iPhone ARMv6 VFP asm latency, throughput and hazards - iphone

in this document:
on page 21-25 (pdf page 875) the througput and latency timings are given for the assembly instructions of the VFP unit.
Are those numbers independant of vectorsize?
let's take FMULS which has throughput of 1 and latency of 8. does it mean that i can start in each cycle a new FMULS operation if i don't use a register which is not currently calculated by a previous function?
for example:
FMULS s8, s16, s20
FMULS s12, s21, s25
will those exectue right after each other?
what happens if I have two FMULS functions after each other where one argument depends upon the previous computation
FMULS s8, s16, s20
FMULS s12, s21, s8
will the VFP wait for 8 cycles before starting to process the second instruction?
what if we are in vectormode with 4 elements and on the second FMULS instruction all inputregisters but one are available. what will happen?
4: sqrt and division:
will a sqrt or division operation prevent any subsequent operation from being started for 19 cycles?

Your questions are all answered in the document that you linked. You should read it carefully.
Are those numbers independent of vectorsize?
No. See, for example, Table 21-15 in the document you linked. Note the latency of the short vector FADDS.
does it mean that I can start a new FMULS operation every cycle if it doesn't depend on an earlier result that isn't available yet?
Yes, that's the definition of throughput.
what happens if I have two FMULS functions after each other where one argument depends upon the previous computation
Execution will stall until the result of the first FMULS is available. See 21.6 "Operation of the scoreboards" for more detail.
what if we are in vectormode with 4 elements and on the second FMULS instruction all inputregisters but one are available. what will happen?
It will stall. Same reference.
sqrt and division: will a sqrt or division operation prevent any subsequent operation from being started for 19 cycles?
No. See section 21.10 "Parallel Execution". An example is given in Table 21-15, in which a non-dependent FADDS executes immediately following FDIVS.
Note that it can be a bit of a challenge (though not impossible) to write short-vector VFP code that performs substantially faster than scalar code for many types of computation. Even if you learn how to do it, it will be of questionable value since the NEON unit seems to be the new model for vector computation on ARM. You may be better served in the long run by ignoring the short-vector operation for now and focusing on learning NEON for the future.


Relation between CPI and number of execution units when looking at SIMD intrinsics [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics
(1 answer)
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
(1 answer)
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
(5 answers)
Closed 10 days ago.
I understand that the term Cycle Per Instruction closely relates to the superscalarity of the processor, a term which I have not fully understood. According to Wikipedia, "...a superscalar processor can execute more than one instruction during a clock cycle by simultaneously dispatching multiple instructions to different execution units on the processor". In the same article, there is a hint that superscalarity is not necessarily related to instruction pipelining, a concept with which I'm fairly familiar.
Now, let's get concrete by taking the example of _mm256_shuffle_ps, which, according to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html#avxnewtechs=AVX,AVX2,FMA, has a CPI of 0.5 for the Alder Lake micro-architecture.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Thanks in advance for the transfer of knowledge.
Superscalar is usually a term you'd apply to CPU's of old, e.g. the original pentium. Back in those days, you'd have two seperate pipes, the U (primary) and V (secondary) pipe, which would allow you to potentially dispatch two instructions at the same time (i.e. it had 2 execution units). It was effectively a way of getting slightly better performance from an in-order processor core (although that came with caveats - e.g. pipeline bubbles could be an issue)
These days processors tend to use Out of Order Execution (OOOE) backed by a larger number of execution units. Alder Lake CPU's have 12 execution units, however those execution units tend to be specialised to some extent - e.g. load/store, pointer arithmetic, SIMD FPU units, etc. That's why you won't see 12 execution units capable of performing a shuffle. It can dispatch 12 micro-ops per cycle, but those ops can't all be the same instruction.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
No, you can't assume that. You can assume that there are two execution units which are capable of executing _mm256_shuffle_ps, but that doesn't mean those two units are identical. For example, we can see there are 3 execution units that can work on 256bit YMM registers, and we can see from the instruction timings that all 3 can perform _mm_add_epi32. However, only 2 can perform _mm_shuffle_ps, and only 1 can perform _mm_div_ps, so they are clearly not the same....
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
Unless the manufacturer explicitly states the capabilities of each execution port (sometimes you'll find that info in the technical manual for the CPU), you're pretty much limited to making educated guesses (e.g. the Apple M1)
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Modern Intel processors are not superscalar, therefore describing them as such makes no sense at all.
Alder Lake is able to dispatch 12 instructions per clock, using Out-Of-Order-Execution. The types of instruction the execution units can handle, is typically geared up to cover a range of common cases. For example, consider this code:
void func(float* r, float* a, float* b) {
// basic integer ops: increment and less-than
for(int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// 2 address manipulation instructions
float* addr_a = a + i * 4;
float* addr_b = b + i * 4;
// 2 load instructions
__m128 A = _mm_load_ps(addr_a);
__m128 B = _mm_load_ps(addr_b);
// an addition
__m128 R = _mm_add_ps(A, B);
// another address manipulation op
float* addr_r = r + i * 4;
// a store instruction
_mm_store_ps(addr_r, R);
Providing 12 execution units that are all capable of executing an _mm_add_ps instruction doesn't really make any sense. It makes more sense to balance the number of SIMD execution units with all those other common tasks (e.g. address manipulation, looping, etc).

