How do I make the iTunesArtwork image without an file extension? - iphone

Apple seems to say that this image should have no extension. But how is that possible to have a file without an extension? Does this make sense? Or did I get that wrong?

It does make sense. Files are allowed to have no extensions. In fact, the extensions are basically a legacy form of metadata that allows the OS to identify their type without having to look inside for header information. Go ahead and rename a .PNG or .JPG file to have no extension and you should have no problems.

It works fine without an extension. When iTunes loads it out of your bundle (for ad hoc distributed apps), it peeks inside the file to figure out if it's a png or jpg.
Note that when you submit an app to the app store at the iTunesConnect web site, you don't put this image in your app bundle, but upload it separately. It should be a jpg file and must have a .jpg extension or iTunesConnect rejects it.

It's possible for a file to have no extension - just save it from a program that lets you specify "all types". It 'makes sense' insofar as the data is still there, but no instruction set is included for how to interpret the data: If Apple has said don't provide an extension, then don't and it should be fine.


Reading/writing data to encrypted custom file type

I'd like to create a custom file type, say, .cstm, and be able to create .cstm files on the mac, and read them on the iPhone.
I want the .cstm file to contain XML data. Currently I've got the mac app to successfully make .xml files and the iPhone app to successfully read .xml files, but I'd like to create a proprietary custom file type.
How would I go about doing this? I know how to allow the iPhone app to open a custom file type, but that's as far as I know.
You don't need anything special per se. You can just save and load to the URL with the ctsm extension. To support your app automatically launching as an editor of that extension in OSX, you will want to add an entry to your Info.plist file CFBundleDocumentTypes array entry declaring your app as an editor of that extension

itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file

I am trying to utilize:
itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file, is there any standard way of utilizing plist file via that?
I've seen this done in an app that aided with OTA app updating for developers; what I saw in the source code was that a file:// link was used. If you want to do this, you'd have to know the location of the file in the filesystem. Then, you'd use a standard plist file, but in the url key, you'd put file://location/to/your/ipa/file and it would essentially be the same.
Though, that isn't the best way of doing things, because it is an unknown whether the user has the ipa file on their device or not.

High level process of extracting images from a container

Right, this is the problem I have a container (rar,zip) which contains images png's tiffs bmps or jpegs in an order.
The file extension isnt zip or rar though but uses the same compression.
I want to pull out a list of images contained within the file in the numerical order, then depending on the user decision go to the image selected.
I'm not after any code just the high level thought process/logic of how this can be achieved and how it could be achieved on iphone OS.
From what i know of iphone OS it uses a kind of sandbox environment so how would this effect the process as well.
You can include the libz framework in your project and write some C to manage zipped data. Or you can use Objective-C wrapper classes others have written.
Your application resides in its own sandbox. You can include zip files in the "bundle", i.e. add them to your project, and copy them to the application's Documents folder to work with them. Or you can copy archived data over the network to the application's Documents folder if you don't want to include files in your project.
I don't think the extension matters so much as the data being in the format you expect it to be.
Everything I wrote above is for zip-ped files. If you're working with rar-formatted archives, you'll need to look at making a static library for the iPhone, perhaps from the UnRAR source code.

Launch my app using email attachement

I want to bind my app to some file extension so when I receive an email with an attached file with the correct extension, clicking on it will launch my app and pass it the attached file.
Is it possible ? How ?
As iPhone applications are not allowed to share files on the file system, what you're looking for is not immediately possible (not with the published APIs that I know of, anyway). You might still have a couple of options though.
Either way you'll have to use a custom URL scheme, which is associated with your app, and paste that into your email. This URL might point to some external location, which your app can download the file from.
Or it might contain the actual file contents if it's fairly small. URLs are 'just text' (some restrictions apply), so you're free to put any data you want to in it, as long as it is URL-encoded.
You still need to get the URL into the email though, which might or might not be as easy as attaching a file.
It's not possible to simply associate a file extension with an application on the iPhone.
You could create a custom URL scheme that would launch your app, but probably that won't help you.
This is actually possible, I'm working on this exact same problem and this great tutorial has really helped me.

Where are the headers for libbz2.dylib for the iPhone?

The headers for libbz2.dylib on the iPhone are missing, or contained in a less than obvious location. I've looked for bzlib.h, bz2lib.h, bz2.h, etc., grepped for patterns, and found nothing - are they included with the SDK, or do I need to just pull the header from the main libbz2 distro and use that instead?
Since the library is clearly available on the device, the header really should be in the SDK, but it appears that it isn't. I'd use the one that's packaged for the Simulator, since this is most likely to be the same as the one on the device:
Then open a Radar case to ask that the distribution be fixed.
From the site below get the bzlib- file and copy the files (.h and .c) inside the cbits directory to your Xcode project.
So far it seems to work, I've managed to read the contents of a .bz2 file with the functions BZ2_bzReadOpen and then BZ2_bzRead.