Two iPhone Dev Licenses on one Mac? - iphone

I have an odd situation. I have a macbook that I use for work and I am an approved iPhone developer, etc. I would like to build iPhone apps to put out under my name (they should be kept and tracked separately from the work license I have, since that really belongs to the organization and not me), but I don't want to buy another mac. Can I create another admin user account on my Macbook that would be used with another (personal) developer certificate, or can there only be one dev license per machine?

I was in the same exact situation. You can use the same Mac and the same account on that machine.
Just follow the same steps as before when you setup the Developer Certificate for your company. Essentially, your Keychain will contain multiple certificates that you can use to sign your applications.
What certificate you use is chosen on an application by application basis through XCode.


How can I deliver iOS app to tester that hasn't got a mac

I'm developing an iOS application (I have macbook) and I have an apple developer's account.
How can I deliver iPhone app to tester that hasn't got a mac?
Tester's phone is not jailbroken (I can't build deb)
I recommend using the Test Flight service. It allows you to upload builds of your application and distribute then to testers via their website.
They have a great help section to get you started.
EDIT: Oh, and it's free for the basic service.
I hope that helps. Good luck.
They can run itunes on a windows machine too. But if they don't have a computer at all there is another option. You can distribute it via a link.
Its really easy. Prepare to do an adhoc distribution as usual and then click the "Enterprise Distribution" tick box.
Then add the URL to where the final .ipa will be. I usualyl fill in the app name on the second line as well but never fill the rest in.
Then upload the created .plist and .ipa to the relevant URL so that the 2 files are available as:
Now finally create a simple HTML page and upload it to your site.
<c><font size="20">Click here to install YourApp</font></c>
Now send them a link to the above HTML page and they are good to install.
Be warned: You must have the tester's UDID in the adhoc distribution profile certificate or this will not work.
Follow these steps:
Include the users' udids into your adhoc distribution profile
certificate (same step as in Goz's answer).
In Xcode, use the Archive function and sign the code with the adhoc profile
In Organizer, create the .ipa file for distribution.
Send the .ipa file to your users (i.e. via email).
Ask them to drag and drop the .ipa file into Applications section of iTunes for Windows and synchronize their devices.
You must have Mac OS and Mac machine to develop them. You will need XCode installed on Mac OSX to code, run and test your application.
If you do not want to buy Mac you can install Mac OSX on PC referring this link thats called Hackintosh. This works fine on PC if you follow steps properly:
If that's not a possible, you may consider inviting the person over physically or to do it virtually via ex. Teamviewer or any other remote desktop protocol.
The most convenient and time saving approach that I have used so far is Test Flight. The integration is seamlessly easy. You can share files with testers and it does not require you to have a system.
The main steps are
1)Download and integrate Testflight SDK after creating a valid account (Login required).
2) Integrate the SDK with iPhone application (Though it isn't mandatory if you only wish to distribute the application and not track its usage and reporting purpose).
3) Create you team and upload build on Portal.
4) Subsequently allow testers to have access to the permitted devices mentioned in provisioning profile.
You can manage Multiple teams and applications at a single place. Hope it helps.

Developing iPhone app on multiple Macs

This is probably super dumb, but can I use multiple Macs with different development profiles to make apps? If I take my friend's Macbook on travel, who also is a developer and has his own development profile, can I use my own developer profile on it to work on my apps without interfering with his? Thanks.
For sure, as long as you install your provisioning profiles and emit new signing certificates.
I'm not aware of a way to export custom behaviors of other Xcode 4 configs, but that should not be a big problem.
After your trip is over, you can delete you provisioning profiles.
You can share a single project on multiple Macs (each one having their own signing identity, or sharing the same Keychain items if they're both yours).
You can also use a single Mac to work with multiple signing identities.
I do both regurlarly as I'm enrolled in two companies that develop iOS apps; in both of them we're at least 2 developers having our own machines.
For your part, if you're borrowing a friend's Mac, I highly recommend to clone your Keychain's private key and certificates into this "new" Mac where you'll create a new user account, then delete this user account when you'll give it back.
(Posting as another answer as it's not quite the same subject)
In any case, you'd better use some kind of source control such as Git (included with XCode) or Mercurial. Create a working copy of your project when you're off with your "roadwarrior" Mac, then merge when you come back.

