Alternative to FaceBook Social Plug-in Comments - facebook

I like the idea to add to my website a Face Book Comment Plug-In, this would allow my Users to comment and share my pages with their friends.
I understand this Plug-in come from Face Book and it is working with Anonymous User as for registers FB users.
What about other logged-in users like Google, Yahoo?
Albeit Face Book is quite popular I would like to know if exist some other free service out there that would allow commenting my pages from a wider range of registered users from other service like Google Account an Yahoo a bit similar to what OpenId provide for registering to a website.
Do you know any ideas?
Thanks for your time!
PS: Does FB support OpenId?

Take a look at Disqus. They integrate with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and OpenID.
DISQUS is a comments platform that
helps you build an active community
from your website's audience. It has
awesome features, powerful tools, and
it's easy to install.


Forum script (or plugin) with registration throw social networks (facebook, google and vkontakte)

I wish to upload forum to my website.
I had some experience with phpBB in past.
I do not like registration forms.
I wish to give option for people to register with their social network profiles.
I searched for phpBB plugin and have found few in development stage with very critical comments.
I am interested in facebook, google and vkontakte networks.
Could you recommend such forum script or plugin?
I have not found forum with required features out of box but VanillaForums has OpenID, Facebook, Google and Vkontakte plugins
Previous I used phpBB but I have not found all required plugins that work.
The best solution for phpBB is loginza and similar services but I like to work without 3rd party services.

Where can I find this LinkedIn Plugin?

Recently, I had a client send me a screenshot of what appeared to be a LinkedIn Plugin. I asked the client where they got it from, but they couldn't remember, but wanted me to replicate it on their new site... I've looked all over and couldn't seem to find anything exactly like this. I am not very well-versed when it comes to LinkedIn, so the answer may be right under my nose.
Would anyone out there know where I can find this?
I've looked through, but couldn't find anything that had 'Latest Discussions' or 'Most Popular'.
The screenshot you've attached looks like a custom API integration emulating the widget that is found in LinkedIn hosted groups on There are no LinkedIn-supported plugins available that can provide this functionality at this time. From the forums, a post from a LinkedIn employee:
Agorava LinkedIn is an connector to LinkedIn for Agorava. And Agorava Socializer also supports LinkedIn beside other popular social networking services like Facebook or Twitter.

iPhone: Social media integration

I am developing iPhone app where I need to provide integration with different social media like FaceBook, Twitter, Google etc. I have seen couple of iPhone applications that allow people to login using their existing FB or Twitter accounts and allow to post comments, like/unlike, follow people etc. I want to implement something similar but not sure where to start with. Could anyone please suggest me right direction? Any documentation and sample code would be great help.
Thanks. has just about all the info you might need.
Further also look in Apples library as it contains sample code and extensive information about most topics.
#AppleDeveloper, check out Socialize; this is exactly the problem we're working to solve: Full feature list at
The problem with just putting Facebook into your app is that your download base of users aren't all friends on Facebook. So any sharing in the app using Facebook will only go out to that user's friends.
Socialize lets all users of the app see the social actions other users of the app take, in addition to allowing those social actions to be shared on Facebook (and soon Twitter & Google+ as well). Then we give you a reporting dashboard so you can see the effect of all the social actions on downloads & user engagement:
Let me know if this is the type of thing you're looking for.

Login on site with other site creadentials in

I have developed MVC social networking site. I do not want to keep credentials at my database. Its user choice like stackoverflow (this forum). When we saying login the there should be option that to login with google/yahoo/facebook credentials, if user has account over there. What I have to do? is there any webservice provided by sites (google/yahoo/facebook) or what is remedy over this ? this topic in totally new for me . I expecting help from you gems..
You could implement OpenID. DotNetOpenAuth is implementation for .NET.
Sounds like OpenId would work for you (click, and more).
Library's to use in your apps.
For Facebook you want to use Facebook Connect. There is an implementation for .net on codeplex that you may want to have a look at. You may also want to look at this question.
Google uses OpenId. You can use DotNetOpenAuth to connect to google (and any other OpenId provider, such as Yahoo and twitter).
If you want to connect with Microsoft's LiveId, you may want to read this tutorial.
There is also the option of using JanRain, a single provider that consolidates a large number of login providers. But note that JanRain is only free up to 1000 users.
There are solutions that enable authentication and features (like status updates, friends etc) from all mentioned sites, one of them is RPX from JanRain. I've experience with RPX personally and it's a great product, however, it will cost you money. They charge you per registered user etc.. I do not know of an open source solution that can compete with RPX.
If you are not interested in paying for a product you can always implement support for the mentioned sites yourself. All of them provide open API's and examples for how to do this. For Facebook it's very easy to implement Facebook Connect. Google and Yahoo both support Open ID and there are plenty of open source resources available for .NET (like
Good luck with your community!

Example of good login/registration integration with social networks and openid?

We are at the early stages of creating a new website, at the point where we need to build the login/registration module.
I want to be looking forward to the future, so I want to allow my users to register and login using all sorts of accounts, such as OpenID, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc ...
My users are not all tech savvy, do you have an example of a site that managed to successfully implement a user-friendly "universal" login system?
The only confusing this is the box where you can type in any provider. (Dig that one away under an other heading).