OSGi SAT, how should we deal with activation failure? - eclipse

The eclipse OSGi Service Activator Toolkit provides a framework that simplifies handling the dependencies between budles.
One can derive from org.eclipse.soda.sat.core.framework.BaseBundleActivator and over-ride (for example) the activate() method to do some spefic initialisation work.
The signature is protected void activate(){}
Which leads to the question: "what are we spposed to do if activate() fails?", suppose for some reason we cannot initialise correctly. I can't throw an exception, the method signatiure won't allow that.

Throwing an RuntimeException or an Error in the activate() method does not help you if you are using Equinox (tested with org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.1.R35x_v20090827).
Independent of what you are throwing the bundle will finally end up in state ACTIVE.
I assume that this behavior is specific to Equinox (bug?) because from my understanding this violates the OSGi specs.

It's still possible to throw RuntimeException and Error (And Exceptions that inherit these). (Remember that Error indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch.)
It would also seems like a good idea to output something to your logging facility.
The alternative you choose is dependent on the situation; what the root cause of the failed activation is. If the cause is something abnormal, that should not happen during normal circumstances, an Error or RuntimeException (and ofcourse loggin) feels right.


Error: #inject called with undefined (...)

This is not the first time I work with Inversify, but never had a problem like such. Currently what I have in my project is just a bunch of decorated (properly, constructor injections) services, therefore I assume it's failing on building the metadata.
I'm getting Error: #inject called with undefined this could mean that the class X has a circular dependency problem. You can use a LazyServiceIdentifer to overcome this limitation. whenever I start the application (bear in mind - I don't have a container yet).
Following the "circular dependency problem" part I built a dependency graph using dependency-graph package and it shows no circular dependencies in my project, it also managed to properly generate registration order.
I'm wondering if there's any way to avoid using LazyServiceIdentifier everywhere in the project?
Additionaly I'm trying to understand how is it even possible for this error to occur when using constructor injection (and having no circular dependencies of course)?

Why does com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.DateTimeFormat call Gwt.create

In my shared code I replaced com.google.gwt.i18n.client.DateTimeFormat with com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.DateTimeFormat to avoid runtime issues with Gwt.create as proposed here.
My problem is now, that DateTimeFormat.getFormat calls getDefaultDateTimeFormatInfo which calls LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getDateTimeFormatInfo(). LocaleInfo is a singleton which is instanciated via new LocaleInfo((LocaleInfoImpl)GWT.create(LocaleInfoImpl.class), (CldrImpl)GWT.create(CldrImpl.class)).
In my test this ends up in an ExceptionInInitializerError.
at com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.DateTimeFormat.getDefaultDateTimeFormatInfo(DateTimeFormat.java:681)
at com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.DateTimeFormat.getFormat(DateTimeFormat.java:665)
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: ERROR: GWT.create() is only usable in client code! It cannot be called, for example, from server code. If you are running a unit test, check that your test case extends GWTTestCase and that GWT.create() is not called from within an initializer or constructor.
at com.google.gwt.core.shared.GWT.create(GWT.java:66)
at com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT.create(GWT.java:86)
at com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocaleInfo.<clinit>(LocaleInfo.java:36)
... 27 more
So I'm really surprised that a shared class calls Gwt.create at all. In my understanding of how GWT works, this should not be the case. Correct me if I'm wrong.
At least I think, this is a known issue: https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/7668
Instead, you can give:
a try.
But not sure, if it is already migrated completly. You may ask this here: https://gitter.im/gwtproject/gwt-modules

Java / Eclipse - macro to specify current method name?

