How can I convince people to use proper object oriented Perl? - perl

I have been using an Object-Oriented MVC architecture for a web project, and all the models are OO Perl. But I have noticed a couple on the team are reverting to procedural techniques and are essentially using "objects" as dumping grounds for related functions. Their functions basically read/write directly to/from the database.
What's the best way to convince them this is the wrong way? Are there some good tutorials I can get them to read?

I can think of three possible reasons why some team members may not produce nice OO code:
They don't care
They care, try to do it right but lack skills to do it right
They are doing it right, or at least right enough! Some matters of design are matters of opinion. Go back and look at some of your own old code, code that you thought was quite good, there's a good chance that you would revise some of it now.
My approach is to make the assumption that everybody wants to do the job right, so I assume (or pretend to assume) that folks care. One tries to build an ethos of wanting to do it right.
So that leaves building our skills, theirs and yours (and mine). Code reviews seem like one obvious way to do this. Talk about alternatives. Also maybe pair-programming?

OOP is just a tool to accomplish some great things like more reliable, usable and maintainable software. If you can not convince your team to write tests give up with strict OOP.

Are they all out of step with you? Perhaps it's just you who is out of step!
Lest I seem facetious, I mean what are the answers to the following questions:
What has the team agreed should be the approach?
Whose responsibility is it to enforce purity? If you don't go for enforced purity, whose responsibility is it to encourage purity? If it's not you, have a look in the mirror and make sure you are not the annoying noob on the team telling the old sweats how to do the jobs they've been doing since you were in Perl baby-clothes.
What mechanisms do you have in place for sorting out such team issues? Regular code reviews, pair programming, bare-knuckle fights ?
Asking them to read some tutorials is likely to be a waste of breath. What are your arguments for doing things the OO way? As Boris has observed, OO is not an end in itself, it is only a means to an end, and not the only means.
There are probably more things you want to consider in your situation, but these should get you started.


