Silverlight MVVM header detail - mvvm

So lets say i have an OrderModel and an OrderViewModel. I have the Supplier, Order Date, etc properties on both the ViewModel and the Model and they are linked up. Seen examples on this and seems straighforward enough, although somewhat duplicated in terms of writing setters/getters.
Now what do I do with the OrderDetails? In my model I would have a List.
Do I have an OrderDetailViewModel for the OrderDetail? If so then how does the OrderViewModel provide that? As an ObservableCollection? And if so how do you keep that in sync with the original List?
This is where I haven't seen a decent example. If there is one out there someone could point me to, I'd appreciate it. I liek the concept of the MVVM but I am starting to thing its a hell of a lot of overhead. Why not just have the ViewModel handle the model part as well. In day to day LOB apps is there really that much difference between the two to warrant all the code that true MVVM seems to required?

It looks like this is what you need:
A translation on google gives this as the abstract for the talk:
Silverlight 2 was released this autumn, and lays a good foundation for developers who want to create rich Internet applications (RIA) based on. NET. In this session we in Depth in Silverlight 2 that development and the benefits of choosing Silverlight 2 as a platform for data-centric business applications. The session will cover among other things, data access via secured WCF services, how to structure the code using the Model-View-View Model pattern (MVVM), how to write code, designers can work with, and easy-Blend tips for developers. The session will be built around a dive log application where the code will be available after the presentation.
However in the mean time Jonas has already talked about MVVM here:

You can use something like this to keep your ObservableCollections synchronised between the model and view model:
/// <summary>
/// Keeps one collection synchronised with another.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="Source">The type of the source items.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="Destination">The type of the destination items.</typeparam>
public class CollectionSync<Source, Destination>
private readonly Func<Source, Destination> _destItemFactory;
private readonly Action<Destination> _destItemRemover;
private readonly IList<Destination> _destList;
private readonly IList<Source> _sourceList;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CollectionSync<Source, Destination>"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceList">The source list.</param>
/// <param name="destList">The destination list.</param>
/// <param name="destItemFactory">Factory method which creates a Destination for a given Source.</param>
/// <param name="destItemRemover">Method called when a Destination is removed.</param>
public CollectionSync(IList<Source> sourceList,
IList<Destination> destList,
Func<Source, Destination> destItemFactory,
Action<Destination> destItemRemover)
_destItemFactory = destItemFactory;
_destItemRemover = destItemRemover;
_sourceList = sourceList;
_destList = destList;
((INotifyCollectionChanged) _sourceList).CollectionChanged += SourceCollection_CollectionChanged;
private void PopulateWithAllItems()
foreach (Source sourceItem in _sourceList)
private void SourceCollection_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
switch (args.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
OnItemsAdded(args.NewStartingIndex, args.NewItems);
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
OnItemsRemoved(args.OldStartingIndex, args.OldItems);
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void OnItemsReset()
private void OnItemsRemoved(int index, ICollection items)
int itemCount = items.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
Destination removed = _destList[index];
if (_destItemRemover != null)
private void OnItemsAdded(int index, IList items)
int itemIndex = index;
foreach (Source item in items)
// Add to Items collection
_destList.Insert(itemIndex, _destItemFactory(item));
Taking your Order/OrderDetails example, in your Order view model you would hook up the two ObservableCollections like this:
_modelToViewModelSync = new CollectionSync<IOrderDetail, OrderDetailViewModel>(
orderDetailModels, // the list of your order details models
OrderDetails, // the list of order details view models exposed by the Order view model
x => new OrderDetailViewModel(x), // factory method to create a view model
null); // do something here if you care when your view models are removed

When it comes to the question "Do I need another view model", my answer is this: If all your view is doing is showing the model data, there is no harm in binding directly to the order directly. Creating a ViewModel for this would be very much redundant. The time when the ViewModel needs to be created is when you have logic or state in the "order detail" screen that needs to be represented. Instead of adding that to the model, you create a ViewModel at that time.
As far as keeping those items in sync, Similar to GraemeF, I have created a Binder class that is uses reflection to bind two values together. It keeps my model and viewmodel properties in sync, and it can be used to keep other things in sync, like this particular collection. There is some overhead in creating a binder like this, but once it is done, you can specify data correlations in a functional way, which is really nice.


