Can't find GWT devmode plugin for IE9 - gwt

It seems that the installation link I get is broken.
Someone know where can I find the plugin??

This is a known issue:
Seems like you can download it from the SVN: (pick the x86 or x64 MSI as appropriate for your system)
See also Trouble installing GWT Developer Plugin for IE through firewall

this link is working now. the above link seems to not useful. you could explore more version if you browse till tags and then find various version of gwt.


Kate External Tools plugin missing

I have installed Kate Editor (with KWrite, which installs some plugins) in Ubuntu 15.04, and I have just realized that the Kate External Tools plugin is missing since version 4.8.
I really need this plugin, and if anyone could show me where to find an older Kate version or even the plugin itself I would really appreciate that.
By the way, I have found in this webpage the plugin, but (my Linux level is average) I am not able to install it: even the first command gives a problem, and you have to click on "actions" in the left bar... If someone could show me how to build it, that would be really helpful...
Thanks in advance!!
A Kate developer here: Unfortunately, the External Tools plugin was never ported to newer versions of KDE and in particular Plasma 5. There were changes in the plugin architecture, and due to some bugs and no maintainer, this plugin got lost.
We would be very happy to accept this plugin again in Kate's git repository, making it an official part of Kate again. But someone needs to implement it or port it to Kate 5. You can find more information in this bug report.
Update 2019-01-31: I am currently working on bringing this back to Kate: It will take another 2-3 weeks, though.
Update 2019-09-21: It is back, and will be released with the KDE Applications Release 19.12. See:

Ephesoft community misses CMIS plugin

So I have downloaded Ephesoft Community ( and successfully installed it on a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04.
The program itself functions like just fine. I can make document classifications and import/export all I want. The only point is that in my configuration I seem to be missing a lot of plugins. Plugins that should be there out-of-the-box as the documentation mentioned. The foremost missing is the CMIS plugin for both export and import. I have found numerous tutorials on how to communicate with Alfresco and others so that is now what I need. I would like to know what I am missing.
BTW: I am aware that the table on the download page states that they are not supported, but that doesn't make them missing, right?
I have also found the google code dcma-data-access link, but that does not seem to help either.
Through the live-chat with Ephesoft I found out that it is impossible to install any plugins for the Ephesoft Community version. Not supported literally means "can't be installed".
That pretty much answered my question.

Cannot update or install any new software in any version of eclipse

I've read the other posts about being unable to install software in eclipse, but I still can't seem to get anything to work. I've tried on both Eclipse Indigo and Eclipse Juno - neither of which seem to be able to connect to anything, yet I can open the web browser.
On my other computer, which was previously configured, it contacts the software sites perfectly fine. I can also use the internal web browser on both version of eclipse - navigating to
I've tried updating Eclipse using and I have tried to install ADT with
I'm attaching an image of the error I'm getting. Also it appears I am getting 'permission denied'
Regarding the ADT, i couldnt get it to work with indigo for the life of me. After looking around a lot i realized that there are some comparability restrictions for the ADT plug in. The latest version of the ADT works on Eclipse Helios 3.6 or higher.
also make sure to do "run as administrator" when you start eclipse if you are going to install software.
I had the same problem, I'm not sure if it would help but here is what I did anyway:
Uninstalled AVG
Ran SFC /scannow
SFC found some corrupted windows files and repaired them
Not sure if uninstalling AVG did anything, but I saw it as a possible solution somewhere else.
I am now using MSE since it seems to be more compatible with my system...
Maybe you need to connect thru a proxy?
Check you browsers connections settings.
I've had the same issue before and it turned out to be due to a VPN connection I had open. It must have been trying to go via that, although no other applications have had that problem. So perhaps check that you don't have any static routes which are interfering.

CFeclipse on Eclipse 3.7 hangs on 10016kb

I am trying to install CFeclipse on Eclipse 3.7. Only possible without the docshare option, but I don't think i really need that. But still, i get a problem. My install hangs when 10016kb of the file is downloaded. Then nothing happens anymore. Is CFeclipse still available or is it still maintained? Is there any other free Coldfusion editor for Eclipse available?
You could also use ColdFusion Builder 2, when the trial expires it turns into the express edition.
But as mentioned above, I guess where 3.7 isn't released it's not yet supported, you could join the mailing lists to ask to the guys who will be able to respond directly.
Some users have reported problems downloading the plugin. It's a very intermittent problem and we haven't been able to track it down to a cause yet. Are you behind a firewall or using a proxy?
If you run into this problem every time, could you please post to the user group so we can try to track down the problem? Thanks!

Show-stopper Eclipse Helios install problems under OSX (10.6) 64bit

I thought I'd give Helios a try, so I grabbed the latest Java EE install from Note, both OSX 32bit and 64bit exhibit the same symptoms.
So from a fresh install I run Helios (it launches fine), then the problem comes when I try running an upgrade. I keep getting these two errors errors:
Artifact not found:
No repository found at
These are my (default) update sites:
Helios Enabled
Mylyn for Eclipse Helios Enabled
The Eclipse Project Updates Enabled
The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) software repository Enabled Disabled Disabled
Note, I'm not behind any firewalls/proxies etc, no nothing weird with network connectivity.
I've searched all over the place and there are others with the same problem, with no solution that I could find.
Has anyone else run into these issues?
I'm not behind a proxy.
I've tried the Java EE, but also bare bones Eclipse 3.6.1.
I've tried different mirrors (including the main site),
I've tried SpingSource's version.
I've tried exporting the update sites to XML, deleting them and reimporting them.
I even tried adding forward slashes to the ends of site names.
I've made sure I have full write permissions for the eclipse folder, and have even placed it on my desktop.
I mention all of these seemingly odd behaviours because these are suggestions I've read around the web on this problem, which many people are having.
Once last interesting point I've just tried, is to download the "" directly in the browser. It redirects to "" with a 403 forbidden. :\ It seems as though system is finding a mirror, but perhaps the mirror is broken? Also note, I'm in Australia, so Georgia Tech is nowhere near me ;)
Just as I was writing this, I tried one last idea. I discovered "Pulse" by Genuitec, which is a Eclipse install manager. I gave it a shot, and it worked. The site it uses for updates is:
"[url=] or/releases/helios[/url]"
So, I've wasted enough time on this now. I'd create a bug in Eclipse Bugzilla, but there are already entries with no solution.
Ok, from a fresh install, if I disable:
and add Pulse's update site:
I don't get any errors. I really think it's to do with the automatic mirrored update site. Is this possible?
Here is a screenshot of my update sites now:
Ok, I had the same issue on Windows XP 64bits laptop an Fresh Helios 64bits download, however your workaround works for me.
See update 2 in the question.