How to SET jsonb_column = json_build_array( string_column ) in Sequelize UPDATE? - postgresql

I'm converting a one-to-one relationship into a one-to-many relationship. The old relationship was just a foreign key on the parent record. The new relationship will be an array of foreign keys on the parent record.
(Using Postgres dialect, BTW.)
First I'll add a new JSONB column, which will hold an array of UUIDs.
Then I'll run a query to update all existing rows such that the value from the old column is now stored in the new column (as the first element in an array).
Finally, I'll remove the old column.
I'm looking for help with step 2: writing the update statement that will update all rows, setting the value of the new column based on the value of the old column. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to express this SQL query using Sequelize:
UPDATE "myTable"
SET "newColumn" = json_build_array("oldColumn")
-- ^^ this really works, btw
newColumn is type JSONB, and should hold an array (of UUIDs)
oldColumn is type UUID
names are double-quoted because they're mixed case in the DB (shrug)
Expressed using Sequelize sugar, that might be something like:
const { models } = require('../sequelize')
await models.MyModel.update({ newColumn: [ 'oldColumn' ] })
...except that would result in saving an array that contains the string "oldColumn" rather than an array whose first element is the value in that row's oldColumn column.
My experience, and the Sequelize documentation, is focused on working with individual rows via the standard instance methods. I could do that here, but it'd be a lot better to have the database engine do the work internally instead of forcing it to transfer every row to Node and then back again.
Looking for whatever is the most Sequelize-idiomatic way of doing this, if there is one.
Any help is appreciated.


ERROR: data type tstzrange[] has no default operator class for access method "gist" in Postgres 10

I am trying to set an index to a tstzrange[] column in PostgreSQL 10. I created the column via the pgAdmin 4 GUI, set its name and data type as tstzrange[] and set it as not null, nothing more.
I then did a CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist; for the database and it worked.
Then I saw in the documentation that I should index the range and I do:
CREATE INDEX era_ac_range_idx ON era_ac USING GIST (era_ac_range);
...but then I get:
ERROR: data type tstzrange[] has no default operator class for
access method "gist"
which, frankly, I don't know what it actually means, or how to solve it. What should I do ?
PS, that column is currently empty, has no data yet.
Ps2, This table describes chronological eras, there is an id, the era name (eg the sixties) and the timezone range (eg 1960-1969).
A date is inserted by the user and I want to check in which era it belongs.
Well, you have an array of timestamp-ranges as a single column. You can index an array with a GIN index and a range with (iirc) GIN or GiST. However, I'm not sure how an index on a column that is both would operate. I guess you could model it as an N-dimensional r-tree or some such.
I'm assuming you want to check for overlapping ranges.Could you normalise the data and have a linked table with one range in each row?

PostgreSql - Gin Index doesn't help in improving performance

I am pretty novice in the PostgreSql world.
I store the following JSON objects in the jsonb column of PostgreSQL as one object per row.
{"cid":"CID1","Display":"User One CID1","F-Name":"Craig","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID1","Display":"User One CID1","F-Name":"Leo","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID2","OrderNo":"Ordr One Ord1","O-Name":"Michael","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID2","OrderNo":"Ordr One Ord1","O-Name":"Sam","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID3","InvocNo":"Invc One Inv1","I-Name":"Ron","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID3","InvocNo":"Invc One Inv1","I-Name":"Books","LName":"One"}
So these N objects are stored as N rows in a jsonb column (named as res). I have a requirement that would query these JSON objects for text match, contains type queries, on Keys ('Display', 'OrderNo', 'InvocNo', F-Name, O-Name etc).
The JSON objects generated are dynamic JSON and the columns (keys) of one JSON object may not be matching to that of another object. I am currently creating a GIN index on res column like below
CREATE INDEX gin_idx ON mytable USING gin (res)
The performance of filter queries on these columns do not show any improvements while using the GIN index. I have my DB filled with 50,000 rows with such data.
In all these JSON objects only the 'cid' column will be common that would exist in all json objects.
Which type of index will be best suitable in such scenarios considering that one column/key from JSOn object may not be a part of another object?

