Google friend connect integration for mailing lists and forums and seperate channels - chat

Google just released Google Friend Connect which allows you to allow community discussion and the possibility for real-time community communication on your site.
I think it'd be really cool to integrate this with open source dev mailing lists and dev forums, to offer a more "real-time" chat discussion along with the longer email responses in the same place (at least for users of the google groups web front-end). Even stackoverflow could benefit from this (instead of checking comments and refreshing the page you could reply in real-time).
There is a service that lets you create Google Friend connect chat rooms but it doesn't seem to be able to embed in other sites called Clackpoint.
Mainly I'm curious if anyone has any solutions for doing the following.
Integrating Google Friend Connect with Google Groups (e.g. for google code projects) or other dev forums
If there's no direct integration with google groups is there an API or a way to "authenticate" a user to an external "Google Friend Connect" enabled community site based on their google groups membership.
Is there a way to support channels in Google Friend Connect to focus discussion to a particular mailing list post or forum topic (and it'd be good to integrate the chat log with that mailing list post/discussion).
Also does anyone know if Google friend connect can be configured to have "channels" or "topics" for example on a dev forum or google groups mailing list it might make sense to have a seperate real-time chat channel for a given mailing list topic or forum post. This "Google Friend connect" stuff feels very akin to Google Wave capabilities.

There is a way to embed Google Groups onto a Google Site page.
There is a good instruction at:
Also, you can embed Google Friend Connect onto a Blogger page.


Set up News source for Google Home

I work for a publication and would like to find out how I can enable our site to be read by Google Home or if there's something I need to do to set that up. I've looked at the Google Assistant SDK but it seems to be geared more towards custom commands to your own device like a Raspberry Pi etc.
Thank you!
You're right, the Google Assistant SDK is for building your own Assistant hardware.
The Actions on Google API is for building Actions that work with the Google Assistant on multiple platforms. With this, you can build an Action that responds to requests to "Hey Google, Talk to your action name". Google also reviews these Actions periodically to find ones that may more directly respond to questions such as "Hey Google, tell me the news".
There is currently no way to explicitly have your audio included as part of Google Assistant's "Good Morning" news briefing list, although Google may use RSS streams or other public feeds to make such content available.
Google just announced formalizing what they call Content Actions, which are the formal way to get specific content such as poscasts, news, and recipes through the Assistant. See the documentation for details, but in your case, they've documented what the RSS feed should look like.

Google talk gadget code from your website

i would like to have a google talk button on my website to launch google chat option
i know it used to be possible but i can't find the code for it.
the Hangout video button code is available at the below address.
But i can't find one for the chat option that is available via google plus profiles and gmail...
i would really like to launch the google talk option via a button directly from my website for a text chatting option... can anyone help please :) ???
There used to be such a button till May, 2013
google talk button
But now, it has been replaced by hangouts
Google talk official documentation
"We announced a new communications product, Hangouts, in May 2013. Hangouts will replace Google Talk and does not support XMPP."

Retrieve google news through Google CSE Api

I am searching a solution to retrieve news from google news.
I am already retrieving the news from the RSS feed. But this is not scalable, and I will get blacklisted.
I wanted to use Google CSE API (with billing option, I want to be able to send more than 100 000 queries per month), but it seems not to be possible to use it directly with google news. (it seems to be only working with google image, or global web search)
I have already read about Bing Search API, and Yahoo Boss API. I want to know if there is a way with google news. I have already tried to set the site only to google news, but I am getting old news article clippings.
I have already read this discussion(but there is no answer) and this discussion had no new solution for me.
Is there a billable way of doing high volume query directly to google news ?
Thank you
We (Google) currently don't offer programatic access to Google News, and unfortunately I'm not aware of any plans to change that.
You can still use RSS though for free, just watch out for the number of requests you send our way.

Google Hangouts and XMPP support

Had a question about Google's support for XMPP. I want to build a mobile chat client on top of google chat that can interoperate with google chat run from within Gmail or any other service. Would this application be possible to build since has announced that it will drop support for XMPP for their new Hangouts product? Are there any alternative techniques to allow interoperable chat with Google accounts?
Actually, they removed server to server (s2s) federation.
Third-party software works as client to server (c2s) is still enabled, even if we don't know for how long.
As Google says
Note: We announced a new communications product, Hangouts, in May 2013. Hangouts will > replace Google Talk and does not support XMPP. The information in this Developer's > Guide pertains only to Google Talk.
More info:
What's annoying is that users who have switched to Hangouts still show up as online if you have added them as a contact; your messages to them just go into a black hole.
From what I can tell, non-hangouts-enabled users can still connect and chat with non-Google users just fine using XMPP.
Hangouts does not support XMPP as of today's release. This was a difficult decision taken by Google :(
via The Verge

Alternative to FaceBook Social Plug-in Comments

I like the idea to add to my website a Face Book Comment Plug-In, this would allow my Users to comment and share my pages with their friends.
I understand this Plug-in come from Face Book and it is working with Anonymous User as for registers FB users.
What about other logged-in users like Google, Yahoo?
Albeit Face Book is quite popular I would like to know if exist some other free service out there that would allow commenting my pages from a wider range of registered users from other service like Google Account an Yahoo a bit similar to what OpenId provide for registering to a website.
Do you know any ideas?
Thanks for your time!
PS: Does FB support OpenId?
Take a look at Disqus. They integrate with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and OpenID.
DISQUS is a comments platform that
helps you build an active community
from your website's audience. It has
awesome features, powerful tools, and
it's easy to install.