Bing Maps MVVM in universal app

For a long time i´ve been trying to understand the correct way of dealing with bing Maps in n MVVM scenario.
I might create a map in my XAML-view like this:
<map:Map x:Name="MyMap"
I the code behind file I can easily interact with map for eaxmple like this:
private async void FindMe_Clicked()
_cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = _cts.Token;
// Get the location.
Geoposition pos = await _geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync().AsTask(token);
MyMap.SetView(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = pos.Coordinate.Latitude, Longitude = pos.Coordinate.Longitude }, 15);
Simply by referencing the MyMap we can do whatever we like with it in the code behind.
But how can I execute the same command my viewModel?
I guess I should start with replacing the FindMe_Clicked with a command calling a method on my viewModel? And have that method execute a method similar to the one in the code-behind. But How do I acess MyMap in the viewModel?
Maybe my VM looks like this:
public class MainViewModel
public RelayCommand GetLocation { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
this.GetLocation = new RelayCommand(this.FindMe());
public void FindMe()
_cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = _cts.Token;
// Get the location.
Geoposition pos = await _geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync().AsTask(token);
MyMap.SetView(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = pos.Coordinate.Latitude, Longitude = pos.Coordinate.Longitude }, 15);
If im not thinking about this problem all wrong what I need to do Is to pass the same instance of MyMap that exists in the view to my viewmodel somehow?
Help with this is appreciated, I would also love to see any examples of how to use bibg maps i portable class libraries or i an Mvvm-pattern if anyone has come across it somewhere. Thanks!
When following the MVVM pattern, you should never try to access elements of the View layer (e.g. the maps control) from within the Viewmodel. Instead, you'd (theoretically) create two public properties CenterLatitude and CenterLongitude and bind them to the maps control directly within XAML code:
<Map Credentials="MySuperSecretCredentials" ZoomLevel="15">
<Location Latitude="{Binding CenterLatitude}" Longitude="{Binding CenterLongitude}"/>
It's ok to have a method FindMe within your Viewmodel, but instead of accessing the MyMapcontrol and calling SetView(...) from within there, you'd just update the two properties CenterLatitude and CenterLongitude and make sure that the PropertyChanged event is raised in order to inform the View about the changed data and to update itself.
BUT: Unfortunately, the bing map control's Center attribute does not support Data Binding - it seems that Microsoft turned this feature off intentionally for performance reasons. If you still want to keep the MVVM pattern, check out this article I've written some time ago that explains how to circumvent this restiction.
(In my experience, this workaround works quite well and does not affect performance. Just make sure that you don't update the Center property too often, meaning several times per second...)

Using Reactive Extensions to stream model changes

I am working on a server component which is responsible for caching models in memory and then stream any changes to interested clients.
When the first client requests a model (well model key, each model has a key to identify it) the model will be created (along with any subscriptions to downstream systems) and then sent to the client, followed by a stream of updates (generated by downstream systems). Any subsequent client's should get this cached (updated) model, again with the stream of updates. When the last client unsubscribes to the model the downstream subscriptions should be destroyed and the cached model destroyed.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as regards to how Rx could help here. I guess what isn't clear to me at the moment is how I synchronize state (of the object) and the stream of changes? Would I have two separate IObservables for the model and updates?
Update: here's what I have so far:
Model model = null;
return Observable.Create((IObserver<ModelUpdate> observer) =>
model = _modelFactory.GetModel(key);
_backendThing.Subscribe(model, observer.OnNext);
return Disposable.Create(() =>
.Do((u) => model.MergeUpdate(u))
.Select(inp => new ModelEvent(inp))
.StartWith(new ModelEvent(model)
If I understood the problem correctly, there are Models coming in dynamically. At any point in time in your Application's lifetime, the number of Models are unknown.
For that purpose an IObservable<IEnumerable<Model>> looks like a way to go. Each time there is a new Model added or an existing one removed, the updated IEnumerable<Model> would be streamed. Now it would essentially preserve the older objects as opposed to creating all Models each time there is an update unless there is a good reason to do so.
As for the update on each Model object's state such as any field value or property value changed, I would look into Paul Betts' ReactiveUI project, it has something called ReactiveObject. Reactive object helps you get change notifications easily, but that library is mainly designed for WPF MVVM applications.
Here is how a Model's state update would go with ReactiveObject
public class Model : ReactiveObject
int _currentPressure;
public int CurrentPressure
get { return _currentPressure; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChagned(ref _currentPressure, value); }
now anywhere you have Model object in your application you could easily get an Observable that will give you updates about the object's pressure component. I can use When or WhenAny extension methods.
You could however not use ReactiveUI and have a simple IObservable whenever a state change occurs.
Something like this may work, though your requirements aren't exactly clear to me.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Key, IObservable<Model>> cache = new...
public IObservable<Model> GetModel(Key key)
return cache.GetOrAdd(key, CreateModelWithUpdates);
private IObservable<Model> CreateModelWithUpdates(Key key)
return Observable.Using(() => new Model(key), model => GetUpdates(model).StartWith(model))
.Where(model => model != null);
private IObservable<Model> GetUpdates(Model model) { ... }
public class Model : IDisposable

