Nib objects (subviews) accessing properties in ViewController - iphone

Edited for brevity:
How does a subview access properties in its superview and its superview's view controller? Easy enough to go down the chain. How do we go back up?
Original (verbose) post:
The immediate problem I'm trying to solve is simplifying the "birth" of a somewhat complex view. The large picture has to do with Nibs and how subclasses (of UIView in particular) that have beyond trivial initializers are reconstituted when the view loads.
I have some custom UIViews - subviews of a subview of my viewcontroller's view. When I instantiate these views in particular they need a reference to some properties (NSNumberFormatter, & NSDictionary) of the View Controller.
Currenty I use a method to instantiate them:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame items:(NSDictionary *)dictionary forEditingMode:(EditingMode)mode
I'm experimenting with moving them into a Nib to let them reconstitute themselves and running into basic design issues. One being I think I'm limited to initWithFrame as the default initializer?!? If so how can these objects look into the parent view controller and get a reference to the dictionary and some other properties?
Are there methods I could call within initWithFrame (similar to the ones that retrieve the UIApplication delegate) but would instead allow the child view to send methods to it's parent views and/or controllers?
Send in the MVC police, I'm sure I'm breaking something...

It should work the other way round.
The views only contain controls (text fields, etc.). The data lives in a model, and the view/window controllers mediate, accessing and setting the view controls values, synchronizing with the model.
OK, sometimes you may need to have a dictionary shared between the controller and the view. Then create a dictionary property in the view and set it in the awakeFromNib method of the nib owner.

You can set up outlets that get connected to the view's superview or view controller and pull out the info in awakeFromNib. You need to use awakeFromNib instead of init* because the connections won't be created until then.
FYI, if you instantiate via a Nib, your designated initializer is initWithCoder:, not initWithFrame: (but don't use either for this).

You should probably be doing this through the view controller manually just after the nib is loaded. This means that you will have to set the shared dictionary AFTER the view has been initialized. You might do it like so:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet MyView* view1;
IBOutlet MyView* view2;
IBOutlet MyView* view3;
#implementation MyViewController
-(void) viewDidLoad;
NSDictionary* sharedDict = //make the shared dictionary here;
view1.sharedDict = sharedDict;
view2.sharedDict = sharedDict;
view3.sharedDict = sharedDict;


Calling a single view in different UIViewControllers

I have declared a UIView inside a UIViewController class. Can I call this UIView in another UIViewController class?
If its possible how can I call it?
Yes, you can use a single instance of a view in a number of views/viewControllers. Typically I do the same with Views that carry advertisements.
You pass them along as you would do with any other object.
If you do not create it in Interface Bulder (I suggest creating it programmatically) then you may want to define it within your application delegate rather than a view controller and pass it to the individual view controllers that make use of it.
Within the view controller just add it as sub view accordingly, as you would do it with any other view too.
There is one thing though. When you add this view to another super view for the second time or more then it will be removed from its prior super view. That means that you will have to add it as super view again, when its prior super view becomes visible again. A view can only be part of one view hierarchy at a time.
Sample code, thanks to Gordon:
/* Untested and simplified */
#property ( strong, nonatomic) ReuseableView reuseableView
#synthesize reuseableView;
/* in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions ...*/
reuseableView = [[alloc] init]; // or init from nib, initwithframe, etc.
/* In each view controller that uses the view */
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[self.view addSubview:((AppDelegate*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).reuseableView];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[((AppDelegate*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).ReuseableView removeFromSuperview];
I am not quite sure whether this removeFromSuperview is really required. The next addSubview will remove it from its existing superview anyway and if addSubview is called on the same super view twice in a row then it does not do any harm. However, it is save using removeFromSuperview at this point.
Well, summarized that is basically it. You define, create and store your shared view (the reusableView in Gordon's example) at a common place. The application delegate is a good place for that. In each view's controller that uses the shared view you fetch it from the delegate and add it as subview to the current view.
I would subclass UIView and import it on the ViewControllers where I wanna use it
NSArray *nibArray = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"YourView" owner:self options:nil];
yourView = (YourView *)[nibArray objectAtIndex:0];
Then you set its frame and [self.view addSubview:yourView]

Trying to update UILabel with contents of UITextField on different view controller

