Using Reactive Extensions to stream model changes - system.reactive

I am working on a server component which is responsible for caching models in memory and then stream any changes to interested clients.
When the first client requests a model (well model key, each model has a key to identify it) the model will be created (along with any subscriptions to downstream systems) and then sent to the client, followed by a stream of updates (generated by downstream systems). Any subsequent client's should get this cached (updated) model, again with the stream of updates. When the last client unsubscribes to the model the downstream subscriptions should be destroyed and the cached model destroyed.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as regards to how Rx could help here. I guess what isn't clear to me at the moment is how I synchronize state (of the object) and the stream of changes? Would I have two separate IObservables for the model and updates?
Update: here's what I have so far:
Model model = null;
return Observable.Create((IObserver<ModelUpdate> observer) =>
model = _modelFactory.GetModel(key);
_backendThing.Subscribe(model, observer.OnNext);
return Disposable.Create(() =>
.Do((u) => model.MergeUpdate(u))
.Select(inp => new ModelEvent(inp))
.StartWith(new ModelEvent(model)

If I understood the problem correctly, there are Models coming in dynamically. At any point in time in your Application's lifetime, the number of Models are unknown.
For that purpose an IObservable<IEnumerable<Model>> looks like a way to go. Each time there is a new Model added or an existing one removed, the updated IEnumerable<Model> would be streamed. Now it would essentially preserve the older objects as opposed to creating all Models each time there is an update unless there is a good reason to do so.
As for the update on each Model object's state such as any field value or property value changed, I would look into Paul Betts' ReactiveUI project, it has something called ReactiveObject. Reactive object helps you get change notifications easily, but that library is mainly designed for WPF MVVM applications.
Here is how a Model's state update would go with ReactiveObject
public class Model : ReactiveObject
int _currentPressure;
public int CurrentPressure
get { return _currentPressure; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChagned(ref _currentPressure, value); }
now anywhere you have Model object in your application you could easily get an Observable that will give you updates about the object's pressure component. I can use When or WhenAny extension methods.
You could however not use ReactiveUI and have a simple IObservable whenever a state change occurs.

Something like this may work, though your requirements aren't exactly clear to me.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Key, IObservable<Model>> cache = new...
public IObservable<Model> GetModel(Key key)
return cache.GetOrAdd(key, CreateModelWithUpdates);
private IObservable<Model> CreateModelWithUpdates(Key key)
return Observable.Using(() => new Model(key), model => GetUpdates(model).StartWith(model))
.Where(model => model != null);
private IObservable<Model> GetUpdates(Model model) { ... }
public class Model : IDisposable


Merging a changing collection of observables

We have a class Thing that implements IObservable<Thing>. In another class, there is a collection of Things , and that class needs to react to updates from all those observables in a unified manner. The obvious way to do that is Observable.Merge(), and that generally works; however, when the collection changes, we also need to subscribe to any new Things in our merged subscription (and in theory unsubscribe from all the removed ones, but that seems less problematic - they just won't produce any updates anymore).
We currently achieve that by recreating the subscription on every change of the collection, but that seems rather suboptimal in terms of processing overhead and also due to missing updates from any of the Things in the brief time between discarding the old subscription and creating the new one (which has proven to be an issue in practice, especially as we also need to Buffer() the subscription for a short amount of time, and the buffered items are lost when disposing the subscription).
What is the proper way of merging a changing collection of observables like this?
If you have an IObservable<IObservable<T>> observable, then calling Merge on that, will include children of new parents, if you catch my drift. The trick is converting the ObservableCollection<IObservable<Thing>> to an IObservable<IObservable<Thing>>.
If you have ReactiveUI running around, and are ok to use it, then you could convert the ObservableCollection<IObservable<Thing>> to a ReactiveCollection<IObservable<Thing>>. ReactiveCollection inherits from ObservableCollection, and also implements IObservable.
If ReactiveUI is out of the question (which I'm guessing it is because you're already using a Caliburn Micro collection), then you can convert using ObservableCollection's events:
ObservableCollection<IObservable<Thing>> observableCollection = new ObservableCollection<IObservable<Thing>>();
IObservable<IObservable<Thing>> oCollectionObservable = Observable.FromEventPattern<NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>(
h => observableCollection.CollectionChanged += h,
h => observableCollection.CollectionChanged -= h
.SelectMany(ep => ep.EventArgs.NewItems.Cast<IObservable<Thing>>());
Here's some sample code demonstrating use:
.Subscribe(t => Console.WriteLine($"Received Thing {{Id = {t.Id}}}"));
var firstObservable = Observable.Range(1, 5)
.Select(i => new Thing { Id = i })
Observable.Range(8, 5)
.Select(i => new Thing { Id = i })
var subject = new Subject<Thing>();
subject.OnNext(new Thing { Id = 6 });
subject.OnNext(new Thing { Id = 7 });
Using the following class:
public class Thing
public int Id { get; set; }

