Renaming lambda in Common Lisp - macros

I started learning Common Lisp recently, and (just for fun) decided to rename the lambda macro.
My attempt was this:
> (defmacro λ (args &body body) `(lambda ,args ,#body))
It seems to expand correctly when by itself:
> (macroexpand-1 '(λ (x) (* x x)))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))
But when it's nested inside an expression, execution fails:
> ((λ (x) (* x x)) 2)
(Λ (X) (* X X)) is not a function name; try using a symbol instead
I am probably missing something obvious about macro expansion, but couldn't find out what it is.
Maybe you can help me out?
It does work with lambda:
> ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
edit 2:
One way to make it work (as suggested by Rainer):
> (set-macro-character #\λ (lambda (stream char) (quote lambda)))
(tested in Clozure CL)

In Common Lisp LAMBDA is two different things: a macro and a symbol which can be used in a LAMBDA expression.
The LAMBDA expression:
(function (lambda (x) (foo x)))
shorter written as
#'(lambda (x) (foo x))
An applied lambda expression is also valid:
((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4)
Above both forms are part of the core syntax of Common Lisp.
Late in the definition of Common Lisp a macro called LAMBDA has been added. Confusingly enough, but with good intentions. ;-) It is documented as Macro LAMBDA.
(lambda (x) (+ x x))
expands into
(function (lambda (x) (+ x x))
It makes Common Lisp code look slightly more like Scheme code and then it is not necessary to write
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
With the LAMBDA macro we can write
(mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x x)) some-list)
Your example fails because
((my-lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
is not valid Common Lisp syntax.
Common Lisp expects either
a data object
a variable
a function call in the form (function args...)
a function call in the form ((lambda (arglist ...) body) args...)
a macro form like (macro-name forms...)
a special form using one of the built-in special operators like FUNCTION, LET, ...
defined in the list of special operators in Common Lisp
As you can see a syntax of
((macro-name forms...) forms...)
is not a part of Common Lisp.
It is possible to read the character λ as LAMBDA:
(defun λ-reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char stream))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'λ-reader)
CL-USER 1 > ((λ (x) (* x x)) 3)
CL-USER 2 > '(λ (x) (* x x))
(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))

You might also think of LAMBDA as an operator which, given a term and a list of free variables, returns a function. This p.o.v. takes LAMBDA out of the family of basic functions and elementary macros -- at least as far as the interpreter is concerned.

(defun lambda-char (stream char)
"A lambda with only ONE arg _"
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((codes (read stream nil)))
`(lambda (_) ,codes)))
(set-macro-character #\λ #'lambda-char t)
λ(+ 1 2 _) ; => (lambda (_) (+ 1 2 _))
Maybe this is more concise, with ONLY ONE arg of _


How to insert literal identifier from input pattern as symbol in syntax-rules macro

