Simple Unix question - Configure - solaris

I'm using Solaris 10, ksh. Whenever I do a ./configure, I get the error "ksh: ./configure: not found"
When I do a "where configure", nothing is found.
How do I "install configure"?

./configure means that you want to run an executable called configure in your current directory (signified by a .). I'm guessing you're trying to build and install from source, and the directions say to do the standard ./configure; make; make install. You should do that from the top-level directory of the source you downloaded and unpacked:
$ cd /path/to/source
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

"./configure" means "run the program configure from the current directory". That is, you need to cd to the directory that configure lives in before attempting to run it like that.
As for where configure might be found, it's usually at the root of whatever source package you're trying to build.

I'm not a Solaris guy, but the configure script should be within your current directory before you execute it. I am assuming you're trying to build something. If it's a project of your own, take a look at GNU autoconf. (I have no idea if this a part of Solaris or not.) It's part of M4.
If it's a project that you downloaded, untar/unzip/unpack it and then cd to its directory before running the configure script.

I had to run a command for another directory; and then that popped everything up :)
In case someone else comes across this specific issue, I'm trying to install the Perl-Php plugin on a Solaris machine. Initially, there is no configure file; instead you have to find where your "phpize" is located -- for me it was /opt/webstack/php/5.2/phpize, run it while you are still in the "perl-php-plugin" folder, and then configure will appear.
Then you can ./configure :)
Thanks to everyone who responded.


How can i install two different version perl on my linux?

I have a Linux server, and it has its own Perl whose version is not what I want. So I want to install another Perl on it.
I tried to solve it with Perlbrew, but my server can't download it. It seems like my server does not trust that website address. And I don't know whether I should download it as root. Besides, I think there is a huge difference between root and a normal user to download and install it, and I just want do it as a normal user.
Is there another way install different version Perl on my server?
I downloaded the version I want before, and I tried to install it in a usual way, but it just failed.
Here is the wrong when I tap the command
wget -O - | bash as a normal user.
Maybe I should tap it as root?
And when I try to install the Perl v5.8.8(this is version I want) in ~/bin,i run the Configure.
But I can not run make after that, it just told me that make:No rule to make target , needed by miniperlmain.o Stop.
my Linux is Centos 7.4. I don`t how to fix it.
It seems that I find a way to let me to make.
Here is the link.
After I edit the makedepend.SH, I run make again. But I got this wrong:
The thing is really weird. Why Perl V5.8.8 is so difficult to install.
The easy answer is 'just install perl' - it'll drop by default into /usr/local/bin, and you can just use that instead.
DON'T overwrite /usr/bin/perl, as that's a recipe for pain. (Lots of stuff will have dependencies on perl versions installed via your package manager).

-sh /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant no such file or directory

I have built the TI wilink utilities which then I have integrated in my rootfs. This done using petalinux 2016.4 and have created a install template app in yocto build to copy all the tools and libraries in the rootfs.
When I bring up the BOOT.bin and image.ub, I see the files and libraries but when I try to run for example wpa_supplicant it does not work
even wpa_supplicant -h wont work.
It shows me error:
-sh: /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant: no such file or directory.
The file is present and also has executable permissions.
Do you have any idea why it is not able to run ?
Typically, this means that executable file is built for the wrong architecture, i.e. there is a mismatch between the environment where are you running and environment for which you are building. This is how you can make sure they do match or not (execute on target):
# file /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant
# uname -m
If you see mismatch, then it all boils down to how are you building TI wilink.

Build libraries in external folder of AOSP source code

I noticed that a simple
$ . build/
$ lunch
$ aosp_hammerhead-eng
$ make -j16
Would not build also the external libraries in the ./external folder.
How am I supposed to build source code in such folder?
In particular, I am modifying source code in the libselinux in ./external/selinux/libselinux/src/
I found out that, by using the mm command, it is possible to build all of the modules in the current directory.
So, if you are in ./external/selinux/libselinux/ you can build all code inside such directory just by typing the command mm.
I also found that the same code I was modifying inside the ./external/selinux/libselinux/ is also located in ./external/libselinux/. However, this directory is linked to the make -j16 command.

Install laravel ends up in wrong directory (composer with cygwin)

I am trying to install laravel with the use of cygwin, a command line tool for windows.
I use this line
composer create-project laravel/laravel=4.2.0 c/my_workspace/projectname --prefer-dist
which installs everything. But it does not end up in c:/my_workspace/projectname. Instead it ends up in cygwin64/c/my_workspace/projectname.
The next time I tried it it ended up in a different folder, also inside "cygwin64".
It doesn't matter what path I specify, the path will start in the cygwin64 folder for some reason. By the way, in cygwin there is a always a prefix for the paths called /cygdrive/. Is that what causes it to start from cygwin64?
I also tried instead to execute it from cmd by navigating to
cd c:/myworkspace
And then entering
composer create-project laravel/laravel=4.2.0 /projectname --prefer-dist
It says "Installling", and then "loading from cache" (?), then it says
failed to download laravel/laravel from dist: C:my_workspace/vendor/composer/5079c43b does not exist and could not be created
Then it tries to download from source. When cloning starts it fails:
Failed to clone, git was not found
I managed to get it installed finally. I suppose there was something wrong with the way I wrote the filepath:
so it was created in the cygwin64 folder (for some reason). This time I navigated to the folder where I want the install:
cd c:/my_workspace/projectname
then install with:
composer create-project laravel/laravel=4.2.0 --prefer-dist
However, I got a mkdir() permission denied problem, which was solved by running cygwin as administrator.
Then I got another problem where you setup the laravel development server with
$ php artisan serve
It could not find the artisan file because it was located inside a "laravel" folder(!?), which I guess wasn't right, so I moved the laravel files back to my project folder and deleted the laravel folder. The laravel development server has started so I guess it works now.

how to uninstall doxygen using make file on Ubuntu (12.04)?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I have installed doxygen using make install.
I would like to uninstall the doxygen built by make, but I don't find any way to do it using make (uninstall or clean...).
In the Makefile there is no reference to uninstall it the software. :(
Unfortunately I can't use the sudo apt-get remove doxygen because it wasn't an installed. :(
I don't find anything related on the internet.
Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you in advance,
There is no "uninstall" target. You need to do a "rm" be hand. If you used the standard prefix path "/usr/local" then
rm /usr/local/bin/doxygen
rm /usr/local/man/man.1/doxygen.1
(more if you install the docs are wizard). Depend on the user used for install, you need sudo to do it.
I know this question is old, but since it is the first result in google I would like to share another way of uninstalling Doxygen built from source. In the build directory where you've ran make there should by a file name install_manifest.txt. That file contains paths to files that were installed using make install command. All you need to do is to run the following command:
sudo xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
Of course this assumes that you've kept the build directory or at least the install_manifest.txt file. If not you need to remove the files by hand as somebody already suggested.