Implementing multiple views in iPhone - iphone

I am trying to develop an app which can have multiple views (up to 30). Each view will have have similar navigation but the content will be different. Do I have to create 30 view controllers or can I get around by creating a view controller for the data (content) alone. I am sure creating multiple view controllers is going to be inefficent. I will be using the UINavigationController for sure.
Any information, links would be really appreciated.

One view should be enough. Similar to Contacts application you have table view with each row containing different contact but when you select a name you are shown view with the details of the specific contact.
The view is the same for every contact but the data are specific for the contact.
You reuse the same view but you populate it with different data.
More info on UINavigationController and UIViewController in View Controller Programming Guide for iPhone OS.

You can place a UIView in the center part of your window for the content. This view should fill the space not taken up by your navigation bar. You can then switch the content in this view by adding a subview to it or by changing the content inside.


Difference between table view controller and a table view placed within a viewcontroller

I am making an app and would like to direct my user once they log in into their dashboard, I have seen some apps display things in what seem like a table view controller or a view controller with a table view. I would like to display the logo up top and then a table displaying their username then about 4 more rows displaying other info then at the bottom a tab bar. What would be the best way to go about this?
any advice welcomed. If relevant I am using swift, Xcode7 and parse to handle my users
Use a UITableView. This a bit more customizable in terms of Storyboard layout. You can place UIImageViews, toolbars, and other elements all over your UIViewController. You can then put a UITableView in the exact place that would work for you, with the dimensions you need.
Of course, you could always use a UITableViewController. You could embed this controller in a variety of combinations, which would let you add tab bars or navigation bars.
The only real difference in implementation is that you have to remember to explicitly write the delegate and data source methods when using a UITableView.
For your case, I would pick whatever seems easiest to implement in your case. Probably a UITableView in my opinion.
Some differences between UITableViewController (TV) and UIViewController with TableView (VT) I know:
You can add other controls into VT and pin it to anywhere you want. TV can't do that.
You can add many same group of controls without add constraints with TV. VT you have to add constraints.
You don't want to worry about scrolling in TV with many group of controls.
With TV you can create static table cell but you can't with VT. Static table works on TableViewController only.
In your situation, I use UITableViewController with static table to achieve that.
Hope this can help.

UIDesign for SplitViewController in ios

Im my app, i'm using split view controller for the first time. Am converting my iPhone app to universal app. My question is, how should i design the UI for the detail view controller so that it accommodates in the smaller area of the split view controller? That is, my detail view controller .xib file is in normal size landscape mode and when i design UI(insert textfields, labels, etc), they get overlapped. Any hint regarding UI Design for detail view controller?
Traditionally is the splitview master view displayed in a navigation view controller on the iphone. If the user selects any details to diaplay, thé phone display another view. This designpattern is very common and straight foreward.
Create a new project in XCode. Select a master detail template and make sure you use universal for the targets. Explore the new project.

iPhone: View / Edit / List controller

I have a customer view controller that is a subclass of UITableViewController. It has a list that lists all the customers. I have a + button in the top right. I want to make it so when people click the + it will go to the add customer screen and after you click save it will act JUST like the iphone contacts list and then display the newly added customer.
Would I need to create a controller for each view? One to display the list, one to add the person and one to view the contact then another to edit the contact? Or should I use one controller and just add a bunch of views in IB into the single view controller?
Create a CustomerListController for seeing ALL customers.
Create a CustomerViewController for viewing and editing the detail.
Subclass the CustomerViewController calling it CustomerAddController for creating, as this will need a little more functionality.
Core Data Recipes application will give you some good pointers around this.
If you want it to only create the record after you hit save, you'll need to:
Create an additional NSManagedObjectContext, assuming you're using Core Data.
Pass that context to the instance of the CustomerAddController class only (not needed for the view class).
When the Save button is hit, you'll need to merge the two NSManagedObjectContext classes in the CustomerListController.
I believe the way the Contacts app does it is:
Contacts list is a UITableViewController in a UINavigationController
Touching the + modally presents (from the navigation controller) a different view controller for adding the contact
Touching Done pushes a new view controller onto the navigation controller for viewing the newly created contact, but it isn't visible yet because the modally presented contact adding view controller is on top. Immediately afterwards, the modal view controller is dismissed, revealing the newly created contact.
To answer your question, I'd suggest using three different view controllers, just like the Contacts app.
I suggest you to use different views for every task because using one IB file uses more memory where as if you use different IBs and view controllers for every task then there is not too much memory is used and after completing one task for example when you save the user detail free the memory for that view so that you app do not use much memory.

UISplitViewController Full Screen For Detail View

I have a uisplitviewcontroller which loads a UIWebView as its detail view. I would like to allow the use to hide the RootViewController so that they can use the detail view controller in full screen.
The behavior is similar to that used by the Dropbox application. I'm not sure how to get this done. I've tried creating a new view controller and copy the webView, but there are issues whenever the user zooms the web view.
You can customize the default split view only to a certain level..
Here are some related questions from SO:
Hiding master view in split view app..???
Ipad Split view controller
but i think you've already read them.
I would suggest you to create your own custom controller as the default split view has very limited functionality.
You can look at MGSplitViewController. It is a really good custom implementation similar to the UISplitViewController with much more flexibility.

iPhone Cocoa Touch: Adding additional view or sub view to views

From What I understand based on what I read, most of the time we will be dealing with view when creating apps for the iPhone. Adding sub view to table view, adding table view to a UIView....etc
So my question is how do I go about mix and match all the views? Let say I start off by using a template in Xcode (Tab Bar Application) which basically give me 2 "section", a tab bar controller with 2 UIView to began with. I modified the code for the UIView so that I end up with 2 table view. Now I wanted to an add additional view to the table view whenever I tap on a cell on the table view. I create a new view controller call firstDetailView and hook them up but nothing happen. Surprisingly the app doesn't crash.
I might do it wrongly or have missed something. I am a newbies to programming. Any help would be appreciated.
If you want to deal with different views which are handled by a view controller you should read the View Controller Programming Guide
Navigation through views will be done with a Navigation Controller (Guide here)
Tab bar's are explained as well (Guide here)
Try to read the Apple documentation in the first hand, they are pretty good and all basic stuff is explained there.