How do the two program counter registers work in the 6502?

I am currently developing a subset of the 6502 in LogiSim and at the current stage I am determining which parts to implement and what can be cut out. One of my main resources is Hanson's Block Diagram.
I am currently trying to determine how exactly the increment logic works. In a previous project that I worked on in school, the program counter was incremented via a single instruction coming from the decoded instruction memory. In this diagram, the program counter logic looks like it works differently than I have previously encountered.
How exactly does this logic work and does it use an instruction from the instruction memory to increment? As a follow up, Is it possible to simplify the program counter logic to use one or two instructions from the instruction memory to increment?
The 6502 has only one program counter. It is 16 bits wide. Because a lot of other things in the CPU are exactly 8 bits wide, it makes hardware sense to cut the 16 bit program counter into two halves, so that each half fits in 8 bits. For example, each half is loaded separately, one by one, with an instruction like JMP. And the relative branch instructions bring PCL to an ALU input.
Those halves are just called PCH and PCL internally. You can see that PCL has increment logic attached to it, and one of the outputs is a carry out signal called PCLC. That's the input to another circuit that increments PCH.
None of this matters to a program. The program just cares that PC points to the instruction that's going to be executed next, and uses that fact to influence its own flow. But if you're interested in knowing more of these details, I'll point you to the Visual6502 simulation. It's much more accurate and detailed than Hanson's Block Diagram.