Bringing Scala into my company

Now i know that this one is actually not a very technical question but one that has been bothering me for some time. Actually we are using a lot of C++ and PHP at our company and some of our developers are really hoping for a new and modern language to come by to help us getting more productive. I have been talking about what scala can do and the other coders seem to gain some interest in the language. The tough job is, how do you convince your boss to consider scala as a language for the company. I saw the presentation "Sneaking Scala into your company", but it deals with the situation that you are using Java at your company which we don't.
How do you fight of the usual "that is just esoteric stuff" and "we can already do that in $LANGUAGE" arguments. I was planing to give a talk about Scala, and since I don't have much time I need ideas how to get people interested in the language rather then setting of reactions like "currying? we can already do something like this with boost::bind".
How did you guys do it?
EDIT: Gave my talk yesterday, people were very excited. My company is going to give it a try! Thanks for all your suggestions.
If you don't already have killer arguments, what are you basing your reasoning on that Scala will make your company more productive?
Don't like something then hunt for reasons to use it at work. Let the reasons speak for themselves..
"A hammer looking for nails"
Using it to do some stuff around the side, as datamigrations, testing and similar things will make sure the necessary experience is built and can give it some exposure.
ScalaTest is really nice to help with acceptance/integration testing. (Yes, I know it is nice for unit testing, but I do not see that immediately happening with C++/PHP target code, and it would probably be unwise).
Proof of Concept and other Prototypes are great for 2 reasons
1) It showcases the capabilities
2) You are certain they will be thrown away if you have to reimplement them in C++/PHP
Now a bad time to introduce Scala would be when you REALLY need it : hopes will be high, it will not immediately work as intended, hopes are dashed and everybody will blame Scala. As a result it will be burnt for a long time in the organisation.
Sooner or later some suit will think it was his idea to introduce Scala and use it on a formal project. If that project is moderately successful, then it is sold.
These kind of changes are complicated people issues, and the harder you push, the harder you will face push-back. On the other hand the persistent mind can move mountains.
Redo some of your work related code in Scala and compare KLOC, code structure and performence, if it looks and works better, show it to your peers and your managers.
In other words:
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
-- Torvalds, Linus (2000-08-25)
In case of our company (and I assume, many companies share the same scenario), move to Scala (from Java) was initiated by tech people, who 1. wanted to work more productive writing code (living in the 21st century utilize modern approaches), 2. have less troubles building concurrent applications (Actors concept promoted by Scala is a way simpler than Java thread-based concurrency) 2.1 have a simpler way of building scalable staged event driven architectures.
In our company, transition to Scala was more or less simple, because Scala was literlly sold to business people as a library to Java :) -> from their POV, we're still using the same platform (JVM), application servers, etc., but developers are having more fun from their work, and therefore, are more inspired and work more efficiently.
Maybe you could pitch Scala by showing off the suite of tools that is used for development? For example, if you are not already using Eclipse in your company, show your execs a demo of what a modern IDE can do for your productivity.
There is a book called "Fearless Change" (Linda Rising) that describes a pattern language for "powerless leaders" (I LOVE that role title!). SE-radio had a really motivating interview with the author: Listen up on that interview to collect a few non-technical strategies that can help you in this struggle!
I haven't used Scala yet for any real business code, but I know people who have.
One group used it to write a tool to analyze log files. So they didn't use it for mission-critical business code, but for a non-critical tool to support the project.
Another person I know is an architect and he just went and wrote some Scala code on his own for some production code without telling his manager. After the code was deployed successfully he did tell it. One of the things he mentioned is that because Scala runs on the JVM, the people who support the application don't even notice - to them, Scala is just another library that's included with the application (they were already used to the JVM). Ofcourse this approach is risky and not everybody will be in the position or be willing to do this.
You could start small - use it as your personal preferred scripting language for small things that you need yourself. Tell your fellow developers about it and make them enthusiasts too. If they also start using it then you can step it up to make some side code for your project (such as for example that log analyser tool).
This isn't a really easy task. I would concentrate on the fact that you will be able to produce code and therefore products faster and with a higher quality. That's always the two reasons, business wants to hear from you and will listen to.
Maybe you can show an example of 1-2 very small projects you did in your company with C++/PHP and compare the effort, quality etc. with a similar/the same implemenation in Scala? This would be very impressive and should also convince people who are not on the coding side.
There was a very good talk at Scala Days 2010 by David Copeland:
Sneaking Scala into your organisation
The executive summary: Testing. You can use Scala for testing without affecting release code.

Understanding a software system

I recently became part of a complex embedded project team for which I will be developing a part. For the part which is my responsibility there is only old code and not much documentation.
I am keen to make a good start but shyness and fear of appearing stupid makes it difficult to ask questions. How to ask questions ?
I wanted to ask what techniques do you guys use to understand a project ? I mean there are of lots of technical details which one must remember and keep in context in order to make a design. Your read the code and get some facts but how to move ahead ?
For instance you read the code and the document(s) and get some facts A and fact B . How to reach suitable conclusion X for which you may or may not have needed to take into account facts C and D also ?
Code-reading can be particularly difficult if there is not enough documentation and the code is poorly documented and badly written. I guess the best way now is to find the entry point of the code, and slowly understand its flows and what data it uses. I would keep a look out for
Structure - are there any partitioning of entities/system? Where in the code (and how) do they communicate with each other?
Data - what sort of structures are used to hold the global data? How are the data accessed and saved?
If you are doing C or C++, it is also important to find out how memory is handled and for C++ (and other related non-managed memory OOP languages, I guess), how are object ownership contained.
Since it is an embedded project, are there any non-standard code or coding constructs used?
Reading the code is balanced by writing the documentation.
Write the documentation that your replacement will need. Imagine someone who knows less than you. Explain it for that person.
When you cannot explain something to your replacement, ask questions.
When you have a complete description, you will "know" the system.
And you will have produced complete documentation.
You don't mention what kind of tests exist. If there are test cases, modify them and trace how this would affect the end result.
You might want to look at diagrams which give the entire picture of the logical structure of the system, like, for example, looking at class diagrams in an OOP system would be of great help. Looking at the design diagrams of large and complex apps gives you a clear understanding of how the internal modules of the system are organized and this way its makes the task of figuring out what functionality does a particular piece of code does much much easier. In the absence of diagrams, you're best bet would be to start from the entry point of the app, like main() and proceed from there while you draw(literally draw or write down on paper) your own conclusions about the system(this way you can have your own documentation) and ask your peers if they're correct.
My experience is that it's best to start with some kind of task -- a bug fix or other small change. That will provide focus to your learning. I find it hard to read through a binder or sift through pages of source code or documentation without having a way to apply it.
If you have a sandbox where you can play with changes that you've made without messing up the code base, that can be even more helpful.