I have two view controllers, one is MainViewController, the other is SetupViewController. I want a UILabel on MainViewController to set the text to the contents of a UITextField from the SetupViewController when a button is pressed in the SetupViewController.
In SetupViewController, I have this in the IBAction:
- (IBAction)donePressed:(id)sender {
MainViewController *mvc = [[MainViewController alloc] init];
[mvc.testLabelOnMVC setText:testTextFieldOnSVC.text];
[release mvc];
testLabelOnMVC (and testTextFieldOnSCV, with respective terms) is
#property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *testLabelOnMVC;
and is also synthesized.
Every time I try, it doesn't work. Nothing happens, nothing changes. I have no errors or warnings. Can anyone help me out?
The view of your MainViewController does not exist until you reference the MainViewController's view property (which forces viewDidLoad to execute). You must reference the view (or otherwise force the view to be constructed) before you attempt to modify any UI objects in the MainViewController.
You are allocating a new MainViewController when you press the button, then you are setting the text of the label on this new controller, not on the MainViewController that your app is showing.
To fix this, create either and IBOutlet or iVar that points to the original MainViewController and set the text on that instead.
Easiest way is to create a #property in the main view controller and write the text in there. Then just read it in the second MVC's viewDidLoad.
The only views that MainViewController should worry about are the ones that it owns; it shouldn't be trying to access the view hierarchy managed by SetupViewController. Likewise, SetupViewController should not directly modify views in MainViewController's view graph.
The right way to do what you're asking is for the two controllers to talk to each other, either directly or via the data model. For example, let's say that your MainViewController instantiates SetupViewController. If that's the case, it'd be natural for mvc to set itself as svc's delegate, so that svc sends it a messages like -setupController:didUpdateTestStringTo:. MainViewController's implementation of that method could then save the new test string somewhere and update it's testLabel field.
Another example: MainViewController instantiates SetupViewController. SetupViewController contains a field where the user can enter a new value for the test string. Before exiting, SetupViewController writes the contents of that field into NSUserDefaults or some other common data storage. When control returns to MainViewController, that object reads the shared data and updates itself as necessary, including setting the new value for testLabel.
There are other variations on the same theme, but the common thread here is that neither view controller has to directly access views that it doesn't own.
You can change the text of the label if the view is already loaded. Instead of initializing the viewcontroller, retrieve it from the view stack if you are using navigation controller.
I dont know if your viewController is already loaded or not.

How to access one UIViewControllers properties from another UIViewController?

I have one single MainViewController which has of course it's one main UIView. I have this main view comprised of many different subviews.
Some of these subviews have their very own ViewController.
Lets say the MAIN view (whose delegate is primarily MainViewController) has a container which loads another UIView that uses a separate UIViewController- SecondaryViewController as the delegate for most it's actions.
This container view is of course loaded in MainViewController via
MyContainerViewController *myContainerController =
[[MyContainerViewController alloc] ...];
[self addSubView: myContainerController.view];
the controller for myContainerController.view though is MyContainerViewController. How inside this controller do I access MainViewController properties? Specifically I need to access MainViewController's - self.navigationController property to push a new ViewController? :)
Does this make any sense? I assume there's going to be casting of some sort involved since it seems I need to somehow retain a reference to MainViewController inside SecondaryViewController?
It doesn't make sense to push a new ViewController from the SecondaryViewController in the MainViewController.
This screws up the design of the code. A child object will access its parents method to call a method. By other words: bad code.
Make a delegate call from the SecondaryViewController to the MainViewController that it state has changed. Then the MainViewController can decide to do with the call and the SecondaryViewController will not know anything about the implementation of the MainViewController.
Make a protocol in SecondaryViewController.
Let the MainViewController be SecondaryViewController's delegate.
Implement the delegate method in MainViewController which pushes the new ViewController.
Expose the desired sub-view controllers as properties of the view controller that contains them.
Expose your root view controller(s) as properties of your app delegate, and synthesize them also.
When you want to access a different UIViewController, first obtain a reference to your appDelegate:
MyAppDelegate* myAppDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
Then just use your chain of properties to get access to your desired view controller.
SubSubViewController* ssvc = myAppDelegate.rootViewController.subViewController.subSubViewController;
Some folks frown upon the use of the sharedApplication class method to obtain the reference to a delegate, but I've used it in multiple apps and not suffered for it (yet). The alternative is to pipe your appDelegate through your hierarchy of viewControllers.

Call rootViewController to switch views within content view (iOS)