wicket :how to combine CompoundPropertyModel and LoadableDetachableModel

I want to achieve two goals:
I want my model to be loaded every time from the DB when it's in a life-cycle (for every request there will be just one request to the DB)
I want my model to be attached dynamically to the page and that wicket will do all this oreable binding for me
In order to achieve these two goals I came to a conclusion that I need to use both CompoundPropertyModel and LoadableDetachableModel.
Does anyone know if this is a good approach?
Should I do new CompoundPropertyModel(myLoadableDetachableModel)?
Yes, you are right, it is possible to use
new CompoundPropertyModel<T>(new LoadableDetachableModel<T> { ... })
or use static creation (it does the same):
CompoundPropertyModel.of(new LoadableDetachableModel<T> { ... })
that has both features of compound model and lazy detachable model. Also detaching works correctly, when it CompoudPropertyModel is detached it also proxies detaching to inner model that is used as the model object in this case.
I use it in many cases and it works fine.
See how looks CompoundPropertyModel class (I'm speaking about Wicket 1.6 right now):
public class CompoundPropertyModel<T> extends ChainingModel<T>
This mean, CompoundPropertyModel adds the property expression behavior to the ChainingModel.
ChainingModel has the following field 'target' and the constructor to set it.
private Object target;
public ChainingModel(final Object modelObject)
target = modelObject;
This take the 'target' reference to tho object or model.
When you call getObject() it checks the target and proxies the functionality if the target is a subclass of IModel:
public T getObject()
if (target instanceof IModel)
return ((IModel<T>)target).getObject();
return (T)target;
The similar functionality is implemented for setObject(T), that also sets the target or proxies it if the target is a subclass of IModel
public void setObject(T object)
if (target instanceof IModel)
target = object;
The same way is used to detach object, however it check if the target (model object) is detachable, in other words if the target is a subclass if IDetachable, that any of IModel really is.
public void detach()
// Detach nested object if it's a detachable
if (target instanceof IDetachable)