CPU clock cycle misunderstanding

I can't well understand about CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz. I know this is that 3.4 billions clock cycle per second.
So here if machine use single clock cycle instruction, then It can execute about 3.4 billions instructions per second.
But in pipeline, basically it needs more cycles per instruction, but each cycle length is shorter than single clock cycle.
But although pipeline has more throughput, anyway cpu can do 3.4 billions cycle per second. So, it can execute 3.4 billions/5 instructions(if one instruction needs 5 cycles), which means less than single cycle implementation(3.4 > 3.4/5). What am I missing?
Does CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz just means for based on pipeline cycle, not for based on single cycle implentation?
Pipelining doesn't involve cycles shorter than a single clock cycle. Here's how pipelining works:
We have a complicated task to do. We take that task and break it down into a number of stages, each of which is relatively simple to carry out. We study the amount of work in each stage to make sure each stage takes about the same amount of time as any other.
With a processor, we do roughly the same thing--but in this case, it's not "install these fourteen bolts", it's things like fetching and decoding instructions, reading operands, executing (often a couple of stages here), and writing back results.
Like the automotive production line, we provide each stage of the pipeline with a specialized set of tools for doing exactly (and only) what is needed at that stage. When we finish doing one stage of processing on a car/instruction, it moves along to the next stage, and this stage gets the next car/instruction to process.
In an ideal situation, the process works (roughly) like this:
It took Ford about 12 hours to build one N car (the predecessor to the model T). Thanks primarily to pipelining the production line, it took only about 2 and a half hours to build a Model T. More importantly, even though a model T took 2.5 hours start to finish, that time was broken down into no fewer than 84 discrete steps, so when everything ran smoothly the production line as a whole could produce another car (about) every two minutes.
That didn't always happen though. If one stage ran short of parts, the stages after it had to wait. If the pause lasted very long, it would back things up so the preceding stages had to wait too.
The same can happen in a processor pipeline. For example, when a branch happens, the processor may have to wait a while before the next instruction can be fetched. If an instruction needs an operand from memory, that can lead to a pause (a "pipeline bubble") as well.
To prevent pauses in his pipeline, Henry Ford hired people to study the stages, figure out how many of each kind of part would need to be on hand for each stage, and so on. I don't know for sure, but I think it's a fair guess that there were probably a few people designated to watch the supply of parts at different stations, and send somebody running to let a warehouse manager know if (for whatever reason) the supply of parts for a particular stage looked like it was running short so they'd need more soon.
Processors do a little of the same thing--they have things like branch predictors and prefetchers that attempt to figure out ahead of time what will be needed by the stream of instructions being executed, and trying to ensure that everything is on hand when its needed (with caches, for example, to temporarily store things that seem likely to be needed soon).
So, like the Model T, it takes some relatively long amount of time for each instruction to execute start to finish, but we get another product finished at much shorter intervals--ideally once a clock (but see my other answer--modern designs often execute more than one instruction per clock).
A typical modern CPU can execute a number of unrelated instructions (those that don't depend on the same resources) concurrently.
To do that, it typically ends up with a basic structure vaguely like this:
So, we have an instruction stream coming in on the left. We have three decoders, each of which can decode one instruction each clock cycle (but there may be limitations, so complex instructions all have to pass through one decoder, and the other two decoders can only do simple instructions).
From there, the instructions pass into a reorder buffer, which keeps a "scoreboard" of which resources are used by each instruction, and which resources are affected that instruction (where a "resource" would typically be something like a CPU register or a flag in the flags register).
