"unfold" for common lisp? - lisp

I learned quite a bit of scheme from SICP but am more interested in common lisp now. I know common lisp's fold is reduce, with special arguments for left or right folding, but what is the equivalent of unfold? Googling has not helped much. In fact I get the impression there is no unfold???

Common Lisp has (loop ... collect ...). Compare
(loop for x from 1 to 10 collect (* x x))
with its equivalence using unfold:
(unfold (lambda (x) (> x 10))
(lambda (x) (* x x))
(lambda (x) (+ x 1))
In general, (unfold p f g seed) is basically
(loop for x = seed then (g x) until (p x) collect (f x))
Edit: fix typo

The common lisp hyperspec doesn't define an unfold function, but you can certainly write your own. Its scheme definition translates almost symbol for symbol.


Defining a let macro scope in emacs lisp

In emacs lisp (but answers relating to common lisp are also welcome) I have a library that uses a macro and I want to hijack one of the macro's arguments only when executed in a certain context. Essentially what I want is a macro:
; My macro. This is a sketch of what I want that doesn't work.
(defmacro hijack-f (body)
`(macrolet ((f (x) `(f (+ 1 ,x))))
; Defined in the library, I don't want to deal with these
(defmacro f (x) x)
(defun g (x) (f x))
So that
(g 1) ; => 1
(hijack-f (g 1)) ; => 2
(hijack-f (hijack-f (g 1))) ; => 3
EDIT: #melpomene and #reiner-joswig correctly point out that f is expanded in g before hijack-f. As a followup is there a hijack-f such that:
(f 1) ; => 1
(hijack-f (f 1)) ; => 2
(hijack-f (hijack-f (f 1))) ; => 3
As far as I know, what you want is not possible because g does not contain an invocation of f. Instead f runs first and expands to (part of) the definition of g.
That is:
(defun g (x) (f x))
immediately turns into
(defun g (x) x)
Which then defines g as a function (whose value is (lambda (x) x)).
Messing with f at runtime doesn't affect anything because its invocation is long gone by the time you call g.
If you are happy for your f to be a function and not a macro, and to use CL not elisp, then you are after flet and a macro like this:
(defmacro hijack-f (&body body)
`(flet ((f (x)
(f (1+ x))))
Given a global defintion of f:
(defun f (x)
> (hijack-f (f 1))
> (hijack-f (hijack-f (f 1)))
And so on.
(As others have pointed out, you can't hijack code that has already been compiled with a macro like this: you would need to do it by having f cooperate in the hijacking.)

From Google Common Lisp Style Guide: "Avoid modifying local variables, try rebinding instead" meaning?

Google Common Lisp Style Guide say Avoid modifying local variables, try rebinding instead
What does it mean? What does rebinding mean in that sentence?
It means that you should create new variables instead of changing the value of old ones. For example, let's take the following code:
(defun foo (x)
(when (minusp x)
(setq x (- x)))
do something with x)
Instead, one should create a new binding and use that one instead:
(defun foo (x)
(let ((xabs (if (minusp x)
(- x)
do something with xabs)
The reason for this is that you will always know what a variable contains, since it will never change. If you want the new value, simply use the variable that holds that new value.
Now you might ask why this is so important? Well, some people have a stronger preference for this than others. Especially people who prefer to emphasise the functional aspect of Lisp will advocate this style. However, regardless of preference, it can be very useful to always be able to rely on the fact that variables doesn't change. Here's an example where this can be important:
(defun foo (x)
(let ((function #'(lambda () (format t "the value of x is ~a~%" x))))
(when (minusp x)
(setq x (- x)))
(other-function x)
Then, the return value of FOO is a function that when called with print the value of x. But, the value will be that of x later in the function, the absolute value. This can be very surprising if the function is large and complicated.
I don't know Common Lisp well enough to answer with how to do this in Common Lisp, so I'm using Scheme for my example below. Suppose you're writing a function to return the factorial of a number. Here's a "modify local variables" approach to that function (you'll have to define your own while macro, but it's not hard):
(define (factorial n)
(define result 1)
(while (> n 0)
(set! result (* result n))
(set! n (- n 1)))
Here's a "rebind local variables" approach to that function:
(define (factorial n)
(let loop ((n n)
(result 1))
(if (zero? n)
(loop (- n 1) (* result n)))))
In this case, loop is called with new values to rebind with each time. The same function can be written using the do macro (which, by the way, also uses rebinding, not modifying, at least in Scheme):
(define (factorial n)
(do ((n n (- n 1))
(result 1 (* result n)))
((zero? n) result)))

