How to use generic (NSObject) controller with subviews of a UIViewController? - iphone

I have a UIViewController that is loading several subviews at different times based on user interaction. I originally built all of these subviews in code, with no nib files. Now I am moving to nib files with custom UIView subclasses.
Some of these subviews display static data, and I am using loadNibNamed:owner:options: to load them into the view controller. Others contain controls that I need to access.
I (sort of) understand the reasons Apple says to use one view controller per screen of content, using generic controller objects (NSObjects) to manage subsections of a screen.
So I need a view controller, a generic controller, a view class and a nib. How do I put this all together?
My working assumptions and subsequent questions:
I will associate the view class with
the nib in the 'class identity' drop
down in IB.
The view controller will coordinate
overall screen interactions. When
necessary, it will create an instance
of the generic controller.
Does the generic controller load the
nib? How?
Do I define the outlets and actions
in that view class, or should they be
in the generic controller?
How do I pass messages between the
view controller and the generic
If anyone can point me to some sample code using a controller in this way, it will go a long way to helping me understand. None of the books or stackoverflow posts I've read have quite hit the spot yet.

Okay, I think I figured it out:
Extend NSObject to make your CustomController
Define your outlets & actons in CustomController.h, including a reference to the UIView in your nib
Set the File's Owner of your nib to CustomController
Hook up all your outlets & actions as usual, including the UIView outlet
In your CustomController.m init, load the nib
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
[self loadNib];
return self;
- (BOOL)loadNib {
NSArray *topLevelObjs = nil;
topLevelObjs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"CustomView" owner:self options:nil];
if (topLevelObjs == nil) {
NSLog(#"Error! Could not load nib file.\n");
return NO;
return YES;
The new NSObject based controller will work very much like a view controller.

It sounds like what you want is what I've coined "reusable UIView widgets" -- reusable widgets that do something / present a display that you can incorporate in your app screens wherever and how many times as you want -- you can create them purely in code or instantiate them by placing their frame in another xib file (but you don't get to change the widgets' internal parameters in the xib file, that would require an IB plugin).
This is an organization that I've never seen discussed anywhere. Part of my frustration early on with iOS programming is wanting something like this but not seeing any way to express it in any example.
See my answer in this question to see how it can be structured:
UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?
I recommend placing all widget-internal handling of direct/low-level events in the uiview widget subclass, and implememnt a delegate protocol for a highler level interaction with the widget client (i.e., "loginRequested:userName:passWord" instead of manually accessing button and textfields internal to the widget).
The (optional but recommended) xib file for the widget has an owner of the widget, and the init code in the widget owns the duty of loading the xib file. The customer of the widget simply instantiates the widget and implements whicever widget delegate functions makes sense for it.


UITableViewController loading inside a UIViewController inside a UIViewController issue