The circuitry then compares those scoreboards to determine dependencies. For example, if one instruction writes to register 0, and a later one reads from register 0, then those instructions must execute serially. At each clock, it tries to find the N oldest instructions that don't have dependencies for execution.
There are then a number of independent execution units. Each of these is basically a "pure" function--it takes some inputs, carries out a specified transformation on it, and produces an output. This makes it easy to replicate them as needed, and have as many running in parallel as we want/can afford. Those are typically grouped, with one port going to each group. In each clock, we can send one instruction through that port to one of the execution units in that group. Once an instruction arrives at the execution unit, it may take more than one clock to finish execution.
Once those execute, we have a set of retirement units that take the results, and write them back to the registers in execution order. Again we have multiple units so we can retire multiple instructions per clock.
Note: this drawing tries to be semi-realistic about the rough number of decoders, retirement units, and ports that it depicts, but what it shows is a general idea--different CPUs will have more or fewer specific resources. For almost any of them, the number of decoded instructions in the scoreboard units is low though--a realistic number would be more like 50 instructions.
In any case, actual execution of instructions is one of the hardest parts of this to measure or reason about. The number of ports gives us a hard upper limit on the number of instructions that can start executing in any given clock. The number of decoders and retirement units give an upper limit on the number of instructions that can be started/finished per clock. The execution itself...well, there are a lot of execution units, and each one (at least potentially) takes a different number of clocks to execute an instruction.
With the design as shown above, you'd have a hard upper limit of three instructions per clock. That's the most you can decode or retire. With a different design, that could obviously go up or down (e.g., with 4 decoders, 4 ports and 4 retirement units, the upper limit could go up to 4).
Realistically, with that design you wouldn't normally expect to see three instructions execute in most clock cycles. There are enough dependencies between instructions that you'd probably expect closer to 2 as a long term average (and much more likely a little less than 2). Increasing the available resources (more decoders, more retirement units, etc.) will rarely help that a whole lot--you might get to an average of three instructions per clock, but hoping for four is probably unrealistic.
As others have noted the full details of how a modern CPU operates are complicated. But part of your question has a simple answer:
Does CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz just means for based on pipeline cycle,
not for based on single cycle implentation?
The clock frequency of a CPU refers to how many times per second the clock signal switches. The clock signal is not divided into smaller pipelined segments. The purpose of pipelining is to allow for faster clock switching speeds. So 3.4GHz refers to the number of times per second that a single pipeline stage can perform whatever work it needs to do when executing an instruction. The total work for executing an instruction is done over multiple cycles each of which could be in a different pipeline stage.
Your question also shows a some misconceptions about how pipelining works:
But although pipeline has more throughput, anyway cpu can do 3.4
billions cycle per second. So, it can execute 3.4 billions/5
instructions(if one instruction needs 5 cycles), which means less than
single cycle implementation(3.4 > 3.4/5). What am I missing?
In the simple case the throughput of a single cycle CPU and a pipelined CPU is the same. The latency of the pipelined CPU is higher because it requires more cycles (i.e. 5 in your example) to execute a single instruction. But after the pipeline is full the throughput could be the same as for a single cycle non-pipelined CPU. So in the simple case using your example a single-cycle CPU could execute 3.4 billion instructions in 1 seconds, while the pipelined CPU with 5 stages could execute 3.4 billion minus 5 instructions in 1 second. Subtracting 5 from 3.4 billion is a negligible difference, whereas dividing by 5 would be a very significant difference.
A couple of other things to note are that the simple case I described isn't really true because of dependencies between instructions that require pipeline stalls. And most modern CPUs can execute more than one instructions per cycle.

