UITableView "autoresize" with custom UINavigationBar size - iphone

i'm new to the iphone SDK. for a navigationbar and uitable (from the NIB) eg. an empty/new navigation-based app, what is the best way to change the height of the uinavigationbar without it clipping/overlapping the uitableview? i essentially just need to move the uitableview down and i've tried just about everything now.
Q1) is it best to use eg. navigationBar.frame = CGRectMake(0, 20, 320, 88); or should i be using navigationBar.bounds instead?
Q2) do you set tableView.bounds or .frame with CGRectMake? or is there something blatently obvious that i overlooked?
i've tried different autoresizingMask combos too
come on peoples! this should be easy. what am i doing wrong here?

UINavigation has a set size - it's not easy to change, and is likely to violate Apple's HIG if you do change it.
Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Is the navigation bar obscuring the top of your table view?
If that is the case, simply leave a 44px space above your table view. If that doesn't work, or your table view isn't embedded in another view, you can set the contentInset property on the table view to explicitly make space between the top of the table view's scroll view to the content within the table view.


Automatically reposition views after UITextview resizes - iOS

For a simple example lets say I have a UITextView with a Button underneath it. These two controls are siblings both embedded in a parent UIView.
I now change the text within the UITextView and resize it accordingly. Is there a way to make the button automatically move to have the same relative distance to the bottom of the UITextView? This may seem trivial for this case, but I will have a longer hierarchy with multiple UITextViews that change and it would be nice not to have to calculate the height of every object manually.
One way to approach this would be with a table view: if you place each of your text views within its own table view cell, the table view will automatically calculate its total height from individual calls to its delegate’s -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method and lay itself out accordingly. Whenever the height of one of your text views needs to change, you can call -reloadData on the table view to make it lay itself out again. A disadvantage of this approach is that it’s really difficult to animate the height changes; if that’s essential to the effect you’re going for, I’m afraid you’re stuck with doing the entire layout manually.
Try the autoresizingMask property of UIView.

Integrate an UIScrollView to an existing view

I have a View in a xib file and a corresponding ViewController.
With Interface Builder I put an image, some labels and now a table view in it.
What I want to have, is that the whole view will be scrollable, because the new table view is currently only scrolling inside the tableview boundaries.
How can I put a scroll view behind this existing view with IB?
I already put a UIScrollView to the IB and put all other elements on it. Also I create an UIScrollView IBOutlet and connect it, but the screen is not scrollable...
Do I have to do something like
[myScrollView addSubview: ???];
Thank you a lot in advance & Best Regards.
You need to set the contentSize property of the scrollview before it is usable. Yeah, I know - freaking ridiculous that this isn't automatic.
Just do myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(int, int).

Is it possible to access a UITableView's ScrollView In Code From A Nib?

Right now I am creating a UITableView in a FlipsideView nib. I don't seem to be able to change the background of the table view from within interface builder. I can fix this by creating an outlet and then setting the background. However, I want to give the scroll view rounded corners in order to create a look similar to the iPhone weather/stock app table views. Is there a way to access the scroll view's property in code so that I can set the rounded corners?
A UITableView doesn't have a UIScrollView, it is a UIScrollView. UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView as can be seen it the documentation. Any properties of functionality of UIScrollView you want to access can be directly accessed via the table view.
Similarly, UITableViewDelegates are all UIScrollViewDelegates.
You can add a corner radius to any view's layer. It would look something like this:
theTableView.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0f; // Or whatever radius you wanted to set
I believe you'll need to link to the QuartzCore framework and import the QuartzCore.h header, too.
This will round the corners of the table similar to how they appear in the flipside of Weather.app.
If I'm not mistaken, the table views for the Stocks and Weather applications are simply single-section grouped table views (UITableViews initialized with the UITableViewStyleGrouped style). You shouldn't need to customize anything about the table view's UIScrollView properties to generate this same rounded-corner effect.

UITableViewCell's contentView's width with a given accessory type

On an iPhone, how do you figure out the width of a table view cell's content view when it is showing a certain accessory view (disclosure indicator, etc)?
I need this in order to calculate the correct cell height for cells that contain wrapping, variable-length text. But when the table view delegate is asked for a cell height, it doesn't actually have the actual cell instance, so it can't just query the content view bounds directly.
I can easily hard-code a 20-pixel margin on the right which appears to be accurate for a plain style table view in portrait orientation with a disclosure indicator, but would prefer to do it the Right Way so that it keeps working if Apple decides to tweak the margin.
(This is related to this question.)
Personally, I would just hard code the values -- simpler and things will break in a predictable way.
But were I to do this programmatically, I would create a UITableViewCell, set up the editing properties / accessory views you need to measure, and then ask it how big its contentView is.
Of course I would probably heavily cache this -- doing allocations when asking UITableView asks you for height information sounds to me like it would be slow (check with a profiler first though, as always).
I would have a subclass of UITableViewCell that holds all its subelements. You can cange the frame of certain elements when the cell enters and exists editing mode. There is a good example of this in Apple's Table View Programming guide under the section on creating a custom table view cell.
I believe the UITableViewCell's contentView property is the view that contains your labels etc., so the width of that should be your available size to use.

UITableView problem with "Inset" property

My navigation-based-app's background looks like a paper on a cork bulletin board. My RootViewController is, of course, an UITableView. I want to have the TableView end on the paper and not on the cork. Some pictures here to explain it better:
alt text http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3469/bildschirmfoto20091028u.png
This is how it looks when I scroll to the last row of the TableView. For this, I'm using the "Inset" property for "Content-Bottom" and "Scrollers-Bottom" in Interface Builder.
alt text http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3469/bildschirmfoto20091028u.png
This is how it looks when I scroll to the top of the TableView.
alt text http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/64/35859544.png
And this is how I want the TableView to look when I scroll to the top.
How can I do this?
Thanks a lot ;-)
You can make frame of your tableView with the smaller size.height parameter. It will do the trick.
Oh... Ok. I have no mac nearby right now so I don't want to post much code. I will try to explain. First of all, you should inherit your rootViewController from UIViewController, not UITableViewController. If you are using IB, you have to refer your main view to your RootViewController's view property. Then you can set background of you main view
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"myImage.png"]]];
or add a UIImageView to your view and set your background image there. Then you have to add a UITableView to your view and set it's frame at any size you want. Next step - to refer your new tableView to the outlet inside your class. Smth like that:
IBOutlet UITableView* myTableView;
in your viewDidLoad: method set your new tableView's background to clearColor
[myTableView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
and the last one. all your self.tableView you have to replace with myTableView.
P.S. Oh, don't forget that your new tableView should has frame with x,y,width properties, identical to your self.view's ones and tableView's height property should be a bit smaller.
Or just use insertSubview:corkBoard atIndex:1 during viewDidLoad or whatever. The corkBoard name should be whichever view the cork board is on, and index counts how many views are below it. So 1 would be only one view underneath, the UITableView. Make sense? Of course if you have more views you want underneath it, just change the index count.
In my opinion, this works better than setting a frame. The frame would have an awkward whitespace below it, while this just puts the table behind the cork. Quite ingenious :)