Are there any disadvantages of using C# 3.0 features?

I like C# 3.0 features especially lambda expressions, auto implemented properties or in suitable cases also implicitly typed local variables (var keyword), but when my boss revealed that I am using them, he asked me not to use any C# 3.0 features in work. I was told that these features are not standard and confusing for most developers and its usefulness is doubtful. I was restricted to use only C# 2.0 features and he is also considering forbidding anonymous methods.
Since we are targeting .NET Framework 3.5, I cannot see any reason for these restrictions. In my opinion, maybe the only disadvantage is that my few co-workers and the boss (also a programmer) would have to learn some basics of C# 3.0 which should not be difficult. What do you think about it? Is my boss right and am I missing something? Are there any good reasons for such a restriction in a development company where C# is a main programming language?
I have had a similar experience (asked not to use Generics, because the may be confusing to my colleagues).
The fact is, that we now use generics and non of my colleagues are having a problem with them. They may not have grasped how to create generic classes, but they sure do understand how to use them.
My opinion on that is that any developer can learn how to use these language features. They may seem advanced at first but as people get used to them the shock of newness lessens.
The main argument for using these features (or any new language features) is that this is a simple and easy way to help my colleagues advance their skills, rather than stagnating.
As for your particular problem - not using lambdas. Lots of the updates to the BCL have overloads that take delegates as parameters - these are in many cases most easily expressed as lambdas, not using them this way is ignoring some of the new and updated uses of the BCL.
In regards to the issues with your peers not being able to learn lambdas - I found that Jon Skeets C# in depth deals with how they evolved from delegates in a manner that was easy to follow and real eye opener. I would recommend you get a copy for your boss and colleagues.
You boss is going to need to understand that language (and other) improvements are designed to give developers more capabilities, and make them more efficient in completing the task at hand, and that if he is not going to allow them for unknown reasons then:
The development team isn't producing at its greatest potential.
The company isn't benefiting from increased efficiency/productivity.
like others have said developers aren't worth their salt if they can't keep up with some of the latest improvements in the language that they are using on a daily basis. I suspect your boss hasn't done much coding lately and it is his inability to understand the latest language improvements that has motivated this decision.
I was told that these features are not standard and confusing for most developers and its usefulness is doubtful. I was restricted to use only C# 2.0 features and he is also considering forbidding anonymous methods.
Presumably roughly translates to your boss meaning...
These features are confusing for me, and I don't find them useful because I don't understand them.
Which is fairly symptomatic of the Blub paradox (well, or just sheer laziness). Either way there's no merit in what he's saying, and you should start looking for another job if he continues down that road.
If the project is strictly C# 3+ from now on, then you would not break the build by including these items. However, before using them you should be aware of the following:
You can't use them if the project lead gets to make the decision and votes no.
Other than that, you should use them where it makes the code significantly easier to maintain.
You should not use them in ways that are confusing, or unnecessary in the sense that they do not significantly improve the maintainability of the code. This does mean you should not use them where the code is effectively the same or barely improved.
If Microsoft didn't define the standard and these were features that they added to a non-Microsoft language, I would say your boss might have a point. However, since Microsoft defines the language and uses these very features in implementing significant parts of .NET 3.5 (and 4.0), I'd say that you'd be foolish to ignore them. You may not choose to use some of them -- var, for instance, may not be acceptable in all environments due to coding standards -- but a blanket policy of avoiding new features seems unreasonable.
The trickier bit is when should you start using new features, because they can be confusing and may delay development. In general, I choose to use new language features and platform elements on new projects. I often avoid using them on projects that are currently in development when the feature/framework enhancement comes out, deferring until the next project. On a long project, I might introduce them at a significant milestone if the amount of rearchitecting is small or the feature is worth the changes. Normally, I'd wait until the project is due for significant changes anyway and then evaluate if refactoring to newer features is warranted.
