UISplitViewController Full Screen For Detail View - iphone

I have a uisplitviewcontroller which loads a UIWebView as its detail view. I would like to allow the use to hide the RootViewController so that they can use the detail view controller in full screen.
The behavior is similar to that used by the Dropbox application. I'm not sure how to get this done. I've tried creating a new view controller and copy the webView, but there are issues whenever the user zooms the web view.

You can customize the default split view only to a certain level..
Here are some related questions from SO:
Hiding master view in split view app..???
Ipad Split view controller
but i think you've already read them.
I would suggest you to create your own custom controller as the default split view has very limited functionality.
You can look at MGSplitViewController. It is a really good custom implementation similar to the UISplitViewController with much more flexibility.


iPhone, how what I show smaller views ontop of normal view and switch between my current normal views?

I'd like to display some small tutorial dialogs on top of my exiting views. I want to be able to see my existing views behind these smaller views.
Do I have to use view controllers in the same I way I would me normal views, and presentmodalviewcontroller etc ?
I haven't tried making a smaller view in interface builder before.
Also, say I want to move to another one of my existing views, full screen, while in my tutorial view. How would I close my tutorial view move to the next full screen view and launch another tutorial view ?
Example code or pseudo code would be welcome.
If your tutorial dialogs are just text, you could use UIAlertView to show the information to the user, so they can just read it and click the OK button when they're done. It's a very easy way to show some text to the user.
If you need to include images or other interactive items in your tutorial dialogs, the easiest way might be for you to just have your fullscreen view's view controller create a new view and put it up. So in this case, you'd create your view in Interface Builder, and when you want to show it, instantiate it using -[UIBundle loadNibNamed:owner:options:] and add it as a subview of your main view. Of course, it may even be easier to create the tutorial view programmatically from your view controller rather than using a nib for them at all.
Regarding the question of moving on to another fullscreen view, you would probably want to look into embedding your view controllers in a UINavigationController. This would allow you to push from the first controller to the second very easily, and the user would be able to just tap the Back button to get back to the first. If you're not looking for a navigation bar type of interface, you could present the second view controller as a modal view controller by calling -[UIViewController presentModalViewController:animated:] on your main view controller. This will pop up the second view controller fullscreen, and the user can dismiss it when they're done. Check out Apple's great documentation on UINavigationController to get a feel for how to use that:
I would think that you could use existing UIViewController and simply add a new UIView that is of desired dimensions, that sits in front of other views and which is non-opaque and has alpha less than 1.
If you want a general purpose tutorial mechanism that can be placed atop any one of many UIViewControllers, then you would want to extract the navigation logic, etc.
Sorry, no code - just a few quick thoughts.

iPhone Cocoa Touch: Adding additional view or sub view to views

From What I understand based on what I read, most of the time we will be dealing with view when creating apps for the iPhone. Adding sub view to table view, adding table view to a UIView....etc
So my question is how do I go about mix and match all the views? Let say I start off by using a template in Xcode (Tab Bar Application) which basically give me 2 "section", a tab bar controller with 2 UIView to began with. I modified the code for the UIView so that I end up with 2 table view. Now I wanted to an add additional view to the table view whenever I tap on a cell on the table view. I create a new view controller call firstDetailView and hook them up but nothing happen. Surprisingly the app doesn't crash.
I might do it wrongly or have missed something. I am a newbies to programming. Any help would be appreciated.
If you want to deal with different views which are handled by a view controller you should read the View Controller Programming Guide
Navigation through views will be done with a Navigation Controller (Guide here)
Tab bar's are explained as well (Guide here)
Try to read the Apple documentation in the first hand, they are pretty good and all basic stuff is explained there.

Moving a 'UITabBarController with UINavigationController' iPhone app to 'UITabBarController with UISplitView' on iPad

I have an app where the appDelegate has a UITabBarController. Each of the tabs has a navigation controller which I currently use to push a single detail view onto the stack in each tab. I am hoping to replace my navigation controller on each of the tabs with a splitViewController. I use the Interface builder to provide the UINavigationController for each tab. I am having trouble loading a nib for each tab that has a UISplitViewController in it. I am getting an instance of the UITableViewController class displaying on the screen, but I am not getting the UISplitviewController or the Popover or the detail view etc. These classes are all working in a standalone app, but I am not able to get them into each of the tabs in one app. Although I am currently using the Interface Builder I am open to doing this programmatically. If someone has suggestions, or an example small project of a Tab based app with individual split views in the tabs I would appreciate it very much. (As this is my first question I am not sure how much code or other pictures from IB would be helpful for me to post. If you need further detail please let me know and I would gladly amend this post.)
Apple documentation
"The split view controller’s view should always be installed as the root view of your application window. You should never present a split view inside of a navigation or tab bar interface."
Moving on...
Not only shouldn't you -- if you do so, an error is thrown when you run. It's impossible.