I'm using eclipse and want to have a "macro" that the preprocessor will replace with the name of the current method before compiling it.
I have an error reporting function, that is called as: reportthis(String errormessage) - different functions throughout the application have try/catch blocks, that call reportthis(...) from the catch block upon errors.
I'd like to be able to specify something like reportthis(MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME + ":" + e.ToString()); - where MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME will be preprocessed by eclipse before compilation and result in the name of the method where the catch {} block calls reportthis().
So if the catch{} block happens in main(), the macro should return the string "main" (or "main()", etc.).
Is this possible? how do i go about achieving my goal?
Thank you!
I wish to get this done by preprocessors in Eclipse - are those impossible? isn't it possible to perhaps write a plugin for eclipse to replace all occurrences of "MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME" with the current function name?
I've not found an automated way of doing this, so have manually added a string literal that indicates the name of the caller at each invocation of the logging code.
Nokia's S40 platform is also based on Java-ME, and I know some Nokia S40 developers have made good use of Jarrut, which is available on Sourceforge, to produce stack traces by modifying the program to track the stack. You could leverage this functionality to get the calling function name in your logging code, but you may need to modify Jarrut a bit to make that work.
Java does not support Macros.
But what you can do to determine the current method is something like
final StackTraceElement aTop = Thread.currentThread ().getStackTrace ()[1];
System.out.println (aTop.getMethodName ());
By using the element at index [1] you get the calling method, because the element at [0] is Thread.getStackTrace().
If you wrap this code in an additional method, you must adopt the array index e.g. to 2, depending on the number of wrapping methods you are using.
There is no preprocessor in java, and no macro language either.
While there are situations where either could be useful, if I understand your problem its entirely pointless, since the stack trace of the exception will already contain class and method of the place where the excetion occured.
Instead of passing a String to your "reportthis()", make a signature that just takes the exception and prints it (or just write e.printStackTrace()).

Why am I getting NullPointerException in the CompilationUnit instances returned from ASTParser.createASTs()

I am working on an Eclipse JDT plugin that requires parsing large numbers of source files,
so I am hoping to use the batch method ASTParser.createASTs(). The parsing executes without errors, but within the CompilationUnit instances it produces, many of the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding instances have had their scope field set to null. This setting to null is occurring in the CompilationUnitDeclaration.cleanUp() methods, which are invoked on a worker thread that is unrelated to my plugin's code (i.e., my plugin's classes do not appear on the cleanUp() method call stack).
My parsing code looks like this (all rawSources are within the same project):
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
parser.createASTs(rawSources.values().toArray(new ICompilationUnit[0]), new String[0], this, deltaAnalyzer.progressMonitor);
Alternatively, I can execute the parsing this way, and no such problems occur:
for (ICompilationUnit source : rawSources.values())
CompilationUnit ast = (CompilationUnit)parser.createAST(deltaAnalyzer.progressMonitor);
parsedSources.add(deltaAnalyzer.createParsedSource(source, ast));
This issue occurs in both Helios and Indigo (the very latest release build). I filed a bug in Eclipse Bugzilla, but if anyone knows of a way to work around this--or if I am using the API wrong--I would greatly appreciate your help.
Without knowing exactly what your exception is, I can still offer 2 suggestions:
Have a look at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.SharedASTProvider. If you are not making any changes to ASTs, this class may provide a more robust way of getting the ASTs.
Play around with some of the settings that you are using. Do you really need bindingsRecovery set to true? What about statementRecovery? Setting these to false may help you.

GWT works great in Hosted Mode, and Compiles without error -- but its JS files are buggy

I have no errors show up in either the compilation or the hosted mode process, but the JS that GWT creates contain errors that disallow the proper rendering of the website. How can this happen? Is this a problem with the compiler?
FireBug is giving me nothing, no errors at all.
But I don't know where to go from here or what more information to give you all, since I can't effectively debug JS like this. More fundamentally, I just don't understand why GWT is giving me JS that doesn't work.
EDIT: I didn't really know what Pretty and Detailed meant until now. Thanks for pointing me to this. What I get now is http://i.imgur.com/qUyNb.png.
I'm not sure where to go from here.
EDIT 2: Here is the final image I will post (I promise!): http://i.imgur.com/ZVQVW.png. This is the pretty output. The error reads: "Uncaught com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException (TypeError): Cannot call method 'isString' of null (anonymous function)."
The resolution to this issue was the realization that isString was not a JNSI method, but instead a method I wrote in a try / catch block. This was the code that tripped me up:
try{something that will create a NullPointerException}
catch(NullPointerException npe){npe.printStackTrace()}
#Luismahou's link above said the following about error-catching in GWT:
Exceptions: try, catch, finally and user-defined exceptions are supported as normal, although Throwable.getStackTrace() is not meaningfully supported in production mode.
Note: Several fundamental exceptions implicitly produced by the Java VM, most notably NullPointerException, StackOverflowError, and OutOfMemoryError, do not occur in production mode as such. Instead, a JavaScriptException is produced for any implicitly generated exceptions. This is because the nature of the underlying JavaScript exception cannot be reliably mapped onto the appropriate Java exception type.
I think what happened is that my try block threw a NullPointerException, which was represented as a JavaScriptException and was uncaught by the catch block. Lesson learned: don't catch NullPointerExceptions, StackOverflowErrors, and OutOfMemoryErrors in GWT.