I'm working on a pretty simple multiview app for the iOS and I've been following a great tutorial in an Apress book. I've basically got my rootViewController instantiated and displayed with the app delegate, and I've got a number of content viewControllers (6) which I'd like to swap in and out based on user input. However, in the book they perform their switches with a button on a toolbar placed in the rootView using Interface Builder. It fires a method in rootView that loads up the new content ViewController and displays it.
My problem is that I'd like to perform the content view switch (that lies in my rootViewController instance), but I'd like to trigger the switch action with a button that's in my content view (and is therefore unavailable as my File Owner is my contentViewController, whose reference is held inside my rootViewController).
Hopefully I've explained it well enough, please let me know if I should elaborate more. I appreciate any help!
You need to pass down a reference to your root view controller (RootViewController *rootViewController) when you create your content view either in a custom init method or by just assigning it after you created it: self.contentView.rootViewController = self;.
Now inside your content view you can then call the appropriate method in the root view controller to do the switch: [self.rootViewController switchView]. This call then can be triggered inside the method that is called when you press the button (IBAction method).
So this is what you need to do:
1) Create a property inside the your content view controller of type RootViewController
#class RootViewController;
#interface MyContentViewController : NSObject {
RootViewController *rootViewController;
#property (retain) RootViewController *rootViewController;
and make sure it retains the reference.
2) Synthesis the property and add the callback to the root view controller that switches the view:
#implementation MyContentViewController
#synthesize rootViewController;
- (IBAction) switchView:(id) sender {
[rootViewController switchToNextView];
-(void) dealloc {
[rootViewController release];
[super dealloc];
Also release your retain reference at the end.
3) Assign the root view controller to the content view inside your RootViewController:
self.contentViewController = [[[MyContentViewController alloc]
bundle:nil] autorelease];
self.contentViewController.rootViewController = self;
That should be all. I hope that helps you.
Well, you could simply create an IBAction in each of your child controllers that calls:
[self.parentViewController switchToDifferentController:(int) viewNumber]
and then implement the switchToDifferentController method in your root. Other than ignore the compiler warning that parentView might not implement that method, it might work.
However, that is a bit brittle, as you'd have to assume that it was the parent calling you and that nobody will forget to implement that method.
In general, you use the "delegate" concept for a child controller to ask its parent to do something. The general idea is that you declare a group of methods as a "protocol". Think of it as a contract between objects. One object can say "I promise to implement these methods," and another can then choose to send those messages to it. The contract allows the compiler/system to check for conformance. You'll see this in UITableView, where the OS provides a standard table, but it calls back to your code to provide the individual cells as needed.
To implement a protocol, you mustdo the following: (See code segments below
Declares a protocol for the conversation
Specify that the parent will follows that protocol
Create a delegate property in your child
When the parent is about to launch the child, it assigns itself as the delegate for that child.
When the child wants to switch, it calls the parent using that protocol
#protocol myVCDelegate
- (void)switchToDifferentController:(int) viewNumber ;
#interface ParentViewController : UIViewController <VCDelegate>
#property(nonatomic, assign) id <VCDelegate> delegate
childController.delegate = self;
[self.delegate switchToDifferentController:kController5];

How to use generic (NSObject) controller with subviews of a UIViewController?

I have a UIViewController that is loading several subviews at different times based on user interaction. I originally built all of these subviews in code, with no nib files. Now I am moving to nib files with custom UIView subclasses.
Some of these subviews display static data, and I am using loadNibNamed:owner:options: to load them into the view controller. Others contain controls that I need to access.
I (sort of) understand the reasons Apple says to use one view controller per screen of content, using generic controller objects (NSObjects) to manage subsections of a screen.
So I need a view controller, a generic controller, a view class and a nib. How do I put this all together?
My working assumptions and subsequent questions:
I will associate the view class with
the nib in the 'class identity' drop
down in IB.
The view controller will coordinate
overall screen interactions. When
necessary, it will create an instance
of the generic controller.
Does the generic controller load the
nib? How?
Do I define the outlets and actions
in that view class, or should they be
in the generic controller?
How do I pass messages between the
view controller and the generic
If anyone can point me to some sample code using a controller in this way, it will go a long way to helping me understand. None of the books or stackoverflow posts I've read have quite hit the spot yet.
Okay, I think I figured it out:
Extend NSObject to make your CustomController
Define your outlets & actons in CustomController.h, including a reference to the UIView in your nib
Set the File's Owner of your nib to CustomController
Hook up all your outlets & actions as usual, including the UIView outlet
In your CustomController.m init, load the nib
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
[self loadNib];
return self;
- (BOOL)loadNib {
NSArray *topLevelObjs = nil;
topLevelObjs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"CustomView" owner:self options:nil];
if (topLevelObjs == nil) {
NSLog(#"Error! Could not load nib file.\n");
return NO;
return YES;
The new NSObject based controller will work very much like a view controller.
It sounds like what you want is what I've coined "reusable UIView widgets" -- reusable widgets that do something / present a display that you can incorporate in your app screens wherever and how many times as you want -- you can create them purely in code or instantiate them by placing their frame in another xib file (but you don't get to change the widgets' internal parameters in the xib file, that would require an IB plugin).
This is an organization that I've never seen discussed anywhere. Part of my frustration early on with iOS programming is wanting something like this but not seeing any way to express it in any example.
See my answer in this question to see how it can be structured:
UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?
I recommend placing all widget-internal handling of direct/low-level events in the uiview widget subclass, and implememnt a delegate protocol for a highler level interaction with the widget client (i.e., "loginRequested:userName:passWord" instead of manually accessing button and textfields internal to the widget).
The (optional but recommended) xib file for the widget has an owner of the widget, and the init code in the widget owns the duty of loading the xib file. The customer of the widget simply instantiates the widget and implements whicever widget delegate functions makes sense for it.