Using the Deployment Toolkit to detect openjdk under Ubuntu? - deployment

I'm using deployJava.js to detect and redirect for java compatibility. Now, however, I've noticed that deployJava.js does NOT detect openjdk. Is there a modified version of this file that does this? I'm digging through the script right now to attempt to hack in a fix, but it would be nice if this was an already solved problem.

You need a web plugin FOR openjdk. Such is not provided by default. Try icedtea6-plugin.


where can I report/get response on eclipse crashes caused by 14.02-14.04 upgrade?

Yes, I know. I got no rep on this site. But I have to ask this.
I upgraded my laptop, my main dev machine, from 14.02 LTS to 14.04 LTS and the plugins I use with eclipse (3.7) completely broke. I use WOLips ( with eclipse. WOLips is for working with WebObjects applications.
I was getting two crashes. One would occur when editing a java file, when auto-suggest kicked in. I fixed this by adding "-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla" to the end of my eclipse.ini. I have no idea how I found that. It took a lot of random searching.
Now, I get an exception whenever I open a WOComponent:
Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Could not detect registered XULRunner to use]
Trying to define a XULRunnerPath just gives me even stranger errors.
I can file a bug with eclipse (which I did). I tried eclipse 4.2 and 4.4 and got other complicated integration issues. I can file a bug with mozilla (though I was not aware that they were involved). I can install a copy of xulrunner (outside of my copy of Firefox) and point to that (which I did). I can file a bug with ubuntu launchpad (which I did). None of these get you very much response.
So, I was going from one LTS to another LTS. 14.04 - 14.02 = 0.02. Not a huge deal, yes? Should I have expected problems? How can I file a bug with the people involved in just this upgrade and not the other twelve systems that this touches upon?
I had Apple laptops for a long time. I do not expect that amount of hand-holding. But I do wish someone would throw me a bone.
I can get work done if I go buy another hard disk, install 12.04 onto it and copy all of my data back. Is this really necessary? You know, I am willing to help integration testing of these releases. But the systems for finding the right place to put my oar in the water seem fairly impenetrable. Any suggestions? I do not mind working for a solution. If there is a solution.
Did you try Eclipse 4.4 and use the instructions on the wiki for compiling the new WOLips? the Eclipse 4.4 is acting just fine for me (but I'm on a Mac sorry :( )

Can't find GWT devmode plugin for IE9

It seems that the installation link I get is broken.
Someone know where can I find the plugin??
This is a known issue:
Seems like you can download it from the SVN: (pick the x86 or x64 MSI as appropriate for your system)
See also Trouble installing GWT Developer Plugin for IE through firewall
this link is working now. the above link seems to not useful. you could explore more version if you browse till tags and then find various version of gwt.

What versions of eclipse and apache tomcat should I use with jdk-6u30?

I am configuring the env on Vista. I have jdk-6u30 and eclipse-jee-indigo-SR1-win32 installed on the system. Please suggest what tomcat version would be compatible? I tried installing apache-tomcat-7.0.25 but it gave me "requested resource not available error" hen I tested it for the first time. What is the reason of this error on first test? Is it something to do with the compatibility issue or choosing wrong way of installation? Please help.
The very newest versions of both Eclipse and Tomcat will work perfectly with that version of Java; you must have made some mistake in installing or testing.

netbeans plugin update constantly freezes at 50%

I've been trying to update my netbeans plugins ever since 7.0.1, but I've never been able to get beyond half of the installation bar. It just freezes at around 50% each time. After I close the IDE, it will attempt to update but fail. I've updated to 7.1 but the issue still persists even for the initial Junit plugin installation after a fresh installation of 7.1.
I've attached a screenshot. Does anybody know what is the issue here?
I read in the Definitive Guide to NB Platform 7.1 that you have to install NetBeans (well because of the JUnit) into the folder, where it has write rights. Which is not the Progam Files in Windows 7.
So try to install it for example into C:\Programs or something like that. You can install new version (7.1.1) even without uninstalling the older one and then let the NB get your previous settings (it will ask).
You can try temporarily disabling your firewall and/or antivirus. I got the same problem, and disabling AVG Internet Security everything worked fine. Hope it helps!
I think that problem is in network. So try to change network you are on. I am using university network that has many policies and only JUnit plugin installation stucks. Went to local wireles public network and JUnit plugin was installed successfully.

Cannot update or install any new software in any version of eclipse

I've read the other posts about being unable to install software in eclipse, but I still can't seem to get anything to work. I've tried on both Eclipse Indigo and Eclipse Juno - neither of which seem to be able to connect to anything, yet I can open the web browser.
On my other computer, which was previously configured, it contacts the software sites perfectly fine. I can also use the internal web browser on both version of eclipse - navigating to
I've tried updating Eclipse using and I have tried to install ADT with
I'm attaching an image of the error I'm getting. Also it appears I am getting 'permission denied'
Regarding the ADT, i couldnt get it to work with indigo for the life of me. After looking around a lot i realized that there are some comparability restrictions for the ADT plug in. The latest version of the ADT works on Eclipse Helios 3.6 or higher.
also make sure to do "run as administrator" when you start eclipse if you are going to install software.
I had the same problem, I'm not sure if it would help but here is what I did anyway:
Uninstalled AVG
Ran SFC /scannow
SFC found some corrupted windows files and repaired them
Not sure if uninstalling AVG did anything, but I saw it as a possible solution somewhere else.
I am now using MSE since it seems to be more compatible with my system...
Maybe you need to connect thru a proxy?
Check you browsers connections settings.
I've had the same issue before and it turned out to be due to a VPN connection I had open. It must have been trying to go via that, although no other applications have had that problem. So perhaps check that you don't have any static routes which are interfering.