Nested DbContext due to method calls - Entity Framework

In the following case where two DbContexts are nested due to method calls:
public void Method_A() {
using (var db = new SomeDbContext()) {
// some work here
// some more work here
public void Method_B() {
using (var db = new SomeDbContext()) {
// some work
Will this nesting cause any issues? (and will the correct DbContext be disposed at the correct time?)
Is this nesting considered bad practice, should Method_A be refactored into:
public void Method_A() {
using (var db = new SomeDbContext()) {
// some work here
using (var db = new SomeDbContext()) {
// some more work here
Your DbContext derived class is actually managing at least three things for you here:
the metadata that describes your database and your entity model,
the underlying database connection, and
a client side "cache" of entities loaded using the context, for change tracking, relationship fixup, etc. (Note that although I term this a "cache" for want of a better word, this is generally short lived and is just to support EFs functionality. It's not a substitute for proper caching in your application if applicable.)
Entity Framework generally caches the metadata (item 1) so that it is shared by all context instances (or, at least, all instances that use the same connection string). So here that gives you no cause for concern.
As mentioned in other comments, your code results in using two database connections. This may or may not be a problem for you.
You also end up with two client caches (item 3). If you happen to load an entity from the outer context, then again from the inner context, you will have two copies of it in memory. This would definitely be confusing, and could lead to subtle bugs. This means that, if you don't want to use shared context objects, then your option 2 would probably be better than option 1.
If you are using transactions, there are further considerations. Having multiple database connections is likely to result in transactions being promoted to distributed transactions, which is probably not what you want. Since you didn't make any mention of db transactions, I won't go into this further here.
So, where does this leave you?
If you are using this pattern simply to avoid passing DbContext objects around in your code, then you would probably be better off refactoring MethodB to receive the context as a parameter. The question of how long-lived context objects should be comes up repeatedly. As a rule of thumb, create a new context for a single database operation or for a series of related database operations. (See, for example this blog post and this question.)
(As an alternative, you could add a constructor to your DbContext derived class that receives an existing connection. Then you could share the same connection between multiple contexts.)
One useful pattern is to write your own class that creates a context object and stores it as a private field or property. Then you make your class implement IDisposable and its Dispose() method disposes the context object. Your calling code news up an instance of your class, and doesn't have to worry about contexts or connections at all.
When might you need to have multiple contexts active at the same time?
This can be useful when you need to write code that is multi-threaded. A database connection is not thread-safe, so you must only ever access a connection (and therefore an EF context) from one thread at a time. If that is too restrictive, you need multiple connections (and contexts), one per thread. You might find this interesting.
You can alter your code by passing to Method_B the context. If you do so, the creation of the second db call SomeDbContext will not be necessary.
there a question an answer in stackoverflow in this link
Proper use of "Using" statement for datacontext
It is a bit late answer, but still people may be looking so here is another way.
Create class, that cares about disposing for you. In some scenarios, there would be a function usable from different places in solution. This way you avoid creating multiple instances of DbContext and you can use nested calls as many as you like.
Pasting simple example.
public class SomeContext : SomeDbContext
protected int UsingCount = 0;
public static SomeContext GetContext(SomeContext context)
if (context != null)
context = new SomeContext();
return context;
private SomeContext()
protected bool MyDisposing = true;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (UsingCount == 0)
MyDisposing = false;
public override int SaveChanges()
if (UsingCount == 0)
return base.SaveChanges();
return 0;
Example of usage
public class ExmapleNesting
public void MethodA()
using (var context = SomeContext.GetContext(null))
// manipulate, save it, just do not call Dispose on context in using
public void MethodB(SomeContext someContext = null)
using (var context = SomeContext.GetContext(someContext))
// manipulate, save it, just do not call Dispose on context in using
// Even more nested functions if you'd like
Simple and easy to use.
If you think number of connections to Database,and impact of times that new connections must be opened, not an important problem and you have no limitation for support your application to run at best performance, everything is OK.
Your code works well. Because create just a db context has a low impact in your performance,meta data will be cached after first loading, and connection to your database just occurs when the code need to execute a query. With liitle performance consideration and code design, I offer you to make context factory to have just an instance of each Db Context for each instance of your application.
You can take a look at this link for more performance considerations

MEF and IObservables

I have a singleton IObservable that returns the results of a Linq query. I have another class that listens to the IObservable to structure a message. That class is Exported through MEF, and I can import it and get asynchronous results from the Linq query.
My problem is that after initial composition takes place, I don't get any renotification on changes when the data supplied to the Linq query changes. I implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the singleton, thinking it word make the exported class requery for a new IObservable, but this doesn't happen.
Maybe I'm not understanding something about the lifetime of MEF containers, or about property notification. I'd appreciate any help.
Below are the singleton and the exported class. I've left out some pieces of code that can be inferred, like the PropertyChanged event handlers and such. Suffice to say, that does work when the underlying Session data changes. The singleton raises a change event for UsersInCurrentSystem, but there is never any request for a new IObservable from the UsersInCurrentSystem property.
public class SingletonObserver: INotifyPropertyChanged
private static readonly SingletonObserver _instance = new SingletonObserver();
static SingletonObserver() { }
private SingletonObserver()
Session.ObserveProperty(xx => xx.CurrentSystem, true)
.Subscribe(x =>
this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.UsersInCurrentSystem);
public static SingletonObserverInstance { get { return _instance; } }
public IObservable<User> UsersInCurrentSystem
var x = from user in Session.CurrentSystem.Users
select user;
return x.ToObservable();
public class UserStatus : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _data = string.Empty;
public UserStatus
SingletonObserver.Instance.UsersInCurrentSystem.Subscribe(sender =>
//set _data according to information in sender
//raise PropertyChanged for Data
public string Data
get { return _data; } }
My problem is that after initial composition takes place, I don't get any renotification on changes when the data supplied to the Linq query changes.
By default MEF will only compose parts once. When a part has been composed, the same instance will be supplied to all imports. The part will not be recreated unless you explicitly do so.
In your case, if the data of a part change, even if it implements INotifyPropertyChanged, MEF will not create a new one, and you don't need to anyway.
I implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the singleton, thinking it word make the exported class requery for a new IObservable
Maybe I'm not understanding something about the lifetime of MEF containers, or about property notification.
Property notification allows you to react to a change in the property and has no direct effect on MEF. As for the container's lifetime, it will remain active until it is disposed. While it is still active, the container will keep references to it's compose parts. It's actually a little more complex than that, as parts can have different CreationPolicy that affects how MEF holds the part, I refer you to the following page: Parts Lifetime for more information.
MEF does allow for something called Recomposition. You can set it likewise:
What this does tough is allow MEF to recompose parts when new parts are available or existing parts aren't available anymore. From what I understand it isn't what you are referring to in your question.

