page that was edited, but with a timestamp appended
because new attic files are created you can't work with symlinks in the attic
Imagine you have the following setup:
data/pages/copy.txt -> original.txt
You now can edit the pages original and copy in your wiki and they will both always be the same. However old revisions of the pages will be split between the two, depending on which page you edited.
Instead of messing with file level consider
Include plugin to share content between pages.
Creation of some 'commons' namespace for such pages to be DRY.
Namespace templates (+ additional plugin).
Pulling content from page side instead of pushing it to pages. This might be good to start with. You can always include some php code or even write your own plugin.

How To Change target paths for thousands of products at once

I am using Magento 1.7.1 and find that magento has automatically added ugly urls like www.afd.com/catalog/product/view/id/2728/name.html.
When I go into catalog > URL Rewrite, I see the target paths for all my products listed in the above totally unfriendly way with id numbers displaying.
How do I fix this en masse?
Try to do it by using a .csv file. You can create a php file which will run outside your project and do the expected changes via a csv file. Also hopes this will help to grab an idea. http://www.solvingmagento.com/magento-url-rewrites/
Refresh all indexes in magento, here is instrucion http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/magento/102-customizing-magento/how-to-reindex-your-magento-website, then flush all cache. Then magento should use Url Rewrites. If doesn't work make sure that you heve proper settings in
System->Configuration->Web->Search Engine Optimization

Create a "tags" in filebrowser

I would like my admins to be able to upload files to the website. And I need to give those files some meta data so we can filter and display related files on the frontend. Can someone offer me a good workaround to do this?
I myself have struggled with this for many weeks. I can create a new taxonomy structure and with it a view to manage all the content or I can work with existing modules (but they don't meet my expectations).
Are there hooks available to "hack" into the filebrowser, so we can select the display of files on tags?
Check out http://drupal.org/project/media and http://drupal.org/project/file_entity Media has views integration and file_entity makes files fieldable.

Can't find mosConfig_absolute_path in configuration.php

I am trying to move my Joomla1 website from localhost to my bluehost.com domain. For testing I have created a subdirectory on my domain for testing and moved all my Joomla! files to this. I have created this subdirectory under the public_html folder.
I am using different menus on the front page (custom page) and remaining pages. My problem is that the menu items on the front page are looking for pages in a subdirectory named joomla instead of looking for pages in my subdirectory (testing)
Based on suggestions from some websites I thought changing mosConfig_absolute_path will help but my configuration.php file in the testing subdirectory doesn't have a property called mosConfig_absolute_path. I do not face this problem on any of the menu items on the other pages.
Can someone please help me with this problem and how I should overcome it. Thanks.
The variable you're talking about is $mosConfig_absolute_path rather than $msConfig_absolute_path. You will also need to reset $mosConfig_live_site.
Also, migrating to Joomla! 1.5 would avoid this issue entirely; it automatically detects your base path and URL.