UITableView problem with "Inset" property - iphone

My navigation-based-app's background looks like a paper on a cork bulletin board. My RootViewController is, of course, an UITableView. I want to have the TableView end on the paper and not on the cork. Some pictures here to explain it better:
alt text http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3469/bildschirmfoto20091028u.png
This is how it looks when I scroll to the last row of the TableView. For this, I'm using the "Inset" property for "Content-Bottom" and "Scrollers-Bottom" in Interface Builder.
alt text http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3469/bildschirmfoto20091028u.png
This is how it looks when I scroll to the top of the TableView.
alt text http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/64/35859544.png
And this is how I want the TableView to look when I scroll to the top.
How can I do this?
Thanks a lot ;-)

You can make frame of your tableView with the smaller size.height parameter. It will do the trick.
Oh... Ok. I have no mac nearby right now so I don't want to post much code. I will try to explain. First of all, you should inherit your rootViewController from UIViewController, not UITableViewController. If you are using IB, you have to refer your main view to your RootViewController's view property. Then you can set background of you main view
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"myImage.png"]]];
or add a UIImageView to your view and set your background image there. Then you have to add a UITableView to your view and set it's frame at any size you want. Next step - to refer your new tableView to the outlet inside your class. Smth like that:
IBOutlet UITableView* myTableView;
in your viewDidLoad: method set your new tableView's background to clearColor
[myTableView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
and the last one. all your self.tableView you have to replace with myTableView.
P.S. Oh, don't forget that your new tableView should has frame with x,y,width properties, identical to your self.view's ones and tableView's height property should be a bit smaller.

Or just use insertSubview:corkBoard atIndex:1 during viewDidLoad or whatever. The corkBoard name should be whichever view the cork board is on, and index counts how many views are below it. So 1 would be only one view underneath, the UITableView. Make sense? Of course if you have more views you want underneath it, just change the index count.
In my opinion, this works better than setting a frame. The frame would have an awkward whitespace below it, while this just puts the table behind the cork. Quite ingenious :)


iOS: Add UIView to UITableView

I'm trying to add a UIView on top over the UITableView to mimic the iPhone Facebook style menu. I have it working fine by making the controller a UIViewController then adding a tableview however I am unable to make the menu a static menu unless the controller is a UITableView.
Is it possible to add a view ontop of a tableview and only make the tableview in the background scrollable without the view in the foreground scrolling?
Here is what I have with the subclass being UIViewController
But I am unable to make the tableview cells static via IB since it is not a subclass of UITableView Controller.
EDIT per NSJones Code:
It seems to be going somewhat in the right track. However the view still blocks the table. If I remove the view from the storyboard it will only display the table.
You can make a view hover the same way you make any real thing hover; Hold it up with something invisible.
Basically what you want to do is create a clear UIView (with user interaction disabled) that is the size of your view controller's view, and add it as a subview to your view controller's view property. That way it sits invisibly on top. then you can add a subview to that clear view and that subview won't move.
It seems this nice clean approach won't work for you since you need your view controller to be a UITableViewController. The answer for this slightly more complex approach is to use a delegate method for UIScrollView which also works for UITableView. Apple has a fantastic demo of this concept in the WWDC2011 - Session 125 - UITableView Changes, Tips, Tricks video. If you can watch it I highly recommend it. The meat of this issue begins at about 36:10.
But to sum it up you implement the scrollViewDidScroll: delegate method. And handle the movement of the tableview by adjusting the position properties of the view. Here I am keeping an UIView property named viewToKeepStill still using this method.
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
// CGFloat stillViewDesiredOriginY; declared ivar
CGRect tableBounds = self.tableView.bounds; // gets content offset
CGRect frameForStillView = self.viewToKeepStill.frame;
frameForStillView.origin.y = tableBounds.origin.y + stillViewDesiredOriginY; // offsets the rects y origin by the content offset
self.viewToKeepStill.frame = frameForStillView; // set the frame to the new calculation
Instead of adding it as a subview of the table view, add it as a subview of the superview of the table view; that way it won't scroll.
So instead of this:
[tableView addSubview:viewController.view];
Do this:
[tableView.superview addSubview:viewController.view];
Assuming you want something that is visible full-time with the table, start with a view which contains both the menu view and the UITableView. Make the table smaller so it ends where the menu view begins. The table view can work with less vertical space.
If you have your UIViewController's view to be your table view then your table is going to span over the whole screen, so you won't be able to add anything on top of it.
Why not try the following:
1) create a new UIViewController
2) add a view on top where you want your menu
3) in the space left under just drag a table view from the component library
4) don't forget to set the 2 table view delegates to be your view controller class
that's about it?

UIView behind cells of a UITableView

I'm trying to insert a view behind the cells of a uitableview but I can't find a way to do it properly. Everytime I add a subview to self.view or self.tableview, it goes on the foreground, even if I use the method "sendSubviewToBack:" ...
Do someone have an idea on how to achieve it ?
PS : I don't want to use self.tableview.backgroundView because the view is fixed.
I solved it by calling [self.view sendSubviewToBack:self.myBackgroundView] in tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:. This will put the view behind each cell.
What you experience is logical. The self.view of a UITableView is indeed the table view. If you insert a subview, it is inserted on top of the table view - and there is no way to send it to the back.
Solution 1
The most flexible solution is to switch to a UIViewConntroller and implement the table view behaviour yourself. You need to
insert your own table view as a #property. This is now a subview of self.view. You can do this in code or in IB.
declare and implement the <UITableViewDelegate> and <UITableViewDatasource> protocols
set the delegate and datasource properties of the table view to self
insert any other subviews at will and shuffle them around as you wish.
Solution 2
If you just want to display something behind the tableView you might be able to use the table view property backgroundView. This will display behind the cells, but you will have limited control over the view's size (which you could again solve with further subviews of the background view). Also, you need to make sure your cells are transparent.
- (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSInteger)index
with index 0 will take the View to position which is the back-most one.
This is a method on UIView.
Since UITableView Inherits from UIScrollView : UIView : UIResponder : NSObject. I guess this would help.