Renaming lambda in Common Lisp

I started learning Common Lisp recently, and (just for fun) decided to rename the lambda macro.
My attempt was this:
> (defmacro λ (args &body body) `(lambda ,args ,#body))
It seems to expand correctly when by itself:
> (macroexpand-1 '(λ (x) (* x x)))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))
But when it's nested inside an expression, execution fails:
> ((λ (x) (* x x)) 2)
(Λ (X) (* X X)) is not a function name; try using a symbol instead
I am probably missing something obvious about macro expansion, but couldn't find out what it is.
Maybe you can help me out?
It does work with lambda:
> ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
edit 2:
One way to make it work (as suggested by Rainer):
> (set-macro-character #\λ (lambda (stream char) (quote lambda)))
(tested in Clozure CL)
In Common Lisp LAMBDA is two different things: a macro and a symbol which can be used in a LAMBDA expression.
The LAMBDA expression:
(function (lambda (x) (foo x)))
shorter written as
#'(lambda (x) (foo x))
An applied lambda expression is also valid:
((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4)
Above both forms are part of the core syntax of Common Lisp.
Late in the definition of Common Lisp a macro called LAMBDA has been added. Confusingly enough, but with good intentions. ;-) It is documented as Macro LAMBDA.
(lambda (x) (+ x x))
expands into
(function (lambda (x) (+ x x))
It makes Common Lisp code look slightly more like Scheme code and then it is not necessary to write
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
With the LAMBDA macro we can write
(mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
Your example fails because
((my-lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
is not valid Common Lisp syntax.
Common Lisp expects either
a data object
a variable
a function call in the form (function args...)
a function call in the form ((lambda (arglist ...) body) args...)
a macro form like (macro-name forms...)
a special form using one of the built-in special operators like FUNCTION, LET, ...
defined in the list of special operators in Common Lisp
As you can see a syntax of
((macro-name forms...) forms...)
is not a part of Common Lisp.
It is possible to read the character λ as LAMBDA:
(defun λ-reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char stream))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'λ-reader)
CL-USER 1 > ((λ (x) (* x x)) 3)
CL-USER 2 > '(λ (x) (* x x))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))
You might also think of LAMBDA as an operator which, given a term and a list of free variables, returns a function. This p.o.v. takes LAMBDA out of the family of basic functions and elementary macros -- at least as far as the interpreter is concerned.
(defun lambda-char (stream char)
"A lambda with only ONE arg _"
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((codes (read stream nil)))
`(lambda (_) ,codes)))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'lambda-char t)
λ(+ 1 2 _) ; => (lambda (_) (+ 1 2 _))
Maybe this is more concise, with ONLY ONE arg of _

Ordering a list of mixed data types in lisp

Given a list of any length and data type calculate:
Lower item
Higher item
Reversed list (implementing the function)
I've been trying to learn lisp by myself, since my class is kinda useless (read my other question =_=;), and I've done this:
(defun higher(l)
(let (x)
(setf x (first (sort l #'>)))))
Then it didn't order symbols, of course... so I tried this:
(defun higher(l)
(let ((x 0))
(dolist (a l)
(setf a (coerce a 'integer))
(if (> a x)
(setf x a)))
but coerce is not helping me to make my symbols integers... thanks in advance for your help, and also, I would like to know if I'm formatting well (I wasn't taught to use "let").
Function #'Char> won't work with symbols, because symbol is not type character.
Before you compare symbols you can use symbol-name:
(symbol-name 'a)
So now you can use #'string>
To write function which compare> any data type you can use typecase.
Small example:
(defun compare> (x y)
(when (subtypep (type-of x) (type-of y))
(typecase (and x y)
(integer (> x y))
(character (char> x y)))))
As Terje said, you shouldn't use sort, reduce is much more better :)

elisp functions as parameters and as return value

I have the following code
(defun avg-damp(f)
#'(lambda(x) (/ (+ (funcall f x) x) 2.0)))
A call
(funcall (avg-damp #'(lambda(v) (* v v))) 10)
returns 55.0 (the correct value) in SBCL but crashes with the following stack in emacs lisp
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable f)
(funcall f x)
(+ (funcall f x) x)
(/ (+ (funcall f x) x) 2.0)
(lambda (x) (/ (+ ... x) 2.0))(10)
funcall((lambda (x) (/ (+ ... x) 2.0)) 10)
eval((funcall (avg-damp (function ...)) 10))
How can I make it work in Emacs lisp?
This style of programming does not work in plain Emacs Lisp. Emacs Lisp uses dynamic binding and languages like Scheme and Common Lisp are using lexical binding. Your code exposes the difference. See: Extent in Emacs Lisp
See also this question: How do I do closures in Emacs Lisp? and the 'solution' with lexical-let. lexical-let is an extension for Emacs Lisp in the "cl" package.
See also: since Emacs 24.1 there is optional lexical binding. Learn how to use it: using lexical binding.
A tricky question, but finally got this figured out. The problem is that #' in the definition of avg-damp makes the compiler compile the lambda function at the time when avg-damp itself is compiled, before the actual value of f is known. You need to delay the compilation of this function to a later point in time, when avg-damp is called, like this:
(defun avg-damp (f)
`(lambda(x) (/ (+ (funcall ,f x) x) 2.0)))
(funcall (avg-damp #'(lambda(v) (* v v))) 10)
Backquoting does the trick.
Edit: Of course, the whole problem goes away if you define avg-damp in an uncurried form, such as this:
(defun avg-damp (f x)
(/ (+ (funcall f x) x) 2.0))
(funcall 'avg-damp #'(lambda(v) (* v v)) 10)
But I guess you have your reasons not to do so.