Dynamics crm 2011 online - how to create a custom code that is run once? - plugins

I want to create a dynamics crm solution that will be imported by the customer.
After import, the user must complete some settings in a custom entity. After this, a specific code must run for these new settings, but only once. I cannot use custom workflows because it has to work in the online crm too.
The best would have been to have a synchronous plugin that is registered to execute when the settings are saved. I cannot do this because plugins can be registered for a limited set of entities, custom entities are not supported (am I right on this?).
What alternatives do I have?

Using a Configuration Page for your solution might make it easier for the user to configure. Instead of making the user manually set up a configuration entity, use Javascript in the Configuration Page web resource to hit the REST endpoint and do the setup for you. You might also be able to run your custom setup code using Javascript (or use a plugin on the configuration entity as ckeller has confirmed). Here's a link about the special Configuration Page:


Wordpress like plugins with custom CMS in nette

We are developing CMS based in nette for our company and we have to design it to be plugin based for our clients. Something like wordpress but custom for our needs. Is there some easy way in nette to build system that will check updates and have some "plugin store" with automatic instalation without, so the user won't have to edit the code?
I think you should check how other CMS 'plugin based' systems deal with that and you probably find the answer (cause this is independent of nette or other frameworks). In general, you need to have some server that store plugins and same server can be used for plugin auto updates. Auto updating can be triggered with cron or after some user visit page (some action that is defined in CMS[some hook] trigger auto update of a plugin). Same principle can be used for updating core of the CMS or a theme.

How to make pluggable architecture ASP.NET5/MVC 6?

I want to build an web application(ASP.NET MVC 6) that can add modules/plugins without having to rewrite my source code.
Already read about MEF and Areas but are not helping much.
Someone who has overcome this problem that can help me?
Depends on which part of the web application you are targeting.
1.If it's in the request pipeline you would make a Middleware package.
2.It's it's in HTML you would make a TAG Helper package.
3.If it's an intrinsic functionality you would extend appropriate classes and throw them into a package. An example of this would be helpful extension methods or methods to add claims given a claims principal.
4.If you want to go even further you could create your own Visual Studio templates that you can use to pre-fill your options upon creation.

How to automate Lightswitch for metaprogramming

I really like the Ria Services approach, and I see Lightswitch as the next higher level of abstraction, but my scenario is this:
I need to be able to define a Lighswitch app without having to rely on the designer and tedious click-throughs. If I have access to the API that the designer uses, then I can automate application generation, I can parameterize it and apply custome logic for generating custom variations of the same application type, I can even wrap it within a DSL. As a programmer, I want to levarge Lightswitch for developing applications by meta-programming.
I'm a programmer. Whilest I can use the "Write Code" dropdown to insert code blocks into the Application, ApplicationDataService, EntityObject and ScreenObject classes, I would like the ability to define entites, screens, relationships and queries through code / markup / a DSL.
Obviously Lightswitch meta-programs this when I use the designer, but I would like to do it myself. What I would like to accomplish is to create a lightswitch app - without having to click through a tool or designer. In Lightswitch, the pieces are obviously there (the designer leverages them), but they are not exposed as a public API. being a plugin for visual studio, perhaps there is a VSIX API extension I can leverage for automating Lightswitch? Show me some code.
The LS team have not yet released any official API information. As you may know however, all of various data/query/screen definitions exist in the ApplicationDefinition.lsml file, located in the LS project's "Data" folder.
I would hope that API information will be made available once the RTM has been released.

Web based plugin architecture for simple user interfaces

I have a web based application using Primefaces with a very basic plug-in like architecture. The configuration of these plug-ins was all handled with xml, which is not so user friendly system.
I would now like to allow for each plug-in to be configurable via the web application, what are my options?
I have looked into Portals and Portlets but that seems like a rather big change to my application and my plug-ins do not require such complex user interfaces, a textbox or two of configuration is more than enough.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice and what would be the best route here?
Create a simple page , per plugin that read the XML file, parse the option that you want to change , present it to the user with a simple interface, and save back the XML file.
Take care of the saving part and password-protect this page!

Creating a Calendar in Symfony

I'm using symfony 1.4 for my web project.
I have the following problem (or opportunity): I need to create a calendar where the "common" user has only the ability to see (or read) the date and time of the events and the "admin" user can edit, add and remove new events. So it's basically a google calendar type of thing where I have to different permissions, read and read, write, delete.
Also I need to be able to fully customize a calendar style so that It matches my css.
How would your approach this problem? I've been trying to find the best plugin for this endeavor but I haven't found one that with a good documentation
Thanks in advance!
I recommend FullCalendar jQuery plugin. It gives you very nice JavaScript calendar with drag&drop support. You can use your own CSS style.
On the server side create symfony actions that will return data to FullCalendar API. Just serialize the data to JSON Event Object.
Of course you should use symfony security component to restrict read/write access. Show only those events that users should be able to see. And don't let them access write actions if they don't have write permission.
To manage event data you can either create backend admin module or display your own form when user click on calendar (like Google Calendar does). If you like the second approach then you have to handle it in JavaScript.
I would suggest to build 2 applications for that.
frontend (read/see)
backend (admin)
Just go with the normal symfony approach.. define your models, generate frontend (inkl. modules). There you can adjust you templates and css.
Practicle open book where you can choose the topics you need
Then use the admin-generator to get the backend application. You can customize behaviours and styling of course.