Zend Models not being found - zend-framework

I'm having a strange problem with Zend. I have an application that works great on localhost, and can access it from outside using my IP address as well. When I move it to our staging server, it fails to load any of the classes. I am using autoloading with a modular structure. All the models are in the Default module, then the models folder. Static pages work fine, but anything that tries to access a model fails with "Fatal error: Class 'Default_Model_ModelName' not found in (Controller Path & Name)". I have checked the server and all files are there and are exactly as they were on localhost. Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue or what may be happening? I've looked into everything I can think of and can't see any problems anywhere. Thanks in advance!

Some items to check:
Did the .htaccess file get moved? This is really easy to overlook.
Is the Zend Framework version different?


why the crud generating bundle is giving error in symfony2.3 framework?

I have upgraded symfony2.2 to 2.3.
After that i was trying to generate crud for entity class using console command "generate:doctrine:crud" but i was throwing error like.
There are no registered paths for namespace "__main__".
before upgrading symfony2.2 it was working fine. I am not able to figure it out what is the error.
please help me to solve this.
I've got the same issue.
What you need is explained here:
(Rename and Relocate your files)

gwt module does not load on gae

on a particular page on our site http://www.sakshum.org/ui/page/JoinUs.jsp which is build using gwt and deployed on GAE the module does not load.
This works fine in development env in eclipse and have no errors when looking via firebug in the console.
Please advise what may be wrong here and how to fix it?
look at the AE logs. firebug will only show you client side stuff. It's probably a classpath issue -- such as you have something locally but aren't uploading that jar ...etc.
please post your JoinUs.jsp
I am calling my gwt module via a jsp page on AE no problem. Maybe the path in your script tag pointing to the *.nocache.jsp file is off somehow. Usually when things resolve locally but not on AE, for me, the problem was appengine-web.xml and setting include and exclude paths. I had to be careful there because things worked differently locally and deployed - especially using wildcard.
Also, look for uri errors under the dashboard (ae administration page). static resources that are not found will show there and not in the ae log since they are static.
Thanks all for the help. So, the issue was completely different. Actually the div tag was not rendering at all due to the coding error of a if statement in the jsp. On fixing that it started working

How to use matlabcontrol api and jboss

thanks in advance for attention.
It's the first time i am writing on this site (quite newbie :) )
I previously read question of a user asking for my same problem. Although i read a lot i could not find a solution.
I am trying to use MatlabControl jar (http://code.google.com/p/matlabcontrol/) to "call" matlab within my java code.
When i try this api within a normal java application to try it (including matlabcontrol.jar in the buildpath) everything works perfectly.
My issue is to make it work on an ejb module with jboss 5 AS:
i can deploy the ejb module and i can see classes of the matlabcontrol.jar (which i put in server/default/lib folder), but it is not working and is returning me the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.io.File.<init>(File.java:251)
at matlabcontrol.Configuration.getSupportCodeLocation(Configuration.java:227)
at matlabcontrol.RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.createProcess(RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.java:278)
at matlabcontrol.RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.requestProxy(RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.java:116)
at matlabcontrol.RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.getProxy(RemoteMatlabProxyFactory.java:134)
at matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.getProxy(MatlabProxyFactory.java:81)
that lead me to the following lines:
URL url = Configuration.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
File file = new File(url.toURI().getPath()).getCanonicalFile();
The very strange thing is that very very rarely, after restarting jboss and re-deploying the ejb module, the system works!.
I really don't know if i have to modify the source code of these last 2 lines (as if it is a problem of not properly getting the location of the jar code) or to set some configuration files of jBoss to set the classpath differently.
Thanks again in advance.
Any help would be very appreciate.
The mistake was in the code to find the location of the jar at runtime.
I printed the path, which ended with "!" and double slash, so I removed these chars and I was finally able to make this API work.

Installing Zend on a Plesk Shared Host

I've created an Zend Application on a local machine, with Zend Server Installed on it.
However I am now looking to migrate it to a live host - Shared hosting with Parallel Plesk 8.4.0
I've moved everything up and at one point I was just getting a blank screen when loading the public folder.
I tweaked the public/index.php file to include Error_Reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT)
So I am now getting an error from the script. The error I am getting is...
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'Error parsing /var/www/vhosts/eekonomics.co.uk/httpdocs/application/configs/application.ini on line 4
Theres more to the error. But alot of it seems irrelevant, If required I can post the rest.
Has anyone any ideas how I can get this setup and working, Its slowing me down big style :-(
Any help appreciated...
Changing the application.ini file from APPLICATION_PATH to the absolute path of the files seems to have fixed this.
I've got another error associated with PDO Adapter not being installed, but that is down to a server install issue rather than Zend / PHP.

Weird zend fw problem that makes me crazy!

There is a problem that I can't resolve. I am developing a project and test on my computer which runs as expected. But when I move the project to testing server, which also has Zend Server CE, it gives blank page. Display errors function is ON and I put try catch at the very begining, but it still shows a blank page. When ever I write "exit;" command at the end of related view script, page works normally!
What can couse this problem ?
My first guess would be a problem with your include path. That's a very common issue when deploying from one server to another.
But clearly it's some kind of fatal error. I haven't used Zend Server, but in Apache I'd look in the error_log, since any fatal error output ends up there. Does Zend Server have something similar?
...aha, Zend Server seems to have a log, accessed through Monitor > Logs in the admin interface. Try looking in the PHP Error Log for reports of fatal errors.