Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black? - eclipse

Is there a way (I'll settle for a hack) to make the code-folding gutter in Eclipse render with a black background? I'm clinging to TextMate as my main editor but would really like to go back to Eclipse for code completion, but I'm stuck with this ugly crap:

After you change the background color of the editor, disable then re-enable code folding and click apply this seems to fix the color problem however keeps that ugly white line separator.

I found a nice work around until this is fixed. First disable folding by default (preferences->C++->Editor->Folding) for new editors.
Then, whenever you open a new editor the folding 'column' wont be available. Now, open a new editor, Right-click on the far left of the text (the line numbers if they're enabled) and select 'enable folding' (or press Ctrl + /).
Then, anything that is to be folded by default will be folded and the folding +'s and -'s will be available on the dark background - no color glitches.

Gargh, doesn't look like it... this guy has the same issue:
EDIT: Looks like this has been filed as a bug with Eclipse already, see:


Can the focused part of Visual Studio Code be outlined?

I avoid using the mouse for navigation as much as possible. Sometimes when I go back into VSCode via spotlight/raycast the focus will be on some element in the sidebar, or the terminal, or the vim cursor is just immediately obvious. Is there a way to enable some sort of obvious outline on the part of the UI that currently has focus so further navigation can be easier? I perused the settings but didn't see one that immediately stood out.
You can change the usual blue focus border (like you get with tabbing around the window elements) to another color, like red, with this setting in your settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"focusBorder": "#ff0000"
For some elements like those that border on the window edge it doesn't help much. For others it helps.

Cannot find setting to control unselected text background color for text editor

For some reason in the text editor pane, all lines containing characters have a background color that differs from the normal text editor background (i.e. they appear like they've been selected/highlighted with the cursor). I've tried switching themes, but doesn't seem to be controlled by any that I've tried. At a loss as to what setting might be controlling this. Any tips appreciated.
With no lines selected (the problem)
With a line selected (how it should look normally)
Turns out this was caused by the SQLTools extension highlighting the code block. I uninstalled it for now, but it appears customizing the settings for that extension would also work.
press ctrl + shift + p
type “settings json”
click “Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
edit file and leave only braces { }
Resetting might help.

How to remove the highlighting bar when typing code in Netbeans 11?

In Apache Netbeans 11.1, I use Nimbus and Netbeans light theme. This light theme has a problem that I find really annoying.
As shown in pictures below, when I type pub (for public) and stop half way, the row turns black, which makes the code not readable. If I finish the public keyword, the row will turn to a color set at Highlight Caret Row.
So how can I remove the black row when typing?
When Typing:
I found the answer. It's quite simple but I did not look up carefully. So here is the trick.
This black color bar comes from the Fixable Error of Annotations. So just changing the background of this Fixable Error category from dark color to any color will do the work. (Have to close and re-open the code editor to see the change) .
Here I changed to white background, and it's gone.
Try playing with these settings:
Auto Popup Completion Window
Auto Popup Documentation Window
Display Documentation Next to Completion

How do you hide the indent arrows in Visual Studio Code?

I recently opened vscode and saw this arrow showing up when I highlight indents.
I think it has something to do with the font I'm using. How do I hide it?
look up whitespace in settings; there's an option to show it all the time, only when highlighted, or never.
I believe the default annoyingly changed to 'when highlighted' in the most recent version, so you can switch it back to never.
edit as per comment below:
the exact setting is editor.renderWhitespace

Eclipse: Use background color instead of outline for matching bracket

Does anybody know how to set the background color of matching brackets to yellow instead of using a grey outline? I want to do this to be consistent with NetBeans IDE and EditPad Pro.
Go to the Window menu, Preferences option, the select the language you want to change it for in the left column (e.g. C/C++, Java, etc), then choose Editor, and select the top option of the middle frame, change to whatever color you want.
The answers listed ( Window > Preferences > Java > Editor ) are accurate for the question. But if your goal is to find ways to visually see everything inside of braces, here are a couple of more ways you can do this:
Move cursor to the opposite brace: Ctrl-Shift-P moves the cursor to the opposite brace
If you start somewhere in the middle of a section, this will toggle among three points, the beginning brace and the ending brace and where the cursor started. This works for parentheses also.
Highlight the contents of the braces: double click just to the right of the open, or left of the closing brace. The area is highlighted. At this point you can also copy to the clipboard.
I'm using Eclipse Version: 3.4.0 (Ganymede). I went to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor
I changed the 'Matching brackets highlight' to yellow, but it only changed the color of the outline, not the background. It's hard to see just that yellow outline on a white background. Looking at these options though, I don't see how it would be possible to get the highlight you're looking for.
Check the image where you need to change "Selection background color" and "Selection Foreground color" to highlight the background of the selected code.