Publish an Event without PayLoad in Prism EventAggregator?

Why can't we Publish Events without any PayLoad.
_eventAggregator.GetEvent<SelectFolderEvent>().Publish(new SelectFolderEventCriteria() { });
Now, I don't need any pay load to be passed here. But the EventAggregator implementation mandates me to have an empty class to do that.
public class SelectFolderEvent : CompositePresentationEvent<SelectFolderEventCriteria>
public class SelectFolderEventCriteria
Why has Prism not given a way to use just the Event and publish it like
Is it by design and I don't understand it?
Please explain. Thanks!
Good question, I don't see a reason for not publishing an event without a payload. There are cases where the fact that an event has been raised is all information you need and want to handle.
There are two options: As it is open source, you can take the Prism source and extract a CompositePresentation event that doesn't take a payload.
I wouldn't do that, but handle Prism as a 3rd party library and leave it as it is. It is good practice to write a Facade for a 3rd party library to fit it into your project, in this case for CompositePresentationEvent. This could look something like this:
public class EmptyPresentationEvent : EventBase
/// <summary>
/// Event which facade is for
/// </summary>
private readonly CompositePresentationEvent<object> _innerEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary which maps parameterless actions to wrapped
/// actions which take the ignored parameter
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Action, Action<object>> _subscriberActions;
public EmptyPresentationEvent()
_innerEvent = new CompositePresentationEvent<object>();
_subscriberActions = new Dictionary<Action, Action<object>>();
public void Publish()
public void Subscribe(Action action)
Action<object> wrappedAction = o => action();
_subscriberActions.Add(action, wrappedAction);
public void Unsubscribe(Action action)
if (!_subscriberActions.ContainsKey(action)) return;
var wrappedActionToUnsubscribe = _subscriberActions[action];
If anything is unclear, please ask.
Just to update the situation since this question was asked/answered, as of Prism 6.2, empty payloads are now supported in Prism PubSubEvents.
If you're using an older version, this blog shows how to create an "Empty" class that clearly indicates the intent of the payload:

MEF and IObservables

I have a singleton IObservable that returns the results of a Linq query. I have another class that listens to the IObservable to structure a message. That class is Exported through MEF, and I can import it and get asynchronous results from the Linq query.
My problem is that after initial composition takes place, I don't get any renotification on changes when the data supplied to the Linq query changes. I implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the singleton, thinking it word make the exported class requery for a new IObservable, but this doesn't happen.
Maybe I'm not understanding something about the lifetime of MEF containers, or about property notification. I'd appreciate any help.
Below are the singleton and the exported class. I've left out some pieces of code that can be inferred, like the PropertyChanged event handlers and such. Suffice to say, that does work when the underlying Session data changes. The singleton raises a change event for UsersInCurrentSystem, but there is never any request for a new IObservable from the UsersInCurrentSystem property.
public class SingletonObserver: INotifyPropertyChanged
private static readonly SingletonObserver _instance = new SingletonObserver();
static SingletonObserver() { }
private SingletonObserver()
Session.ObserveProperty(xx => xx.CurrentSystem, true)
.Subscribe(x =>
this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.UsersInCurrentSystem);
public static SingletonObserverInstance { get { return _instance; } }
public IObservable<User> UsersInCurrentSystem
var x = from user in Session.CurrentSystem.Users
select user;
return x.ToObservable();
public class UserStatus : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _data = string.Empty;
public UserStatus
SingletonObserver.Instance.UsersInCurrentSystem.Subscribe(sender =>
//set _data according to information in sender
//raise PropertyChanged for Data
public string Data
get { return _data; } }
My problem is that after initial composition takes place, I don't get any renotification on changes when the data supplied to the Linq query changes.
By default MEF will only compose parts once. When a part has been composed, the same instance will be supplied to all imports. The part will not be recreated unless you explicitly do so.
In your case, if the data of a part change, even if it implements INotifyPropertyChanged, MEF will not create a new one, and you don't need to anyway.
I implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the singleton, thinking it word make the exported class requery for a new IObservable
Maybe I'm not understanding something about the lifetime of MEF containers, or about property notification.
Property notification allows you to react to a change in the property and has no direct effect on MEF. As for the container's lifetime, it will remain active until it is disposed. While it is still active, the container will keep references to it's compose parts. It's actually a little more complex than that, as parts can have different CreationPolicy that affects how MEF holds the part, I refer you to the following page: Parts Lifetime for more information.
MEF does allow for something called Recomposition. You can set it likewise:
What this does tough is allow MEF to recompose parts when new parts are available or existing parts aren't available anymore. From what I understand it isn't what you are referring to in your question.

