Finding out the source files of an Eclipse (Java EE) functionality - eclipse

I want to look at the sources of the "New Web Service Client (from WSDL)" functionality. I thought it was the Axis 2.0 ws Code Generator plugin, but it is not, it's another code generator and I can't figure out its name or where is it located in eclipse sources.
Any hint on where should i look for?
EDIT: using ALT+SHIFT+F1 I found out the "contributing plugin" to the wizard I'm interested in is org.eclipse.wst.command.env.ui, but i can't find the source files of this package...

There is a neat tool in Eclipse for checking where a particular piece of functionality (such as a wizard or a view) comes from. Just focus on what you want to check and press ALT+SHIFT+F1. You will get a popup with information about your selection, including which plugin contributes it.


Create plug-in that creates a snapshot of the source code currently opened on editor - Eclipse CDT

I need to create a plug-in for Eclipse CDT that sends a "snapshot" of the source code of the currently opened editor each time the code is "built".
I am already capable of doing it each time the user presses a custom button created by me, but it would be great if it could be done when the "standard" "build" action is performed.
Do i need no create a plug-in of the type "builder"?
I am using Eclipse 4.4.0...
Can someone help me?! (Sorry for some english mistakes... :( )
One solution would be to create your own custom "Builder". Instead of actually building the code, it would invoke the functionality you already have.
For information on how to use the eclipse build system, please have a look here:
Also, this website goes into more details about building in eclipse: However, I think that the first one should do.
As a side note, this works with any kind of eclipse project (JDT and CDT). The build described there is common to all flavours.
Hope it helps,

Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc - a flaw with Eclipse + Doclava

There are quite a few questions with similar titles, but please read on as this is subtly different and I've not yet been able to find a solution in the many answers given to those other questions.
I have an external JAR file with a separate HTML tree javadoc. I have pointed Eclipse at the javadoc by completing the JAR's "Javadoc Location" in the build path dialogue. The source is not available to Eclipse.
At first it looks like this is working fine. If I hover over a class name (say, Wibble) the corresponding javadoc text pops up.
However, if I hover over a method (say the word create in blah = Wibble.create();), I get the pop-up "...the Javadoc could not be found..." which is confusing as it's just shown me the javadoc for the Wibble class.
Indeed, if I click on the icon within the pop-up to "Open Attached Javadoc in a Browser" it correctly opens the HTML and presents me with the text for the method that it just said it could not find!
Technical notes:
My Eclipse version is Android Developer Tools, Build: v22.2.1, though this was happening on vanilla Eclipse before I updated to the ADT version.
The javadoc is being generated by command line using the Doclava doclet.
Any suggestions about either what might be wrong in the javadoc, or in eclipse settings, or...?
EDIT In the course of subsequent experimentation I've found that this problem only occurs with a combination of Eclipse and javadoc generated by Doclava. My pragmatic solution has been to generate the javadoc twice - once for human readability by using Doclava, and once for Eclipse readability using vanilla Javadoc.
If anyone knows these systems in depth I'd still love to know why.
(In order to not leave this 'unanswered' now that I have a solution)
In the course of subsequent experimentation I've found that this problem only occurs with a combination of Eclipse and javadoc generated by Doclava. My pragmatic solution has been to generate the javadoc twice - once for human readability by using Doclava, and once for Eclipse readability using vanilla Javadoc.
If anyone knows these systems in depth I'd still love to know why.

Eclipse doclet plugin

I'm looking for an Eclipse javadoc doclet plugin that modifies the standard built in javadoc generation process. In other words, I would like to specify custom tags and maybe use wiki syntax or whatever in a normal javadoc comment and have the generated output show up in those popups that appear when hovering over a method or a class identifier.
To be clear, I am not looking for a way to specify a doclet when explicitly generating external javadoc.
It seems that Eclipse uses some internal mechanism to generate the popup javadoc and in the past hour of googling I wasn't able to find a plugin that modifies that behaviour.
Any ideas or pointers? Thanks!

open source code visualization plugin for Eclipse?

is there a code visualization plugin for eclipse?
it's too expensive however so is there a open source version?
ModelGoon is probably the most promising open source project for code visualization based on Eclipse JDT. GreenUML may also be of interest, but it doesn't seem too active. I even had to patch a few things to get it working properly in my case (see my github fork).
If you want visualization based on runtime capture of program execution you may want to see this answer to a related question.
Finally you may want to explore the Source Code Analyzer category on Eclipse marketplace, the listing is a bit broader in scope and includes both proprietary and open source solutions.

Jad/JadClipse for Scala?

Is there something equivalent or similar to Jad/JadClipse for Scala? It would be nice to be able to view the source for Lift from within Eclipse via "Open Declaration".
I don't know of any decompiler, but I think what you want to do just attach the source to the jar containing classes.
Just right-click on the lift-jar in the package explorer and choose properties. There you can specify a source location. I believe that an attached source location will override an installed jad-plugin.
If you're using maven and m2eclipse, you can simply right-click the lift-dep. -> Maven -> download sources. That will download the -sources.jar and automatically attach.
I man not sure you could get back the exact scala source, but at least you could try and see what the nsc bytecode looks like in Java.
This thread mentions (not tested myself) the Soot Eclipse plugin.
So I might settle on the Eclipse plugin for Soot, which can for example display bytecode using the Grimp notation (well, the following screenshot shows Jimple, but conveys the idea):