The jury is still out on the long term consequences of some features, but if their main rationale is 'it is confusing to other developers' or something similar than I would be concerned about the quality of the talent.
I like C# 3.0 features especially
lambda expressions, auto implemented
properties or in suitable cases also
implicitly typed local variables (var
keyword), but when my boss revealed
that I am using them, he asked me not
to use any C# 3.0 features in work. I
was told that these features are not
standard and confusing for most
developers and its usefulness is
He's got a point.
Following that line of thought, let's make a rule against generic collections since List<T> doesn't make any sense (angle brackets? wtf?).
While we're at it, let's eliminate all interfaces (when are you ever gonna need a class without any implementation?).
Hell, let's go ahead eliminate inheritance since its so tricky these days (is-a? has-a? can't we all just be friends?).
And use of recursion is grounds for dismissal (Foo() invokes Foo()? Surely you must be joking!).
Errrm... back to reality.
Its not that C# 3.0 features are confusion to programmers, its that the features are confusing to your boss. He's familiar with one technology and stubbornly refuses to part with it. You're about to enter the Twilight Zone Blub Paradox:
Programmers get very attached to their
favorite languages, and I don't want
to hurt anyone's feelings, so to
explain this point I'm going to use a
hypothetical language called Blub.
Blub falls right in the middle of the
abstractness continuum. It is not the
most powerful language, but it is more
powerful than Cobol or machine
And in fact, our hypothetical Blub
programmer wouldn't use either of
them. Of course he wouldn't program in
machine language. That's what
compilers are for. And as for Cobol,
he doesn't know how anyone can get
anything done with it. It doesn't even
have x (Blub feature of your choice).
As long as our hypothetical Blub
programmer is looking down the power
continuum, he knows he's looking down.
Languages less powerful than Blub are
obviously less powerful, because
they're missing some feature he's used
to. But when our hypothetical Blub
programmer looks in the other
direction, up the power continuum, he
doesn't realize he's looking up. What
he sees are merely weird languages. He
probably considers them about
equivalent in power to Blub, but with
all this other hairy stuff thrown in
as well. Blub is good enough for him,
because he thinks in Blub.
When we switch to the point of view of
a programmer using any of the
languages higher up the power
continuum, however, we find that he in
turn looks down upon Blub. How can you
get anything done in Blub? It doesn't
even have y.
C# 3.0 isn't hard. Sure you can abuse it, but it isn't hard or confusing to any programmer with more than week of C# 3.0 experience. Your boss's skills have just fallen behind and he wants to bring the rest of the team down to his level. DON'T LET HIM!
Continue using anonymous funcs, the var keyword, auto-properties, and what have you to your hearts content. You won't lose your job over it. If he gets pissy about it, laugh it off.
Like it or not, if you plan on using LINQ in any situation, you're going to have to utilize some of the C# 3.0 language specs.
Your boss is going to have to warm up to them if he wants to utilize the feature sets you get from 3.5, which are numerous and worth your time investing in.
Also, from my experience in leading teams, I've found that using the 3.0 specs actually has helped devs readability and understanding of the code base. There's about a weeks worth of time that is spent by the dev trying to understand what the syntax means, but once they get it they much prefer the new way over the old way.
Perhaps you can do a presentation once a week on each feature to everyone and get some of the developers on your side to help convince management of the benefits.
I recently moved from a bleeding edge C# house to a C# house that was running mostly on dot.Net 1.1 and some 2.0 projects, using mostly only 1.1 features. Luckily management stay away from the code. Most of the developers love all the new features in the newer frameworks, they just don't have the time or inclination to figure them out by themselves. Once I managed to show them how they can make their own lives easier they started using them by themselves and we have migrated several projects to gain the new language features and better tool advantages.
Some people are just afraid of change, because maybe you'll make them all look stupid using fancy new technologies. Could also be that your boss doesn't want the team learning new things instead of getting work done the old fasioned way.
The var keyword can certainly be abused, but in most cases reduces redundant code. LINQ is the main thing you want from .Net 3.5 because of the huge time saving in the amount of code you have to write. Your boss should be encouraging you to use it. Also the base class libraries now take delegates are parameters, so you will be limiting yourself a lot by not using them. Lambda's are just some fancy syntactic sugar to make delegates cleaner.
I would refer you to Effectively Integrating into Software Development Teams and Leading by Example. Two really great articles on how to deal with teams that are afraid of change.