I don't really know if what I'm doing is the right way to do it. Right now it seems to be working until it hits a certain point with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS message.
I'll describe what I'm doing as best and with the most relevant details I can tell:
I have a CalendarViewController that inherits UIViewController which is loading from a .xib file (CalendarViewController.xib). The class contains a UIView called contentView which I created and which I initialize with another nib file based on a class which is also inherited from UIViewController:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
calendarView = [[CalendarView alloc] initWithNibName:#"CalendarView" bundle:nil];
[contentView addSubview:calendarView.view];
(calendarView is the class inheriting UIViewController and viewDidLoad is from CalendarViewController.
CalendarView.xib has a UITableViewController with it's respective UITableView. This Table View Controller is linked to a CalendarTableController to which I also generated a .xib file for it.
Everything is being created just right (apparently) but it is crashing somewhere very unexpected. CalendarTableController also implements a DateLoaderDelegate which loads information from an xml on an external url.
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
// When the data has all finished loading, we set a copy of the
// loaded data for us to access. This will allow us to not worry about
// whether a load is already in progress when accessing the data.
self.lastLoadedMatchXMLData = [self.matchXMLData copy];
// Make sure the _delegate object actually has the xmlDidFinishLoading
// method, and if it does, call it to notify the delegate that the
// data has finished loading.
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(xmlDidFinishLoading)])
[_delegate xmlDidFinishLoading];
The application is getting to this point without any problem. _delegate is containing the correct object (a CalendarTableController which implements the DateLoaderDelegate). But when it arrives to the line:
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(xmlDidFinishLoading)])
it crashes with the EXC_BAD_ACCESS, I don't really know the reason, if I look at the debugger, the crash is not occurring in any of my classes as any of them are appearing in the execution stack. URLConnectionClient seems to be generating it, but I don't really know why. The loading of the xml had worked earlier before I rearranged the ViewControllers to work as I have described now.
Any ideas?
It's weird. I fixed the problem but I had to dedicate the whole UIViewController to contain the UITableView. What I did was this:
Create an IBOutlet with the custom UITableViewController (CalendarTableViewController) in the custom UIViewController.
In the loaded .xib file I linked the IBOutlet to a created UITableViewController declared as a CalendarTableViewController.
This way I solved the problem of the UITableViewController being deallocated without reason. But now the image views I had placed in the intermediate UIViewController wouldn't appear. I had to set that UIViewController to contain solely the CalendarTableView and place the image views in the initial UIViewController. Weird, isn't it? I don't like much the hierarchy I created... but for now that will do =S
Check that you have defined properties for all of your subviews and that you are retaining everything that you need to be. Bad Access May mean that you're attempting to call respondsToSelector on an object that has been released.
Have you tried calling loadView before adding the nested controller's view to the parent's view?
Maybe viewDidLoad is not executing before you add the view and some variables were never initialized.

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?

I am making a custom widget that I would like to use in multiple nibs. So I make a new view nib Screen3, add some buttons, and now want my UIAwesomeSauce widget.
If I just add a view and then change the Class Identity, it doesn't get the subelements from the UIAwesomeSauce nib. Same thing if I go to the Library and switch to Classes. It seems only a UIViewController has the field for "Load from nib", which would be beautiful.
I know I can load the UIAwesomeSauce nib from code, get the top level objects, and place it by hand. But the point of IB is so you don't have to place things in code. Even better would be if I could get UIAwesomeSauce to show up in the Library list itself.
Anyway, dood, that is great. I can make my own widget classes now for goofy Awesome stuff. Make the FileOwner of your UI nib your class, and in it just have a normal UIView with all your stuff. (The single view in the widget's nib can't be the class itself, or you get recursive in initWithCoder.) Then in the nib you want to use it, make a vanilla UIView and change its class. You won't be able to actually see the widget inside that square, but deal.
Self is now a blank view, and tMyActualSelf is the single view that you did the work in in the other nib. Yay!
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder
if ((self = [super initWithCoder:coder]))
UIView *tMyActualSelf = nil;
// Initialization code
NSArray *tNibItems = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"UIAwesomeSauce" owner:self options:nil];
for (id object in tNibItems)
if ([object isKindOfClass:[UIView class]])
tMyActualSelf = (UIView *)[object retain];
if( tMyActualSelf )
tMyActualSelf.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
[self addSubview:tMyActualSelf];
return self;
I feel your pain when it comes to the UIViewController being the only thing you can specify a nib load with, but I think it's because there has to be a File's Owner that's a controller, or something like that, though I'm not sure why a UIView can't be a File's Owner.
I think you can put things in the library under Custom Objects but I think you'd be limited to putting a UIView in there with the class just set to a custom subclass of UIView. I actually looked into trying to extend interface builder and it looks like you can do it for OS X stuff, but not for iPhone stuff. It involves compiling code for the new widget in interface builder to tell it how to draw the widget just within IB. I think there's actually an OS X template for this.
I think what I'd probably do is create a main view in a nib file that contains all the subviews, then in initWithCoder: in the UIAwesomeSauce thing open the nib file, load the main view, and just place it inside self so that you have an "unnecessary" view between the UIAwesomeSauce view and the subviews (or sub subviews as the case would be.) I'm not sure how inefficient that is, but in messing with some stuff it looks like some views like UIWebView seem to have one of these seemingly unnecssary intermediate views (IIRC).
If you come up with a better solution please tell me because I'd like to know too.
Now that I look at it, I think the UIView CAN be the file's owner, you just can't set it up in IB. Basically you'd call the nib load something like this in the UIView subclass:
[bundle loadNibNamed:#"UISpecialSauce" owner:self options:...]
I think if you create outlets in UISpecialSauce or whatever then they should be assigned correctly because of the owner:self.
Theres a cocoapod that might actually help with that:
It provides a wrapper view that loads a child view from another NIB. You can specify the name of that NIB inside interface builder via a runtime attribute.

