Word document in HTML page does not display toolbars - ms-word

I have a requirement to display dynamically generated word document on the server in an html page
I tried using the OBJECT tag and the document was indeed displayed correct. But the toolbars like print, file etc are missing.
Note: secondary requirement is to enable the user to print the contents of the word document displayed, so the print toolbar is essential for this.

I'm not sure that this is actually possible. When you use the <object> tag, Word is being invoked to render the document, but you don't actually have a full-fledged instance of Word running in the browser. I doubt that there's any way to get Word to display its UI inside the <object> area.
You may have to write some javascript to invoke the browser's print capabilities.


Template-based PDF renderer for flutter web

I am writing a Flutter web application that needs to have a customizable template for printing reports: inside the template there will be some placeholders that must be replaced with data at the moment of printing. The "printing" itself will be done by having the user download and open a PDF file, then print it through the browser, the OS or anything else, but that's beyond the scope, at the moment.
The default template would be something like this, where <BUYER_DATA> and <TRANSACTION_DATA> will be replaced with the data of the transaction the user is printing, along with some other "technical" tags (i.e., the page number and the pages count):
Header with site name
727 Chester Rd New Trafford, Stretford
01-12-2022 14:40
AppName - TM 2022
The user is allowed to edit this template in any aspect (boldness, size, colors, etc), provided that the tags related to the data are not removed from it.
So, to achieve this, I added a WYSIWYG html editor inside a page in order to save the template as an HTML-formatted string. And this works fine: only then I realized that the well-known flutter printing library doesn't support conversion from HTML directly to PDF on web, and all my plans began to crumble.
I then tried to discover if there's some other way to achieve the same by replacing the HTML template with something else, like markdown, but it seems that there's nothing that could help me.
The question is: anybody knows of a package capable of converting from HTML, markdown or such, directly into PDF?
I just need to know so I can stop googling around and decide to write my own parser for the HTML and convert it into a series of Widgets of the before-mentioned printing package.

Input field data is visible to the user but apparently invisible to Chrome Dev Tools? How can I get at it?

Since I know Cypress, I offered to help a friend screen scrape data out of a legacy system for which he no longer has database access, but I seem to be at a dead-end.
The PHP code fills the form fields somehow, and I can cut'n paste from them into an editor but, when I try to automate that, the input field's innerText is always empty strings. I can use Dev Tools to search the DOM and find the text of the field labels, but searching for the input field text turns up nothing.
Is there really no way to get at that data?
How can Chrome be unable to find data that it is actually displaying?
Is this some kind of security barrier?

add page headers to roxygen2 docs

I'm using roxygen2 to document the objects in my R package, as described in the book R packages. I want to insert some text at the top (and bottom) of the doc page for every object, saying for example, "Confidential - Do Not Release". For the HTML doc pages I could do that with a CSS content property, or by inserting some HTML of course.
So how can I modify the page headings of the doc pages rendered from roxygen2? For now I'm only interested in the HTML doc pages, not PDF, so it might be enough to insert some arbitrary CSS or HTML into every doc page with roxygen2, or Rd. Is that possible?
Ideally I'd like to find an option that I can set once globally for the whole package, since if I have to add it separately to each object's documentation, I may miss some. But if I have to add it to each object, I can live with it.

set case of content bound via content controls in docx

I have a docx file that contains a custom part and a web page that collects input from the user to populate that custom part. One of my "variables" is used multiple times in the document. In some cases, I need it to appear in ALL CAPS. In most cases, it should appear as the user entered it in the web form. We're using docx4j version 3.2.1.
Previously we used "mail merge" fields which allowed for instructions like /* UPPER */ and /* CAPS */.
is there a way to get that same behavior using content controls?
You should be able to set the rPr property on a plain text content control to include:
Failing that, its not elegant, but you could always include a second element in your XML with the caps form.

coldfusion show pdf on page

I know coldfusion has extensive pdf support, but I'm not sure if this is possible.
I was given a pdf form and told to make it so it is both filled out online, the data is captured, and the form can be printed.
Obviously, I can create an html page that looks like the document, save everything, generate the filled pdf form, etc.
Alternately, I think I can show the pdf, have them fill it, then grab the form data. I'm not entirely sure I can do this though, because I would need to detect when they are done filling it out.
But I was thinking it would be nice if I could do it this way - Show the pdf embedded on the webpage, let them fill it out and print it, then capture everything when they are done. I was looking through the CF documentation (cfpdf cfhttp, etc), but not finding exactly what I need. Is this an option?
You can extract the data from a PDF using the cfpdfform tag or as an HTTP Post. Here's a link to the docs on how to do that, but it depends on how you set up the PDF itself. You can edit your PDF form to actually submit just the formdata to a given CF page. It arrives on the page in a struct tied to the form name (ie. #form.form1.Fields.blah# etc.). Dump it out to deipher it (it's kind of convoluted) So you could fire print and submit from within the PDF.
The second way is to submit the PDF itself as a file. In this case you use the cfpdform tag - not well documented or widely used. Both approaches are covered lightly in the link above. Good luck!
We can show the pdf on page using cfheader and cfdocument tags. We can only show the pdf on webpage using the following example code.
<cfsavecontent name="pdfcontent">
//Here what you need to show the pdf
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="filename=Mydocument.pdf">
<cfdocument format="pdf" orientation = "landscape" bookmark="Yes" marginleft=".25" marginright=".25" marginTop = ".25" marginbottom=".75" scale="90">
<cfoutput> #pdfcontent# </cfoutput>