How does music fingerprinting work (for sites such as Shazam and - classification

My large (120gb) music collection contains many duplicate songs, and I've been trying to fingerprint tracks in the hopes of detecting duplicates. And since I'm a CS Major I'm very curious as to what is done out there? Nothing I do has nearly the accuracy of something like Shazam or How do they "hash" tracks? I have run a standard MD5 hash on all my files (26,000 files) and I found hundreds of equal hashes on different tracks, so that doesn't work.
I'm more interested in since they work with full files, unlike Shazam, but I'm assuming both use a similar technique. Can anyone explain how to generate unique identifiers for music?

The seminal paper on audio fingerprinting is the work by Haitsma and Kalker in 2002-03. For each frame of audio, it preprocesses (differences across time frames and frequency bands) and then stores a binarized version of the frame's spectrum.
This procedure adds robustness. If the entire signal is shifted in time, it still works (at least, one can derive a lower bound on performance degradation). It is pretty robust to environmental noise. Since its inception, there have been many papers on low-level music similarity, so there is no single answer.
Do you have absolutely identical files, i.e., the signals are time aligned, bit depth is the same, sampling rate is the same? Then I would think a hash like MD5 should work. But if any of those parameters are changed, so will the hashes. In such an event, a procedure like the one mentioned earlier would work better.
Take a look at the ISMIR proceedings available free online. Fun stuff.

There are a lot of algorithms for acoustic fingerprinting. Some of the more popular ones are:
In fact libfooId is opensource , so you can check out its code in google-code!!

Take a look at he Acoustic Fingerprint page on Wikipedia. It has references for some papers as well as links to implementations (including the open source fdmf).

After some more research (although this is not conclusive at all!), I happened across the wiki at which details some of the approaches they use:


Implementating spell drawing/casting mechanism in Luau (Roblox)

I am coding a spell-casting system where you draw a symbol with your wand (mouse), and it can recognize said symbol.
There are two methods I believe might work; neural networking and an "invisible grid system"
The problem with the neural networking system is that It would be (likely) suboptimal in Roblox Luau, and not be able to match the performance nor speed I wish for. (Although, I may just be lacking in neural networking knowledge. Please let me know whether I should continue to try implementing it this way)
For the invisible grid system, I thought of converting the drawing into 1s and 0s (1 = drawn, 0 = blank), then seeing if it is similar to one of the symbols. I create the symbols by making a dictionary like:
local Symbol = { -- "Answer Key" shape, looks like a tilted square
The problem is that user error will likely cause it to be inaccurate, like this "spell"'s blue boxes, showing user error/inaccuracy. I'm also sure that if I have multiple Symbols, comparing every value in every symbol will surely not be quick.
Do you know an algorithm that could help me do this? Or just some alternative way of doing this I am missing? Thank you for reading my post.
I'm sorry if the format on this is incorrect, this is my first stack-overflow post. I will gladly delete this post if it doesn't abide to one of the rules. ( Let me know if there are any tags I should add )
One possible approach to solving this problem is to use a template matching algorithm. In this approach, you would create a "template" for each symbol that you want to recognize, which would be a grid of 1s and 0s similar to what you described in your question. Then, when the user draws a symbol, you would convert their drawing into a grid of 1s and 0s in the same way.
Next, you would compare the user's drawing to each of the templates using a similarity metric, such as the sum of absolute differences (SAD) or normalized cross-correlation (NCC). The template with the lowest SAD or highest NCC value would be considered the "best match" for the user's drawing, and therefore the recognized symbol.
There are a few advantages to using this approach:
It is relatively simple to implement, compared to a neural network.
It is fast, since you only need to compare the user's drawing to a small number of templates.
It can tolerate some user error, since the templates can be designed to be tolerant of slight variations in the user's drawing.
There are also some potential disadvantages to consider:
It may not be as accurate as a neural network, especially for complex or highly variable symbols.
The templates must be carefully designed to be representative of the expected variations in the user's drawings, which can be time-consuming.
Overall, whether this approach is suitable for your use case will depend on the specific requirements of your spell-casting system, including the number and complexity of the symbols you want to recognize, the accuracy and speed you need, and the resources (e.g. time, compute power) that are available to you.

