How do i get touch event on WebView - iphone

Hope you all are fine and also in one of your best moods!!
I have one problem in Map based application. kindly go through it and post your suggestion.
Thing at Glance:
I need to integrate map in my application.
application shows map based on passing parameter as state and city.
i am using yahoo map image for that.
pass parameter as following:
state : CA
city : Loss Angelous.
it shows image of map perfectly that i load on webview.
now issue is here:
i need to put button at selected city.. i don't know how do i put.
because on clicking button i need to load another view that contains Details of that city.
I don't know how do i do this.
Kindly give your suggestion.
Thank you.
Arun Thakkar.

Using the iPhone SDK 3.0 you can use the MKMapKit framework to embed a map in your application, and you can add custom annotations. Here's the MKMapView documentation.


How can i make custom map for showing user current location in iphone?

i want to show my current location on custom map.The custom map is of my,please help me how can i use custom map in place of google map???
The main problem with offline maps is not the "map" but all the stuff you need to build to georeference your map.
Think only at a map zoom.
There are many good open source libraries/SDK to manage offline maps.
It seems that the free code I found was removed.
As soon as I will find a new available one I will update this comment

How to use prettyPhoto plugin with ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm a total newbie in jQuery and JavaScript and need help in integrating prettyPhoto plugin into a MVC 2 application.
What I have is a view (View1) with a link "Full Screen" and a partial view rendering a galleryview plugin (PartialView1). The link "Full Screen" is calling an action method in the controller to get all the photos for a gallery. It is then returning a partial view (PartialView2) and passing the list of photos as a model. This PartialView2 is supposed to show the gallery in prettyPhoto plugin upon load.
What code do I need to put into PartialView2 to achieve this?
I've looked at prettyPhoto docs but I don't understand what I need to do. Unfortunately, I can't put this up anywhere for you guys to see. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ok, I figured it out. I needed a strongly typed view (using a ViewModel) and I loop through my model to load the photos.

How to reproduce Three20 Slide Up To Refresh feature?

I would like to add this to a projet, but I don't want to add the full Three20 framework for a simple feature. How the framework does to always hide the first row, and to detect when it's sliding up ? After that, I suppose a callback url can just be called to refresh the table view.
Thanks !
Try one of the standalone implementations, like EGOTableViewPullRefresh.
Credit noted in this StackOverflow post also; which is where I first learned of it.

iPhone compose email interface designing

Can someone please tell me the elements used to create the 'compose email' page in the iPhone?
More specifically, what elements are used to create the light blue 'bubbles' that display the contacts in the To:/CC:/BCC: fields?
I need to make a screen similar to that, except populated with a data source of my own.
You should check out the library three20. It has a view controller for a customizable compose interface built-in.
You want to use a MFMailComposeViewController. In the MessageUI.framework.

iphone maps help needed

I need you help. I saw one application myhomes for iphones. link for that app is from they are using map in which markers are there when you click on marker one button is displayed(that is really a thaught for me how to disply a button in objective c when we click on marker in webview because there we might using javascript ). that will redirect to other screen which displays details of that event. I want to use that kind of functionality in my code. they might be using some api. I am very eger to know how they are doing that. rite now i am displaying map with google map javascript and displaying pop of when we click on marker. but that pop up is non clickable as it is of html type. how can i put a button on my uiview at the same position where my marker is ? how to combine objective c with javascript ? i know most of the developers might aware of this. please try to help me. that will be a great appreciation.
hopefully looking for the answers ...
Thanks a lot
Please see the MapKit component documentation included with the iPhone 3.0 SDK.