Can the focused part of Visual Studio Code be outlined? - visual-studio-code

I avoid using the mouse for navigation as much as possible. Sometimes when I go back into VSCode via spotlight/raycast the focus will be on some element in the sidebar, or the terminal, or the vim cursor is just immediately obvious. Is there a way to enable some sort of obvious outline on the part of the UI that currently has focus so further navigation can be easier? I perused the settings but didn't see one that immediately stood out.

You can change the usual blue focus border (like you get with tabbing around the window elements) to another color, like red, with this setting in your settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"focusBorder": "#ff0000"
For some elements like those that border on the window edge it doesn't help much. For others it helps.


How do I display code overflowing the right screen border in VScode?

When I add the preview, my code becomes hidden like the picture.
I know that there is a shortcut to solve this but I do not remember which one. (I am on Mac).
I expect to have the shortcut in order to wrap the code.
It looks like you want to turn soft wrap on, which you can do with alt+z, or by using the View: Toggle Word Wrap command.

I cannot find always on top option in powerToys

I want to make VS Code always stay on top by PowerToys, but this option is not there!
Can you help me, please?
I tried other applications, but I want to use PowerToys.
By default, this is the "Always On Top" shortcut in PowerToys (make sure you have it enabled):
Just get the focus on your VS Code window and press ⊞+Shift+A, a red horizontal bar will appear while this feature is active:

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

VS Code V1.25 clicking on tab doesn't expand window anymore

Just upgraded to VS Code 1.25 and there has been a much needed change to the splitting of the editors. How ever with this has come a change to another behavior that I really liked and saved me a lot of clicking.
With multiple splits of the editor with tabs open in each I could click on a tab and the split would expand to make it easier to code in. That behavior no longer exists and clicking on a top only activates that tab and does not expand the split.
Is there a setting that can be set to enable the old behavior?
I hope this was clear.
I should mention that the reason this is helpful is that I use a Surface Pro much of the time and work without a mouse or the touch pad and only use the touch screen. Touching a tab was great when it would expand but now I need to either have the touch pad (hate it) or mouse available to resize the split which I'm doing all the time. Touch screen doesn't work with the resizing of a split at all and never has.
Best solution that I have been able to find is installing a macros extension and creating a macro that in settings.json
"macros": {
"focusNextGroup": [
and a key binding
"key": "Ctrl+alt+x",
"command": "macros.focusNextGroup",
At least I can toggle through them now. I'm wondering now if it is possible to create an on focus event, get the group and expand it.

Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black?

Is there a way (I'll settle for a hack) to make the code-folding gutter in Eclipse render with a black background? I'm clinging to TextMate as my main editor but would really like to go back to Eclipse for code completion, but I'm stuck with this ugly crap:
After you change the background color of the editor, disable then re-enable code folding and click apply this seems to fix the color problem however keeps that ugly white line separator.
I found a nice work around until this is fixed. First disable folding by default (preferences->C++->Editor->Folding) for new editors.
Then, whenever you open a new editor the folding 'column' wont be available. Now, open a new editor, Right-click on the far left of the text (the line numbers if they're enabled) and select 'enable folding' (or press Ctrl + /).
Then, anything that is to be folded by default will be folded and the folding +'s and -'s will be available on the dark background - no color glitches.
Gargh, doesn't look like it... this guy has the same issue:
EDIT: Looks like this has been filed as a bug with Eclipse already, see: