2005 web service that I cannot consume in 3.5 app - service

When I look at the .asmx page in the browser I see:
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
When I reference the asmx file in my project I do not see these web methods. I see the complete set of methods in the Reference.cs.
What am I not setting to allow me to see the WebMethods for that asmx page?

If I'm following your process, you're using the "Add Service Reference" option through your project in Visual Studio.
By default, the 3.5 apps want to leverage the newer WCF framework, which doesn't use the older web service architecture found in your ASMX style pages. However, you can still add the older services, it just takes a little more work.
When this dialog opens up, there should be a button at the bottom at the page that says "Add Web Reference." Click this button and it should expose the "legacy" methods that are available.

In general, it should not be necessary to use the "Advanced" button and to revert to a Web Reference. In general, any standard web service created using VS2005 should be consumable via a Service Reference with no trouble at all.
Is your service created using WSE? Does it contain references to Microsoft.Web.Services3? In that case, you don't have a standard VS2005 web service - you have an obsolete WSE service, and you will need to look more closely to see what the problem is.


Why VS does not offer creating of MVC Controller using Entitity Framework

I am new to .NET Core and I still trying to get all puzzles together.
One strange thing for me is.
I am using VS2015 CE Update3
When I create new project under
Visual C# -> Web -> ASP.NET Core Web Application
And on next form when I Change Authentication to Individual User Accounts
In my project under Solution Explorer explorer there is context menu on folder Controllers with give me ability to create new Controller using Entity Framework
If I create same project without changing authentication mode.
I do not get ability to create MVC Conntolers using Entity Framework?
Why ?
What I am missing in project whitout autentification to be able to create Scaffold Conntolers and Views
Even if I install Entity Framework using NuGet according to ASP.NET Core Docs for Enitity Framework I still do not get ability to Scarfold MVC Conntolers
My apologies for spamming here on SO.
If I did not asked I will not ever find solution
Looks like this is know issue for .NET Core Preview 2 Visual Studio tooling
There is note on next docs which I did not not reach because I stacked on line bofore
Don't miss setting authentication to Individual User Accounts. You
won't be using authentication in this tutorial, but you need to enable
it because of a limitation of .NET Core Preview 2 Visual Studio
tooling. Scaffolding for MVC controllers and views only works when
Individual User Accounts authentication is enabled.

add functionality layer to AtTask by plug-in on Internet Explorer

I would like to add functionality to the AtTask system by "adding a layer".
What I want to know is whether this can be achieved with a plug-in for Internet Explorer.
To give a concrete example:
This extra layer would allow users to click on "Online Edit" document (which is not available right now). The linked application will open, and when you click save, the file is loaded back to AtTask.
All this happens in the background via the AtTask API, and is transparent to the user.
The question is: is it possible to add functionality to a site by somehow adding layers?
Last comment: this plug-in (or whatever needs to be installed inbto the browser) will only be visible/active when accesing the AtTask website.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Within the confines of AtTask your best bet is to use an "External Page" create a service that handles the data in the manner you need.
The Dashboard that contains your External Page can be added as a tab via Layout Templates.
Most of the heavy lifting would have to be handled by your application. You would have to link the document(s) you wish to edit.
Some sort of referrer would be necessary to place the revised document back into AtTask. The method in which the client can do this would be determined by your preference and requirements. I am sure you can find some sort of Wiz-Bang jQuery uploader.
Depending on the level of control you have with your user base, you could make an Application URL
Windows : Registering an Application to a URI Scheme
OS X : Launching Scripts from Webpage Links
I do not know of any other way to handle this other than what Steve suggested.
Having said that a possible solution to this is to create a new application and iframe in AtTask.
At the top or wherever on the page your application could have a link for "Online Edit". Then you would use javascript to extract the task id, project id or any other needed information you need for the api to get the needed content to edit. Then save using the same api information.
I have not tried this type of method but theoretically it could work.

Google cloud - Where i need to register my app?

I don't know where I need to register my app after created my first project. I already followed their instruction regarding to app registration.
To register a new application, do the following:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth. In the displayed
list of APIs, make sure all the APIs you are using show a status of
In the sidebar on the left, select Registered apps.
At the top of the page, select Register App.
Fill out the form and select Register.
Thanks a lot in advance.
The instructions you pasted refer to the older API Console.
You can either figure out their Cloud Console equivalents (Create Project, etc), or go to the previous version at https://code.google.com/apis/console/b/0/?noredirect
It's worth pointing out that Google's terminology is somewhat muddled. Sometimes "app" refers to a "project", other times it refers to a "client" within that project.
For example, you might have a project called "My Multi-Device Task List". That may have a web client, an Android client and an iOS client. Sometimes the word "app" refers to the project, other times it refers to one of its clients.

Dynamics crm 2011 online - how to create a custom code that is run once?

I want to create a dynamics crm solution that will be imported by the customer.
After import, the user must complete some settings in a custom entity. After this, a specific code must run for these new settings, but only once. I cannot use custom workflows because it has to work in the online crm too.
The best would have been to have a synchronous plugin that is registered to execute when the settings are saved. I cannot do this because plugins can be registered for a limited set of entities, custom entities are not supported (am I right on this?).
What alternatives do I have?
Using a Configuration Page for your solution might make it easier for the user to configure. Instead of making the user manually set up a configuration entity, use Javascript in the Configuration Page web resource to hit the REST endpoint and do the setup for you. You might also be able to run your custom setup code using Javascript (or use a plugin on the configuration entity as ckeller has confirmed). Here's a link about the special Configuration Page:

How to automate Lightswitch for metaprogramming

I really like the Ria Services approach, and I see Lightswitch as the next higher level of abstraction, but my scenario is this:
I need to be able to define a Lighswitch app without having to rely on the designer and tedious click-throughs. If I have access to the API that the designer uses, then I can automate application generation, I can parameterize it and apply custome logic for generating custom variations of the same application type, I can even wrap it within a DSL. As a programmer, I want to levarge Lightswitch for developing applications by meta-programming.
I'm a programmer. Whilest I can use the "Write Code" dropdown to insert code blocks into the Application, ApplicationDataService, EntityObject and ScreenObject classes, I would like the ability to define entites, screens, relationships and queries through code / markup / a DSL.
Obviously Lightswitch meta-programs this when I use the designer, but I would like to do it myself. What I would like to accomplish is to create a lightswitch app - without having to click through a tool or designer. In Lightswitch, the pieces are obviously there (the designer leverages them), but they are not exposed as a public API. being a plugin for visual studio, perhaps there is a VSIX API extension I can leverage for automating Lightswitch? Show me some code.
The LS team have not yet released any official API information. As you may know however, all of various data/query/screen definitions exist in the ApplicationDefinition.lsml file, located in the LS project's "Data" folder.
I would hope that API information will be made available once the RTM has been released.