I have code like this:
(define-syntax macron
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name)
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'name x) (interaction-environment))))))
(define x (map (macron lambda)
'(((x) (display x)) ((a b) (+ a b)))))
(let ((square (car x))
(sum (cadr x)))
(display (square 10))
(display (sum 1 2 3))
the code is working it use macro as value by wrapping it with lambda. My question is how can I put inside syntax-rule macro literal symbol 'name instead of (cons 'lambda ...) so the output code is:
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'name x) (interaction-environment)))
so it work with code like this:
(define (name x)
(display x)
(for-each (macron lambda) ;; lambda can be anything
'((1) (2) (3)))
and it print all the numbers.
I know that I can change the name in pattern into something else, but I want to know more about syntax-rules and it's edge cases. So is it possible to have name if I use it as input pattern?
I'm looking for answers with R7RS, that have more of this type of edge cases covered.
All macros happens in compile time so runtime stuff might not exist. That means that you should think of it as syntax sugar and use it as susch. eg.
(for-each (macron something) '((1) (2) (3)))
Should then have an expansion based on that. Your current expansion is that it turns into this:
(for-each (lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'someting x) (interaction-environment))
'((1) (2) (3)))
For something being a macro this will apply the macro in runtime. It is bad. It also removes the need for the macro in the first place. You could do this instead:
(define (macron-proc name)
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons name x) (interaction-environment))))
(for-each (macron-proc 'something) '((1) (2) (3)))
I made a programming language that had passable macros:
(define xor (flambda (a b) `(if ,a (not ,b) ,b)))
(define (fold comb init lst)
(if (null? lst)
(fold comb (comb (car lst) init) (cdr lst))))
(fold xor #f '(#t #t)) ; ==> #f
It's not a very good approach if you are targeting an efficient compiled end product. The first macros were indeed like this and they removed it in LISP 1.5 before Common Lisp. Scheme avoided macros for many years and opted for syntax-rules in R4RS as an optional feature. R6RS is the only version that has full power macros.
With a procedure instead of macros this is actually the same as the following code with the bad eval removed:
(for-each (lambda (x)
(apply something x))
'((1) (2) (3)))
Which means you can implement macron much easier:
(define-syntax macron
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name)
(lambda (x)
(apply name x)))))
But from looking at this now you don't need a macro at all. This is partial application.
(define (partial proc arg)
(lambda (lst)
(apply proc arh lst)))
(map (partial + 3) '((1 2) (3 4) (4 5)))
; ==> (6 10 12)
There is actually a SRFI-26 called cut/cute which allows us to do something similar where it wraps it in a lambda:
(map (cut apply + 3 <>) '((1 2) (3 4) (4 5)))
The syntax-rules are the macros with the least power. You cannot do anything unhygienic and you cannot make new identifiers based on other ones. Eg. it' impossible to implement a racket style struct where you can do (struct complex [real imag]) and have the macro create complex?, complex-real, and complex-imag as procedures. You need to do as SRFI-57 does and require th euser to specify all the names such that you don't need to concatenate to new identifiers.
Right now R7RS-small only has syntax-rules. I think it was a mistake not to have a more powerful macro as an alternative since now the R7RS-large cannot be implemented with R7RS-small.

lisp macro to build a list of an expression and it's evaluation

I'm trying to write a macro in Common Lisp that takes any number of expressions and builds a list containing each expression followed by its evaluation in a single line. For example, if I name my macro as
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exp)
and I run
(let ((X 1) (Y 2)) (list-builder (+ X Y) (- Y X) X))
I want it to return:
'((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)
The best I've been able to do so far is get a list of the expressions using the code
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exp)
`',#`(',exp ,exp))
INPUT: (let ((X 1) (Y 2)) (list-builder (+ X Y) (+ Y X) X))
'((+ X Y) (+ Y X) X)
Strictly speaking, the macro itself cannot do that; what the macro must do is generate code in which the argument expressions are embedded in such a way that they are evaluated, and also in such a way that they are quoted.
Given (list-builder (+ x y) (+ y x) x) we would like to generate this code: (list '(+ x y) (+ x y) '(+ y x) (+ y x) 'x x).
We can split the macro into an top-level wrapper defined with defmacro and an expander function that does the bulk of the work of producing the list arguments; The macro's body just sticks the list symbol on it and returns it.
Macro helper functions have to be wrapped with a little eval-when dance in Common Lisp to make sure they are available in all conceivable situations that the macro might be processed:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun list-builder-expander (exprs)
((null exprs) nil)
((atom exprs) (error "list-builder: dotted syntax unsupported":))
(t (list* `',(car exprs) (car exprs)
(list-builder-expander (cdr exprs)))))))
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exprs)
(cons 'list (list-builder-expander exprs)))
A "slick" implementation, all in one defmacro, inside a single backquote expression, might go like this:
(defmacro list-builder (&rest exprs)
`(list ,#(mapcan (lambda (expr) (list `',expr expr)) exprs)))
The "dotted syntax unsupported" check we implemented before now becomes an error out of mapcan.
The lambda turns each expression E into the list ((quote E) E). mapcan catenates these lists together to form the arguments for list, which are then spliced into the (list ...) form with ,#.
The form `',expr follows from applying the quote shorthand to `(quote ,expr).
Of course, a lisp macro can do that. Since lisp macros provide full control over evaluation of their arguments.
You have to use macro helper functions only in cases in which you want to use recursion. Since macros have problems to call themselves recursively.
But by looping over the &rest rest argument, you can generate variadic macros (macros with arbitrary number of arguments) and still control the evaluation of each of its arguments.
After some trial and error cycles (macro construction is an incremental procedure, since macros are complex structures), I obtained the
"simpler" solution:
(defmacro list-builder (&rest rest)
`(list ,#(loop for x in `,rest
nconcing (list `',x x))))
Test by:
(let ((X 1)
(Y 2))
(list-builder (+ X Y) (- Y X) X))
;; ((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)
Sometimes, in loop constructs, instead of collect/collecting, use nconc/nconcing in combination with (list ...) to have more control over how the elements are consed together.
(list `',x x)
ensures, that the second x gets evaluated, while the first
places the content of x into the expression, while its quoting prevents the evluation of the expression placed for x.
The outer list in combination with the splicing of the loop construct into it,
finally captures (prevents) the intrinsic very final evaluation of the macro body.
(defmacro list-builder (&rest args)
`(let ((lst ',args)
(acc nil))
(dolist (v lst)
(push v acc)
(push (eval v) acc))
(nreverse acc)))
We could create the list builder macro to take rest parameters as you did (I simply renamed them as args for pseudo code). I'd create a quoted list (lst) of the expressions within the list, and an empty list (acc) to store the expressions and whatever they evaluate to later. Then we can use dolist to iterate through our list and push each expression to the list, followed by whatever it evaluates to by running eval on the expression. Then we can finally use nreverse to get the correct order for the list.
We can then call it:
(let ((x 1)
(y 2))
(declare (special x))
(declare (special y))
(list-builder (+ x y) (- y x) x))
The result will be:
((+ X Y) 3 (- Y X) 1 X 1)