Integrate an UIScrollView to an existing view

I have a View in a xib file and a corresponding ViewController.
With Interface Builder I put an image, some labels and now a table view in it.
What I want to have, is that the whole view will be scrollable, because the new table view is currently only scrolling inside the tableview boundaries.
How can I put a scroll view behind this existing view with IB?
I already put a UIScrollView to the IB and put all other elements on it. Also I create an UIScrollView IBOutlet and connect it, but the screen is not scrollable...
Do I have to do something like
[myScrollView addSubview: ???];
Thank you a lot in advance & Best Regards.
You need to set the contentSize property of the scrollview before it is usable. Yeah, I know - freaking ridiculous that this isn't automatic.
Just do myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(int, int).

How can I add a static background behind a UITableView programmatically?

I have a TableViewController and would like to have a static picture as a background, which doesn't scroll along.
The way that everyone recommends using
[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"backgroundPattern.png"]]
doesn't work as it will
1.) move along and
2.) put the background pattern in every cell
I know how to do it in a XIB file (namely adding another layer underneath the TableView) but how do I do it programmatically from the TableViewController?
[myTblViewController.view insertSubview:myImageView belowSubview:myTblViewController.tableView];
That should work.
If it turns out that tableView is not a direct subview of the table view controller's main view, you can try:
[[myTblViewController.tableView superview] insertSubview:myImageView belowSubview:myTblViewController.tableView]; //Edited superview should be all lower case

Using a UITableViewController with a small-sized table?

When using a UITableViewController, the initWithStyle: method automatically creates the underlying UITableView with - according to the documentation - "the correct dimensions".
My problem is that these "correct dimensions" seem 320x460 (the iPhone's screen size), but I'm pushing this TableView/Controller pair into a UINavigationController which is itself contained in a UIView, which itself is about half the height of the screen.
No frame or bounds wrangling I can come up with seems to correctly reset the table's size, and as such it's "too long", meaning there are a collection of rows that are pushed off the bottom of the screen and are not visible nor reachable by scrolling.
So my question comes down to: what is the proper way to tell a UITableViewController to resize its component UITableView to a specified rectangle?
Update I've tried all the techniques suggested here to no avail, but I did find one interesting thing: if I eschew the UINavigationController altogether (which I'm not yet willing to do for production, but as an experiment), and add the table view as a direct subview of the enclosing view I mentioned, the frame size given is respected. The very moment I re-introduce the UINavigationController into the mix, no matter if it is added as a subview before or after the table view, and no matter if alloc/init it before or after the table view is added as a subview, the result is the same as it was before.
I'm beginning to suspect UINavigationController isn't much of a team player...
Update 2 The suggestion to check frame size after the table view on screen was a good one: turns out that the navigation controller is in fact resizing it some time in between load and display. My solution, hacky at best, has been to cache the frame given on load and to reset it if changed at the beginning of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:. Why there you ask? Because it's the one place I found that worked, that's why!
I don't consider this a solution as it's obviously improper, but for the benefit of anyone else reading, it does seem to work.
Why not just use a regular UIViewController and create the table manually?
I had the same problem and I solved it with:
-(void) loadView {
[self setView:[[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease]];
[[self view] setAutoresizesSubviews:NO];
/* Create & configure table and other views... */
[self setResultsTable:[[RadarTableViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]];
[[resultsTable view] setFrame:CGRectMake(0,45,320,200)];
This is done in the parent (just a plain UIViewController in my case) controller.
I had the same problem and I solved it by resizing the tableView in the viewDidAppear function of the UITableViewController. Not the ideal solution but it works.
You can set the top margin by using :
UIEdgeInsets inset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(50, 0, 0, 0);
self.tableView.contentInset = inset;
it's Not a good practice , just in case you want more space on top you can use it .
Should not use UITableViewController , Just simply Use UIViewController and Programmatically Create UITableview
I agree with Ben's answer. I've often run into the situation where I need to resize a UITableVIew due to other controls on a view.
I usually just have a regular UIViewController with a UITableView IBOutlet. Then, if I need to, I can just manipulate the UITableView object's frame to get it to the size I need.
I'm not sure why you're creating an additional view controller for your table. However, in your code, I don't see you adding the table view to its parent. You might also try reducing the bounds height until the whole thing appears on screen; once you do that, it may give you insight as to why it's not working the way you expect.
Check the autoresizingMask and contentMode properties of the UITableView. These can both affect the frame.
i fixed this problem by this code
UIEdgeInsets insets;
insets.left = 0;
insets.right = 0;
insets.top = 0;
insets.bottom = 60;
self.tableView.contentInset = insets;
[self.tableView setScrollIndicatorInsets:insets];
If you are using Interface Builder, you can simply go to "Table View Size" properties window, and change Bottom Insets for both Content and Scroller with the height of another widget.
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
//This one in case your NavigationController is not Translucent
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = NO;
Hope this helps.
Set the frame in UINavigationController.