Discard values while inserting and updating data using slick

I am using slick with play2.
I have multiple fields in the database which are managed by the database. I don't want to create or update them, however I want to get them while reading the values.
For example, suppose I have
case class MappedDummyTable(id: Int, .. 20 other fields, modified_time: Optional[Timestamp])
which maps Dummy in the database. modified_time is managed by the database.
The problem is during insert or update, I create an instance of MappedDummyTable without the modified time attribute and pass it to slick for create/update like
For this, Slick creates query as
Insert INTO MappedDummyTable(id,....,modified_time) Values(1,....,null)
and updates the modified_time as NULL, which I don't want. I want Slick to ignore the fields while updating and creating.
For updating, I can do
but this leads to 20 odd fields in the map method which looks ugly.
Is there any better way?
The best solution that I found was using multiple projection. I created one projection to get the values and another to update and insert the data
maybe you need to write some triggers in table if you don't want to write code like row => (,...other 20 fields)
or try use None instead of null?
I believe that the solution with mapping non-default field is the only way to do it with Slick. To make it less ugly you can define function ignoreDefaults on MappedDummyTable that will return only non default value and function in companion object to MappedDummyTable case class that returns projection

Zend Framework relationships - defining column names in findManyToManyRowset()?

I'm working on an application developed using Zend Framework. I have defined relationships in models, and can use them happily, e.g:
$rowset = $row->findManyToManyRowset('People', 'Jobs');
However, i've hit a problem where the rowset is returned has column names that are the same in 'People' and 'Jobs', and therefore, merges the array keys, losing some of the data from the final rowset.
I understand I can pass a Zend_Db_Select object to findManyToManyRowset() as one of the parameters, but can't find any documentation explaining how to use it in this case, e.g.:
$select = $this->select()->from(array(
'p' => 'people',
'j' => 'jobs'
'person_id' => '',
'job_id' => '',
'person_code' => 'p.code',
'job_code' => 'j.code'
If i try to use the above code, I get a message such as:
Error: No reference rule "" from table People to table Jobs
Can anyone enlighten me on how this should be done? I know I could change my column names in the database, but i'd prefer a code change as opposed to re-designing my DB structure and updating all the related code.
Note: without some form of column aliasing as above, the rowset returned looks like this (ie., it merges the columns with the same names):
[_data:protected] => Array
[id] => 1
[code] => SX342
I know this answer comes a little late but here are some things to point out.
1) findManyToManyRowset($matchTable, $intersectionTable, $callerRefRule, $matchRefRule, $select); -- if you are passing a Zend_Db_Table_Select you are going to want to pass null for the rules.
2) The Zend_Db_Table_Select passed into the findManyToManyRowset() should be created from $matchTable and it is safe to assume that in the where clauses i is the alias for the intersection table, and m is the alias for the match table.
3) In the case of collisions, m will win the key name in the associative array returned in php. The query executed looks like this:
`i`.*, `m`.*
`interscetTable` AS `i`
`matchTable` AS `m`
`i`.`fk_m` = `m`.`pk` WHERE (`i`.`fk_o` = ?)
4) No matter what, The return value of findManyToManyRowset() will be a Rowset created from the $matchTable so, if you need to capture any information from the intersecting table, while also capturing the data for the match table, you will probably need to have a custom Zend_Db_Select and avoid using the Zend_Db_Table stuff to map the data anyway.
So a working example, using "People" as the match table, "Workers" as the intersection table and lets say "Clients" as the originating table.. Assuming for this example that the tables link together something like: -> workers.person_id:client_id:job_id -> clients:id:...
$client = $clientTable->fetchRow(); /// grab a random client
// fetch all people that have worked for the client ordered by their last name.
$client->findManyToManyRowset("People", "Workers", null, null,
// fetch all people that have worked for the client ordered by their hire date:
// `workers`.`hiredate`
$client->findManyToManyRowset("People", "Workers", null, null,
My first recommendation is that you shouldn't name columns such generic names like id and code. These names are meaningless, and as you have discovered they also result in collisions when you fetch results in an associative array.
You're also using the Select interface incorrectly. You should specify only one table per from() call or join() call.
Finally, I never try to do complex queries via the Zend_Db_Table relationships interface. It's intended only for simple cases. If you have a more complex query, just write the SQL query explicitly.
See also How to do a joined query in the ZF tables interface?

