Zend Framework relationships - defining column names in findManyToManyRowset()? - zend-framework

I'm working on an application developed using Zend Framework. I have defined relationships in models, and can use them happily, e.g:
$rowset = $row->findManyToManyRowset('People', 'Jobs');
However, i've hit a problem where the rowset is returned has column names that are the same in 'People' and 'Jobs', and therefore, merges the array keys, losing some of the data from the final rowset.
I understand I can pass a Zend_Db_Select object to findManyToManyRowset() as one of the parameters, but can't find any documentation explaining how to use it in this case, e.g.:
$select = $this->select()->from(array(
'p' => 'people',
'j' => 'jobs'
'person_id' => 'p.id',
'job_id' => 'j.id',
'person_code' => 'p.code',
'job_code' => 'j.code'
If i try to use the above code, I get a message such as:
Error: No reference rule "" from table People to table Jobs
Can anyone enlighten me on how this should be done? I know I could change my column names in the database, but i'd prefer a code change as opposed to re-designing my DB structure and updating all the related code.
Note: without some form of column aliasing as above, the rowset returned looks like this (ie., it merges the columns with the same names):
[_data:protected] => Array
[id] => 1
[code] => SX342

I know this answer comes a little late but here are some things to point out.
1) findManyToManyRowset($matchTable, $intersectionTable, $callerRefRule, $matchRefRule, $select); -- if you are passing a Zend_Db_Table_Select you are going to want to pass null for the rules.
2) The Zend_Db_Table_Select passed into the findManyToManyRowset() should be created from $matchTable and it is safe to assume that in the where clauses i is the alias for the intersection table, and m is the alias for the match table.
3) In the case of collisions, m will win the key name in the associative array returned in php. The query executed looks like this:
`i`.*, `m`.*
`interscetTable` AS `i`
`matchTable` AS `m`
`i`.`fk_m` = `m`.`pk` WHERE (`i`.`fk_o` = ?)
4) No matter what, The return value of findManyToManyRowset() will be a Rowset created from the $matchTable so, if you need to capture any information from the intersecting table, while also capturing the data for the match table, you will probably need to have a custom Zend_Db_Select and avoid using the Zend_Db_Table stuff to map the data anyway.
So a working example, using "People" as the match table, "Workers" as the intersection table and lets say "Clients" as the originating table.. Assuming for this example that the tables link together something like:
People.id:... -> workers.person_id:client_id:job_id -> clients:id:...
$client = $clientTable->fetchRow(); /// grab a random client
// fetch all people that have worked for the client ordered by their last name.
$client->findManyToManyRowset("People", "Workers", null, null,
// fetch all people that have worked for the client ordered by their hire date:
// `workers`.`hiredate`
$client->findManyToManyRowset("People", "Workers", null, null,

My first recommendation is that you shouldn't name columns such generic names like id and code. These names are meaningless, and as you have discovered they also result in collisions when you fetch results in an associative array.
You're also using the Select interface incorrectly. You should specify only one table per from() call or join() call.
Finally, I never try to do complex queries via the Zend_Db_Table relationships interface. It's intended only for simple cases. If you have a more complex query, just write the SQL query explicitly.
See also How to do a joined query in the ZF tables interface?