How to reference object values from subview?

I have a UIViewController with a XIB and want to add programmatically another subview.
During the initialization of the subview (initWithFrame) i want to set some attributes to values according to attributes that belong to another Object which holds data (actually a ViewControllers Child-Object, but not a view).
-(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// The following is kind of what i want
self.myAttribute = [self.viewController.otherObject otherValue];
return self;
I want to conform to the Model-View-Controller paradigm and try to seperate my data from the subview and don't know how to access the data from within the subview.
Thanks in advance for any answers and comments how to improve the question.
EDIT: All three answers are useful for me to understand that my design is somehow the wrong way of doing the thing. As far as i understand the subview properties should be modified by the controller instead of trying the subview making to get the information. I will accept Jasons answer for his effort explaining this to me.
If you put this view in place using something like a UINavigationViewController you can use the parentViewController property. If not--and really, just in general--you can create properties that need to be set on your new view controller, and just set them in the parent or whoever else might create it.
Getting data passed around a view hierarchy can be tricky. You have a few options for global-like data:
Actual global variables (hosted in one .m file and declared in a shared .h file). Not recommended, except in rare cases where you have e.g. static data that the following approaches seem silly to use with.
A shared (singleton) controller object that owns the shared data. Then you could do, say, [[AppController sharedController] otherValue] and access it from anywhere in your application. This is good for what you might call overall properties or settings across your application. You wouldn't use this to pass around view-specific information, generally.
If the data is view-specific, you might have it "ride along" with your view controller hierarchy, by passing it from one view controller into the next as you create and push the controllers. Then when you create the views themselves, as above, don't look for the property in the initWithFrame method, but set up a property on the view that you can set to push in the data immediately after creating the view.
A simple solution for the general problem of initializing a subview with attributes is to write a custom initializer in your subclass.
-(id) initWithFrame:(NSRect) aFrame andAttribute:(SomeClass *) anAttribute{
if (self=[super initWithFrame:aFrame]) {
return self;
You would initialize the object like so:
MySubviewClass *msc=[[MySubviewClass alloc] initWithFrame:frame andAttribute:[self.viewController.otherObject otherValue]];
This will work fine if your talking about a subview controlled by the the same controller i.e. it is a subview of the controllers.view. If you loading another view, then you need to go the data-model/navigation-controller route.

