callback dock demo in Miglayout - callback

can anyone suggest where i can get a hold of the source code for the callback dock demo application in Miglayout site. such a tutorial would also be ok. thanks.

There are quite a few broken links to where the source used to be. Now the demos are distributed with the MiG Layout source.
Go to
Follow the link under MiGLayout Downloads to the Downloads Folder.
Choose the latest version, and download the jar that includes "sources" in the name. For instance, miglayout-3.7.2-sources.jar
Expand the jar file and locate the folder called demo, which includes a Java file for each of the demos.
Near the bottom of the MiG Layout page there is also a link to their support forums that look fairly active.


Implementation of ITargetDefinition

I want to use to interface ITargetDefinition.class in my code. Now I am wondering where the actual source file of the interface can be found? When I press F3 I get the message
The source attachment does not contain the source for the file ITargetDefinition.class. You can change the source attachement by clicking Change Attached Sources below.
The documentation of the interface can be found here: Where can I find/ download the actual implementation of this interface? I have tried to download "Eclipse PDE Plug-in Developer Resources" and "Eclipse Project SDK" from ""... but I can still not find the source.

How to sent settings of diagram(design) in RedHat devStudio to another developer

I have JBoss developer studio and plugin for SOA development. So I can look at switchyard.xml like diagram (in devstudio it named like "Design"). The studio generates this diagram not at good way. So I have to spent 30 minutes to make it readble. The question is: How to sent the Diagram settings (Arrangement of elements) to another developer with same project? (picture from intenet) this it is look like
the SwitchYard editor uses the Graphiti framework under the covers, which relies on a hidden ".xml" directory to stash the actual diagram layout. To share this part of the project you will need to "un-hide" the directory and include it in the project zip or check it into github.
For example, in the Project Explorer, look for the down-pointing triangle in the view toolbar and select "Filters and Customization..." Turn off the ".* resources" filter and you should see the ".xml" folder appear (as well as ".settings" and a few other things).
With it visible, it should appear in the Export->Archive File wizard for you to include it in a project you share with another developer. Or check it into git as part of the project and that should work as well.

Where to download MITK Workbench plugins

I'm new to MITK Workbench and I can't seem to find where to download plugins. Specifically, I'm looking for a link to download the Registration plugin so that I can align two images with the deformable image registration method. Any direction to a link would be greatly appreciated.
Currently MITK does not allow to download Plugins for Extentions, you would have to build it from source and activate them in Cmake.
However, the Registration Plugin is included into the latest Release 2016.11 (its the MatchPoint Plugin).
As chriswe wrote, MITK doesn't work by downloading plugin. You simply need to download the MITK Workbench from their website and it will already contain all the plugins MITK created.
If you want to know how to code a new plugin, that's a totally different question! By the way, the MITK Mailing List is really active so it's a good place to ask questions.

Wordpress download plugin with older file versions

I'm looking for a way to offer downloads of files that change a lott. I like to have one file item in the list, but also offer the 'older' downloads. A good example is the way filehippo offers files. You can click CCleaner, but then your also offered the older versions. So if you need those, they are easily found. And old files don't clutter the general list.
I couldn't find a plugin that advertises such a feature.
Any suggestions?
did you try Wordpress Download Manager?
I haven't used it much, but you can add categories to uploads to organize them. So for your problem, you could just make sure you use the File Manager after installing the plugin, and assign categories to each upload, then list groups of them you want to display. Make sure you put the version in the file name and you should be able to keep it organized.
See more on their information page. You can even make packages of downloads, etc. Hope it helps.
Below steps helps me download any version of the plugin
Go to plugin page on WordPress site ex:
Open any plugin screenshot/image. It will open link straight to image ex:
Change above URL and go to 1 folder before assets which will allow you to browse directory, go to tags folder (ex:
From there you will be able to see and download any version of the plugin.
Only works for plugins that are in WP store.

Finding out the source files of an Eclipse (Java EE) functionality

I want to look at the sources of the "New Web Service Client (from WSDL)" functionality. I thought it was the Axis 2.0 ws Code Generator plugin, but it is not, it's another code generator and I can't figure out its name or where is it located in eclipse sources.
Any hint on where should i look for?
EDIT: using ALT+SHIFT+F1 I found out the "contributing plugin" to the wizard I'm interested in is org.eclipse.wst.command.env.ui, but i can't find the source files of this package...
There is a neat tool in Eclipse for checking where a particular piece of functionality (such as a wizard or a view) comes from. Just focus on what you want to check and press ALT+SHIFT+F1. You will get a popup with information about your selection, including which plugin contributes it.