simple speech recognition methods

Yes, I'm aware that speech recognition is fairly complicated (as an understatement). What I'm looking for is a method for distinguishing between maybe 20-30 phrases. An ability to split words (discrete speech is fine) would be nice, but isn't required. The software will be user-dependent(i.e. for use by me). I'm not looking for existing software, but for a good way of going about doing this myself. I've looked into various existing methods and it seems like splitting the sound into phonemes, while common, is somewhat excessive for my needs.
For some context, I'm just looking for a way to control some aspects of my computer with a few simple voice commands. I'm aware that Windows already has speech recognition software, but I'd like to go about this one myself as a learning exercise. Commands would be simple like "Open Google", or "Mute". What I had in mind (not sure if this is a good idea) is that some commands would be compound. So "Mute" would just be "Mute". Whereas the "Open" command could be recognized individually, and then have its suffixes (Google, Photoshop, etc). recognized with another network/model/whatever. But I'm not sure if looking for prefixes/word breaks in this way would produce better results than having to deal with an increased number of individual commands.
I've been looking into perceptrons, hopfield networks (though they're somewhat obsolete from what I understand) and HMMs, and while I understand the ideas behind these (I've implemented the ANNs before) I don't really know which is best suited to this task. I'm assuming that linear vector quantization models would also be appropriate, but I can't really find much literature to this end. Any guidance/resources would be greatly appreciated.
There are some open source project in speech recognition:
HTK (Hidden Markov Models Toolkit)
Both have decoder, training, language model toolkits. Eveything to build a complete and robust speech recognizer.
Voxforge has acoustic and language models for both open source speech recognition toolkits.
Some time ago, I read a whitepaper about a limited vocabulary system, which used a simple recognition process. The system divided each utterance into a small number of bins (6 in time, and 4 in magnitude, if I remember correctly, for 24 total), and all it did was count the number of sample audio measurements in each bin. There was a fuzzy logic rule base which then interpreted each utterances 24 bin counts, and generated an interpretation.
I imagine that (for some applications) a simple matching process might work just as well, in which the 24 bin counts of the current utterance are simple matched against those of each of your stored prototypes, and the one with the least overall difference is the winner.

Transferring data using ultrasound

Yamaha InfoSound and ShopKick application use technologies that allow to transfer data using ultrasound. That is playing an inaudible signal (>18kHz) that can be picked up by modern mobile phones (iOS, Android).
What is the approach used in such technologies? What kind of modulation they use?
I see several problems with this approach. First, 18kHz is not inaudible. Many people cannot hear it, especially as they age, but I know I certainly can (I do regular hearing tests, work-related). Also, most phones have different low-pass filters on their A/D converters, and many devices, especially older Android ones (I've personally seen that happen), filter everything below 16 kHz or so. Your app therefore is not guaranteed to work on any hardware. The iPhone should probably be able to do it.
In terms of modulation, it could be anything really, but I would definitely rule out AM. Sound has next to zero robustness when it comes to volume. If I were to implement something like that, I would go with FSK. I would think that PSK would fail due to acoustic reflections and such. The difficulty is that you're working with non-robust energy transfer within a very narrow bandwidth. I certainly do not doubt that it can be achieved, but I don't see something like this proving reliable. Just IMHO, that is.
Update: Now that i think about it, a plain on-off would work with a single tone if you're not transferring any data, just some short signals.
Can't say for Yamaha InfoSound and ShopKick, but what we used in our project was a variation of frequency modulation: the frequency of the carrier is modulated by a digital binary signal, where 0 and 1 correspond to 17 kHz and 18 kHz respectively. As for demodulator, we tried heterodyne. More details you could find here:
There's nothing special in being ultrasound, the principle is the same as data transmission through a modem, so any digital modulation is -in principle- feasible. You only have a specific frequency band (above 18khz) and some practical requisites (the medium is very unreliable, I guess) that suggest to use a simple-robust scheme with low-bit rate.
I don't know how they do it but this is how I do it:
If it is a string then make sure it's not a long one (the longer the higher is the error probability ). Lets assume we're working with the vital part of the ASCII code, namely up to character number 127, then all you need is 7 bits per character. Transform this character into bits and modulate those bits using QFSK (there are several modulations to choose from, frequency shift based ones have turned out to be the most robust I've tried from the conventional ones... I've created my own modulation scheme for this use case). Select the carrier frequencies as 18.5,19,19.5, and 20 kHz (if you want to be mathematically strict in your design, select frequency values that assure you both orthogonality and phase continuity at symbol transitions, if you can't, a good workaround to avoid abrupt symbols transitions is to multiply your symbols by a window of the same size, eg. a Gaussian or Bartlet ). In my experience you can move this values in the range from 17.5 to 20.5 kHz (if you go lower it will start to bother people using your app, if you go higher the average type microphone frequency response will attenuate your transmission and induce unwanted errors).
On the receiver side implement a correlation or matched filter receiver (an FFT receiver works as well, specially a zero padded one but it might be a little bit slower, I wouldn't recommend Goertzel because frequency shift due to Doppler effect or speaker-microphone non-linearities could affect your reception). Once you have received the bit stream make characters with them and you will recover your message
If you face too many broadcasting errors, try selecting a higher amount of samples per symbol or band-pass filtering each frequency value before giving them to the demodulator, using an error correction code such as BCH or Reed Solomon is sometimes the only way to assure an error free communication.
One topic everybody always forgets to talk about is synchronization (to know on the receiver side when the transmission has begun), you have to be creative here and make a lot a tests with a lot of phones before you can derive an actual detection threshold that works on all, notice that this might also be distance dependent
If you are unfamiliar with these subjects I would recommend a couple of great books:
Digital Modulation Techniques from Fuqin Xiong
DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Fundamentals and Applications from BERNARD SKLAR
Digital Communications from John G. Proakis
You might have luck with a library I created for sound-based modems, libquiet. It gives you a handful of profiles to work from, including a slow "Ultrasonic whisper" profile with spectral content above 19kHz. The library is written in C but would require some work to interface with iOS.