Managing subviews in Cocoa Touch

I'm developing an iPhone app. I need to create a Quiz application that has different Question views embedded in it (see my similar question).
Different types of Question will have different behavior, so I plan to create a controller class for each type of Question. The MultipleChoiceQuestionController would set up a question and 3-4 buttons for the user to select an answer. Similarly, the IdentifyPictureQuestionController would load an image and present a text box to the user.
However, the docs say that a UIViewController should only be used for views that take up the entire application window. How else can I create a class to manage events in my subviews?
Subclassing UIViewController will provide this functionality. For example, MultipleChoiceQuestionController would be a subclass of UIViewController. MultipleChoiceQuestionController would contain the question text (UILabel or UITextView) and several buttons (UIButton). You could create a custom constructor in MultipleChoiceQuestionController that would fill the view with the relevant question string and other relevant info.
When you want to add MultipleChoiceQuestionController's view to your main view's subview, simply do the following:
[myMainView addSubview:instanceOfMultipleChoiceQuestionController.view];
I have the same problem, and according to Apple's doc, here's what you should do:
Note: If you want to divide a single
screen into multiple areas and manage
each one separately, use generic
controller objects (custom objects
descending from NSObject) instead of
view controller objects to manage each
subsection of the screen. Then use a
single view controller object to
manage the generic controller objects.
The view controller coordinates the
overall screen interactions but
forwards messages as needed to the
generic controller objects it manages.
You can handle the events on the view itself, or your view controller could have a delegate class that changes for different types of question. That delegate would process the different input, and react in a different way to user touches.
Here's some code with the idea.
// In QuestionViewControllerDelegateProtocol.h
#protocol QuestionViewControllerDelegateProtocol
// Define the methods you want here
- (void)touchesBegan;
- (void)touchesEnded;
- (void)questionLoaded;
// In QuestionViewController.h
#interface QuestionViewController {
id<QuestionViewControllerDelegateProtocol> delegate;
// In QuestionViewController.m
#implementation QuestionViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad:(BOOL)animated {
[delegate questionLoaded];
- (void)touchesBegan {
// Some processing logic.
[delegate touchesBegan];
This is a very nice little solution, gives you all of the advantages of a view controller without breaking apples rules.
From the page:
This is a generic controller class
that can be used to handle a subarea.
It is modelled after UIViewController,
but conforms to Apple's
Your view controller creates the
instances and is responsible for
managing the subview controllers.
Alternatively you can further
subdivided your view hierachy and
create subview controllers inside
other subview controllers. In both
cases the controller instantiating the
object is responsible for managing the
subview controller. The responsible
controller is referred to as 'parent
controller.' Subclasses can use the
view controller when they for example
need to show a modal dialog.

Nib objects (subviews) accessing properties in ViewController

Edited for brevity:
How does a subview access properties in its superview and its superview's view controller? Easy enough to go down the chain. How do we go back up?
Original (verbose) post:
The immediate problem I'm trying to solve is simplifying the "birth" of a somewhat complex view. The large picture has to do with Nibs and how subclasses (of UIView in particular) that have beyond trivial initializers are reconstituted when the view loads.
I have some custom UIViews - subviews of a subview of my viewcontroller's view. When I instantiate these views in particular they need a reference to some properties (NSNumberFormatter, & NSDictionary) of the View Controller.
Currenty I use a method to instantiate them:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame items:(NSDictionary *)dictionary forEditingMode:(EditingMode)mode
I'm experimenting with moving them into a Nib to let them reconstitute themselves and running into basic design issues. One being I think I'm limited to initWithFrame as the default initializer?!? If so how can these objects look into the parent view controller and get a reference to the dictionary and some other properties?
Are there methods I could call within initWithFrame (similar to the ones that retrieve the UIApplication delegate) but would instead allow the child view to send methods to it's parent views and/or controllers?
Send in the MVC police, I'm sure I'm breaking something...
It should work the other way round.
The views only contain controls (text fields, etc.). The data lives in a model, and the view/window controllers mediate, accessing and setting the view controls values, synchronizing with the model.
OK, sometimes you may need to have a dictionary shared between the controller and the view. Then create a dictionary property in the view and set it in the awakeFromNib method of the nib owner.
You can set up outlets that get connected to the view's superview or view controller and pull out the info in awakeFromNib. You need to use awakeFromNib instead of init* because the connections won't be created until then.
FYI, if you instantiate via a Nib, your designated initializer is initWithCoder:, not initWithFrame: (but don't use either for this).
You should probably be doing this through the view controller manually just after the nib is loaded. This means that you will have to set the shared dictionary AFTER the view has been initialized. You might do it like so:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet MyView* view1;
IBOutlet MyView* view2;
IBOutlet MyView* view3;
#implementation MyViewController
-(void) viewDidLoad;
NSDictionary* sharedDict = //make the shared dictionary here;
view1.sharedDict = sharedDict;
view2.sharedDict = sharedDict;
view3.sharedDict = sharedDict;