define-modify-macro with operator argument

In Section 12.4 of On Lisp, Paul Graham writes, "Unfortunately, we can't define a correct _f with define-modify-macro, because the operator to be applied to the generalized variable is given as an argument."
But what's wrong with something like this?
(define-modify-macro _f (op operand)
(lambda (x op operand)
(funcall op x operand)))
(let ((lst '(1 2 3)))
(_f (second lst) #'* 6)
=> (1 12 3)
Has there perhaps been a change made to define-modify-macro in ANSI Common Lisp that wasn't valid at the time On Lisp was written? Or are there reasons other than the one stated for not using define-modify-macro here?
It appears that Graham want's to be able to make a call such as
(_f * (second lst) 6)
rather than
(_f #'* (second lst) 6)
But surely that's not in keeping with a Lisp2 such as Common Lisp?
According to both Lispworks's Hyperspec and CLtL2 (look for define-modify-macro), the function is assumed to be a symbol (to a function or a macro). As far as I know, the following definition might not be conforming the specification:
(define-modify-macro _f (op operand)
(lambda (x op operand)
(funcall op x operand)))
But of course, it is possible that an implementation allows it.
To be sure you are conforming to the standard, you can define your own function, or even a macro:
(defmacro funcall-1 (val fun &rest args)
`(funcall ,fun ,val ,#args))
(define-modify-macro _ff (&rest args) funcall-1)
(let ((x (list 1 2 3 4)))
(_ff (third x) #'+ 10)
If you wanted to have the function as a second argument, you could define another macro:
(defmacro ff (fun-form place &rest args)
`(_ff ,place ,fun-form ,#args))
Basically, your approach consists in wrapping funcall in define-modify-macro, and give the desired function as an argument of that function. At first sight, it looks like a hack, but as we can see below, this gives the same macroexanded code as the one in On Lisp, assuming we modify the latter a little.
The macroexpansion of the above is:
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1164 X) (#:G1165 (FUNCALL #'+ (THIRD #:G1164) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1164) #:G1165))
The version in On Lisp behaves as follows:
(defmacro _f (op place &rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (vars forms var set access)
`(let* (,#(mapcar #'list vars forms)
(, (car var) (,op ,access ,#args)))
(let ((x (list 1 2 3 4)))
(_f * (third x) 10)
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1174 X) (#:G1175 (* (THIRD #:G1174) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1174) #:G1175))
Here, the * is injected directly by the macroexpansion, which means that the resulting code has no possible runtime overhead (though compilers would probably handle your (funcall #'+ ...) equally well). If you pass #'+ to the macro, it fails to macroexpand. This is the major difference with your approach, but not a big limitation. In order to allow the On Lisp version to accept #'*, or even (create-closure) as an operator, it should be modified as follows:
(defmacro _f (op place &rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (vars forms var set access)
`(let* (,#(mapcar #'list vars forms)
(, (car var) (funcall ,op ,access ,#args)))
(see the call to funcall)
The previous example is then expanded as follows, for #'*:
(LET ((X (LIST 1 2 3 4)))
(LET* ((#:G1180 X) (#:G1181 (FUNCALL #'* (THIRD #:G1180) 10)))
(SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA (CDDR #:G1180) #:G1181))
Now, it is exactly as your version. On Lisp uses _f to demonstrate how to use get-setf-expansion, and _f is a good example for that. But on the other hand, your implementation seems equally good.
On the question of whether one might prefer to pass * or #'*, we can also note that the define-modify-macro version of _f and #coredump's adapted version (with funcall) both accept lambda forms in the op position with or without #' e.g. both (lambda (x y) (* x y)) and #'(lambda (x y) (* x y)), whereas Graham's original version accepts only the former.
Interestingly in his book Let over Lambda, Doug Hoyte draws attention to a remark by Graham in his book ANSI Common Lisp that being able to omit the #' before a lambda form provides "a specious form of elegance at best" before going on to prefer to omit it.
I'm not taking a stand either way, merely pointing out that given Graham's choice for _f, the absence of the #' is no longer specious but necessary.