DB2 Auto generated Column / GENERATED ALWAYS pros and cons over sequence

Earlier we were using 'GENERATED ALWAYS' for generating the values for a primary key. But now it is suggested that we should, instead of using 'GENERATED ALWAYS' , use sequence for populating the value of primary key. What do you think can be the reason of this change? It this just a matter of choice?
Earlier Code:
Now it is
now while inserting, generate the value for TAB_P via sequence.
I tend to use identity columns more than sequences, but I'll compare the two for you.
Sequences can generate numbers for any purpose, while an identity column is strictly attached to a column in a table.
Since a sequence is an independent object, it can generate numbers for multiple tables (or anything else), and is not affected when any table is dropped. When a table with a identity column is dropped, there is no memory of what value was last assigned by that identity column.
A table can have only one identity column, so if you want to want to record multiple sequential numbers into different columns in the same table, sequence objects can handle that.
The most common requirement for a sequential number generator in a database is to assign a technical key to a row, which is handled well by an identity column. For more complicated number generation needs, a sequence object offers more flexibility.
This might probably be to handle ids in case there are lots of deletes on the table.
For eg: In case of identity, if your ids are
Now if you delete record 3, your table will have
And then if your insert a new record, the ids will be
As opposed to this, if you are not using an identity column and are generating the id using code, then after delete for the new insert you can calculate id as max(id) + 1, so the ids will be in order
I can't think of any other reason, why an identity column should not be used.
Heres something I found on the publib site:
Comparing IDENTITY columns and sequences
While there are similarities between IDENTITY columns and sequences, there are also differences. The characteristics of each can be used when designing your database and applications.
An identity column has the following characteristics:
An identity column can be defined as
part of a table only when the table
is created. Once a table is created,
you cannot alter it to add an
identity column. (However, existing
identity column characteristics might
be altered.)
An identity column
automatically generates values for a
single table.
When an identity
column is defined as GENERATED
ALWAYS, the values used are always
generated by the database manager.
Applications are not allowed to
provide their own values during the
modification of the contents of the
A sequence object has the following characteristics:
A sequence object is a database
object that is not tied to any one
A sequence object generates
sequential values that can be used in
any SQL or XQuery statement.
Since a sequence object can be used
by any application, there are two
expressions used to control the
retrieval of the next value in the
specified sequence and the value
generated previous to the statement
being executed. The PREVIOUS VALUE
expression returns the most recently
generated value for the specified
sequence for a previous statement
within the current session. The NEXT
VALUE expression returns the next
value for the specified sequence. The
use of these expressions allows the
same value to be used across several
SQL and XQuery statements within
several tables.
While these are not all of the characteristics of these two items, these characteristics will assist you in determining which to use depending on your database design and the applications using the database.
I don't know why anyone would EVER use an identity column rather than a sequence.
Sequences accomplish the same thing and are far more straight forward. Identity columns are much more of a pain especially when you want to do unloads and loads of the data to other environments. I not going to go into all the differences as that information can be found in the manuals but I can tell you that the DBA's have to almost always get involved anytime a user wants to migrate data from one environment to another when a table with an identity is involved because it can get confusing for the users. We have no issues when a sequence is used. We allow the users to update any schema objects so they can alter their sequences if they need to.