Flynn's Bottleneck - maximum speedup 2

According to Flynn's Bottleneck, the speedup due to instruction level parallelism (ILP) can be at best 2. Why is it so?
That version of Flynn's Bottleneck originates in Detection and Parallel Execution of Independent Instructions where the authors empirically conclude that ILP for most programs is less than 2. That was 1970 technology and that was an empirical conclusion. You can contrast it with Fisher's Optimism which said there was lots of ILP out there and proposed trace scheduling and VLIW to exploit it.
So the literal answer to your question is because that's what they measured within basic blocks back then.
The ILP less than 2 meaning isn't really used anymore because superscalars and better compilers have blown past the number 2. So instead, over time Flynn's Bottleneck has come to mean You cannot retire more than you fetch which stems from his earlier paper Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness.
The execution bandwidth of a system is usually referred to as being
the maximum number of operations that can be performed per unit time
by the execution area. Notice that due to bottlenecks in issuing
instructions, for example, the execution bandwidth is usually
substantially in excess of the maximum performance of a system.

Fastest language for FOR loops

I'm trying to figure out the best programming language for an analytical model I'm building. Primary consideration is speed at which it will run FOR loops.
Some detail:
The model needs to perform numerous (~30 per entry, over 12 cycles) operations on a set of elements from an array -- there are ~300k rows, and ~150 columns in the array. Most of these operations are logical in nature, e.g., if place(i) = 1, then j(i) = 2.
I've built an earlier version of this model using Octave -- to run it takes ~55 hours on an Amazon EC2 m2.xlarge instance (and it uses ~10 GB of memory, but I'm perfectly happy to throw more memory at it). Octave/Matlab won't do elementwise logical operations, so a large number of for loops are needed -- I'm relatively certain that I've vectorized as much as possible -- the loops that remain are necessary. I've gotten octave-multicore to work with this code, which makes some improvement (~30% speed reduction when I get it running on 8 EC2 cores), but ends up being unstable with file locking, etc.
+I'm really looking for a step change in run-time -- I know that actually using Matlab might get me as much as a 50% improvement from looking at some benchmarks, but that is cost-prohibitive. The original plan when starting this was to actually run a Monte Carlo with this, but at 55 hours a run, that's completely impractical.
The next version of this is going to be a complete rebuild from the ground up (for IP reasons I won't get in to if nothing else), so I'm completely open to any programming language. I'm most familiar with Octave/Matlab, but have dabbled in R, C, C++, Java. I'm also proficient w/ SQL if the solution involves storing the data in a database. I'll learn any language for this -- these aren't complicated functionality we're looking for, no interfacing with other programs, etc., so not too concerned about learning curve.
So with all that said, what's the fastest programming language specifically for FOR loops? From a search of SO and Google, Fortran and C bubble to the top, but looking for some more advice before diving in to one or the other.
This for loop looks no more complex than this when it hits the CPU:
for(int i = 0; i != 1024; i++) translates to
mov r0, 0 ;;start the counter
;;some processing
add r0, r0, 1 ;;increment the counter by 1
jne top: r0, 1024 ;;jump to the loop top if we havn't hit the top of the for loop (1024 elements)
;;continue on
As you can tell, this is sufficiently simple you can't really optimize it very well[1]... Refocus towards the algorithm level.
The first cut at the problem is to look at cache locality. Look up the classic example of matrix multiplication and swapping the i and j indexes.
edit: As a second cut, I would suggest evaluating the algorithm for data-dependencies between iterations and data dependency between localities in your 'matrix' of data. It may be a good candidate for parallelization.
[1] There are some micro-optimizations possible, but those will not produce the speedsups you're looking for.
~300k * ~150 * ~30 * ~12 = ~16G iterations, right?
This number of primitive operations should complete in a matter of minutes (if not seconds) in any compiled language on any decent CPU.
Fortran, C/C++ should do it almost equally well. Even managed languages, such as Java and C#, would only fall behind by a small margin (if at all).
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more. (as was already suggested, is disk access limiting performance? is it network access?)
As #Rotsor said, 16G operations / 55 hours is about 80,000 operations per second, or one operation every 12.5 microseconds. That's a lot of time per operation.
That means your loops are not the cause of poor performance, it's what's in the innermost loop that's taking the time. And Octave is an interpreted language. That alone means an order of magnitude slowdown.
If you want speed, you first need to be in a compiled language. Then you need to do performance tuning (aka profiling) or, just single step it in a debugger at the instruction level. That will tell you what it is actually doing in its heart of hearts. Once you've got it to where it's not wasting cycles, fancier hardware, cores, CUDA, etc. will give you a parallelism speedup. But it's silly to do that if your code is taking unnecessarily many cycles. (Here's an example of performance tuning - a 43x speedup just by trimming the fat.)
I can't believe the number of responders talking about matlab, APL, and other vectorized languages. Those are interpreters. They give you concise source code, which is not at all the same thing as fast execution. When it comes down to the bare metal, they are stuck with the same hardware as every other language.
Added: to show you what I mean, I just ran this C++ code, which does 16G operations, on this moldy old laptop, and it took 94 seconds, or about 6ns per iteration. (I can't believe you baby-sat that thing for 2 whole days.)