MVVM and Repository Question

Let's say that I have two views in my app, MemberListView and MemberEditView. They are associated with their perspective viewModels, MemberListViewModel and MemberEditViewModel. The models speak to a repository class, MemberRepository, which has the CRUD methods for the member class.
In the MemberEditView form, I have several dropdowns that display thinkgs like Status (Active/Inactive/Pending), the members trade code etc. They are ObservableCollection objects in my viewModel and are bound to ComboBoxes on the view. Should the MemberRepository handle the gets for retrieving the lists of each to be displayed?
What if on the MemberEditView I have a grid that displays all the jobs that the member has had over the years. If the user doubleclicks one of the jobs, it calls a JobHistoryEditView to display the job Information and it has a JobHistoryViewModel. Should the MemberRepository take care of the JobHistory CRUD methods or should I have a separate JobHistory Repository?
Most MVVM applications would have this architecture:
View -> ViewModel -> Model -> Repository
I have recently been espousing a variant:
View -> ViewModel <- Presenter -> Model -> Repository
(Where A -> B means "A knows about B", but B doesn't know about A.)
Notice that in both cases, the only thing that knows about the repository is the Model, not the ViewModel. Your model isn't just the domain entities, it also has to house the business logic. Obviously one of the user stories your business logic has to support is something I'll call a MemberEditTask:
public class MemberEditTask
private readonly Member _member;
public MemberEditTask(Member member, IRepository repository)
this._member = member;
this.StatusChoices = repository.GetPossibleMemberStatuses(member);
public ReadOnlyCollection<MemberStatus> StatusChoices { get; private set; }
public MemberStatus Status
get { return this._member.Status; }
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
this._member.Status = value;
All of this logic belongs in your Model because the list of possible choices (and validating that one of those was actually chosen) is defined by business logic. You could also imagine some other thing consuming the MemberEditTask, like an automated process running on the server that edits a member in response to a file uploaded on an FTP server, or a background process (setting the status to Inactive after a certain amount of time). All of those things need to execute the same business rules, so it all has to be common (not in the ViewModel).
So given that class, the ViewModel class looks like this:
public class MemberEditViewModel : ViewModelBase
private readonly MemberEditTask _task;
public MemberEditViewModel(MemberEditTask task)
this._task = task;
public IEnumerable<MemberStatus> StatusChoices
{ get { return this._task.StatusChoices; }
public MemberStatus Status
get { return this._task.Status; }
this._task.Status = value;
In this case, as a very simple convenience, just believe that NotifyAllPropertiesChanged is a protected method of ViewModelBase that uses reflection to raise a PropertyChanged event on all public properties of the ViewModel. :) That's overkill of course, but it drives at a more important point...
This is almost a silly example because in this case, MemberEditViewModel is unnecessary. If the View is the only one setting Status then there's really no need to raise the property changed event either! Of course in the real world, you will have more properties and there will be interactions. The reason for the ViewModel to exist is to notify consumers when its view-related properties change, which is something the Model doesn't do (and shouldn't in my opinion). (The ViewModel also has extra View-specific logic to support animations, etc.)
So back to your question... whether or not the MemberRepository is responsible for executing the gets of the statuses is irrelevant from the point of view of the ViewModel because the repository is a service used by the Model. The Model is a service used by the ViewModel. Make your Model of the task/workflow/process/whatever expose the list of status options.
Sorry if that was long-winded.