Frameworks & Doneworks: Do you thinks it is cool to use those?

By using somebody else's works you advertize the authors of those works (At least, among other programmers). Do you think it is cool?
This line of questioning could go up one more level and become "Programming Languages: Do you think it's cool to use those?" Because someone(s) wrote those too. I can continue this up to the types of computers, to the components, etc...
Monet did not make the brushes or the paint or the canvas (well maybe, not sure). But who creates those building blocks is not quite what stands out at the end.
Languages/Frameworks/etc were built and released to be utilized by the masses (or make money for the creators).
I think it's always cool. Be more efficient, reduce redundancy, promote other useful code.
If you're trying to learn though, reading and understanding the framework you're using is very helpful. There are always other things you can be programming and learning, not necessarily reinventing the wheel.
If using their work has saved you time reimplementing the same thing (but with more bugs) then don't they deserve credit?
Or put another way, stealing other peoples' work without credit (or paying them, depending on whether we're talking about free or commercial software here) isn't cool.
Of course, nobody's stopping you from writing your own framework, if that's what you want to do...
It depends on what kind of programming you're doing.
Are you doing it to achieve a finished program? Then a framework could save you a lot of time.
Are you doing it to create something truly original? Then a framework might simply tie you into an existing way of thinking.
Rembrandt made his own paints. Michelangelo selected his own marble from the quarry. Alan Kay said "People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware". The Excel team famously has their own compiler. The iPhone ain't just an alternate firmware for the Blackberry. ISTM if you want to be at the very top of your game, you've got to get down and dirty with the nitty gritty of it.
I don't know anything about advertising, other programmers, or what's "cool", so I can't respond to those parts of your question.