How do I distribute an iPhone App for inhouse use

I have to write an application for a friend to use in his business - so it won't be on the App store. How do I go about deploying it and distributing this app?
Would he require a enterprize licence? And where/how would he download it to his device for testing purposes?
I've already asked this question, some interesting answers - see here:
Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution
EDIT: I realise there is more to your question than what is answered in mine.
Yes, the client will need to get an enterprise license (Apple recently removed the 500 employee limit). Once he has the license, he will need to add you as a developer under his license. This will allow you to develop and digitially sign the app on your machine.
As for testing, when you enroll in an iOS development program, you can then generate + download the appropriate certificiates to sign an app for hardware testing. You'll need to install what's called a "Provising Profile" onto the testing device, then when you're in xcode, change the deployment type from "iPhoneSimulator" to "Device" - this will then compile + deploy the app in it's current state to the device. You can also install this Provising Profile onto other devices then send them the compiled app (which is installed via iTunes).
There is more to be found out about this by going to the Apple Developer Portal but I thought I'd give a brief overview of what you were asking.
An enterprise license you need something like 9000 employees.
The only other way to do it would be to add all their devices to your provisioning portal and supply them with ad-hoc releases which they can drag and drop into itunes to add to their devices.
If your friend's business requires deploying to less than 50 to 100 total devices (the 50 includes 100% replacements/upgrades, the 100 includes zero), then they can apply for a regular iOS Developer Company enrollment (not Enterprise), and use Ad Hoc deployment, which does not require an store (just email/website plus iTunes).
Enterprise requires a D&B rating, usually something that only larger companies have.
There is another solution: an own app store:
unfortunately only in combination with RhoHub.
More info:

Adding new iPhone UDIDs to provision profile without an apple dev account

I'm part of the design (I've had experience with python, php, jquery, and java, but never ObjC) team for our application and was handed off some of the developer responsibilities with our iPhone developer went on his vacation. From the developer, I have the project source, his p12 private key, and the mobileprovision file.
Already, I've encountered this error when attempting to build the application on a device:
Code Sign error:
The identity 'iPhone Developer: xxxxxx xxxxx (xxxxxxxxxx)' doesn't match any valid
certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
despite XCode apparently recognising the distro and keychain (I used security import xx.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain to import the p12 file; and there are both the private key and the iPhone Distribution: xxxx xxxxxxx certificate in the keychain GUI.
This I am pretty sure I can solve, but my main concern is whether I can add new UDIDs for the beta tests, which are occurring next week. The methods I've seen all involve adding devices via Apple's dev centre, and then downloading; i.e. no way to add UDIDs locally. Our developer is running it off of his personal Apple Dev license ($99 one), which we don't have the password for.
So main question: is there any way to add UDIDs to our distro WITHOUT using the Apple dev centre (i.e. locally), or worse case, can I register my account as an apple developer and then add the UDIDs to that new account to distribute?
Without being able to access his Developer account there is no way for you to create new provisioning files (for extra UUID's) for his account. To add more UUID's you will have to create your own account and setup the project with those certificates and provisioning files.
Of course you could ask the developer to add the UUID's to his account and create a new provisioning file for you. It just depends how many of his 100 UUID's per year he has used up.
If you sign up for your own account, read up on ad hoc distribution. Apple has plenty of documentation. The following chapters will be of use:
Managing Devices and Digital Identities
Distributing Applications
......but sometimes guides are easier to follow.
Nope. The only way to add new UDIDs is via iTunes connect.
You'll have to contact your developer and either ask him for the password, or tell him the UDIDs so he can regenerate the profiles.
If you have the full source code, and an apple developer account, you could create a private beta test.
You will need to build and code sign your app with a Ad-Hoc Distribution Profile.
The limit is 100 devices, but you can produce multiple Ad-Hoc Distribution Profiles.
Each Ad-Hoc Profile can be attached to a select number of devices.
When Devices are added - you will need to get a new Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile to distribute, but that should get you through a limited beta test.
If you need more information - send me a quick message. (You may have some issues helping your beta - testers install on VISTA and Windows-7) so learn about IPA files.
"So main question: is there any way to add UDIDs to our distro WITHOUT using the Apple dev centre (i.e. locally), or worse case, can I register my account as an apple developer and then add the UDIDs to that new account to distribute?"

iPhone using same certificate on multiple computers with different accounts

I have looked around here to see if somebody has asked this question before but nobody really has the same situation so i would like to now how to do the following:
At home i have an iMac on which i do my iPhone development. I can deploy the application on my own iPhone without any problem.
At work i have a colleague who owns a Macbook Pro and i would like to use my certificate to deploy the application on his iPhone.
The tricky part is that we (of course) have different accounts on the computers and i don't want to create an account on his Macbook Pro just for this.
I have read in several places that you can export the certificate (in my case from my iMac) and import it onto his computer, a detailed description can be found here: but does this scenario also work for different accounts?
If not, how can i do this?
A second question (and which might also solve my first question), does every member on the development team need to have a personal account for the Provisioning portal? And thus pay the development fee?, i have a company registration and i can register 100 devices but when i want to add a person using the Member center i get the feeling that this person needs to register himself first and pay the development fee)
The quickest smartes and easiest solution.
Saved me hours of searching and implemnting different tactics and techniques
iphone sdk development on multiple mac machines
Two ways to do this:
First: add your buddy to your 'team' in the iphone developer portal. he then will have to generate his own certificates. There is no additional charge for this. This makes sense if you want to give him source code and let him use Xcode to work with / debug the app. If you don't want to give him source code, do the second choice.
Second: if he doesn't need to debug and use Xcode, just add his phone UUID to your 'Devices' in the portal, generate an Ad Hoc Distribution Certificate and then make an Ad Hoc build for anything you want to give him to test/try out. He then just uses itunes to copy the ad hoc certificate and the app to his phone. There are instructions in the portal for making the ad hoc builds.