Tacit programming in Lisp

Is it possible to use/implement tacit programming (also known as point-free programming) in Lisp? And in case the answer is yes, has it been done?
This style of programming is possible in CL in principle, but, being a Lisp-2, one has to add several #'s and funcalls. Also, in contrast to Haskell for example, functions are not curried in CL, and there is no implicit partial application. In general, I think that such a style would not be very idiomatic CL.
For example, you could define partial application and composition like this:
(defun partial (function &rest args)
(lambda (&rest args2) (apply function (append args args2))))
(defun comp (&rest functions)
(flet ((step (f g) (lambda (x) (funcall f (funcall g x)))))
(reduce #'step functions :initial-value #'identity)))
(Those are just quick examples I whipped up – they are not really tested or well thought-through for different use-cases.)
With those, something like map ((*2) . (+1)) xs in Haskell becomes:
CL-USER> (mapcar (comp (partial #'* 2) #'1+) '(1 2 3))
(4 6 8)
The sum example:
CL-USER> (defparameter *sum* (partial #'reduce #'+))
CL-USER> (funcall *sum* '(1 2 3))
(In this example, you could also set the function cell of a symbol instead of storing the function in the value cell, in order to get around the funcall.)
In Emacs Lisp, by the way, partial application is built-in as apply-partially.
In Qi/Shen, functions are curried, and implicit partial application (when functions are called with one argument) is supported:
(41-) (define comp F G -> (/. X (F (G X))))
(42-) ((comp (* 2) (+ 1)) 1)
(43-) (map (comp (* 2) (+ 1)) [1 2 3])
[4 6 8]
There is also syntactic threading sugar in Clojure that gives a similar feeling of "pipelining":
user=> (-> 0 inc (* 2))
You could use something like (this is does a little more than -> in
(defmacro -> (obj &rest forms)
"Similar to the -> macro from clojure, but with a tweak: if there is
a $ symbol somewhere in the form, the object is not added as the
first argument to the form, but instead replaces the $ symbol."
(if forms
(if (consp (car forms))
(let* ((first-form (first forms))
(other-forms (rest forms))
(pos (position '$ first-form)))
(if pos
`(-> ,(append (subseq first-form 0 pos)
(list obj)
(subseq first-form (1+ pos)))
`(-> ,(list* (first first-form) obj (rest first-form))
`(-> ,(list (car forms) obj)
,#(cdr forms)))
(you must be careful to also export the symbol $ from the package in
which you place -> - let's call that package tacit - and put
tacit in the use clause of any package where you plan to use ->, so -> and $ are inherited)
Examples of usage:
(-> "TEST"
(-> "TEST"
(elt $ 1))
This is more like F#'s |> (and the shell pipe) than Haskell's ., but they
are pretty much the same thing (I prefer |>, but this is a matter of personal taste).
To see what -> is doing, just macroexpand the last example three times (in SLIME, this is accomplished by putting the cursor on the first ( in the example and typing C-c RET three times).
YES, it's possible and #danlei already explained very well. I am going to add up some examples from the book ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham, chapter 6.6 on function builders:
you can define a function builder like this:
(defun compose (&rest fns)
(destructuring-bind (fn1 . rest) (reverse fns)
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(reduce #'(lambda (v f) (funcall f v))
:initial-value (apply fn1 args)))))
(defun curry (fn &rest args)
#'(lambda (&rest args2)
(apply fn (append args args2))))
and use it like this
(mapcar (compose #'list #'round #'sqrt)
'(4 9 16 25))
((2) (3) (4) (5))
The compose function call:
(compose #'a #'b #'c)
is equlvalent to
#'(lambda (&rest args) (a (b (apply #'c args))))
This means compose can take any number of arguments, yeah.
Make a function which add 3 to argument:
(curry #'+ 3)
See more in the book.
Yes, this is possible in general with the right functions. For example, here is an example in Racket implementing sum from the Wikipedia page:
#lang racket
(define sum (curry foldr + 0))
Since procedures are not curried by default, it helps to use curry or write your functions in an explicitly curried style. You could abstract over this with a new define macro that uses currying.