Selecting identical named columns in jOOQ

Im currently using jOOQ to build my SQL (with code generation via the mvn plugin).
Executing the created query is not done by jOOQ though (Using vert.X SqlClient for that).
Lets say I want to select all columns of two tables which share some identical column names. E.g. UserAccount(id,name,...) and Product(id,name,...). When executing the following code
val userTable = USER_ACCOUNT.`as`("u")
val productTable = PRODUCT.`as`("p")
the build method query.getSQL(ParamType.NAMED) returns me a query like
SELECT "u"."id", "u"."name", ..., "p"."id", "p"."name", ... FROM ...
The problem here is, the resultset will contain the column id and name twice without the prefix "u." or "p.", so I can't map/parse it correctly.
Is there a way how I can say to jOOQ to alias these columns like the following without any further manual efforts ?
SELECT "u"."id" AS "u.id", "u"."name" AS "u.name", ..., "p"."id" AS "p.id", "p"."name" AS "p.name" ...
Im using the holy Postgres Database :)
EDIT: Current approach would be sth like
val productFields = productTable.fields().map { it.`as`(name("p.${it.name}")) }
val userFields = userTable.fields().map { it.`as`(name("p.${it.name}")) }
This feels really hacky though
How to correctly dereference tables from records
You should always use the column references that you passed to the query to dereference values from records in your result. If you didn't pass column references explicitly, then the ones from your generated table via Table.fields() are used.
In your code, that would correspond to:
So, in a resulting record, do this:
val rec = ...
Using Record.into(Table)
Since you seem to be projecting all the columns (do you really need all of them?) to the generated POJO classes, you can still do this intermediary step if you want:
val rec = ...
val userAccount: UserAccount = rec.into(userTable).into(UserAccount::class.java)
val product: Product = rec.into(productTable).into(Product::class.java)
Because the generated table has all the necessary meta data, it can decide which columns belong to it, and which ones don't. The POJO doesn't have this meta information, which is why it can't disambiguate the duplicate column names.
Using nested records
You can always use nested records directly in SQL as well in order to produce one of these 2 types:
Record2<Record[N], Record[N]> (e.g. using DSL.row(table.fields()))
Record2<UserAccountRecord, ProductRecord> (e.g using DSL.row(table.fields()).mapping(...), or starting from jOOQ 3.17 directly using a Table<R> as a SelectField<R>)
The second jOOQ 3.17 solution would look like this:
// Using an implicit join here, for convenience
create().select(productTable.userAccount(), productTable)
The above is using implicit joins, for additional convenience
Auto aliasing all columns
There are a ton of flavours that users could like to have when "auto-aliasing" columns in SQL. Any solution offered by jOOQ would be no better than the one you've already found, so if you still want to auto-alias all columns, then just do what you did.
But usually, the desire to auto-alias is a derived feature request from a misunderstanding of what's the best approch to do something in jOOQ (see above options), so ideally, you don't follow down the auto-aliasing road.

How to SET jsonb_column = json_build_array( string_column ) in Sequelize UPDATE?

I'm converting a one-to-one relationship into a one-to-many relationship. The old relationship was just a foreign key on the parent record. The new relationship will be an array of foreign keys on the parent record.
(Using Postgres dialect, BTW.)
First I'll add a new JSONB column, which will hold an array of UUIDs.
Then I'll run a query to update all existing rows such that the value from the old column is now stored in the new column (as the first element in an array).
Finally, I'll remove the old column.
I'm looking for help with step 2: writing the update statement that will update all rows, setting the value of the new column based on the value of the old column. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to express this SQL query using Sequelize:
UPDATE "myTable"
SET "newColumn" = json_build_array("oldColumn")
-- ^^ this really works, btw
newColumn is type JSONB, and should hold an array (of UUIDs)
oldColumn is type UUID
names are double-quoted because they're mixed case in the DB (shrug)
Expressed using Sequelize sugar, that might be something like:
const { models } = require('../sequelize')
await models.MyModel.update({ newColumn: [ 'oldColumn' ] })
...except that would result in saving an array that contains the string "oldColumn" rather than an array whose first element is the value in that row's oldColumn column.
My experience, and the Sequelize documentation, is focused on working with individual rows via the standard instance methods. I could do that here, but it'd be a lot better to have the database engine do the work internally instead of forcing it to transfer every row to Node and then back again.
Looking for whatever is the most Sequelize-idiomatic way of doing this, if there is one.
Any help is appreciated.

what's the utility of array type?