How important is it to write functional specs? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I've never written functional specs, I prefer to jump into the code and design things as I go. So far its worked fine, but for a recent personal project I'm writing out some specs which describe all the features of the product, and how it should 'work' without going into details of how it will be implemented, and I'm finding it very valuable.
What are your thoughts, do you write specs or do you just start coding and plan as you go, and which practice is better?
If you're driving from your home to the nearest grocery store, you probably don't need a map. But...
If you're driving to a place you've never been before in another state, you probably do.
If you're driving around at random for the fun of driving, you probably don't need a map. But...
If you're trying to get somewhere in the most effective fashion (minimize distance, minimize time, make three specific stops along the way, etc.) you probably do.
If you're driving by yourself and can take as long as you like, stopping any time you see something interesting or to reconsider your destination or route, you may not need a map. But...
If you're driving as part of a convoy, and all need to make food and overnight lodging stops together, and need to arrive together, you probably do.
If you think I'm not talking about programming, you probably don't need a functional spec, story cards, narrative, CRCs, etc. But...
If you think I am, you might want to consider at least one of the above.
For someone who "jumps into the code" and "design[s] as they go", I would say writing anything including a functional spec is better than your current methods. A great deal of time and effort can be saved if you take the time to think it through and design it before you even start.
Requirements help define what you need to make.
Design helps define what you are planning on making.
User Documentation defines what you did make.
You'll find that most places will have some variation of these three documents. The functional spec can be lumped into the design document.
I'd recommend reading Rapid Development if you're not convinced. You truely can get work done faster if you take more time to plan and design.
Jumping "straight to code" for large software projects would almost surely lead to failure (as immediatley starting posing bricks to build a bridge would).
The guys at 37 Signals would say that is better to write a short document on paper than writing a complex spec. I'd say that this could be true for mocking up quickly new websites (where the design and the idea could lead better than a rigid schema), but not always acceptable in other real life situations.
Just think of the (legal, even) importance a spec document signed by your customer can have.
The morale probably is: be flexible, and plan with functional or technical specs as much as you need, according to your project's scenario.
For one-off hacks and small utilities, don't bother.
But if you're writing a serious, large application, and have demanding customers and has to run for a long time, it's a MUST. Read Joel's great articles on the subject - they're a good start.
I do it both ways, but I've learned something from Test Driven Development...
If you go into coding with a roadmap you will get to the end of the trip a helluva lot faster than you will if you just start walking down the road without having any idea of how it is going to fork in the middle.
You don't have to write down every detail of what every function is going to do, but define you basics so that way you know what you should get done to make everything work well together.
All that being said, I needed to write a series of exception handlers yesterday and I just dove right in without trying to architect it out at all. Maybe I should reread my own advice ;)
What a lot of people don't want to admit or realize is that software development is an engineering discipline. A lot can be learned as to how they approach things. Mapping out what your going to do in an application isn't necessarily vital on small projects as it is normally easier to quickly go back and fix your mistakes. You don't see how much time is wasted compared to writing down what the system is going to do first.
In reality in large projects its almost necessary to have road map of how the system works and what it does. Call it a Functional Spec if you will, but normally you have to have something that can show you why step b follows step a. We all think we can think it up on the fly (I am definitely guilty of this too), but in reality it causes us problems. Think back and ask yourself how many times you encountered something and said to yourself "Man I wish I would have thought of that earlier?" Or someone else see's what you've done, and showed you that you could have take 3 steps to accomplish a task where you took 10.
Putting it down on paper really forces you to think about what your going to do. Once it's on paper it's not a nebulous thought anymore and then you can look at it and evaluate if what you were thinking really makes sense. Changing a one page document is easier than changing 5000 lines of code.
If you are working in an XP (or similar) environment, you'll use stories to guide development along with lots of unit and hallway useability testing (I've drunk the Kool-Aid, I guess).
However, there is one area where a spec is absolutely required: when coordinating with an external team. I had a project with a large insurance company where we needed to have an agreement on certain program behaviors, some aspects of database design and a number of file layouts. Without the spec, I was wide open to a creative interpretation of what we had promised. These were good people - I trusted them and liked working with them. But still, without that spec it would have been a death march. With the spec, I could always point out where they had deviated from the agreed-to layout or where they were asking for additional custom work ($$!). If working with a semi-antagonistic relationship, the spec can save you from even worse: a lawsuit.
Oh yes, and I agree with Kieveli: "jumping right to code" is almost never a good idea.
I would say it totally "depends" on the type of problem. I tend to ask myself am I writing it for the sake of it or for the layers above you. I also had debated this and my personal experience says, you should since it keeps the project on track with the expectations (rather than going off course).
I like to decompose any non trivial problems loosely on paper first, rather than jumping in to code, for a number of reasons;
The stuff i write on paper doesn't have to compile or make any sense to a computer
I can work at arbitrary levels of abstraction on paper
I can add pictures and diagrams really easily
I can think through and debug a concept very quickly
If the problem I'm dealing with is likely to involve either a significant amount of time, or a number of other people, I'll write it up as an outline functional spec. If I'm being paid by someone else to develop the software, and there is any potential for ambiguity, I will add enough extra detail to remove this ambiguity. I also like to use this documentation as a starting point for developing automated test cases, once the software has been written.
Put another way, I write enough of a functional specification to properly understand the software I am writing myself, and to resolve any possibile ambiguities for anyone else involved.
I rarely feel the need for a functional spec. OTOH I always have the user responsible for the feature a phone call away, so I can always query them for functional requirements as I go.
To me a functional spec is more of a political tool than technical. I guess once you have a spec you can always blame the spec if you later discover problems with the implementation. But who to blame is really of no interest to me, the problem will still be there even if you find a scapegoat, better then to revisit the implementation and try to do it right.
It's virtually impossible to write a good spec, because you really don't know enough of either the problem or the tools or future changes in the environment to do it right.
Thus I think it's much more important to adapt an agile approach to development and dedicate enough resources and time to revisit and refactor as you go.
It's important not to write them: There's Nothing Functional about a Functional Spec