Emacs Lisp: difference between (function (lambda ...)) and (lambda ...)?

What is the difference between
(function (lambda ...))
(lambda ...)
'(lambda ...)
It seems three are interchangeable in a lot of cases.
They are pretty interchangeable. The answer is that function enables the lambda to be byte compiled, whereas the other two do not (and are equivalent). Note: this does not mean that function actually byte compile the lambda.
How might one figure that out? A little Emacs lisp introspection provides some clues. To start: C-h f function RET:
function is a special form in 'C
source code'.
(function arg)
Like 'quote', but preferred for
objects which are functions. In byte
compilation, 'function' causes its
argument to be compiled. 'quote'
cannot do that.
Ok, so that's the difference between (function (lambda ...)) and '(lambda ...), the first tells the byte compiler that it may safely compile the expression. Whereas the 'ed expressions may not necessarily be compiled (for they might just be a list of numbers.
What about just the bare (lambda ...)? C-h f lambda RET shows:
lambda is a Lisp macro in `subr.el'.
(lambda args [docstring] [interactive]
Return a lambda expression. A call of
the form (lambda args docstring
interactive body) is self-quoting; the
result of evaluating the lambda
expression is the expression itself.
The lambda expression may then be
treated as a function, i.e., stored as
the function value of a symbol, passed
to 'funcall' or 'mapcar', etc.
Therefore, (lambda ...) and '(lambda ...) are equivalent.
Also, there is the notation #'(lambda ...), which is syntactic sugar for (function (lambda ...)).
For more information on functions in Emacs lisp, read the Functions info pages.
Just to check all this, you can type the following into the *scratch* buffer and evaluate the expressions:
(caddr '(lambda (x) (+ x x)))
(+ x x)
(caddr (lambda (x) (+ x x)))
(+ x x)
(caddr (function (lambda (x) (+ x x))))
(+ x x)
(equal '(lambda (x) (+ x x))
(function (lambda (x) (+ x x))))
(equal '(lambda (x) (+ x x))
(lambda (x) (+ x x)))
So, all three variants of using lambda just build up lists that may be used as functions (one of which may be byte compiled).
Well (quote (lambda...)) and (lambda...) are not equivalent (when byte compiling). Quoted lambdas are not byte compiled whereas everything else is.
For example:
(defun foo (a)
(byte-code-function-p a))
(defun bar ()
(foo '(lambda () (ignore 'me))))
(defun bar2 ()
(foo (lambda () (ignore 'me))))
(defun bar3 ()
(foo (function (lambda () (ignore 'me)))))
(defun bar4 ()
(foo #'(lambda () (ignore 'me))))
(byte-compile 'bar)
(byte-compile 'bar2)
(byte-compile 'bar3)
(byte-compile 'bar4)
(bar) ; -> nil
(bar2) ; -> t
(bar3) ; -> t
(bar4) ; -> t
You usually don't want to quote a lambda unless the function you are going to pass the lambda to is doing something else with it than just funcall it.