I'm totally newbie with postgresql but I have a good experience with mysql. I was reading the documentation and I've discovered that postgresql has an array type. I'm quite confused since I can't understand in which context this type can be useful within a rdbms. Why would I have to choose this type instead of using a classical one to many relationship?
Thanks in advance.
I've used them to make working with trees (such as comment threads) easier. You can store the path from the tree's root to a single node in an array, each number in the array is the branch number for that node. Then, you can do things like this:
SELECT id, content
FROM nodes
WHERE tree = X
ORDER BY path -- The array is here.
PostgreSQL will compare arrays element by element in the natural fashion so ORDER BY path will dump the tree in a sensible linear display order; then, you check the length of path to figure out a node's depth and that gives you the indentation to get the rendering right.
The above approach gets you from the database to the rendered page with one pass through the data.
PostgreSQL also has geometric types, simple key/value types, and supports the construction of various other composite types.
Usually it is better to use traditional association tables but there's nothing wrong with having more tools in your toolbox.
One SO user is using it for what appears to be machine-aided translation. The comments to a follow-up question might be helpful in understanding his approach.
I've been using them successfully to aggregate recursive tree references using triggers.
For instance, suppose you've a tree of categories, and you want to find products in any of categories (1,2,3) or any of their subcategories.
One way to do it is to use an ugly with recursive statement. Doing so will output a plan stuffed with merge/hash joins on entire tables and an occasional materialize.
with recursive categories as (
select id
from categories
where id in (1,2,3)
union all
select products.*
from products
join product2category on...
join categories on ...
group by products.id, ...
order by ... limit 10;
Another is to pre-aggregate the needed data:
categories (
id int,
parents int[] -- (array_agg(parent_id) from parents) || id
products (
id int,
categories int[] -- array_agg(category_id) from product2category
index on categories using gin (parents)
index on products using gin (categories)
select products.*
from products
where categories && array(
select id from categories where parents && array[1,2,3]
order by ... limit 10;
One issue with the above approach is that row estimates for the && operator are junk. (The selectivity is a stub function that has yet to be written, and results in something like 1/200 rows irrespective of the values in your aggregates.) Put another way, you may very well end up with an index scan where a seq scan would be correct.
To work around it, I increased the statistics on the gin-indexed column and I periodically look into pg_stats to extract more appropriate stats. When a cursory look at those stats reveal that using && for the specified values will return an incorrect plan, I rewrite applicable occurrences of && with arrayoverlap() (the latter has a stub selectivity of 1/3), e.g.:
select products.*
from products
where arrayoverlap(cat_id, array(
select id from categories where arrayoverlap(parents, array[1,2,3])
order by ... limit 10;
(The same goes for the <# operator...)

Dynamically Adding Columns to a DBIx::Class ResultSet

I have a DBIx::Class object representing an eBay auction. The underlying table has a description column which contains a lot of data. The description column is almost never used, so it's not included in the DBIx::Class column list for that table. That way, most queries don't fetch the auction description data.
I do, however, have one script that needs this column. In this one case, I want to access the contents of the description column as I would any other column:
How can I accomplish this without forcing all other queries to fetch the description column?
In older versions of DBIx::Class (not sure of the version number), the following used to work:
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Auctions');
my $lots = $rs->search(
{ '+select' => 'description', '+as' => 'description' },
That doesn't seem to work for row updates under modern versions of DBIx::Class. Trying that with an update
$auction->update({ description => '...'})
under DBIx::Class 0.08123 gives the following error: "DBIx::Class::Relationship::CascadeActions::update(): No such column description at ..."
Assuming that the script needing the extra column is running in its own process. You can do something like this:
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Auctions');
Of course, that's a global change. After adding the column, other code in the same process will start fetching the description column in queries. Not to mention, it's kind of ugly.

How to do a joined query in the ZF tables interface?

I have the db and my tables look like this:
alt text http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2568/stackdijag.png
What I want to do is to get all models where manufacturers name column starts with A.
Which means that that simple part of query should be like $manufacturers->fetchAll("name LIKE '$letter%'");
I am trying to accomplish this with ZF relations but it ain't going, so any kind of help is welcome...
$models = new Models();
$select = $models->select(Zend_Db_Table::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART);
->join(array("a"=>"manufacturers"), 'models.manufacturer_id = a.id',
array("man_name"=>"name", "man_description"=>"description"))
->where("a.name LIKE 'A%'");
$rowset = $models->fetchAll($select);
Unfortunately the Zend_Db_Table relationships interface doesn't have much intelligence in it related to creating joined queries from its declared reference map. The community-contributed solution for complex queries is the Zend_Db_Table_Select query factory.
Note you have to give column aliases for manufacturer's name and description, or else these columns will suppress the model's name and description in the associative array for the row data. You should name columns distinctly to avoid this.
But in your case, I'd skip the table interface and the select interface, and simply execute an SQL query directly using the Db adapter:
$data = $db->fetchAll("
SELECT m.*, a.name AS man_name, a.description AS man_description
FROM Models m JOIN Manufacturers a ON m.manufacturer_id = a.id
WHERE a.name LIKE 'A%'");
You'll get the data back as a simple array of associative arrays, not as a Zend_Db_Table_Rowset. But since a joined rowset isn't writeable anyway, you haven't sacrificed much.