UINavigation controller problem

I'm developing an iPhone application and I'm trying to do this:
I want an application with tree views. The view shown first, doesn't have a navigation bar. If the user tap on a button, I need to open the second view with a navigation bar and a table view. The user can also add new items to the table view. If the user do so, the application will show the third view where the user can add fields (this view has also a navigation bar).
It may seem simple, but for me it is not. I don't know how to use the UINavigationController and have not found yet a similar example for what I do (paragraph translated by google).
I don't know how where to put UINavigationController.
How can I do that? Can I use a UIViewController to call a UINavigationController?
Thank you.
take a look at the Recipes example (it also uses core data which may confuse things a little) http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/iPhoneCoreDataRecipes/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40008913
There is also a simpler starting point here http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/TableViewSuite/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40007318 but the Recipe example covers just about everything you need.
EDIT:added the following
For the very simplest example use XCode to build a new application - a navigation based application (sorry, I'm in front of a PC today so that is from memory). That will give you a blank application with the navigation controller created. You then use the navigation controller to push and pop your view controllers
ViewController Programming Guide

View controller/NIB architecture for non-navigation application with transitions?

I'm tinkering with an iPad app that (like many iPad apps) doesn't use the UINavigation root view control system, so I don't have natural ownership for each app "view". I essentially have two basic views: a document list view, and a document edit view.
I'm playing with UIView animation for getting from a selected document to the edit view.
I also have a toolbar on top that exists (with different buttons) in both "views".
Because I don't have UINavigation running the show for me, I have a tendency to just throw more and more stuff into one NIB and one view controller that owns the whole container. But now I'm trying to figure out how to segue from the document list view to the edit view if the edit view lives inside a different NIB, preserving the toolbar too.
Anyone have thoughts or experience on app structures like this? I find the docs lacking on best practices around code/UI structure for anything except trivial one-screen apps or full-on navigation apps.
You're not "supposed" to have parent/child view controllers owning subcomponents of the same "screen" according to the docs, but this implies one massive honking view controller that basically contains the whole app, and that can't be right.
Not sure if there's a "right answer" to this; I'm looking for some intelligent examples or suggestions. Nobody's touched this question in months, so I'm adding a bounty to generate good chatter. :)
UPDATE: I'm not talking about a split view, which is clearly well handled by a split view controller. Instead, take a look at Apple's iWork apps (e.g. Pages) which have a document list view and an independent edit view, but these are related by animation.
Maybe the real question here is: how would you (or could you even?) build a "container" view controller like the split view or navigation controller, yourself? Are you required to build the whole damn thing from scratch? I sense that you are, because seems to be hidden wiring in the interaction between view controllers. If so, thoughts on this?
I think the only hidden wiring in view controllers is setting parentViewController, which is required to support the categories declared for split and navigation.
View controllers are designed to be nested, with each controller owning a part of the view hierarchy. The only design goal is that no view controller reach into the view hierarchy of another controller. A parent view controller will usually have some call for adding child controllers so that it can set the frame of the view within the view hierarchy it owns. A child view controller should not do anything to the superview of the view it controls, as that is owned by another controller. Not should it set the center or frame of the view it controls.
For example, a navigation controller has a push method, in which it removes the previous controller view, adds the new controller view, and sets the frame of the newly added view. In general, a parent view controller is free to set the frame of the view of a child controller, but not the bounds.
If you want to change the animation of a navigation controller, I think you would start by implementing every method with an animated: argument. Set up your animation then call super with the animated flag off before committing the animation.
I haven't tried the multiple-view-controllers thing outside of the UIKit-provided ones (navigation/tab-bar/modal/etc) but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Under the hood, everything is a view, though I'll note that UIKit has special views for view controllers which no doubt have some kind of special handling by the system (UIViewController has a wrapper view, UINavigationController has a UINavigationTransitionView or something, ...).
I'd advise not worrying too much about "best practice" — just code something which does what you want. A couple of options:
Stick logic into view classes (ewwww!). One of our apps does this so it can handle rotation in a custom way (views slide in/out instead of rotating). We should've probably implemented our own view controller logic instead.
Break the model into components which correspond to views. Make each view know how to load its component and recursively load subcomponents. Then the view controller only needs to worry about "big picture" stuff.
Also note that you can load multiple nibs into the same view controller by e.g. connecting it to an outlet called editView.The big difference is that it's not done automatically by -[UIViewController loadView] so you need to do something like
-(EditView*)editView {
if (!editView) {
// Loads EditView into the outlet editView
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:#"EditView" owner:self];
return editView;
You'll also need to worry about adding it to your view hierarchy, unloading it on -(void)viewDidUnload (iPhone OS 3.0+), setting it up in -(void)viewDidLoad in case there was a memory warning during editing mode, etc...
It's not easy, but UI never is.
You need a master-detail view implemented with a split-view/popover-view and controlled with a UISplitViewController.
The master view is the document list and the detail view is the edit view. Each has its own controller. The two controllers themselves are managed by the UISplitViewController.
If you don't use the splitview controller you will just end up hand coding something that works very much like it. This is really the only way to do what you want easily in the API and it is the layout that iPad users will expect.
See Creating a Split View Interface in the iPad programming guide for details.