coldfusion show pdf on page - forms

I know coldfusion has extensive pdf support, but I'm not sure if this is possible.
I was given a pdf form and told to make it so it is both filled out online, the data is captured, and the form can be printed.
Obviously, I can create an html page that looks like the document, save everything, generate the filled pdf form, etc.
Alternately, I think I can show the pdf, have them fill it, then grab the form data. I'm not entirely sure I can do this though, because I would need to detect when they are done filling it out.
But I was thinking it would be nice if I could do it this way - Show the pdf embedded on the webpage, let them fill it out and print it, then capture everything when they are done. I was looking through the CF documentation (cfpdf cfhttp, etc), but not finding exactly what I need. Is this an option?

You can extract the data from a PDF using the cfpdfform tag or as an HTTP Post. Here's a link to the docs on how to do that, but it depends on how you set up the PDF itself. You can edit your PDF form to actually submit just the formdata to a given CF page. It arrives on the page in a struct tied to the form name (ie. #form.form1.Fields.blah# etc.). Dump it out to deipher it (it's kind of convoluted) So you could fire print and submit from within the PDF.
The second way is to submit the PDF itself as a file. In this case you use the cfpdform tag - not well documented or widely used. Both approaches are covered lightly in the link above. Good luck!

We can show the pdf on page using cfheader and cfdocument tags. We can only show the pdf on webpage using the following example code.
<cfsavecontent name="pdfcontent">
//Here what you need to show the pdf
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="filename=Mydocument.pdf">
<cfdocument format="pdf" orientation = "landscape" bookmark="Yes" marginleft=".25" marginright=".25" marginTop = ".25" marginbottom=".75" scale="90">
<cfoutput> #pdfcontent# </cfoutput>


Template-based PDF renderer for flutter web

I am writing a Flutter web application that needs to have a customizable template for printing reports: inside the template there will be some placeholders that must be replaced with data at the moment of printing. The "printing" itself will be done by having the user download and open a PDF file, then print it through the browser, the OS or anything else, but that's beyond the scope, at the moment.
The default template would be something like this, where <BUYER_DATA> and <TRANSACTION_DATA> will be replaced with the data of the transaction the user is printing, along with some other "technical" tags (i.e., the page number and the pages count):
Header with site name
727 Chester Rd New Trafford, Stretford
01-12-2022 14:40
AppName - TM 2022
The user is allowed to edit this template in any aspect (boldness, size, colors, etc), provided that the tags related to the data are not removed from it.
So, to achieve this, I added a WYSIWYG html editor inside a page in order to save the template as an HTML-formatted string. And this works fine: only then I realized that the well-known flutter printing library doesn't support conversion from HTML directly to PDF on web, and all my plans began to crumble.
I then tried to discover if there's some other way to achieve the same by replacing the HTML template with something else, like markdown, but it seems that there's nothing that could help me.
The question is: anybody knows of a package capable of converting from HTML, markdown or such, directly into PDF?
I just need to know so I can stop googling around and decide to write my own parser for the HTML and convert it into a series of Widgets of the before-mentioned printing package.

Creating PDF from HTML using iTextSharp with TextField and editing the same later

I have a requirement to create a PDF file from HTML. The resulting PDF needs to have iTextSharp TextField or something similar. I need to update the PDF document with appropriate text in the text field.
Points to note:
1. The PDF length (page numbers) may vary.
2. Due to this, I may have to only know the name of the field to set value to.
I could create a PDF from HTML. As the content of the PDF may vary, I do not know the exact location of a block that I need to edit. I need to stamp text exactly over the block irrespective of the location of the block (i.e. the block may exist in any page).
Example Scenario:
Create a PDF from HTML.
It is sent for approval process. Once it is approved, the name of the approver is printed at a specific place (however the signature area, mentioned as block above, may come at any page, as it depends on the content of the HTML).
Two resources which may help you:
This article details how to use & itextsharp to create a pdf.
The whole article is pretty useful for a beginner like me, but the section detailing how to create a pdf from HTML may be useful for you as a start on your problem.
I would especially pay attention to how he replaces placeholders in the HTML template he is loading. As it seems you may want to head in that direction.
Now to answer your question more directly, have you thought about using a fillable form?
Here is a related Stack Overflow post.
Creating a fillable PDF form with ITextSharp
As I said I am a beginner, so I can't do much to help you from here. But with any luck you can put those together and accomplish what you are looking for.
Let me know if that helps Good luck!

Getting images by parsing constantly changing HTML

I'm in the process of developing an iOS app that retrieves images from a URL ( It so happens that the HTML for the URL is in constant change and whenever I have a working code, the site's style changes.
Is there any way I could pull those images from the HTML without having to worry about webpage changes? There is no public API at the moment so that's sadly not an option.
I look forward to hearing some options.
Also, if the page is set so that when the user scrolls to the bottom, it loads more content, how can I get more html to load based on how far down in the HTML parsing I've got? I'm not using a webview, I just need to update the HTML I initially retrieved.
It seems that the simplest way in your case - use regular expression (for example http://[A-Za-z0-9_/\.]*\.jpg) to extract URLs and keep track of already pulled images.

How to extract data from a web site and format to raw text - iPhone Dev

I have been looking around for a while and not found anything useful, also not sure if I have worded the question in the clearest fashion so apologies
I have a section of an app I am building called 'Company News'. The company in question has a news page on their website which displays a title, an excerpt of text and a read more option.
At the minute in the iPhone application I just have a UIWebView which links to that URL, displays an error if no connection is available. However, if my user clicks a story to read the news obviously it opens up a new page, I want to avoid having to build in 'back' and 'forward' buttons and stay away from it looking like a browser within the app.
With that said, I am looking for a way to just extract that data from the website and just display it in my app as raw text. I am not particularly bothered about rich text formatting or anything fancy. I would just like the title and body of text.
Is this possible?
In essence, then, you are looking for an HTML parser.
Assuming the HTML you wish to parse has a predictable format, the approach I would take is to load the HTML via whatever URL loading system you want - e.g. NSURLConnection, ASIHTTPRequest, etc.
Then you will need to parse the raw HTML. I use XPath. It requires that you learn the syntax, but it should work.
For more details about how you might use XPath for parsing HTML, see the second response to this question. You will need to link to libxml2 in your project then use XPath to extract the nodes of interest.
Scraping web pages in this way is fragile, though, because it depends on the structure of a page you don't control and which could be changed unpredictably.

PDF to Jasper XML

I have a PDF file (softcopy) which was created using iText. Now my company decided to use JasperReports for new release. I need to use that PDF file (softcopy) and need to design JasperReports template and need to populate data.
Do we have any plugin in JasperReports that can convert from PDF to JasperReports JRXML or what do I need to do? Any suggestions?
A PDF is a description of how to render a document on a page. Things
like "draw a vertical line here", "write 'foo bar baz' here in
Courier". It does not contain any information about the format or
organisation of the stuff it is rendering. You won't be able to tell
that you're looking at a table, or a list of bullet points, or a
paragraph, or anything like that.
The PDF format does contain information on a page-by-page basis.
Therefore, page breaks are the one piece of format/organisation
information that you can find.
If you want anything more than a raw stream of completely unformatted,
disorganised text, one per page, you are out of luck. It's virtually
from javaranch
You can use and then use a xslt to transform the resulted xml to the desired jrxml.
I'm working in it. If I finish it, i will post the result on github or any other public and open place.
Good Luck