MVVM and Repository Question

Let's say that I have two views in my app, MemberListView and MemberEditView. They are associated with their perspective viewModels, MemberListViewModel and MemberEditViewModel. The models speak to a repository class, MemberRepository, which has the CRUD methods for the member class.
In the MemberEditView form, I have several dropdowns that display thinkgs like Status (Active/Inactive/Pending), the members trade code etc. They are ObservableCollection objects in my viewModel and are bound to ComboBoxes on the view. Should the MemberRepository handle the gets for retrieving the lists of each to be displayed?
What if on the MemberEditView I have a grid that displays all the jobs that the member has had over the years. If the user doubleclicks one of the jobs, it calls a JobHistoryEditView to display the job Information and it has a JobHistoryViewModel. Should the MemberRepository take care of the JobHistory CRUD methods or should I have a separate JobHistory Repository?
Most MVVM applications would have this architecture:
View -> ViewModel -> Model -> Repository
I have recently been espousing a variant:
View -> ViewModel <- Presenter -> Model -> Repository
(Where A -> B means "A knows about B", but B doesn't know about A.)
Notice that in both cases, the only thing that knows about the repository is the Model, not the ViewModel. Your model isn't just the domain entities, it also has to house the business logic. Obviously one of the user stories your business logic has to support is something I'll call a MemberEditTask:
public class MemberEditTask
private readonly Member _member;
public MemberEditTask(Member member, IRepository repository)
this._member = member;
this.StatusChoices = repository.GetPossibleMemberStatuses(member);
public ReadOnlyCollection<MemberStatus> StatusChoices { get; private set; }
public MemberStatus Status
get { return this._member.Status; }
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
this._member.Status = value;
All of this logic belongs in your Model because the list of possible choices (and validating that one of those was actually chosen) is defined by business logic. You could also imagine some other thing consuming the MemberEditTask, like an automated process running on the server that edits a member in response to a file uploaded on an FTP server, or a background process (setting the status to Inactive after a certain amount of time). All of those things need to execute the same business rules, so it all has to be common (not in the ViewModel).
So given that class, the ViewModel class looks like this:
public class MemberEditViewModel : ViewModelBase
private readonly MemberEditTask _task;
public MemberEditViewModel(MemberEditTask task)
this._task = task;
public IEnumerable<MemberStatus> StatusChoices
{ get { return this._task.StatusChoices; }
public MemberStatus Status
get { return this._task.Status; }
this._task.Status = value;
In this case, as a very simple convenience, just believe that NotifyAllPropertiesChanged is a protected method of ViewModelBase that uses reflection to raise a PropertyChanged event on all public properties of the ViewModel. :) That's overkill of course, but it drives at a more important point...
This is almost a silly example because in this case, MemberEditViewModel is unnecessary. If the View is the only one setting Status then there's really no need to raise the property changed event either! Of course in the real world, you will have more properties and there will be interactions. The reason for the ViewModel to exist is to notify consumers when its view-related properties change, which is something the Model doesn't do (and shouldn't in my opinion). (The ViewModel also has extra View-specific logic to support animations, etc.)
So back to your question... whether or not the MemberRepository is responsible for executing the gets of the statuses is irrelevant from the point of view of the ViewModel because the repository is a service used by the Model. The Model is a service used by the ViewModel. Make your Model of the task/workflow/process/whatever expose the list of status options.
Sorry if that was long-winded.