void doit(){
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 16000000; j++){
sum += j * 3.1415926;
In terms of absolute speed, probably Fortran followed by C, followed by C++. In practical application, well written code in any of the three, compiled with a descent compiler should be plenty fast.
Edit- generally you are going to see much better performance with any kind of looped or forking (e.g.- if statements) code with a compiled language, versus an interpreted language.
To give an example, on a recent project I was working on, the data sizes and operations were about 3/4 the size of what you're talking about here, but like your code, had very little room for vectorization, and required significant looping. After converting the code from matlab to C++, runtimes went from 16-18 hours, down to around 25 minutes.
For what you're discussing, Fortran is probably your first choice. The closest second place is probably C++. Some C++ libraries use "expression templates" to gain some speed over C for this kind of task. It's not entirely certain those will do you any good, but C++ can be at least as fast as C, and possibly somewhat faster.
At least in theory, there's no reason Ada couldn't be competitive as well, but it's been so long since I used it for anything like this that I hesitate to recommend it -- not because it isn't good, but because I just haven't kept track of current Ada compilers well enough to comment on them intelligently.
Any compiled language should perform the loop itself on roughly equal terms.
If you can formulate your problem in its terms, you might want to look at CUDA or OpenCL and run your matrix code on the GPU - though this is less good for code with lots of conditionals.
If you want to stay on conventional CPUs, you may be able to formulate your problem in terms of SSE scatter/gather and bitmask operations.
Probably the assembly language for whatever your platform is. But compilers (especially special-purpose ones that specifically target a single platform (e.g., Analog Devices or TI DSPs)) are often as good as or better than humans. Also, compilers often know about tricks that you don't. For example, the aforementioned DSPs support zero-overhead loops and the compiler will know how to optimize code to use those loops.
Matlab will do element-wise logical operations and they are generally quite fast.
Here is a quick example on my computer (AMD Athalon 2.3GHz w/3GB) :
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> tic;d(d==1)=10;toc;
Elapsed time is 0.754711 seconds.
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> numel(d(d==10))
ans =
In general I've found matlab's operators are very speedy, you just have to find ways to express your algorithms directly in terms of matrix operators.
C++ is not fast when doing matrixy things with for loops. C is, in fact, specifically bad at it. See good math bad math.
I hear that C99 has __restrict pointers that help, but don't know much about it.
Fortran is still the goto language for numerical computing.
How is the data stored? Your execution time is probably more effected by I/O (especially disk or worse, network) than by your language.
Assuming operations on rows are orthogonal, I would go with C# and use PLINQ to exploit all the parallelism I could.
Might you not be best with a hand-coded assembler insert? Assuming, of course, that you don't need portability.
That and an optimized algorithm should help (and perhaps restructuring the data?).
You might also want to try multiple algorithms and profile them.
Even though it's interpreted, its primitive operators all operate on arrays natively, therefore you rarely need any explicit loops. You write the same code, whether the data is scalar or array, and the interpreter takes care of any looping needed internally, and thus with the minimum overhead - the loops themselves are in a compiled language, and will have been heavily optimised for the specific architecture of the CPU it's running on.
Here's an example of the simplicity of array handling in APL:
A <- 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
((2|A)/A) <- 0
2 0 4 0 6 8 10
The first line sets A to a vector of numbers.
The second line replaces all the odd numbers in the vector with zeroes.
The third line queries the new values of A, and the fourth line is the resulting output.
Note that no explicit looping was required, as scalar operators such as '|' (remainder) automatically extend to arrays as required. APL also has built-in primitives for searching and sorting, which will probably be faster than writing your own loops for these operations.
Wikipedia has a good article on APL, which also provides links to suppliers such as IBM and Dyalog.
Any modern compiled or JITted language is going to render down to pretty much the same machine language code, giving a loop overhead of 10 nano seconds or less, per iteration, on modern processors.
Quoting #Rotsor:
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more.
80k operations per second is around 12.5 microseconds each - a factor of 1000 greater than the loop overhead you'd expect.
Assuming your 55 hour runtime is single threaded, and if your per item operations are as simple as suggested, you should be able to (conservatively) achieve a speedup of 100x and cut it down to under an hour very easily.
If you want to run faster still, you'll want to look at writing multi-threaded solution, in which case a language that provides good support would be essential. I'd lean towards PLINQ and C# 4.0, but that's because I already know C# - YMMV.
what about a lazy loading language like clojure. it is a lisp so like most lisp dialects lacks a for loop but has many other forms that operate more idiomatically for list processing. It might help your scaling issues as well because the operations are thread safe and because the language is functional it has fewer side effects. If you wanted to find all the items in the list that were 'i' values to operate on them you might do something like this.
(def mylist ["i" "j" "i" "i" "j" "i"])
(map #(= "i" %) mylist)
(true false true true false true)