Audio File Matching Program

I'm trying to write a program in iPhone than can take two audio files (e.g. WAV) as inputs, compare them, and spit out a number that tells you how similar the audio files are.
If someone has done something like this, know how to go about doing it, or just have some ideas, please let me know. Anything will be greatly appreciated.
Specific questions: What language is suitable? How hard is it to do (how many
hours, roughly)? Where can I find a good source of audio library/tools?
I'd say it's pretty hard, not so much the implementation, but coming up with a reasonable definition of 'similar'.
That said, you're probably looking at techniques like autocorrelation and FFT, both of which are CPU-intensive tasks, so I'd say a fully-compiled language (C, C++, don't know about Objective-C) would be most suitable at least for the actual calculations. Also, you're facing a somewhat underpowered platform for such tasks (if only because uncompressed audio files are pretty large), so you're in for quite some optimization.
This book: is quite concise reading for all things DSP-related.
Sounds similar to what 'Shazam' does - awesome iPhone app by the way, check it out if you haven't already (it's free too).
A while ago there was an article on how Shazam works, read it here. It takes an acoustic fingerprint and compares it to other songs' fingerprints, returning the closest match.
I would say there is a lot of math, probably some matrices and maybe Fourier transforms involved in fingerprinting and then trying to compare the audio.
Probably would take a good while to program. If your math skills are up to it though, sounds like a good challenge :-)
EDIT: turns out there was some source code on the site I linked. It's in Java but would be well worth a look through before you start writing your own. Source code here
I am working on something similar in Java on a speech recognition app.
I would recommend using MFCC (requires calculating FFT) for feature extraction and Neural Networks or some other sort of machine learning technique for training and recognition. You train the NN with the features extracted from the reference wav file, more precisely from consecutive equal lenght slices/windows of that audio file. Then you use the NN to detect if another file, also split into slices, has the same features.
This is the basic idea upon which you can elaborate to further your own specifications, or exactly what you want your app to do.
In terms of libraries in Objective C I think you can find a few for the signal processing part (FFT and such) as for the machine learning part I have no idea about what you could find.
As for programming time it's hard to estimate because it depends on a lot of details. I would say somewhere about a week, but that's just a fair estimation.
ps: MFCC stands for Mel-Frequency Coeficients:

Do hash functions exist in nature?

Given that there are quite a few bioinformaticians around these days, wondering if any of you have seen examples of hash functions (or mapping mechanisms) occuring in nature? And if so how do they work?
Smell is a sort of hashing.
A smelling hash function transforms a huge variety of chemical compounds to a small piece of information (several things may smell alike). Living organisms learn to distinguish the "buckets" such "hashing" puts the objects to, and tend to infer behavioral patterns that rely on such a function.
This applies to taste as well.
On a more humorous note, I would say that the nervous and sensory systems of most or all animals might be seen a hash function designed to divide things into:
things to mate with
things to eat
things to run away from
Kudos to Terry Pratchett for identifying this elaborate system of categories. ;)
The visual system (lens, retina, cortex) is a suite of serially composed hashing functions.
(1) projection from 3d to 2d.
(2) photon to neural stimulus
(3) spatial to pattern
(4) spatial and pattern to temporal
(5) (in predator species with aligned pairs of eyes) two sets of all the above back to 3d.
Hubel and Wiesel got the Nobel in 1981 for figuring this out at the expense of a bunch of kittehs. They didn't call them hash functions, but that's actually a terrific way of representing them.
I guess turning a color image into a B&W one could be see has a mapping/hashing -- and such filter exist in the nature for photography.